A/N: This chapter is set just before chapter 5

Chapter 10

The team entered the warehouse, why was it always a warehouse Jane thought. They knew that there were three suspects and they managed to capture them with the minimal of bullets, no one on either side was hurt, a graze doesn't count as hurt does it? They called in the techs to go over the site, there were numerous techies around collecting and logging evidence, they all heard the glass shatter, they all assumed someone dropped something, it took a few seconds to realise one of the techs was shot, shot in the heart, it was as if everything stilled then Weller roared.


Then people started to move. He was going to help a techie that was on the opposite side of the warehouse when Jane pulled him down.


"You can't help him if you have a bullet in your brain, the shot came from the building opposite and if the shooter is waiting for a prime target then you're going to give it to him. Look, Tasha was closer and managed to get the guy behind the boxes. All the others have taken cover."

Weller called for backup and ordered everyone to stay where they were until they knew it was okay to move.

"Where are you going?" whispered Weller

"Well, the bullet came from that building so I was going to see if the guy was still there." Said Jane

"By yourself?" asked an incredulous Weller

"Well, yeah, if I make my way behind those boxes and he probably won't see me…"



"You're not going by yourself, give me a sec and you can cover me!"

"Wait a sec…"

"We either both go or neither of us go, choose!"

They stared at each other for what seemed like ages but what was in reality only a few seconds.


"Always so gracious!"

"Bite me!"

Weller looked at her with his eyebrows up in question.

"Some people may have been teaching me some more colourful replies to things."

The eyebrows were still up and Jane remained stubbornly silent. Weller whistled and he saw Reade and Zapata look around from their safe place, he showed some hand gestures to let them know what he and Jane were planning, the two were not too happy about the situation, not that they could do anything about it. Weller signalled for them to stay where they were and wait for backup, again they were not happy but reluctantly agreed.

Weller took the lead much to Jane's chagrin, they made their way out of the warehouse and to the building opposite, they were cautious when they got to the door, they couldn't see any booby traps, they could hear the sirens in the background and knew that Reade and Zapata would be joining them soon. They opened the door and they knew the shooter would have the advantage if they were on the top floor, they should clear each floor as they go up but they didn't have the time for that and knew that the other two would organise that with the reinforcements. The two quickly and quietly made their way up to the top floor, Jane had her back against Weller's to protect them from a surprise attack, surprisingly neither found it too hard moving like this. They made it to the top floor and found the shooter's nest. They could see the empty bottles of drink and food containers. The shooter was lying in wait for them for a long time. Both of them knew that the shooter was long gone however they cleared the floor just in case; they could hear the other floors being cleared as well.

There wasn't one trace of the shooter, the bottles didn't have DNA on the rims which probably meant that he used a straw and took it with him. There were also no traces of DNA or fingerprints on the food cartons. Jane drove back to the office while Weller was on his phone and Reade and Zapata were in the back. Both Weller and Reade sent a quick text to Sarah to let her know they were fine, there were cameras filming when they left and they didn't want her to have one second of fear, hearing that an FBI agent was killed. The atmosphere as you'd expect was subdued in the SUV. When they arrived at the office they stepped out of the elevator and as soon as they were noticed the other agents were still and waited for more news.

"Today Agent Andrew Evans was shot and killed in the line of duty. We will not rest until his killer is brought to justice! Patterson has leads that we need to follow. Those of you who are wrapping up your cases see her and any of you who don't mind putting in some extra hours also see her!"

Weller started to walk to his office, his expression was grim. Patterson handed him a folder before he entered his office.

The others looked at her in question.

"That's Evans' file, he's going to make the call and notify his parents."

Everyone in the office heard her. There was silent for a few more seconds until Zapata spoke.

"C'mon people! We need to catch Evans' killer, you heard Weller see Patterson if your workload allows it!"

The office was alive again; agents were finishing their cases or getting through theirs quickly so they could help with finding the killer of one of their own.

Jane, Reade and Zapata made their way to Patterson's lab.

"Zapata, Weller wants you to help me go through all of Evans' online life, Jane, Reade you have to go to his place and see if there would be a reason why someone would want him dead."

All three nodded and Jane and Reade left.

They found nothing; Evans' was the proverbial Boy Scout. The team could find no reason why anyone would want him dead. He was a good son, visiting his parents every couple of weeks, he spoiled his nieces and nephews, he was the baby of the family and he was part of the 'Big Brother' programme. He had just started his career with the FBI and his evaluations were positive and he was making a difference and everyone in his department loved him.

As soon as Weller, Jane and Reade entered the apartment, Sarah was hugging each of them.

"We're fine sis!"

"I know! Can't a sister hug her brother, his girlfriend and her own boyfriend?"

Weller kissed her on the forehead and Jane hugged her back, the two left the lovebirds together and went to sit next to Sawyer. Sawyer looked at them as if he was trying to see something; he breathed a sigh of relief and launched himself at both of them.

"We're all fine kiddo!"

"I know, I just want to hug you two, is that okay?"

"You never have to ask to hug us isn't that right Weller?" asked Jane

"Of course!"

"Mom thought I didn't know and even though you texted her she was still worried, she was pacing the kitchen thinking that I didn't notice but I did."

They all had dinner or at least tried to, no one was particularly hungry, and they each just moved food around their plates. Reade was invited to stay but declined the offer. Sawyer hugged him tight just before he left.

The investigation was stalled; none of the leads led anywhere.

A few days later Weller got a call from NYPD to notify him that one of his agents was the victim of a sniper. The team quickly went to the scene and there laid one Agent Levi. He was the only victim, he was on his way to work, there were numerous people around him and he was the only casualty. It was deliberate. Another FBI agent gunned down.

Agent Dylan Levi left a three year old daughter, he was divorced from his wife which was amicable. As soon as the ex-wife opened the door she knew. She saw Weller outside and she knew. She started to cry before he could say a word.


Weller looked behind the distraught woman to find a small girl as soon as she saw him she had a massive smile on her face and she shouted.


Weller stood there in shock as did Jane, Zapata and Reade. A chuckle brought them out of their stupor.

"She calls EVERY man dada much to Dylan's chagrin. He finds it irritating, he…he found it irritating. Please come in."

The team entered and Weller had to quickly bend down to catch the toddler and when he did and lifted her up to sit on his hip she snuggled into him after kissing him on the cheek.

"She's a very friendly child. She loves men and calls them all 'dada'. It drove Dylan nuts in the best possible way. He was my best friend but we weren't good as a couple. He was the best dad I could ask for…for Emilia. He loved her and she him."

They went to the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Mrs Levi…"

"Please call me Beth…Where are my manners? Would like some coffee?"

"Please don't go to any trouble." Weller said

"I need to keep busy; it will only take a minute."

They all watched as she moved around the kitchen getting things ready.

Their gazes shifted to Emilia and Weller when they heard her giggle.


She was rubbing her hands over Weller's stubble and she was having the time of her life. Beth turned around and saw the scene in front of her, she didn't realise tears were falling down her cheek until Zapata was next to her handing her a tissue and dealing with the coffee.

Weller saw the mom become distressed and was glad Tasha went to help. He didn't want the toddler to see her mom upset so he distracted her, she seemed so in love with his stubble so he moved her so he could rub his stubble along her cheek and the reaction was more than he expected, Emilia squealed SO loudly that it made everyone jump and laugh.


"Emmy! What do you say?"

Emilia looked at her mom then back to Weller she smiled.

"More, peeeeeeeese!"

Kurt chuckled.

"Of course seeing as you asked so nicely!"

He proceeded to rub his whiskers on both her cheeks, the squeals actually got louder. He looked at Jane and saw that she was pensive, their eyes connected and she smiled at him. Emilia looked around after a brief pause and her eyes locked onto Reade's much to the amusement of the rest of the team. She turned around in Weller's arms and held her arms out to Reade who was trying to studiously ignore her. Jane covered her mouth with her hand to stop the laughter that wanted to come out.

Tasha and Beth were coming to the table with coffee and some cookies.

"Are you going to leave the kid hanging Reade? That's cold! How can you resist those eyes?"


Reade was busy adding sugar to his coffee and trying his hardest to ignore the squirming child in his boss' arms.

