(After The Doctor in the Photo / The Body in the Bag)

This is a Christmas story for those of you who didn't participate in the Bonesology Secret Santa fanfic. I wanted to do something special for you. I hope you like it.

I don't own Bones.


"Seeley, I don't want you to buy me a Christmas present." Hannah handed her boyfriend a cup of coffee and sat down at the dining room table. "Now I'm really serious about this. I don't really need a lot of stuff, not with a job like mine. It's difficult dragging stuff around from pillar to post. When I move I just take the basics with me."

He heard what she was saying, but he wasn't sure he understood the meaning behind it. Was she planning on leaving him? Did he do something wrong? "Is this your way of telling me that we're breaking up?"

Surprised with his response, Hannah reached out and placed her hand over his hand. "What? No you big goof. We're not breaking up. I'm just reminding you that I'm a nomad and someday when I or if I get a new job somewhere else I don't want to move a bunch of junk with me. Keep it light is my motto." She looked around the kitchen and smiled. "Of course I know you like stuff. When was the last time you moved? You have so much stuff you'd have to rent a moving van to move it all."

Still unsure about this conversation, Booth shrugged his shoulders. "I like old things. They used to make stuff to last. Now manufacturers make stuff to break so you have to buy new stuff. No pride in manufacturing at all anymore . . . and I haven't moved since I joined the FBI. I've been in this apartment for about nine years."

A little shocked, Hannah leaned back against her chair, her now free hand moved to her coffee cup and picked it up. "Nine years. I've never lived any place for longer that nine months. After I graduated from college I mean. Not as a child . . . wow, nine months."

Worry lines appeared on his forehead. "Are you looking for a new job?"

"No, of course not." Hannah realized that this conversation was upsetting her boyfriend and she wasn't sure why. "So anyway, no Christmas present, okay?"

"Sure." Booth poured some sugar in his coffee and decided he was hearing things not being said. He was good at that and he needed to stop that before he screwed up his relationship with Hannah. "Are you traveling with the President when he goes home for Christmas or are you planning to stay here? If you're staying home, we should plan something."

Hannah sipped her coffee and then placed her cup down on the table. "As of right now, I'm all yours for the holiday, but that will depend upon my editor I guess. I should know something by tomorrow."

Glad that she was going to be home with him, Booth smiled. "Maybe you and me can go skiing one weekend. I know of a few places that we could go to. Since Parker just moved to England, Rebecca says I won't get to see my boy until Summer Break, so I won't have him with me this year for Christmas." Not that that isn't unusual, damn it.

"Sounds nice." Hannah smiled at her boyfriend. "Let's plan on it."


It was the day before Christmas and Booth was feeling a little low. His son was in England, his girlfriend was traveling with the President and he was feeling all alone. Spying Brennan as she entered the Diner, Booth forced himself to smile. Well at least Bones didn't abandon me.

"It's very quiet at the Lab right now." Brennan sat down, removed her gloves and hat and placed them with her purse on the floor near her feet. "Half of the staff are on vacation and the rest of us are trying to catch up on a back log of projects."

A little happier now that Brennan was sitting at the table with him, Booth smiled a genuine smile and pushed a small box towards his partner. "Merry Christmas Bones."

She had expected the present and in turn, she pulled out a small flat box from her purse and handed it to Booth. "Merry Christmas to you too, Booth."

Besides the gift from his grandfather, Booth expected the present Brennan had just given him to be the only one he was going to get this year. "Thank you, Bones." As he took the gift from her, his fingers brushed her hand and he felt a tingle run through him. "Um, should I open it now or do you want me to wait until Christmas?"

"I think you should open it now." Brennan placed an order for grilled vegetables over rice, a small side salad and a cup of coffee. That done, she opened the present that Booth had given her and gasped. "Booth, I don't think you should spend a lot of money on presents for me. I'm just your partner."

"And my friend." Booth paused opening his present and looked at Brennan. "You are my best friend and you deserve a nice present from me at least once in a while."

Her cheeks a light pink, Brennan looked down at the open box and admired the white gold necklace with an emerald pendant. "It is beautiful."

Pleased that she liked it, Booth smiled. "It belonged to my grandmother. I know it's old fashioned, but I like it. Nana used to wear it on special occasions. Her mother had left it to her in a will . . . Pops gave it to me after Nana died and I'm giving it to you."

Stunned, Brennan tried to hand the box back to her friend. "You should save this and give it to Parker, Booth. It belongs in your family."

Booth gently pushed the box towards her. "It's mine to give to whom I want to give it to. You've been my friend for a long time and . . . well, even though things didn't work out between us, we're still friends and I value that relationship, Bones. I do. No matter what happens between me and Hannah, you will always be my friend and I wanted you to have that necklace. I talked to Pops about it and he said he thought it was the right thing to do too. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be around. I mean how many times have you saved my life? Four times, Bones. You've save my life four times and this necklace is just my way of saying thank you and well, anyway, please take it. I want you to."

Reluctantly, Brennan took the necklace out of the box and placed it around her neck. "Thank you, Booth. I will treasure it."

