
Krypton 34,033

The Civil War was over, the monstrous secret behind it all gone; erased from History.

Sul Van, the Savior of Krypton, the Protector of the True People of Krypton, now had the really serious work ahead of him.

Fighting the War, winning all the battles, had been the easy part.

Krypton had been all but destroyed over the course of the War. Only Sul Van, and a few select others had known the truth about this…Civil War.

It hadn't been a Civil War at all.

An alien invasion…

The Rhotokalani.

A hive mind that lived in black oil. Seeds of it had…invaded…the minds and bodies of certain Kryptonians.

From there, the Rhotokalani had been able to…infect millions...

Before long, fully half of the population of the Kryptonian Federation of Worlds became Rhotokalani, became Alien…

We won…

Sul Van had to remind himself of this almost daily.

The price for victory had been steep; all of the Colony Worlds abandoned, left to wither and die.

Krypton itself bombed almost to a nuclear wasteland; the death toll leaving billions dead, and more to come in the following Nuclear Winter.

The Chief Scientists had warned that the population could survive only by using the strictest controls.

Further, the Ruling Council had ordered the creation of specific castes; to find an appropriate slot for each individual born in this new-and severely limited-age.

Sul Van understood the reasoning.

They don't know it was the Aliens.

They thought the War was due to ambition. Political ambition.

They think placing everyone in a caste will limit political ambition, eliminate war. In reality. All it will do is finish what the Rhotokalani started.

It will destroy Krypton.

No more dreamers or visionaries.

Religion had been abolished, and philosophy too…

They promote thought and belief, and those both promote ambition…

And civil disorder.

There was irony in this.

Sul Van had been a priest, of the Supreme Being of Many Names, a Mystic. He had taught Theology, and Philosophy at the University of Rao Ascendant, before the War.

He'd also had a secret Gift, one he had never spoken of.


The ability to see what was to be before it happened.

This was what he used to bring those who were pure of Alien Infection to victory.

And that prescience was what he was going to use now…

To save Krypton again, in the far future.

Even from itself…

He had seen the Council, fearful of Sul Van's charisma, his power over the Council, deciding to poison him.


Two possible courses of action to take. Either I fight the assassination attempt now, and bring more Civil War upon my people-which will destroy Krypton utterly-or take the poisoned wine, die…

And live again in the far future.

To save Krypton once again…

Sul Van wasn't sure how this could happen. But, he had seen it, in the way he always saw that which was to happen.

He also saw the paths his two best students would take in this future.

My best and brightest students, the Scientist, and the General.

El and Zod…

Van sighed, took the goblet of wine offered by the Chief Counselor, Ay Zar.

The agony will be brief…


Krypton Eighty years ago

Dru was six years old today; and he was to meet a very important man.

First thing in the morning, immediately after breakfast, Mother Proctor had arrived to take him for the appointment.

Zor El, Chief Scientist to the Ruling Council, had ordered her to bring the boy to see him.

So, here Dru was, walking by Mother Proctor's side, holding her hand.

Most of the trip had been incredibly exciting, full of momentous firsts.

His first time out of the crèche. His first time on a flying ship. And his first time meeting a member of the House of El.

Dru knew he came from a very important House too.


He had been told all the stories from history; how a General Zod, and a Medicus El had helped win the Civil War, how they had been friends of the sainted Sul Van.

He had heroes in his blood.

As did this Zor El he was to meet.

"We will be going to Zor El's domicile," Mother Proctor had told him as they set out. "So you must be on your best behavior."

"Yes, Mother Proctor."

Dru kept quiet during the trip, only fidgeting a very little. Then, they were there, the craft landing softly on the pad in front of the El Manor, and the two got out.

"Mother Proctor En Kay, and Dru Zod," a droid servitor hovered ahead. "Please follow me."

So, they followed, Mother Proctor En Kay holding Dru's hand, down to a plain white room with a large table. A tall thin man stood there, in front of the table.

"El…" Mother Proctor bowed formally. "As per your instructions, I have brought Dru Zod here to you."

Dru looked at the man. Thin-featured with plain brownish hair and graying temples. His eyes were a startling blue.

"Hello, Dru," the man said. Then his eyes shifted to Mother Proctor.

"Please leave us, En Kay."

Mother Proctor's hand tightened around Dru's hand.

"Zor El…" she hesitated. "I-"

"I enjoin you to practice the meditation of peace," El commanded. "You know I must do this."

"Mother Proctor?" Dru looked up at En Kay.

"It's all right, Dru," Mother Proctor knelt in front of him. "Mind yourself, and do as he says."

She patted Dru's shoulder, then stood. With one last glance at Zor El, she turned and walked away, leaving Dru alone with El…


If only the Council knew…

Of course, it was absolutely imperative that the Council not know. If the Council ever found out…

Exile to the Phantom Zone for me.

And, for Dru…


The boy stood there, seemingly willing to wait forever.

He has presence, I'll grant him that…

"Come here, boy," El motioned Dru over, and the boy walked up to stand right in front of him, craning his neck to look up.

"No…"El muttered. "This won't do at all."

He stooped and caught Dru under the arms, swept him up to stand on the table.

The boy was scandalized, spots of color on his cheeks.

"We're not supposed to stand on tables," he spoke uncertainly.

"Just this once, Dru. I wanted to look you in the eye. Look at me."

The boy met his gaze, and there was only the merest hint of quailing…

Dark eyes, under thick black brows, and a cap of black hair. Those eyes regarded him steadily.

There's dignity and strength in this one…

"How are your dreams, Dru?" he asked the boy. "Do you dream of Sul Van?"

"He saved Krypton," Dru replied. "He stopped the Civil War, and saved our Race."

"Yes, he did. I'm asking you this one question. How did he do it?"

"He saw it," the boy answered immediately.

"And…what do you see?"

Zor El saw the exact moment when his question hit the boy.

And hit him it did, like a thrown rock to the head…

Pupils dilated, body stiffening…

El caught the boy before he fell, cradling him in his arms.

It's happening too soon. You're too young for this…

Holding on to Dru with one arm, he pushed a button, and a shelf rolled out from one of the white walls.

He laid the boy on the white marble-like slab, and pressed all the right buttons.

A timed inhibitor, to suppress the prescience for a set term of years…

Forty years.

El caressed the little face, brushing black hair back.

"I have a son too," El murmured. "His name is Jor, Son of El. And maybe, in proper time, you and he shall become friends, and heal Krypton, as you did once before."

Only three people knew the truth about Dru Zod. Zor El, En Kay, and Lor Zod.

He isn't of the House of Zod at all.

Dru was a clone, his genes harvested almost thirty-five thousand years ago.

When the Savior of Krypton was murdered on the orders of the Council of Krypton…

Sul Van.