Emilia was not used to being ignored and she made herself clear.


Again Reade was 'busy' drinking his coffee he thought he could wait out the toddler, more fool he.


Zapata as usual took things into her own hands and took the child from her laughing boss and held her with one arm while with the other she took the mug out of her partner's hand and replaced it with squirming girl. It was a sight to see. Emilia was standing on Reade's legs looking at him and he was holding her at arm's length just staring at her, both had a determined look on their faces. Zapata was capturing the whole thing with her phone, camera phones were the best thing ever.

Emilia held her hands out.

"Scatcheeeeeeeee dada?"

Reade was doing his best to keep the munchkin from getting anywhere near his beard but the rest of the adults had other ideas.

"C'mon Reade let her touch your beard!"

"Reade, do I have to make it an order?" asked Weller

Reade gave Kurt a look after that comment.

"C'mon Reade, let her have a feel and she'll probably go back to Kurt after." Jane said

That seemed to mollify him so he brought the girl closer to him, the squeals got louder and when Emilia finally touched Reade's facial hair the look on her face was priceless. Her mouth was open in shock and her eyes were opened wide.

"Ooooh soff. No scatcheeeee."

She looked at him and it was clear what she wanted but he was not budging.


Again, Reade pretended not understand what the little girl was asking but she wasn't stupid she stuck out her bottom lip and it trembled and tears welled in her eyes.

"I haven't seen one guy that can resist those tears or that trembling lip!" said Beth.

Reade sighed and then brought Emilia closer to him so he could rub his beard on her face. Emilia didn't disappoint, she giggled at the sensation. He did it a few times and it was as if Emilia could sense that she got the most she was going to get from Reade and pulled back.

"Tank yoooo dada!"

Then she looked back to Kurt who willingly held his arms out and took the enthusiastic girl from his second's arms.

"Do you mind if I send these photos to his girlfriend who happens to be his…' tilting her head in Weller's direction '…sister? She would love them."

"That's fine, as long as you can send me them as well!"

"Of course! Can I also send them to the rest of the team, everyone here and one other member?"


Emilia was giggling again as Kurt was rubbing her cheeks with his whiskers. She reached up to his short hair and squealed in delight. They all took time to drink their coffee or in Emilia's case some juice. Beth held her hands out for her daughter but Emilia shook her head no.

"Stay wif dada!"

Kurt smiled and picked up the plastic cup to help Emilia drink and once she drank as much as she was going to, he placed it on the table and Emilia got comfortable in his arms and snuggled into him, her head under his chin and she fell asleep. They made a cute picture and Zapata was only too happy to take another photo and one more of Jane gazing longingly at Kurt and the little girl. While the child was asleep they managed to ask the questions they wanted to while Reade and Zapata searched the place with Beth's permission and she gave them the key to Dylan's place.

"It's quite close; he wanted to be as close to Emilia as possible."

After all the questions were asked and answered and the place had been searched they took their leave. Weller was reluctant to leave Emilia who just woke up. Kurt passed her to Beth and Emilia leaned over to kiss him and she did the same to Reade.

"Bye dada! Bye dada!"

Emilia called to both of them. Zapata and Jane only got waves from the child.

Back in the car.

"You made quite the impression Weller!" Zapata said

"I remember Sawyer at that age. God, I can't believe that was years ago, it seems like yesterday. He was like the Tasmanian devil, rushing around everywhere leaving a trail of destruction behind him but he was the sweetest kid. He's always been affectionate and he loved to give hugs. He loved my stubble as well; it would always make him giggle just like Emilia!"

"I always knew you would make a great dad." Said Jane

They shared a look.

"You don't have long to wait to have that feeling again, Allie's due soon."

"Yeah, I can't wait although it will be weird that I won't be there for every little thing."

No one knew what to say to that so they kept quiet. The search on Levi's place didn't produce any evidence to why he was targeted.

"Patterson can you draw up a list of people who may have it in for the FBI or anyone in this office? Can you also dig to find out if Evans and Levi worked the same cases?

"On it!"

A week later they were working through the list that Patterson had generated, most were criminals that were still behind bars. There were a few that had completed their time behind bars and were now free but most of them had also checked out.

Patterson called Weller and the rest of the team into her lab.

"We may have an idea who may be behind this…"

They were all looking at Patterson but she only had eyes for Weller, they were apologetic. Kurt had no idea why Patterson would be looking at him like that.

"Are you going to tell us or keep us in suspense for the rest of our lives?" sniped Zapata

"It's Dominic Tate."

The silence was deafening, Jane had no clue what was going on but as she looked around she realised she was the only one.



"Who is Dominic Tate?"

"He used to be part of our team." Said Reade

"He was second." Added Zapata

"What happened to him?"

"I arrested him!"

"What did he do?" asked Jane

"Skimmed drugs and money from evidence used his position to influence witnesses and intimidated female agents…" Weller said

"He was a charmer, he fooled a lot people. If you didn't go along then nothing would happen straight away but eventually it would and he would be there watching your reaction. He was never in your face he was very sly…"

"How did you catch on to him?"

The other three looked to Weller to continue the story.

"It was a few things at the same time. I would have a monthly poker game at the apartment even after Sarah and Sawyer moved in, sometimes Sarah would take part. You all know Sawyer, he's such a good kid, I'm not just biased but he would go with any adult, he didn't make a fuss but when it came to Dominic, Sawyer would cry his eyes out. I only had about five games after Sarah and Sawyer moved in, after the fifth Sarah asked if the games could be held somewhere else, this is Sarah who just moved into my apartment asking me to stop a long running event, she wouldn't do that. She made a big fuss about me carrying on as normal and just telling her when I needed her out of our place when she initially moved in but she really didn't like Dominic, it took me longer than I like to realise. It was during the second game that I came across them, he was behind her reaching for some snacks in the cupboard above and she was getting something from the counter. I didn't realise that he was saying stuff to her on and off. Small things that could be dismissed but they still rattled her. She tried to avoid him for the other games but I always found them in a corner. She didn't tell me anything. I think the last straw was when she found him holding Sawyer."

"What did he say to her?" asked Jane

"He tried to get her into bed, like Patterson said he was a charmer…"

"Didn't he think sleeping with his boss' sister would be a mistake?" Jane asked as she saw Reade wince. "Reade, you're different, you love her she's not a notch on your belt!"

"…he didn't like the fact that some girl who had a kid out of wedlock was being fussy, he didn't care that she was my sister. He wanted her and didn't like the word 'no'."

"What else?" Jane whispered

"He terrorised her, he told her maybe he wouldn't have Kurt's back and Kurt would be injured and then she'd come to him. He made comments about Sawyer as well…" added Reade

"He wanted to be a team leader and was denied several times whereas I got it on my first try, he resented me but I didn't realise. I offered to help him, I thought he was a friend, you have to trust the person you're with and he completely fooled me."

"He tried to take advantage of the newest member of our team, a new recruit who transferred from NYPD who came with glowing references. Weller was training him how to complete the monthly evaluations for our new colleague but unknown to us he was deliberately giving bad evaluations because she wouldn't fall in line on his terms." Said Reade

"What did she do?" asked Jane

"Well I didn't know if he was the only jerk or if the rest of the team was as well so I did some digging…" Zapata replied

Jane lifted her eyebrows at that.

"Hold on, he messed with you and he still lives?"

"I was new. I wanted to join the FBI for ages and I wasn't sure if this was a bureau thing, this department thing or this team thing. I needed to find out before I did something that would feel so good even though I would end up in jail for the rest of my life so…"

"So? What did you do?"

"She teamed up with a new lab tech that started almost at the same time as she did!" said Patterson

Jane smiled as the two 'hi-fived'.

"And?" Jane asked

"Well the lab tech knew her stuff and she managed to dig into stuff that I couldn't." said Zapata

"Like what?"

"Well I needed to know what Weller was like, was he like Tate or was he decent!"

"And if he wasn't?"

"Then I was going to go straight to Mayfair even though I knew that would be the end to my career…"


"People don't like whistle blowers, at least that's what I thought but I wasn't going to let that dick get away with trying to ruin my career with his lies!"

Jane looked at Patterson.

"So what did you do?"

