All right time for the new Justice League to form. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I do not own RWBY or Justice League.

Chapter 3- 2nd Initiation

Batman's POV

All systems are working, all the heroes invited are getting here slowly but surely. It took a lot of time, effort, and work to build the new watchtower but we did it. This one is better protected and is designed to be a garrison given we hope to have heroes up here twenty-four/seven now that we have the numbers. Speaking of residents.

"Quite the sight." I turn to see Jaune standing next to me. He's already claimed two rooms, one for sleeping and the other for a personal lab/armory. Right now he's looking at the mingling heroes with nostalgia.

"Makes me think of the only dance I ever went to at Beacon, with everyone acting so normal you can almost forget how much power is in this room." I nod in agreement, that comment on power makes me look over the crowd and remember our no-show.

"Green Arrow didn't show or reply at all." Jaune taps his chin for a second and pulls his hood down showing off his unruly blonde hair and the eyepatch. The others find it hard to believe he's only twenty-two sometimes. He's helped out in Gotham some and Flash took him to Central City a few times but he hasn't really seen this world. On top of that every fight he's gotten into alone he's been reckless and just tanked blows, he also nearly killed Scarecrow after he threatened some kids but stopped after beating him into the ground. However, once he's in a group all that recklessness goes away and he focuses on keeping his allies alive

"The archer version of you, right? No powers, love of green, lots of trick arrows." I grunt in response and Jaune nods back.

"Want me to fetch him, he's supposed to be the "normal guy" of the group after all. You want him to make sure we keep ourselves grounded, so to speak." I hold back a chuckle at the joke and nod back at him.

"If you would." Jaune flips up his hood once more and heads for the teleporters. He gives the operator the coordinates and steps onto the panel. His form is covered in light and he is gone a second later.

Jaune's POV

Oh, it feels good to be out of the Watchtower, I'm just thankful that my motion sickness doesn't occur there. Let's see I'm in Star City, home of the Emerald Archer, now the trick is to find the guy. Pulling out my modified scroll, I start tracking Green Arrow sightings and then see an alert about a store being robbed. Either I kill two birds with one stone or just stop a robbery, sounds good in my book. I call out Ruby's specter and start running.

When I make it there I find a guy pointing a gun at a store clerk and who must be Green Arrow. Rushing between the gunman and the two of them I deploy my shield. The bullets are useless against it and I angle my shield to bounce them into the ceiling.

"Hit the deck." I drop to the ground and an arrow with a boxing glove rams into the crook's face. He drops to the ground unconscious and I resheathe Crocea Mors. I turn around and nod at the archer.

"Nice shot, you didn't answer out calls." Arrow nods at the complement but shrugs when I mention the calls.

"So, you're with the League, look I'm flattered but it's not my scene." I place my finger on my earpiece and step closer to Arrow

"Just be glad Batman didn't come personally. Jaune to watch tower, go for pickup."

"Wait what?" a flash appears and the two of us are transported onto the Watch Tower. The six remaining founders are in front of us.

"Well they rolled out the red carpet for you. Enjoy the tour, I need to find a certain Doctor." I leave Arrow to the others while I go wandering through the crowd. I meet quite a few interesting people such as Booster Gold, Shining Knight, Question, and Superman's cousin Supergirl to name a few but I can't find who I'm looking for. Eventually I stop my search when Superman calls everyone together.

"Each of you brings something to the table. Speed, strength, stealth, whatever." Or all of the above. "But we're all equal in one way, we're all willing to make the sacrifices a hero needs to make. Even the ultimate one." Hmph, I can agree with the big guy on this.

"With so many of us we can put out more fires, both literal and figurative, but we need organization." I nod to that, the lack of long distance communication was one of our biggest weaknesses fighting Salem. "J'onn will be up here keeping an eye on things, he'll decide the whos, the whens, and the wheres. I know a lot of you are used to making these decisions but from now on we have to work together. We can't go off and be cowboys, or cowgirls." With his speech finished I start searching once again and find my target, Doctor Fate. I go over and introduce myself.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I must say that's a powerful energy in that eye of yours." Figures he can sense the Silver Aura.

"A gift, now I was hoping I could talk to you about a mutually beneficial deal." Pulling up my sleeve I call out a briefcase filled with different canisters of dust and have Doctor Fate follow me to a table. Placing it down I open it up and show him the contents.

"It's called Dust, the go-to energy source of my world. Most of the weapons I use it in ammo and it also enhances some other abilities I can access. I have a decent supply but once it runs out I won't be able to get more. Batman thought you might know a way to make more." Fate picks a piece up and examines it.

