She couldn't remember falling on her bed that night. But she felt like she was falling. She opened her eyes only to see she was falling. She looked down to see she was past the clouds and falling to the ground. She knew she wouldn't survive a fall like this. She screamed as she didn't know what to do. How did she get here? Why is she there? Why must she die now?

"I've got you!" She wondered if she imagined that. She suddenly started to stop falling. A massive red, scaly hand wrapped itself around her. She was in such shock, she couldn't breathe. When the hand opened up she saw land. She jumped off and landed on her feet. She turned around to see a huge red dragon.

Her eyes widened. Things couldn't get any weirder, could they? The dragon stared back. "Hmm. Lots of magic energy I sense in you" he said. "Wha…what?" she asked. "What is your name child?" the dragon asked. "I….I'm Mo…. I'm Mortis" she gulped. "I'm Igneel" he introduced. Mortis's eye frowned. She recognized that name. But where from?

"Where are you from Mortis?" he asked. Mortis suddenly remembered her situation. She had no bloody clue. "I'm not too sure. I was… I can't…" she didn't know how to even begin explaining what was going on, as she didn't know herself. "I see," Igneel said. "Come with me." Mortis instinctively followed him. Where had she heard that name before? Igneel?

They walked until they were in a cave. Igneel breathed fire in the centre. Mortis stared in amazement. "Cool," she said. Igneel laughed and curled up and stared at her. "Now, what to do with you?" he said. Mortis stared at him worried. "you're not going to kill me are you?" she asked, worried. He laughed and said "no I love human children. Such spirit and energy. The lust for power and knowledge."

Mortis felt insulted and said "I'm thirteen." "Such a young age. But there is potential in you." She was getting confused. "Potential for what?" Igneel lifted his head and said "I'm going to teach you the magic power of fire." That's when she remembered that name. Igneel. Father of Natsu Dragneel. Fairytail. She had somehow ended up in the Fairytail universe. But how? It was fiction and shouldn't be real. "Do you accept my proposal Mortis?" he asked.

Life was going to be different. Her family and friends were gone. Her whole world. Her dreams were gone. She would have to get used to life in this world now. She looked up at Igneel with a tear running down her face. She nodded and said "yes." Igneel smiled and said "good. We start now." He stood up and walked out of the cave. "Now?" Mortis asked, following. "I'm going to teach you everything in six months" he explained. "Why six months?" she asked. "Because after that, we work on brute strength."

Mortis was standing in a wide open space. Igneel turned and stared at her. "the first lesson is to become one with the heat. The only way you will create fire, is that you turn your body into a dragon's slayers." He breathed fire and it surrounded her. "You must teach your body to accept the heat. Teach your body to rely on it." Mortis stared around in fear, worried she was going to burn. Her skin was already too hot. But she had nowhere to go. She looked at Igneel and saw him analyzing her. She wanted to prove to him she was worth training, just like Natsu.

She sat down and took the brute force of the heat. Sweat drenched her clothes and hair. She couldn't breathe. Every time she took a breath in all she tasted was her sweat and heat. She needed some cool air. "Come on you can do this," she told herself. She didn't know how long she had been in the heat. She looked up at the sky to see it had started to go dark. But the fire wasn't letting up. It was still roaring.

Igneel suddenly breathed more fire, engulfing her in it. Mortis screamed. She looked around and saw she was fine. She felt her body tingle at the touch of fire. She was touching fire. "I'm touching it" she smiled. She spread her arms out and enjoyed the sensation.

The fire died down and Igneel smiled. Mortis smiled too. "Do you know how long you sat in the fire circle?" he asked. Mortis shrugged and guessed "a couple of hours?" Igneel shook his head as he corrected "10 hours." Her eyes widened with shock. "You have taught your body to absorb the heat." "But all I did was sit there and silently beg for it to be over" she explained. "Mortis I have a very type of fire. What you did you couldn't do with any normal fire. My fire converts the human skin to absorb and change into dragon skin. You are now ready for training." She somehow felt violated. In thirteen hours her body had changed into a dragon slayer. She looked down and her face went red. "Crap" she hissed and she covered up her exposed body. The fire had burned her clothes away. Igneel laughed and said I have some spares for you."

Mortis started to wonder if they were Natsu's. Should she ask about any other being trained by him? Maybe not now. They went back in the cave and buried in the ground was a black vest with gold outlines and a white pair of shorts. She put them on and they were a perfect fit. "Why do you have human clothes?" she asked. "I help humans when I can. I may be a dragon, Mortis, but that doesn't mean I can't help while being in view" he explained. She smiled at how sweet he was. He grinned and Mortis saw Natsu's smile in it.

Over the next couple of months, they spent morning till night training. Mortis felt herself growing stronger. Her fire magic was still weak, but she was able to run and jump higher than she once could. One night Mortis had jumped and climbed on top of the cave with hardly breaking a sweat. And only eating fire and berries was a very good diet. She had lost any bit of fat she once had.

She loved life with Igneel and she didn't want it to end. But she knew one day he was going to go and never come back. That was when she was going to go find Natsu and Fairytail. As the months passes by she would start to wake up with panic that Igneel might have already left. She was wondering if she could find out where he was going and take Natsu to see him.