"What I do best, I looked into Weller…"


"What do you mean and? He's the same Weller we know now. Every file I looked into said what an exemplary agent he was, all the people I spoke to, discreetly of course, said he was a stand-up guy and didn't understand how he couldn't see what a douche his partner was!"

"Once Patterson gave me all that data I took action!"

"What did you do?"

"She came to my apartment one night. I opened the door to find her standing there looking nervous. I knew there was something wrong, I never told her where I lived but she was there. I opened the door wider…"

"You were going to have dinner and I interrupted, Sarah was taking stuff to the table and you were holding Sawyer as soon as he saw me leaned forward his arms out and I quickly had to take hold of him, he snuggled into me."

"That's Sawyer my nephew, come in and meet my sister Sarah."

"Oh no, it's fine, I'm interrupting your evening I'll talk to you another time…"

"Zapata, you took the time to find out where I live so it must be something important to you. Please come in besides it doesn't look like Sawyer is going to let you go and I'm pretty sure Sarah is not going to let you take her baby away!"

"If you're sure?"

"Of course, come in."

He closed the door and led her to the living room.

"Hey Sarah, this is Tasha Zapata, she's the newest member of the team."

"Hi, pleased to meet you, I would shake your hand but your son is too cute!"

"Hi nice to meet you as well, yeah Sawyer knows what he wants and its usually his Uncle that spoils him by holding him all the time!"

"Sorry to spoil your dinner…"

"No worries, you're welcome to join us if you'd like?"

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Weller shaking his head frantically, she wasn't too sure if he meant 'no you're not invited' or 'no don't take your life in your own hands' she guessed it was the latter when Sarah caught him and slapped his arm.

"My cooking isn't that bad!"

Weller just looked at her not denying it or agreeing with her which told Tasha everything she needed to know.

"I'll leave you to it with my annoying brother! I'll be in the kitchen – do not say a word Kurt!"

She watched as her boss held his hands up in defence.

"So what can I help you with?"

He watched as she hesitated and kissed Sawyer's head, she then sat up and started to speak.

"Some information has come to my attention and I wanted to bring it to you before going to Assistant Director Mayfair…"

"What kind of information?"

"Tate has been abusing his position as your second. He has 'propositioned' me several times and each time I decline; my subsequent evaluation is always subpar. I know what you're going to say 'that NYPD levels are not the same as FBI' and I get that. I don't expect to get 100% each time, I know I have a lot to learn and I'm willing to do that but not at the cost of my morals. I looked into it and if you look at my firearms test I have scored better than Reade on some of them yet I'm marked below him every time. My paperwork is fine although on my evaluations it say my organisation is lacking. You're team leader, from what you've seen do my evaluations make sense?"

"No I was surprised…"

"There's more, here."

She watched as Weller took the folder and read everything. It was complaints from others in the office. Most of who were female. Details of remarks made to them and a list of agents who have transferred out of the department. Included in the file was a flash drive. She watched as he plugged it into his laptop and began going through everything on it, he only managed to get through a few minutes before he closed it.

"Is the whole drive full of similar things?"

She nodded her head. She watched as he took his cell out and made a call.

"Sorry to disturb your evening but we have a situation that cannot wait until tomorrow. Can you come to my place?"

He watched, as he listened to the person on the other end, how Zapata gave his nephew another kiss.

"See you in twenty."

He hung up.

"Ok who helped you get all that footage?"

"What makes you think I didn't do it?"

"Zapata don't bullshit me, you're right your evaluations should be much better even just from what I've seen your firearms skills as well as hand to hand combat ones are great, you're organised, you make sure you follow any lead and I have no reservations about you having my back but there is no way your skills cover computers!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well for the fact that in your first month you broke a mouse because you were being impatient, that might've been a clue and going through all the footage over the last…"

"Couple of months."

"…last month takes patience. So I repeat who helped you?"

They stared at each other, Tasha not willing to say anything.

"Ok, it has to be someone who you would trust and there are only a handful of people who have the skill to trawl through all the footage in the last several weeks plus go through I'm assuming all of my files…"

He watched as she blushed.

"Hmmm, most of the tech department are older than you and male, I can't see you going to a male member of staff to look into another male member so that leaves three possible accomplices, Dorothy is too old, Mandy is on maternity so that leaves the latest addition to the department Patterson!"

Zapata dropped her mouth open in shock. She watched as he took his cell out again and contacted the computer whizz.

"Agent Patterson, Weller here, you already know where I live and I would like it if you could be at my place ASAP, we have a few things to discuss and bring any additional evidence that you may have collected!"

Mayfair and Patterson arrived within a few minutes of each other.

"So Weller, can you please tell me what I'm doing here?"

"It's better if I show you."

They all watched as she read the file cover to cover and watched the whole flash drive. She was not happy when she was finished.

"Why the hell has this been able to happen for so long?"

"He's slick, he knows exactly what he's doing, if anyone came to you, you may brush it off as sour grapes in the case of Zapata here with her evals or misconstrued banter from female members of the department. I mean he's so good my own sister didn't even tell me he was harassing her!"

They all turned to look at Sarah then.

"What do you mean?" asked Mayfair

He kept his eyes on Sarah.

"There was something about him, every time I saw you two together I thought you two were interested in the other but that wasn't it was it? What did he say to you?"


"Sarah, don't lie to me. He freaked you out, you asked me not to have the poker games here anymore. There has to be more because you are still agitated."

"Leave it Kurt!"

"No I will not leave it! Tell me now!"

She broke down and started to sob, before any of the others could comfort her Kurt was there and she was in his arms and she held on tight as if her life depended on it. It took time for her to calm down.

"He said that he may not be able to have your back when you needed it the most. I was so scared, I knew you depended on him and he was threatening you. He made the usual advances because I have a kid he thought I was easy then he said something about Sawyer and I didn't like the way he looked at him, he gave me the creeps on several levels."

"Why didn't you come to me?"

"He's your partner, he helps make sure you come home, I didn't want to jeopardise that!"

"So is Reade a part of this as well?" Mayfair asked

"No! I don't think so." Said Weller

"How do you know?" asked Mayfair

"He sticks to Zapata like glue, he only leaves her if I'm there but if I'm not then he stays with her."

"I didn't realise that." Zapata said

"Tate was making snide comments about Reade fancying you but your relationship with him reminds me of mine with Sarah, neither of you look at each other as more than friends. What happened? Something must have for him to be your shadow."

"One day Tate offered to help me take off my protective vest, I said no but he didn't listen and just ignored my answer and it was quick but he touched me, I was shocked and I thought maybe I was just mistaken but I saw his smirk and I knew he did it on purpose!"

"Where did he…?"

"My left breast. Reade came in when it happened but I didn't realise that he saw it. I didn't realise he never left me alone with him, I was busy trying to avoid him myself before I did some serious damage!"

"What are we going to do?" Weller asked

"I would like to keep him under surveillance for a few more days to get more evidence…"

"I don't think you'll need a few more days isn't that right Patterson?" Weller said

They all looked as Patterson turned red.

"Well, I…I took the liberty of reviewing all of his case files and his personal accounts etc…"

"What did he do to you?"

"He was just his smarmy self, one day and he tried to play it off the next day but I knew he meant it and I started to collate evidence and then Tasha came to me and the rest is history!"

"What else have you found?"

"He is living well beyond his means. He has a summer place, a winter place and about a quarter of a million dollars in an account that is registered to a dead Uncle."

"How did he come by these things?" demanded Mayfair

"Well, it seems as if some drugs have gone missing as well as money…"

Weller took Sawyer from Zapata as he started to fuss and Kurt knew his nephew was hungry so he fed him.

The next day it was a normal day everyone was told to go about their business as usual so they did. By mid-afternoon Weller was called into Mayfair's office and told that he could arrest Tate, he gave Zapata the honour of doing so. Tate obviously didn't take kindly to being arrested let alone by a junior agent, a female agent.

"What the fuck is this? You're arresting me? You believe this little whore? She wanted me and I refused her so she made up some trump charges. Is she screwing you as well as 'dapper' here? Don't worry, when all these charges are dropped then I'll make sure I'll take care of your sister for you and that annoying kid when something happens to you in the field!"