"Interesting, the energy in here seems dormant. It's there but it's inaccessible."

"Dust loses power once it leaves the atmosphere. Don't ask me why, if you can figure out a way to make more then you're free to have some for yourself. It should be able to enhance your magic if used correctly." Fate seems intrigued and holds his hand out.

"I find this to be an excellent deal, I'll let you know if I make some progress. Some spells might work but with this being from another dimension." I nod and then pull a letter out of my pocket.

"Also, I was hoping you might find a way to deliver this for me. I don't want to risk trying to travel back to my dimension but I want a woman named Glynda Goodwitch to know I'm alive. She's probably blaming herself for my 'death', I'd be grateful if you could find a way to get that to her." Fate opens a portal and puts the letter and suitcase of Dust into it.

"I won't make promises, there are an infinite number of universes out there but perhaps I might have a bit of luck." I can work with that, I just want Glynda to know I'm alive and that I'm healthy.

"Jaune!" I look over to see GL gesturing for me to come over to him. I give Fate a two-finger salute and walk over to him. He has Supergirl and Captain Atom with him and starts leading us to the Javelin Bay. I pop a motion sickness pill and pray this ride is quick.

"Any of you been to Chong Mai?" I shake my head.

"I've only been to Metropolis, Gotham, and Central City." Atom speaks up next.

"It's on the State Derpartment's no fly list, it's a Class-Three felony for American Citizen to go there."

"Is that near Daytona Beach?" Lantern groans and I turn to Supergirl.

"Daytona Beach?" Supergirl looks shocked while Atom looks at me with some shock.

"I'm from another dimension and sightseeing hasn't been on my to-do list." I flip the hood of Ruby's cloak up and notice Green Arrow is joining us.

"You are not leaving me on Mount Olympus." Lantern glares at him and keeps walking to the Javelin Bay.

"You can go back the way you came."

"Oh no. No one is playing pinball with my molecules again." We reach the Javilin Bay and I can see the metallic hellspawns now, I was able to force my motion sickness down the first time I went through space travel but that was because I was more worried about the enemy. I soon learned I still can't handle it when I came up to the new watch tower.

"Give me molecule pinball over these monstrosities any day." We all get into the javelin and I take my seat in the back with Green Arrow sitting next to me. Supergirl looks over the controls and smirks at GL.

"You're going to let me drive, right?" I can feel my stomach crawling up my throat now.

"Woah, has she been certified in a Javelin." Supergirl glares at Captain Atom.

"Why don't you take the stick out corporal."

"Captain." I groan at the response, it's like another Ironwood.

"Not helping your case Captain." Kara sticks her tounge out when Captain Atom isn't looking but notices Arrow and I looking at her but he winks and I give her a thumbs up. The roar of engines fills my ears, the cabin begins to vibrate, and then the metal monster takes off. Green Arrow leans up and looks over Captain Atom.

"Is that a containment suit." Atom nods back at him.

"I'm not flesh and blood anymore, just living energy."

"That wouldn't happen to be nuclear energy, would it?" The two begin to trade stares.

"With a name like Captain Atom what do you think?"

"I think you're what I marched against in college." I really don't want to get in the middle of this but anything to keep my mind of the flight.

"What's nuclear energy?" The two turn to stare at me and I roll my eyes.

"Alternate dimension, the main source of energy there is crystals filled with elemental energy." The staring continues until the two start filling me in on nuclear energy with Arrow talking more about the negatives while Atom focuses on the positives and a description of his powers. It works in keeping my mind off the flight and before I know it we touch down. Now let's see if today is the day I'm lucky. Stepping out of the Javilin I see the scorched remains to a town.

"It looks like Cinder's work." I don't realize I said that out loud until Arrow questions me.

"Cinder?" I scowl inwardly and take out roll my sleeve up to get to the tattoo I need. I retrieve a pair of binoculars from it and look through them.

"A villain from my world. She specialized in firepower, literally. She killed my partner and a whole lot of other people before I killed her in the final battle." I look back and see three shocked faces. "It was war, get over it." I look back through my binoculars and see several charred corpses along with some stone having the silhouettes of people burned into it. And is that a… footstep?

"Casualties confirmed. I see the evidence of at least thirty deaths, Oum knows how many more." I notice something out of the corner of my eye, someone's moving with the intent to avoid detection.

"Hey!" Arrow calls out to us and I turn to see a rocket headed our way. I draw Crescent Rose and shoot the thing as it flies towards us. Lantern then puts a barrier up around us while they keep firing at us.