One night in the cave as Mortis was eating Igneel fire and some berries she thought it was the time to asked him. "How old are you?" Igneel sighed and replied "old enough." "Have you trained anybody else in dragon slayer magic before?" she asked, knowing the answer. Igneel didn't answer for a while. She was worried she had touched a raw nerve. "yes, only one" he finally replied. "Who?" she asked.

Igneel explained "my son. He was slow after his body changed. He only wanted to grow strong as fast as he could. He would rush and get frustrated. However, as he grew older he started to understand more about the magic. Once he understood he then started to grow stronger. I am so proud of him." "Where's your son now?" Mortis asked, wondering if Igneel even knew. "He's in a guild called Fairytail. His name is Natsu Dragneel. I wish I could see him" he said. Mortis wondered if he had meant to say that.

She left it there. she knew he was going to leave her one day. Some part of her wishes it was soon, she hated going to sleep wondering if he would be with her the next day, but the other part wishes it was months away so she could enjoy the life she currently had.

Two more months had passed and Mortis had completed her training and was working on her strength. She had a strong sense of smell then and she was able to destroy large objects. She planned on keeping her destruction under control, unlike Natsu.

One day Igneel left to get food, while Mortis was increasing her strength. She threw two punched from each other her fists, then jumped high in the air, leaned backward with her feet ablaze. When she landed she had caused a massive hole in the ground. She breathed deeply to calm down her adrenalin. "That's my girl." She turned around to see Igneel behind her. She smirked with her new dragon fangs that had grown.

They walked back into the cave and Igneel sat her down. "what's up"? she asked. "I want you to know, that I'm proud of the progress you have made over the past eight months. So I have a surprise for you" he said. Mortis smiled as she was never expecting this. Igneel handed her a dark gray scarf identical to Natsu's. "Thank you" she smiled. Igneel wrapped the scarf around her neck as he said "this scarf is a symbol of how proud I am of you and how much I love my daughter." Mortis smiled and hugged her dragon father. She went to bed for the first time in months with no worries of Igneel leaving.

During the night, as the fire died, Igneel looked over at his daughter and said "I've never wanted to leave my child. Natsu was so young when I left him. I hope you find him. Learn together grow together. I love you both." Igneel then left the cave a and flew away.

Mortis woke in the morning to find Igneel gone. She assumed he was out getting food. She spent her morning training. She loved the feeling of the scarf on her neck as she would fly through the air and summon her fire. At first, she was worried the scarf would burn, but when she inflamed her whole body without thinking and she looked down to it was fine, she relaxed.

She clenched her fist in front of her, smiling as she said "I can't wait to show Igneel." She waited the rest of the day. She was sat on top of the cave waiting for him. The stars were out and she was lying on her back waiting. Hours later, it finally dawned on her. She sat up in fear. "Please not yet" she silently begged. She tried to remember a time when Igneel was gone for the whole day. But she couldn't. Igneel never left her on her own for a whole day, not once. Tears flooded her cheeks as she realized he was gone.

She cried all night. As signs of light began to show, she wiped her eyes clean. She stood up. She didn't cry like that when she entered this universe and have her family taken away from her by choice, but she was now devastated. She held her scarf as she said "I will see you again father."

She packed her back and left the cave. She couldn't bring herself to look back at it. that was her home for two years. She was now a completely different person, to the one she was when she first stepped into the cave.

Two weeks had passed since she left the cave. She was now on a boat filled with poor people. She did find some people with rich clothing on. She wondered what they were doing on this crowded boat, when they looked like they could afford a yacht. She turned around from the edge to see a group of orphans freezing in the cold night. They had a small dying fire in a metal barrel. Mortis walked over and said "shh." She rubbed her hands against her mouth and blew fire through them. The fire roared to life, warming the children. "Thanks miss" the smiled. She smiled in response.

"My aren't you on the wrong boat?" a man asked her. Mortis looked to her right to find a man with the top half of his face covered in a metal mask. She recognized the man and the voice. Who was it? "Can I help you?" she asked. "I think the question is, can I help you?" he said. He removed his mask and gray hair was spiking upwards. Mortis suddenly recognized him. She quickly remembered she shouldn't know him. "Who are you?" "I am Lyon Bastia, who are you?" Mortis had to think of a last name. She wasn't going to use her Earth land name. "I'm Mortis Draglilth." Lyon walked until he was in front of her personal space.

Mortis remembered what he was like before he joined Lumia Scale, she didn't like him one bit. "I know why you're on this boat" he said. "And why's that?" she asked. "Everybody here has been affected by the demon Deliora" he said. Everybody on the boat stopped and stared at them. "My master freezed the demon five years ago, but I intend to kill it. Join us and take your revenge on it." Mortis realized if she could get to Galuna she could start from there to get to Fairytail. She had been wondering aimlessly for two weeks. She pretended to be one of them and said "yes I want revenge."

Lyon smiled as they arrived on the island. They all exited the boat and walked towards the temple.