Tate never saw Kurt's fist coming, one second he was upright the next he was on the floor and his nose was bleeding.

"You all daw dat, he bunched me!"

"Agent Tate I think you'll find when you insult and insinuate that you will harm a member of a fellow agent's family then said agent has a right to be angry. You are lucky you only got a punch in the face if it was up to me I would put a bullet in a very sensitive area but I'm old school. Agent Weller has much more control than I do!" said Agent Tibbs

"Who's agent Tibbs?"

"Mayfair's boss before Pellington took over a few years ago." Kurt replied

"So what happened to you and to Tate?"

"Tate, once he knew what evidence was collected pleaded out and got 10 years, nothing happened to me, Tibbs wasn't joking, he hated dirty cops, if he could get away with it he would have shot Tate!"

"So Tate wants revenge?"

"I think it's safe to say, yes! What about Sarah?" Reade asked

"This is going to freak her out." Declared Kurt

"Kurt." Reade said

Weller looked to his second.

"Will he go for Sarah? Or Sawyer?"

"He hasn't targeted any family members yet." Said Patterson

"Yeah but Sarah's my sister, she refused him and is now in a serious relationship with Reade, a member of the team that Tate didn't like! Reade you and Zapata go and get Sarah and take her to my place, Jane and I will collect Sawyer!"

Understandably, Sarah was freaked out mostly for Kurt and Sawyer. Kurt made sure there was a detail with his sister and nephew in the apartment just in case.

Over the next week another agent was killed, Julie Wells. Kurt ordered every agent to wear their protective vest anytime they went outside of the office and home. The search for Tate was going nowhere. Sarah and Sawyer stayed home for a couple of days then she was fighting to get back to work. Kurt and Reade obviously didn't take too kindly to this, in the end it was Jane and Tasha tag teaming them that they reduced the 'house arrest' to 'shadowing by agents'. Sarah was still agitated but she was determined that Tate wasn't going to make her a victim again.

Two more agents died in the line of duty in the space of eight days, two more notifications that he had to make, Agent Danielle Luscowitz and Agent James Eggert. He couldn't believe that they knew who was responsible but Tate was still instilling fear in his department. Kurt knew a few agents had sent their families away until this was resolved. Tate's photo was all over the news and papers, the public had been great, they were phoning in sightings all the time but it took time to sift through all the tips to find a solid one. Everyone was working long hours they all wanted to catch Tate. Extra agents were brought in from all over.

Even though all the agents were focussed on catching Tate other cases were starting to pile up. Kurt had to designate cases to agents. Their team got an anonymous tip about some 'dodgy people' with crates at night-time, it was a case of illegal arms being traded right there in New York, again in a warehouse. The team with the addition of three more teams raided the warehouse and managed to subdue the majority of the suspects without too much trouble, while they were being arrested Kurt and Jane were on the trail for the one they saw run. They ran into a part of the warehouse that housed a lot of crates and they decided to split up each slowly approaching where they thought the suspect would be. Their hearts were beating fast, they took each step slowly. They would peer around each crate with their guns poised just in case. They moved forward they couldn't hear their target. Jane moved to clear another crate when her gun was pushed away and she received a punch to the face. She kept her gun even though she was momentarily stunned by the contact. The sound in the silence was loud which allowed Kurt to find them and saw Jane giving as good as she got. It was really something to watch her fight, he almost felt sorry for the guy, almost. Jane kneed him and brought the butt of her gun to his head, he landed on the floor in an unconscious heap.

"Better late than never Weller!"

"Hey I knew you had a handle on it plus it looked like you were having fun there, I didn't want to spoil it for you."

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Let's look at your face."

Kurt cupped her face so he could get a better look. He took a tissue out to wipe the blood from her nose and side of her mouth. Once he was finished he just stared into her eyes. They couldn't look away from each other; it was Reade's voice that shook them out of their trance.

"Weller? Do you want reinforcements; team 2 is able to help us search the rest of the building…"

"Negative, Jane caught up with the guy and he thought it would be a good idea to punch her…"

"So where do we send the coroner?"

"No need, he's still alive, he'll probably need a paramedic though, we'll bring him to you."

"Wow Jane, are you getting soft or something?" asked Zapata

"I just didn't want to fill out the paperwork if he died!" said Jane deadpanned

"I hear ya!"

Kurt smiled at the exchange and kissed her forehead and the corner of her mouth that wasn't hurt.

Together they took the last target back to the main part of the warehouse; as soon as Reade and Zapata saw them they directed a couple of agents to relieve Jane and Kurt of their 'guy' and sent a weary paramedic, one who had dealt with Jane before, to them.

"I'm fine; you better take a look at him." Jane said as she indicated the guy that was taken from them.

"My partner's doing that, he won, I drew the short straw!"

Jane heard the chuckles from the rest of the team and as soon as she caught each of their eyes it was amazing that their chuckles turned into coughs. She reluctantly submitted to being examined wasn't surprised by the result of taking some painkillers and blah, blah, blah. Jane tuned out the paramedic. She didn't even realise he had finished his speech until she felt Kurt take her arm and spin her around and hug her regardless of whoever was watching.

"Not that I want to break up this tender moment or anything but did this whole 'case' seem a little …too easy? Those guys were not exactly the brains behind the operation…" Zapata said

"I've been thinking the exact same thing…" added Patterson on comms

They were all standing around trying to figure out what they were missing.

"NO! THAT CAN'T BE!" Patterson said

"What?" asked Kurt

"I've been playing around with the list of dead agents, there had to be a reason for those five. I looked at cases but all five didn't overlap, I looked at other reasons but at most three would overlap then I started cross-referencing personal data hoping to find something but again reached a dead-end. So I started playing with all the data I created an algorithm that would help me go through it quicker…"

"and?" Reade asked

"Well if you put their dates of birth in order chronologically irrespective of year you get this order, Wells, Evans, Levi, Luscowitz and Eggert…"

The four were looking at each other hoping one of them understood what Patterson was talking about over the comms.

"Er you're going to have to explain it to us…" Zapata said

"Take the first letter of each name, what does it spell?

"W-E-L-L-E" said Reade

"WELLER'S THE TARGET!" Patterson shouted

At the same time Jane turned to Kurt and saw a red dot on his protective vest above his heart and without thinking she pushed him out of the way and caught the bullet that was meant for him just below her left shoulder. She was bleeding out.

"JANE!" shouted Kurt

He rushed to her side regardless of the imminent danger; Zapata and Reade were covering them while they waited for other agents came to help.

"Jane! You're going to be fine. I should shoot you for pushing me out of the way. I was wearing my vest; you didn't need to do that…"

"I will always do my best to make sure you go home to Sarah and Sawyer…"

"And what about you? I want to go home to you every day!"

"No reason why you can't have both! I'm fine, it's just a graze! You need to stay here and catch Tate."

Kurt had his hand over her wound trying to stop the blood flow.


One moment it was just him and Jane, he completely forgot about the comms, then Reade and Zapata were there helping him help Jane. Then the paramedic from minutes earlier was back.

"Drew the short straw again?" Jane asked

"You know if you wanted my attention then all you had to do was ask, you didn't have to get yourself shot on my account!"

Jane giggled. Everyone knew Weller and her were an item including the medical staff of the local A & E, mainly because 'the gruff, scruffy faced FBI' agent couldn't be stopped if a member of his team was injured but when it came to Jane if anyone stepped in his way there was hell to pay.

"I know that for next time!"

"Good, now let's get you checked out. You're going to have to come to the hospital, this is non-negotiable!"

"Fine, just this once though!"

The paramedics loaded Jane onto the stretcher and ran her to the ambulance.

"Zapata go with her!" demanded Kurt

Tasha saw the anguish on Kurt's face and hesitated for a second, after a glance at Reade she followed orders. She reached the gurney where Jane grabbed her hand and pulled her down.

"Stay with him, he'll need both you and Reade. Don't let him do anything stupid."

Tasha looked at her and she saw that Jane was really worried as she was if she was honest. She looked around and noticed the guy Jane and Weller tracked in the warehouse and looked at the paramedic in question.

"He's not critical; when we heard the shot we thought we better wait just in case. There's another ambulance on the way."