"State Department sure was right about them not liking foreigners." Lantern nods

"It's crazy, no reason for it." oh believe me, this barely scraps the bottom of the crazy barrel. Raven and her ilk will always hold the number one position for crazy group in my mind.

"I'll give them a reason."

"Kara no!" I extend Crescent Rose to her full length and point her at the village.

"Did you not hear what I said, people are already dead and it's only going to continue." Gritting his teeth GL makes the barrier rush forward and separates the soldiers, once that's done he collects the guns using his ring. A, what's the word, helicopter comes flying over and touches down in front of us. Three men get out and walk over.

"My apologies, Colonel Kim here was a farmer before the revolution. He doesn't know who you are." I already don't like this guy, he's voice make me think of a snake. "I'm General Kwan, why does the Justice League see fit to honor us with your presence?" Lantern steps forward while I put away Crescent Rose as I can see she's making the soldiers uneasy.

"You had some kind of nuclear accident." Kwan waves his hand in dismissal.

"A minor problem, fully under control." So when does the lightning strike.

"Listen we came a long way to hel…"

"Your help is not needed here, now leave." Kara looks ready to fry the guy and I pull her back.

"Don't waste your time, scum like him aren't worth it." She looks at me and studies me while I do the same. Something is off about her, I've picked up some of Ren's sensing skills over multiple uses of his Specter and something feels off about her.

"Kal said I should be careful around you, said you wouldn't hesitate to kill." I shrug at that.

"He's not wrong, if it comes down to it I'll kill to defend an innocent. I'm no hero, simply a displaced Huntsman." Arrow looks interested at that.

"Huntsman?" I nod and try to keep my voice from sounding too jaded. "The defenders of Humans and Faunus where I come from, from both men, monsters, and men that become monsters." They seem to take the hint and recognize what my job involved. Night soon falls and Lantern calls the Watchtower. I listen in but I'm not liking what I'm hearing. Respecting a government that doesn't care about its citizens isn't on my list of things to do. Arrow goes in and starts arguing about how we can't leave but GL shuts him down, saying it's not his problem. He storms out and then grabs some kind of device. I follow him as he starts walking through the woods.

"Going somewhere." Arrow draws faster than I expected and I'd rather not find out just what this arrow can do.

"You come to stop me?" I shake my head and gesture for him to keep moving.

"I put the innocent first, red-tape BS can wait till after. I've dealt with enough of that already." Oh all the bureaucrats that wanted us assigned to their own bodyguard force or used for PR, mostly Ruby on that last one. It was enough to make me scream. Arrow nods and he starts walking forward while using the device he grabbed to lead him. Soon we reach a hill looking over a bridge that seems to have an evacuation convoy going over it. A truck then goes down the road out of control and slams into the side of the bridge. When it stops, the front half is leaning over the edge. Arrow and I run down the hill and he shoots two arrows that trail cable behind them while arrow wedges spikes connected to them into the ground. The cable manages to hold the truck but it won't last long.

"Pyrrha!" I form Pyrrha's Specter out and she holds her hands out and uses her semblance to lift the truck up and put it back on the bridge safely. The specter disperses and we run over and check on the man in the truck. After making sure he's okay I look at the other end of the bridge and see Kwan coming over.

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY!" Arrow clenches his fists and takes a step forward.

"We're just trying to help."

"WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP, THE SITUATION IS completely…" Kwan stops talking and his jaw drops. Turning around I look to see a giant flaming robot with arms pointed right at us, it bigger than any Grimm I've ever seen. The cannon in its arm starts charging and I start shoving two soldiers towards the other side of the bridge while Arrow gets Kwan.

"MOVE IT NOW! LAST ONE OVER IS BARBAQUE!" Harsh and possibly insensitive given what's happened to some of their fellow countrymen but given the impending death staring down at us I don't really care right now. We get them to the other side right as the bridge is sliced in half by a giant laser. Arrow shoots another rope and swings over while I push aura into my legs and jump. We start running after the flaming behemoth and find it bearing down on a group trapped at a cliff.

"Any ideas?" I look over at Arrow and roll up my sleeve, I think I'll just cut it off after this mission to save time. I withdrawal something I honestly hoped I'd never have to use. The untested and unholy love child of Nora's grenades and Ruby's bullets, Ren and I lost so much sleep when the girls were trying to make these. After we lost Ren and Nora, Ruby simply didn't have the heart to use them and I was okay with that. This thing however is making me rethink that idea. I switch out the ammo cartridges on Crescent Rose and plant the blade in the ground.