Mortis didn't know what she was getting herself into. Lyon had mentioned five years. That meant Gray, Natsu and Lucy were going to be on the island in two years. That mean she hadn't even passed the first episode yet.

Mortis was suddenly grabbed and pulled back. She threw her captive to the side, jumped and kicked the guy in the stomach. She saw Lyon bounce backward to gather his balance. "what are you doing?" Mortis demanded. "So you can fight. I wonder how well Ice magic will be for you?" he wondered. Mortis's eye widened. Ice magic?

"First you will need to sort your stance out" and he then showed her the correct stance. Mortis didn't know if fire and ice could work together. "You saw me use fire magic. I know in order to use Ice magic, the body must be able to stand the cold. My body obserbs heat." "No you don't, all you need to do is understand the cold I want to see how strong you are. Now the stance!" he shouted. Mortis followed his stance. "Ice make shield!" he shouted. Mortis followed and shouted "ice make shield!" Suddenly a huge shield rose out of the ground. It wasn't the same to Lyon's green ice, or Gray's blue Ice. It was a light red, not pink. "Fascinating" Lyon said. He walked towards her and said "I will train you in ice magic." Mortis didn't feel like she had any choice in that.

The next year was hell for her. Every day was hard training. Lyon was strict and hit her every time she failed, or did something wrong, or not well enough. "Again!" he shouted. Mortis was on top of the temple, attempting to create life. She kept taking deep breaths trying to get the air in her lungs back.

She stood up straight and shouted "Ice make eagles!" Eagles did shoot out of her hands, but they broke after two seconds. "NO!" Lyon shouted. He created an ice sword and hit her back with the butt. Mortis fell to the ground. She was too exhausted to avoid the hit or fight back. She laid there about to pass out. "You need to give me support when I revive Deliora!" he shouted.

Mortis stood up and thought this would be the best time to say something about that. "You shouldn't do it, Lyon, you're not strong enough!" she said. Lyon stared at her like he had just been stabbed. "You don't have faith in your master! I will kill Deliora for what he did to our lives!" he shouted. Lyon had told the story to her about Ur and Gray. "All you're doing is trying to get stronger, what happens after Deliora Lyon? Your strong as you are. You shouldn't be striving to defeat someone else demons!" she said.

She stood and stared at his growing rage. "Ice make swords!" she shouted and she had a sword in each hand as Lyon shouted "Ice make canons!" Four canons formed around him and started to shoot ice ball at her. Mortis kept swinging her sword to break the canons. She had learned to aim her strength on the weakest spots of her targets, so she doesn't waste magic energy on aimless shooting.

"Ice make lion!" he suddenly shouted. Mortis expected the canons to vanish, but they kept coming while the tiger charged at her. She didn't know what to do, if she stopped defending herself from the canons she would get hit. She raged her fire, hoping to melt the ice. Her fire had no effect. She remembered Natsu had the same problem. The tiger bit her and threw her to the edge of the other temple. Blood covered her shirt. She stood up with her hand clenching her side.

She knew this wasn't the real Lyon, but she hated him. "You are no longer my pupil!" he shouted. "I never wanted to be your pupil in the first place!" she shouted. Suddenly th canons fired at her and hit without mercy. When they stopped she was suddenly thrown in the air and landed in the ocean.

She felt the cold water numbed her pain. She didn't know where she was swimming too or how long it was going to take, but anywhere but Galuna island.

"Come on Natsu it wasn't that bad" Happy said. Natsu clutched his stomach, trying to regain himself after two train rides. "Easy for you to say, you didn't ride the train twice" Natsu said. They walked down by the docks. Happy stared at the ocean, to suddenly see a figure in the water. "Natsu! Look!" he shouted. Natsu saw the figure too. He tried to smell it. "That's a person in there. See we don't have to take the train back, we can swim" He smiled. Suddenly the figure sank into the sea. "Where did the person go?" Happy asked.

Natsu didn't take any chances. He threw his bag off and dived into the ocean. He saw the person landing on the bottom of the ocean. He noticed it was girl and she was badly bruised. He grabbed her by her waist and swam up to the surface. He climbed back on the dock and dragged the girl on. She suddenly coughed up the ocean water and laid back on the deck. "Am I dead?" she asked. "No, your ok" Happy said.

She opened her eyes and saw Natsu and Happy. She was surprised, she couldn't believe it. It's him. "I'm Natsu!" he smiled. Mortis smiled and said "I'm Mortis. Thank you for saving me." "No problem" Happy said. "You didn't even do anything!" Natsu argued. "I'm the one who found her in the first place" Happy argued back. Mortis couldn't help but to laugh. They were even funnier in real life. They stared at her as she slowly rose to her feet "I'm sorry. Can you tell me what you're doing here?" she asked. "Why?" Natsu asked. "just curious. I'm a traveler" she lied. "Oh ok. I hear there is a salamander in town and I think it's my dad Igneel."

Mortis's eyes widened. She knew where she was in the story. She was at the very beginning. They haven't even met Lucy yet. Three years of training. She was then sixteen years old, the same as Natsu and the others. This is where she now had the power to change the course of time for the Fairytail universe.