Tasha shrugged her shoulders, she didn't care really and they were lucky that they hadn't left yet. She was looking around and saw someone she trusted with Jane.


Hamilton was an agent in his early forties and didn't particularly like Tasha's brash side which was fine as she couldn't stand him either but she knew he was a good agent and she trusted him which was the main part and he respected her work.


"You're going to accompany Jane to the hospital and you're going to stay with her until you a relieved by me, Reade or Weller, understood? No one else!"

They looked at each other and Hamilton knew what was being asked of him it wasn't a simple babysitting duty, it was protecting the boss' future wife, everyone knew that one day Jane would be Jane Weller but it wasn't spoken out aloud, most agents had taken part in the bet and had already lost some money by assuming they would have been married by now. The whole department respected Weller and his team; they saw how far they often went to catch the 'bad guy'. They respected Jane as well more so after they found out what had happened to her during those three months. Everyone saw how affected the team was by the recent deaths, they saw the toll it was taking on Weller. He felt every single death personally. Hamilton nodded his head and was by the stretcher within seconds. Zapata watched the ambulance leave. She walked back into the warehouse to see Reade and Weller crouching down looking at something on the ground.

"What are you two doing?"

Kurt and Reade turned around at her voice.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked

"I'm going to help you catch Tate!"

"You're supposed to be with Jane!"

"Jane is in safe hands, Hamilton's with her!"

Kurt looked at her and she didn't flinch, eventually he looked away.

"We're looking at the amount of blood!"

Zapata and Read exchanged looks and had a silent conversation. They knew the next few hours were going to be difficult to say the least.

"Guys, it looks like it could be an armour piercing bullet but we won't know until they remove it from Jane." Declared Patterson

Silence reigned.

After nearly a minute, Kurt got a determined look on his face.

"One way or another we're getting Tate!"

Kurt started to walk away, Reade and Zapata followed, and the other agents cleared a path for them once they saw his face. They headed for the office and poured all over all the evidence they had again.

By 7 pm they were all tired and Kurt told everyone to call it a day, the department worked hard throughout the day with hardly any breaks, they were as determined as he was to catch Tate. Reade and Zapata stayed until he threatened them with an official reprimand for ignoring an order. He knew they meant well and he appreciated the thought but Sarah would want to make sure they were ok. He really wanted to see Jane but couldn't leave the team to sit in the hospital. He got updates from Hamilton, Jane was taken into surgery to remove the bullet and fix her shoulder, and she was actually in her own room so she could rest up although she hadn't regained consciousness yet. He was going to be spending the night in her room but he had a few things to finish before that could happen so he read the reports that came in today and responded to any emails that were in his inbox.

Zapata was walking down the corridor of the hospital, her hands were full. She got to the waiting room and was shocked to find not only Patterson but a few agents as well. She looked to Patterson for answers.

"Well I came to stay with Jane but Hamilton won't let me in because I'm not you, Reade or Weller! So I was going to stay here until you came then we could go and see her together. I didn't realise that a few agents had the idea to keep Hamilton company and relieve him if he needed a break for a few minutes so I ordered a bunch of food and drinks for everyone, looks like you had the same idea!"

"Yeah, this is for Hamilton and one for Weller because we know he's going to be spending the night here. Reade is with Sarah and Sawyer, trying to keep them from coming here, he doesn't want them to see Jane until she's awake, mainly for Sawyer though."

"This is such a mess!"

"It could be worse, if Jane hadn't pushed Weller out of the way we'd be in mourning!"

"I really don't want to think about that!"

"I'm going to go and relieve Hamilton."

"I'll stay here and keep the refreshments coming if they're needed."

Zapata walked to Jane's room and saw Hamilton outside checking the id of a medical person going in to the room.

"Hey Hamilton! Here, this is for you."

Zapata shoved a pizza box into his hand followed by a bottle of his favourite cola drink.

"Your kid says sausage and onions is your favourite plus you only drink cola with pizza! I'm sorry that you missed his performance tonight, I didn't realise…"

"Hey, it's the job! He'll understand. Thanks for this, you didn't need to…"

"Yeah I did, I forgot to send anyone to relieve you so it's been an extra-long day for you…" Zapata turned to look down the corridor and turned back to Hamilton "here's Anders, she's going to relieve you."

"What about you?"

"It's the job!" she said as she smiled at him. "There are a few people in the waiting room if you want to eat there…"

"Yeah, I may do that. Let me know if you need anything."

"Sure thing!"

She watched as he made his way to the waiting room. She waited until Anders was at the door before she entered Jane's room she was disappointed that she wasn't awake yet. They all knew the surgery was a success but wouldn't be happy until she opened her eyes. She placed the second pizza box on the bedside cabinet so it would be in easy reach and in Weller's view with his drink of choice Sprite. She sat by Jane's bed and waited.

Those in the waiting room saw Weller walking down the corridor around 9 pm; they noticed that he had his satchel with him which always had files and his laptop. He didn't even notice them, he walked right past them, and he didn't expect anyone to be in the waiting room. Patterson caught up to him just before he went into Jane's room.

"Hey she's strong and a fighter, she's going to be fine!"

Patterson wrapped her arms around him and Weller reciprocated.

"Thanks Patterson. Where did you come from?"

"The waiting room."

"I didn't even look to see if there was anyone there…"

"It's fine, your place is in that room. I'll be in the waiting room if you need anything."

"You don't have to…"

"We're family!"

Kurt nodded at Anders and then pushed the door open and saw Zapata by Jane's bed, their eyes met as she turned at the sound of the door.

"Hey, I thought I told you to go home?"

"As Patterson just told you, we're family!"

She got up and just like Patterson hugged him.

"She'll be fine. She'll be up and about before you know it, giving you heart attacks when she chases and or fights a bad guy!"

Kurt chuckled.

"I hope so!"

"I'll be in the waiting room if you need me!"


He took Tasha's seat and held Jane's hand and started to speak to her. He got his files out and read the last few reports and sent some more emails. By the time he was finished he was starving. He forgot to pick up something to eat then his eyes landed on the pizza box with his favourite non-alcoholic drink and he smiled. He made a significant dent in the pizza then decided to rest his eyes for a few seconds, he laid his head on Jane's mattress by her hand and was in a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. He didn't feel Jane's hand on his head; she ran her hand over his hair and down his stubble careful not to wake him. She could see the tired lines on his face. She knew that he wouldn't rest properly until Tate was caught, she saw his bag with his laptop and if she wasn't mistaken some files. She let her hand rest against his cheek, she wanted that connection but she was still tired and closed her eyes.

He woke up and realised he slept quite a few hours, he also noticed that Jane's hand was on his head so she must have woken up during the night and even though he didn't see her gorgeous green eyes it was a relief.

"I love you. I'll be back later!" Kurt said into her ear then he kissed her forehead and lips.

He was about to leave when there was a commotion at the door, he opened it and was shocked to see his sister and nephew. Sarah had her hands over Sawyer's ears to try and prevent him from hearing what she was saying but from the smile on his face when he saw his Uncle, it wasn't working.

"Edgar, you kept me from Jane last night, I get why, I do but it is now morning and I want to see my brother, we both know he's in that room and I want to see Jane for myself, you and this agent, are not going to stop me from going in there, do I make myself clear?"

"Sis, making an entrance as usual! Martinez this is my sister, she's allowed to see Jane."

Sarah saw Kurt and threw herself at him and proceeded to cry all over him. Looking over her shoulder he caught Reade's eye and they had a conversation which basically said 'thanks for trying', 'no worries, she was tearful throughout the night so get used to her being a little clingy'. Not only did he have Sarah around his neck, he had Sawyer around his waist.

"Hey, I'm fine!"

"We know, don't we Sawyer?"


"We brought you a change of clothes so you can clean up before you head into the office…"

"Thanks, you didn't need to…"

"Yes, we did! We brought pastries for the department; Reade is taking them in when you go."

He went to the bathroom to change and freshen up as much as he could and headed back to the office and with the rest of his team.

The day started with them going over the evidence from yesterday. Kurt was in his office when he got the text.

"We need to end this today. Come alone!"