"Use any explosives you have to draw its attention and then pray we hit a weak spot." Arrow gawks at me wide eyed.

"That's not much of a plan."

"Sometimes a plan is formed midbattle, I learned to just roll with it." Both Arrow and I fire on the robot right as it's about to start shooting civilians. I'm really glad I didn't try using the pure gun mode to shoot because the kickback is something else. The machine looks over at us and out next rounds hit it on the shoulder and face but it's only got a few cracks. It marches towards us as despite the rain of bullets and arrows we send at it. I see it point its arm at us and I put Crescent Rose away.

"Run for it." It's too late as the robot fires at us. Then suddenly I'm in the air along with Green Arrow. Looking up I see Lantern holding us up with his ring while dodging fire.

"What were you tw…"

"Save it for when there are no civilians." Lantern nods and drops the two of us off on the ground. I can see Supergirl and Captain Atom fighting the giant. Putting Crescent Rose away I start observing the metal monster and look for a weak point. Silver Aura is too dangerous to use, I can use it but the stuff hates me. The only time it has allowed me to use it for something other than enhancing my body and weapons was when I was fighting Salem and since then if I use it the results are … less then encouraging.

Captain Atom starts trying to absorb the thing's energy while GL makes a bridge between the cliff's edges for the civilians to get across. I help get a stubborn cow to move forward by slapping it with Crocea Mors and turn to see Atom crying out before being blasted back and falling to the ground. He must have absorbed more then he could handle. Supergirl starts bashing the robot's head but she's soon swatted away. The creature starts marching towards us as the last of the civillans start crossing, Supergirl drops her attacks in favor of carrying trucks over to the other side of the cliff while Arrow and I resume our barrage on our foe.

"This thing just won't stay down, we need something more powerful!" Arrow's right, this thing is tanking anything we throw at it. The monster then aims it's gun right at Lantern from no more than a few feet away.

"LANTERN BEHIND YOU!" Heeding my warning he turns around and puts a shield up, luckily the last of the civilians had crossed, but it only lasts for a few seconds. He hits the ground hard and doesn't get back up.

"Lantern!" Arrow and I run over to check on him. Burns cover his body and his suit is torn up but he's breathing and I can feel a pulse. Arrow takes aim but then realizes the pointlessness of the act. The creature is just walking away, the way it's acting is like a predator. It trapped people against the cliff, it knows who to target first. This thing isn't some accident, it's a weapon.

I start channeling some aura to Lantern's wounds and his breathing becomes more relaxed. It's pretty much only disinfectant and painkiller but it will do. I pull out a first aid kit and start rubbing a burn cream onto the burns after tossing Arrow a roll of bandages.

"Start wrapping up the wounds once I apply the cream. We'll get him back to the Javelin after this." Arrow nods and helps me treat Lantern. Once he's bandaged up I let Supergirl fly Arrow back to base while Atom gets GL and I run back.

Once we hook GL up to the monitor in the small med-bay Atom and Arrow start going at it. Supergirl looks like she's about to intervene but I beat her to it.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" That gets their attention and they both look at me. "We have a giant robot that is running around killing people and it's smart, it is hunting down these people. Arrow, you admittedly aren't part of this team yet but act like it while you're working alongside us! Atom, I don't care what you think about him but you better work alongside Arrow or so help me I will make you pray to be fighting that machine alone!" I glare at them with my uncovered eye and start walking out the Javelin. "Any ideas?"

"Those hazmat guys from the village should know something." I nod at Arrow's statement and step out of the Javelin. The others follow me and we reach the village soon enough, the hazmat suits stick out and we corner one. At first a solider wants to keep the information to himself but Kara grabs him by the collar and lifts him up.

"I've just about had it with you guys! You have till the count of five. One… four…" The soldiers uniform starts to smoke as her heat vision charges up. Before Kara can start her improvised barbeque one of the hazmat wearers speaks up.

"It was supposed to be our protector." Well look at how well that turned out. "It was going to protect us from the foreigners." Until someone decided it would be better used for offense rather than defense.

"But then you lost control of it."

"We have carbon rod dampers to stick in its upper torso where the reactor is but the heat is too much. We can't get close enough." Well this just got easy enough. I walk over and absorb Pyrrha's specter. Using her semblance, I use the hubcaps from the cars and warp them around the rods. Using the new coating I'm able to make them move around. I have four rods I can use now, a back-up plan is needed.