Kurt took five seconds to think about it then he texted Reade, Zapata and Patterson then left his office. The others followed him five minutes later and the rest of the department 10 minutes after that.

He had his vest on, not that it would matter if Tate was using amour piercing bullets. Kurt entered the deserted warehouse cautiously, he had his gun drawn ready, and he made his way further into the building. When he walked into the main part he saw Tate on his knees with his hands on his head, Kurt didn't like this and scanned the room for any information but couldn't see anything so he looked back to Tate.

"If it isn't Assistant Director Weller, where's Dumb and Dumber? They wouldn't let you come in here by yourself, Reade and Zapata you better show yourselves!"

Tate waited; Kurt kept his eye on him even when he heard the others coming in. Both Reade and Zapata flanked Kurt on either side, Reade to his left and Zapata to his right, but they weren't that close to him, they covered as much of the space as they could while keeping their eyes and guns trained on Tate.

"Well, well, well, isn't it nice to have a reunion? It's like old times isn't it the four of us together. Well until you had your little tramp arrest me!"

Kurt and Zapata saw Reade step a little closer at the insult.

"Reade." Was all Kurt had to say

"Still taking orders I see Reade, do you even think for yourself or was it on big brother's orders for you to sleep with his little sister because who would want to touch that? She's spoiled goods after all…"

"Kurt, guys, I know this is hard but he's trying to goad you. He's probably trying suicide by cop and then you would be investigated as he appears to be unarmed." Patterson said

"Tate, you killed five agents to get my attention, now you have it. What do you want?"

"I want to be an agent. I want to be a team leader. I should be Assistant Director not you! I was a much better agent than you but you got all the opportunities!"

"BULLSHIT! You had the same opportunities that I did but you fucked up!"

"What's the matter with wanting a little more money? We put our lives on the line for the job and we get paid peanuts!"

"That's what you signed up for! Nowhere on the application did it say you were going to become a millionaire working for the government. You knew the risk when you applied that you could die on the job. Everyone that applies know this, this is true for any law enforcement!"

"I didn't hurt anyone…"

"You skimmed drugs and money from raids! You treated the female agents like dirt…"

"We both know that there's only one thing women are good for and it's not being an agent!"

"You disgust me! FIDELITY. BRAVERY. INTEGRITY. Agents, including those that you killed, demonstrated those traits. They demonstrate them every day when they come into work. They work to keep this country safe. They make sacrifices as do their families to make sure people can enjoy their lives. You were and have always been an embarrassment and a disgrace to the Bureau!"

"You know, I didn't think you were into goths but boy was I wrong! Jane is it?"

Tate saw he got a reaction from the usually stoic Weller when he mentioned the name.

"Ah, I see that it is. She must be good in the sack! Really good for you to date a member of your team! Don't worry when I get out of here I'll show her what a real man is like, I'll tap that like there's no tomorrow, then I'll move onto your little sis after I've dealt with your nephew, and I'll even give Zapata here a pity ride…"

Kurt took a step forward.

"Weller! Jane, Sarah and Sawyer are waiting for you…" Zapata said

"Kurt don't give him what he wants…" Patterson said via the comms

"Weller! Don't let him get in your head…" Reade said

Kurt was listening to all of this and before he could acknowledge his team, his family, a shot was fired and went through the back of Tate's head through to the front where he landed face front on the ground. The three of them just stood there in stunned silence, it took them a few seconds to understand what just happened.

"Shots fired, shots fired! Who took the shot? No one had the go to take the shot!" demanded Kurt

He listened as all teams denied taking the shot.

"We have a rogue shooter, must be in the building on the North side of our current location…"

"On it, we have a team going to check it out…"

Kurt moved closer to Tate's body.

"Weller, you need to be careful, you may still be in the crosshairs!" Zapata said

"We're all in the shooter's line of sight, we have been since we walked in but he didn't take the shots. I'm pretty sure we're fine!"

"If anything happens to you, Sarah's going to kill me you know that right?" asked Reade

"You're afraid of my sister?" Teased Kurt

"HELL YEAH! If something happens to you and I could have stopped it, she will KILL ME!"

"I can't believe that you're afraid of Sarah…" Kurt chuckled

"Who are you kidding? If something happens to Reade you know Sarah will skin you alive! So don't even pretend that she doesn't scare you as well!" declared Zapata

"I will admit to nothing!"

"What are you doing?" Reade asked

"I just want to make sure…"

They watched and covered him while he walked to the body. He felt for a pulse and when he felt nothing he turned the body over. There was shock on Tate's face, at least it was quick, it was more than he deserved thought Kurt. Kurt didn't know what made him but he undid a few of the buttons on Tate's shirt and was shocked to find a timer with less than a minute on the clock. He got up and shouted.


All three started to run for the exit, Zapata was the furthest away as she was on Weller's right side, while she was running she tripped and fell. Reade and Weller heard this and they both, without any hesitation, rushed back and as she was getting up they pulled her up and kept their hands on her and pulled her along as they ran for the exit. They just about got out of the building when it exploded behind them, the force throwing them forward. They landed quite close to each other and Kurt lifted himself up quickly to cover their bodies with his so they wouldn't be injured with the flying debris. He also managed to cover his head with his hands to avoid possible head injuries. He didn't know how long they lay there but then he heard Patterson.


"Patterson, stop shouting, I already have a headache…"

"Weller! I'm so happy to hear your voice. How are Reade and Zapata?"

"I would be better if I wasn't being crushed by a wall of muscle!" sniped Zapata

"Yeah, I need a bit more room to breathe boss…" said Reade

"Oh thank goodness you're all fine! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!"

Kurt felt hands pulling at him and he realised it was other agents and paramedics helping them. All three managed to stand up with some help. Kurt had just regained his balance when he nearly lost it when Patterson barrelled into him to hug him, he grunted a little at the force with which she hugged him, then she was doing the same to both Reade and Zapata, he was glad to see that they were wincing in pain from the tech geek's embrace as he was. Then Patterson was holding out a cell for him, he looked at her and she mouthed 'Sarah' and he shook his head and pointed to Reade who also shook his head, they both looked to Zapata who held her hands up in defence and she was shaking her head.

"I CAN SEE ALL THREE OF YOU, YOU KNOW!" said Sarah on speaker

They all winced but looked to Patterson for answers.

"There were cameras in the warehouse, everything was broadcasted then camera crews started showing up and caught the explosion…"


All the agents, paramedics, camera crews and members of the public watched as the three agents all mumbled a 'yes' and slowly made their way to the waiting ambulance.

"I really want to meet his sister!" said one paramedic whispered

They reached the hospital and each was shown into a cubicle to be assessed. Thankfully it was mostly abrasions from the explosion, although Tasha did have a sprained ankle from her fall. Once they were cleared, Patterson was waiting for them and told them what one of the teams found.

"There was a note, it said 'for my sister'."

The four of them looked at each other each of them not really wanting to voice what they were thinking.

"So Jane has a brother?" asked Kurt

"It could be in reference to either Danielle or Julie…" Patterson said

"Do you really believe that?" asked Zapata

"No. But on the plus side he doesn't mind Weller dating her!"

Kurt gave her an incredulous look as did Reade but Zapata just chuckled.

"I'm going to go and check on Jane." Declared Kurt

"We're coming too!" said Zapata

They made their way to Jane's room and were surprised to find it empty. The bed was ready for a new occupant. A nurse entered the room after them and they asked her where Jane was, her answer surprised them.

"She signed herself out AMA."

"What?" said a deceptively calm Weller

"She was adamant about leaving here. That is one stubborn woman!"

"How long ago was this?" asked Patterson

"About an hour or so."

About the time they were getting told off by Sarah. They were left alone in the room when the nurse left.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Patterson

Kurt turned to them, his body language telling them how angry he was.

"You three better prepare for a funeral because I'm going to kill Jane!"

He turned and almost reached the door when Patterson spoke.

"Why? You walked out of hospital AMA after that explosion in the …"

Kurt turned around and took a step in Patterson's direction which resulted in the computer geek stepping behind Zapata for safety.


Before Kurt could continue Patterson's cell rang and she gave it to Zapata to give to Weller.

"Sarah?" Kurt answered


Kurt rubbed a hand over his forehead.

"I didn't let her do anything; she signed herself out AMA…"



"Well she's in your room resting."

"Pack a bag you and Sawyer are spending the night at Reade's!"

He looked to his second who nodded his acceptance of this.

"Ok, don't be too hard on her; she's been through a lot!"

"We just got blown up!"

"I know I saw!"

"We'll see you soon."

Kurt hung up and gave the cell back to Patterson. They all made their way back to his apartment. He had just put his key in the lock when the door was pulled open and he had Sarah in his arms and her tears down his neck. He had to carry her a little so the others could enter. Sawyer rushed past them to hug Reade who had knelt down to capture him. Zapata and Patterson went to the refrigerator to get some drinks. When mother and son had finished with their hugs they swapped partners, now Kurt's waist was wet as well as his neck with his nephew's tears. Everyone ignored the kissing that was going on between Reade and Sarah. Once Sawyer was finished he wrapped his arms around Zapata then Patterson for good measure as did Sarah. They stayed for about ten minutes then after another round of hugs for Kurt they left all moving to Reade's place at Sarah's and Reade's insistence, they wanted the team to be together well the majority of the team.

Kurt locked the door after they left and made his way to his room. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She was under the covers but he could make out that she was wearing one of his shirts. He went to her and kissed her forehead, he didn't want to wake her. He sat on the chair by the side and just watched her and was so grateful that she was fine apart from the bullet wound. He didn't know how long he watched her for but eventually she started to stir. When she saw him she had a wide smile on her face.


"Don't you 'Kurt' me! Why the hell did you sign out of the hospital AMA?"

Kurt had moved to her side by then and she had sat up at his tone.

"I hate hospitals and I'm fine!"

"You're not fine! You were shot in the shoulder and I had to watch you bleed, there was so much blood I thought…I thought…"

"Hey, I'm fine!"

Jane cupped his face and brought his mouth to hers where she kissed him and initiated a deeper kiss than they were used to. It took Kurt by surprise but after the initial shock he let himself savour the moment. When they pulled apart she rested her head on his chest.

"It's not as if I was blown up or anything!" said Jane

She felt him stiffen then he chuckled and relaxed.

"We're all fine just some cuts and scrapes, we all got checked out at the hospital and we were not admitted!"

"I saw the footage; Sarah and Sawyer were watching it again when I arrived, the news stations kept it on repeat. We were all scared until we saw the agents and paramedics help you up. It looked close, too close!"

"Yeah, well I would rather forget about it but I can't until we file our reports. Speaking of which I have to talk to you about something…"

"Not now, tomorrow. I just want to enjoy having you to myself. We need to have the team over for a meal or something at some point to celebrate this one."

"Fine, but we really need to talk tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's soon enough."

Jane looked up and into Kurt's eyes and moved his face down to hers to capture his mouth again. Jane leaned back and pulled Kurt down with her, she loved the feel of him on top of her. They pulled apart when air was needed but their faces remained close. Jane had a wide smile on her face and then she bit her bottom lip, Kurt knew what she wanted but he wanted their first time to be when they were both ready, not when they'd both just had near death experiences and one of them was injured. So he reluctantly pulled further back much to Jane's astonishment, she opened her mouth in shock.

"So are you hungry? You must be, you haven't eaten in ages…"

"Of course I'm hungry but not for your cooking!" she said with a pointed look

Kurt chuckled.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen while you're injured! So you better get up!"

Jane knew that stubborn look on his face and knew that they weren't going to be consummating their relationship anytime soon. She pushed the covers off of her and got up and noticed Kurt's hungry look in her direction when he saw her in his shirt, a sight that wasn't new to him.

They made their way to the kitchen where Jane sat on a stool by the breakfast bar and watched as Kurt made them a light meal of scrambled eggs and toast. They ate sitting side by side. Jane picked up their empty plates and took them to the sink to wash them as Kurt dried. They, meaning Kurt, decided to watch a film. Jane wasn't too bothered she snuggled up to Kurt and laid her head on top of his heart so she could hear it beat, it lulled her into a light sleep. Kurt wasn't that into the film he just didn't want to go straight to bed in case Jane had other things on her mind. He switched the TV off and carried Jane back into their room and laid her down on the bed and covered her. He left her to go to the bathroom and came back to find her awake.

"I'll just go and use the bathroom; you didn't have to carry me!"

"I wanted to."

Jane shook her head as she left the room. When she came back she gave him a quick kiss on his mouth then she snuggled onto his chest to listen to his heartbeat again.

He woke up at his usual time. He managed to remove himself from the bed without waking Jane up which was a miracle in itself. Jane was usually an early riser like him. She probably needed her rest though after what she'd been through. He would have loved to have stayed in bed with her, he would love to spend the day with her but he was the boss and he had reports to file, it sucked being the boss. He remembered to send a text to both Zapata and Reade to let them know that he didn't expect them to come in as they should be resting up. He then texted Hamilton, Anders and Martinez to let them know they could come in later after all they were standing guard at Jane's room in the hospital since she was admitted, he was thankful that Martinez actually accompanied Jane back to his apartment.

He left a note for Jane to let her know that he made her a Thermos of coffee and that there were some pastries that she could have for breakfast. He arrived at the office by 6 which was usual for him. He decided to get started on his report, he should have dealt with it yesterday but the shock of the explosion plus the fact that he really wanted to see Jane, Sarah and Sawyer after everything Tate said, even though he knew he was dead, he had to make sure they were fine himself. Plus the shock of Jane releasing herself AMA made him forget about the report. His phone kept on ringing with interview requests from a lot of news stations. Every time they got their station name in he would reply 'no comment', they were relentless though. His report would have taken him an hour tops but it took him nearly three hours to complete. When he had finished his report and emailed it to Pellington, he looked up to see Jane walking into the bullpen. He stood up and made his way to her.

"Jane, what are you doing here?"

"I work here!" said a confused Jane

"Yes, but you should be at home resting!"

"I'm fine, I've been resting for 48 hours, that's enough rest plus I have to file my report!"

"Your report can wait!"

"Weller, I'm fine. It's just a graze…"


There was silence in the bullpen at his outburst. He just stood there with his eyes closed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before opening his eyes.

"Look, you need to rest. Reade and Zapata are also taking the day off…"

"What are you talking about? They're in Patterson's lab!"

"No they're not!"

"Yes they are, they texted me and told me to meet them there. Look their stuff is by their desks!"

True enough, when Kurt looked he could see Reade's jacket on the back of his chair and Zapata's coffee cup on her desk; he didn't even see them enter the bullpen. He stood there with his mouth open and when he looked around he noticed Hamilton, Anders and Martinez were at their desks, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"I thought I told you three to come in later?"

"I didn't get your message."

"My kid was playing with my phone this morning."

"Huh, oh well!"

Kurt narrowed his eyes at the responses; Jane had a smirk on her face. He followed her to Patterson's lab. When they entered all three were around Patterson's main computer as if it was a normal day.

"I told you two to take the day off!"

All three turned around and when they saw Jane they all went to hug her and ignored Kurt. He was getting really frustrated.

"I repeat I thought I told you to take a day off!"

"Really? I didn't get that message." Said Reade

"I just ignored your message." Declared Zapata

Kurt closed his eyes and took in a couple of calming breaths but it didn't work.


"We still have work to do! Plus we wanted to be here for Jane." Said Zapata

"Me? Why?"

Jane turned to Kurt for an explanation.

"Remember yesterday I said we needed to talk?"

Jane nodded.

"Well the shooter left a message for us…"

"What message?"

Patterson brought it up on her screen.

"For my sister!"

"So Danielle's or Julie's siblings did this?"

"Danielle is an only child and Julie's siblings have airtight alibies." Said Kurt

Jane looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"Well the only other female that was injured was you…"

Jane stood there stock still. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at everyone in the room and they all had the same look on their faces, concern.

"I have a brother?"

"It looks like it!"

"Why didn't he stay? Why didn't he come forward before?"

"Well we know why he didn't stay, he would have been arrested for murder as for why he didn't come forward before we have no idea…" said Patterson

Kurt moved to wrap his arms around her, they usually didn't do any PDAs in the office but this was their team and they knew they were together plus it was just them in Patterson's lab.