"Atom take some of these and try and plant them in it. Arrow grab a few and attach them to your arrows. We'll all try and hit the reactor while Supergirl draws its attention." The three agree with the plan and Atom picks up some of the rods while Arrow breaks a few down to tie to his arrows. Using Pyrrha's semblance I use my armor to carry myself through the air while Supergirl carries Green Arrow. It's not that difficult tracking the creature down, we just have to follow the trail of destruction, but when we do find it it's bearing down on another village. I can't afford to stay merged with Pyrrha's specter much longer, it's burning through my aura. I think I'm around 45% but I don't have time to check my scroll to confirm that.

"Supergirl, you get Arrow in front of the village. Atom, try and get one of those things in there and watch how much energy you absorb." Supergirl flies ahead to put Arrow down and I land next to them. Once that's done Supergirl flies off to help Atom and Arrow and I take aim.

"You sure this is going to work… you know I never got your name."

"Jaune Arc, and no but I've got nothing better."

"Wait, so like your parents named you after Joan of Arc"

"Who?" There's no more time for talking as Atom gets smacked into the ground and his rods break. The two of us start shooting the rods we have but the metal monster swats at them and manages to block them, the only reason it doesn't get a shot off at us is Supergirl and Atom ram into its arm every time it takes aim. I run out of rods and Arrow is done to one rod-attached arrow. He takes aim and shoots while I focus on the arrow and speed it up. It flies true and hits the reactor, shutting the creature down and causing the flames to go out. Supergirl punches the robot's head clean off and we all decide to head back to the Javelin, we'll leave clean-up to the military.


So, the chewing out I expected wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. That robot we fought apparently violated several international laws along with a few other things that I didn't follow but in the end it all comes down to that the various governments of the world won't be trying to shut us down just yet.

I was selected to give a report along with GL about how the others did to the rest of the founders to help better coordinate them. Seeing as how all of the founders are here after Batman got back from talking to Arrow, who decided to join, I decide to look over Superman and see if that oddness I felt was from her being a kryptonian but I don't get the same feeling from Superman that I did his cousin.

"Something the matter?" Seeing everyone look at me I nod and start trying to explain what I felt from Supergirl, or I suppose when we aren't on duty I should call her Kara.

"When I meet Kara I felt something odd from her, during the mission I began to feel it again when her emotions got high. Somethingi is interacting with her on a level that even touches her soul. I don't think it's parasitic but I'm not comfortable with it at the same time." Everyone looks concerned about what I said and call for Kara. When she gets to the founder's meeting room they try to explain what they're worried about but it's not like we can do a good job given I've never felt something like this before. In the end they all, including Kara, decide to have J'onn take a peek inside her head. Apparently some people in this world could be using her as a spy without her even knowing, thank Oum Salem's side couldn't do that. We had enough traitors like Lionheart and the male Schnees to deal with without people being used to spy unknowingly. He's gone for several minutes before he comes back.

"Someone has established a psychic link with her, I could not find anything more than a few images. I did see a sign for Yellowstone." Isn't that some big park or something along those lines? Also now it sounds like the whole Oscar/Ozpin thing, never was able to see him as Oscar though only as Ozpin. I still don't get that whole reincarnation deal they did. Batman stands up and starts walking towards the door.

"I'll check it out." I get up and stop him.

"No let me, better someone that isn't well-known goes snooping around rather than one of the big names." Everyone starts raising objections but Batman and he simply gestures to the door.

"Be careful out there." I nod to Batman and walk out the door and head to the teleporters. My aura is back up to 72% and will keep going up as long as I don't do anything strenuous, for now it'll simply be recon so nothing to worry about yet. On the way, I notice Arrow flirting with a blonde-haired woman, we nod at each other as I walk past the two. Once at the teleporters I give the operator the location I need to go and wait for the man to get the thing set up.

"Ahem." I turn around to find Superman standing behind me.


"I wanted to thank you for doing this. Kara… well she's the only family I have left. I love my parents but …"

"She's still someone whose blood flows in your veins, I get it." Superman nods and holds his hand out to me. I take it and shake it, this is one of the best conversations we've had. I don't agree with his ideals about leaving the high-level criminals alive but this world doesn't have the same conditions as Remnant. It's just something I'll have to get used to and adapt to. The teleporter crew tells me it's ready and I give Superman a two-finger salute before stepping onto the teleporter.

Now then, what or who is stupid enough to do anything that could piss off Superman.

Alright hope you enjoyed. Any ideas are welcome.