"We don't know why he did what he did. We can only hope that he will contact you…"

"He didn't show up to help me when I came out of the bag though, did he?"

"Jane, we don't know anything…"

"I do! My whole family is in this room with the exception of Sarah and Sawyer! That's all I need to know!"

Kurt couldn't stand the hurt look on her face so he kissed her hoping that it would bring a smile to her face and he wasn't disappointed. They had just taken a step away from each other when the door opened and Director Pellington was standing there.

"Ah Kurt, I've finally found you!"

"Sir? I didn't realise you were going to be here today."

"After yesterday's events of course I was going to come. I had to make sure you were all ok. Good job yesterday, although you may not want to cut it too close next time!"

"We'll remember that next time!" said Zapata sarcastically

"Kurt walk with me to your office, we have something to discuss that you may find a little unorthodox!"

Kurt stiffened at this as did the others. They all followed Pellington and Kurt to his office, three of them pretending to work at their desk while Patterson unashamedly listening. The door to Kurt's office was closed but the whole office heard Kurt.


The door to his office was pulled open with a force that nearly took it off of its hinges. Kurt came storming out and would have carried on if it wasn't for Pellington.


Kurt was breathing heavily. He knew he was backed into a corner and there was no way he could get out of it.

"Fine! 10 minutes in 20 minutes!"

"I'm glad you finally see it my way."

"I didn't really have a choice did I?"

"Maybe your team could…"


"Fine! But you're still not getting out of it; you may want to smarten up a bit, image is everything…"

"Yes sir!" said Kurt sarcastically

Twenty minutes later Kurt, the director and some other suits were at the top of the steps to the building. Kurt assumed there would be one or two reporters but there seemed to be at least 50 which shocked him. He read out a brief statement.

"Agents Andrew Evans, Dylan Levi, Danielle Luscowitz, James Eggert and Julie Wells were exemplary agents who were a credit to their families and the bureau. They dedicated their careers to protecting and serving their country with honour they will be missed! Dominic Tate, a former agent who was arrested and found guilty of taking drugs and money from evidence and of sexually harassing female agents was killed yesterday by an as yet unknown shooter. He was the lead suspect in the deaths of five FBI agents."

The reporters asked their questions and Kurt answered them as honestly as he could and if he couldn't he just said 'no comment'.

"Assistant Director Weller, are you really afraid of your baby sister?"

Kurt was a little surprised by the question but he couldn't help the smile that escaped or the soft look he got when he thought about Sarah.

"No comment!" Kurt said with a big smile

After that he left the rest to Pellington and the other suits. Kurt made his way back up to the bullpen where he was greeted with wolf whistles and applause. He gave them all a look and loosened his tie and undid the top button of his shirt. The noise was still going on until he threatened the office.

"If this carries on you'll be on a prime time show this evening for an hour!"

It worked a treat the noise stopped. His department was full of hard workers but like him, none of them were glory hunters, and the thought of being in front of the cameras never occurred to them, in fact in terrified a lot of them. They liked their job but they didn't do it for the public recognition.

Kurt went back to his office to carry on reading the endless reports that came across his desk every day. It must have been around an hour later when he was interrupted by Agent Danvers.

"Hey Boss, is it ok if I leave early?"

"Pellington wants everyone to stay here until 5 today, he wants a meeting…"

Kurt watched as the agent's face changed but he nodded.

At 5 everyone was in the large conference room located on another floor, everyone was surprised by what they saw there were instructions for them to get a drink. There were a few tables full of bottles of drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, then around the edges and in the centre of the room were tables laden with food. Kurt grabbed a bottle of beer and walked to the front of the room when his agents saw him they became quiet.

"Five agents, Andrew Evans, Dylan Levi, Danielle Luscowitz, James Eggert and Julie Wells will be missed. Please raise your glasses in their memory."

He watched as every person in the room took a sip of their drink while thinking of their fallen colleagues.

"I'm don't like public speaking but this needs to be said. I am very proud to work with every one of you. Your dedication over these difficult weeks was amazing and I wanted you to know that I appreciate all the hours you have all put in. You are all credits to yourselves, your families and the bureau. This is just a small way of saying thank you. So please enjoy, oh and by the way you have all been given a long weekend, so I don't expect anyone to be here until Tuesday at the earliest!"

There were cheers and people started to head towards the food. He mingled with groups of agents and techs and said thanks to all of them for their hard work. His cell started to ring and he answered it. He was looking at his team and they were looking at him to see if they needed to leave but he shook his head and held out some fingers to indicate that he'd be five minutes, they nodded and carried on enjoying the festivities. Jane noticed that it had been at least thirty minutes since they saw Kurt, she had an idea where she would find him so she made her way to some of the tables and loaded a plateful of food and grabbed a couple of bottles of soft drinks and headed out. This didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the room. They all knew where she was going and they were all happy that Weller had someone who cared about him; they just wished they would get married already so someone could win the pool!

Jane made her way back to the bullpen and low and behold there was Kurt in his office working at his desk, his jacket was off as was his tie and he had undone some buttons and he had rolled his sleeves up, he only became this comfortable when he assumed he wouldn't be seeing anyone. He looked up when he heard his door open.

"Fancy seeing you here!" said Jane


Jane moved to his side and looked into the bullpen to make sure no one was there and when she was sure they were alone she quickly kissed him.

"So did you actually receive a call or did you get Patterson to fake the call so you could come here?"

She watched as his ears turned pink.

"Sawyer called and wanted to talk to me…"


"Yes, Sawyer, our nephew!"

Jane's eyes softened at that, she couldn't be mad at him, he only liked socialising with the team as he could be himself as the boss he kind of had to remain a little distant.

"Here, I brought you some food and something to drink."

"I have my beer."

"What, the one that you've been nursing since the beginning? C'mon, who are you trying to kid?"

He smiled at her.

"So do you have a lot more to do?"

"I want to finish these up so we can enjoy the long weekend!"

Jane sat up at this.

"You mean you're going to take the long weekend as well?"

"Yeah, if I finish these!"

"Can I help with anything?"

"Unfortunately, no but thanks."

"It was really nice of you to show your appreciation for the department…"

"They earned it. They did themselves proud!"

"And you!"

"And me."

"C'mon get on with …whatever you're doing then we can get out of here and enjoy 96 hours of freedom!"

"Don't jinx us!"

"Hush! Get working!"

They smiled at each other. Jane went to gather her things and completed any outstanding paper work on his desk. They worked in companionable silence. Jane watched from the corner of her eyes that Kurt would occasionally pick up something from the plate she had brought and sample it. He did this every so often and eventually the plate was empty. Once she had finished her work, she got her tablet and started to read the book that she was in the middle of. She got comfortable by taking the other chair in front of Kurt's desk and making it into her own foot stool, she also got the navy blanket and placed it over her, Kurt smirked at her and she stuck her tongue out at him and got back to her book and he got back to his work. The next time he looked up at her he saw that she was asleep it was just after nine. When he finished everything it was close to ten. He shut down his computer and gathered all his things and then crouched down by Jane and kissed her forehead.

"Jane? Jane?"

"Mmmmm, Kurt!" she murmured which made him smile.

He tried again.

"Jane, c'mon, it's time for us to head home…"

This time his voice penetrated her subconscious and she slowly began to wake up. She opened her eyes to see him by her side, the sight made her smile. She cupped his cheek and pulled him closer to her and kissed him, she didn't care if anyone saw or not, he leaned into the kiss, they both forgot for a moment where they were but the need for air reminded them. They pulled apart and rested their foreheads on the other and smiled.

"That's a great way to wake up!"

Kurt chuckled.

"C'mon, we have a nice long weekend to start!"

Jane stood up and folded the blanket and collected her belongings. He didn't care if anyone saw them, it was really late and he would have been surprised if there was anyone still in the office, he took her hand in his and they walked out hand in hand, Jane was leaning against him and he loved the feeling of her body against his. In the elevator Jane faced him and wrapped her arms around him, her head was on his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head as his arms surrounded her. It was a short ride but they both thought it was worth it. They walked hand in hand to the SUV and when they were in the car they kept on smiling at the other when they caught each other's eyes.