A quick nod of his head, Booth looked down at his present and gasped. "No way!" He looked up and stared her in stunned amazement. "No way!"

"Yes way." Brennan was amused at his reaction. "Season tickets to the Washington Nationals. I know your team is the Phillies, but this way you can see them whenever they come to town."

Booth held up the tickets and read the writing on them. "Wow, behind the visiting team too. Thanks. You spent too much on my present, but thanks."

"Perhaps we can go to a game together." Brennan leaned back as the waitress placed her food down on the table. "When Hannah is out of town."

Booth nodded his head. "Sure. Sure we can do that. Thank you for making this Christmas happier for me."

"You're welcome." Brennan felt sad for Booth. Hannah should have found a way to stay home with him, but it wasn't any of her business and she wouldn't mention it. She was just a friend and nothing more.


Brennan met Hannah at the bar after she and Booth had solved their latest case. She had been embarrassed when she had found out that Booth had told Hannah about their conversation in the SUV during the Lauren Eames case and she was still unsure she liked that Booth had shared their conversation. Hannah had said he was obligated to tell her and since Brennan was unclear about the rules in situations like that she decided to accept it.

They met in the bar and had drinks together. As they were waiting for their glasses to be refilled, Hannah caught a glimpse of Brennan's necklace and pointed at it. "That's lovely. Is it new?"

Her hand covering the pendant, Brennan shook her head. "Not it isn't. It's quite old, actually."

Hannah leaned closer and waited for Brennan to remove her hand so she could get a better look. "Did your mother leave that to you?"

"No, my mother has been dead since 1993." Brennan allowed Hannah to pull the necklace away from her neck to see it better. "Booth gave it to me as a Christmas present."

"Wow." Hannah was impressed. "I knew you guys were friends, but that's an expensive present. When did he give it to you?"

"The day before Christmas this last year." Brennan settled the necklace back around her neck and partially under her blouse.

Stunned, Hannah stared at her friend. "This Christmas?"

"Yes." Brennan picked up her glass and drank some Scotch. "He and his grandfather wanted me to have it."

A wave of jealousy moving through her, Hannah tried to tamp it down. "I see. It's very nice."

"Yes." Brennan agreed. "It really is."


She found him reading a book, sitting on the couch as she entered the apartment. Dropping her coat and purse on the coffee table, Hannah moved to the couch and sat down. "Temperance and I had a few more drinks than I thought we would."

Booth placed his book on the coffee table and turned to kiss her. "She can handle alcohol pretty well. Sometimes better than me."

Feeling a little odd, Hannah returned his kiss and settled back on the couch. "She showed me the Christmas present you gave her this year. It's very pretty."

"Yeah." Booth smiled at the memory. "Pops and I talked it over and decided to give it to her. Parker is going to inherit everything on his mother's side, so he's going to have more crap to deal with than will probably be good for him. Pops likes Bones and since she's my best friend and she's saved my life a hell of a lot of times and . . . and I hurt her, well, I wanted to give her something nice this year and Pops said it was okay to give her Nana's necklace. Bones has two nieces so she has someone to leave it to."

Hannah shook her head at the logic behind her boyfriend giving the necklace to Brennan. "But you might have a little girl someday. Wouldn't you have wanted to give it to her?"

A sad look on his face, Booth shrugged his shoulders. "I probably won't have any more kids . . . no, Bones, deserves it. I guess I put her through the wringer this last year and I hurt her. I'm amazed that she's still my friend. I wanted to show her how much I appreciated it."

"You keep saying you hurt her." Hannah wasn't sure what he was talking about and wanted to some clarification.

A distant look in his eyes, Booth nodded his head. "I told you she loved me. I . . . I asked her to take a chance on me last year and she told me no. I guess . . . I don't know. I guess she was afraid to try and I couldn't push her. She was always telling me that she didn't believe in love and I knew it and I shouldn't have asked her . . . anyway, a few weeks ago she told me that she missed her chance, but it's too late for both us. I'm with you now . . . I hurt her and I wish I hadn't. It was a big mess and it was all my fault and I can't fix it, but we are still friends and I hope I always will be. I never meant to hurt her . . . anyway that necklace is my way of saying I'm sorry for what I did to our friendship. It was real rocky for a while, but I think it's better now. We're just moving on and that's the best thing for us. She can try to find someone and we can keep our friendship. We're pretty good together when we just keep to friendship things."

"I see." Hannah knew that there was more to the story and she was lucky to have got as much information as she did. "Since I'm your girl, shouldn't you have given the necklace to me?"

Surprised, Booth turned to stare at his girlfriend. "You told me not to give you anything for Christmas. You said you don't want things because you move a lot. I assume you're not moving away now since we're together, but . . . you told me you don't want me to give you stuff. I gave the necklace to Bones because I know she'll take care of it and when the times comes, she can give it to someone to take care of it, pass it on."

His logic was sound and Hannah knew she didn't really have anything to counter it with. She didn't plan to leave her boyfriend anytime soon, but she knew she would eventually. She was a nomad and nomads never stayed in the same place for very long. Yes, I guess it was a good thing he gave the necklace to Temperance. She will take care of it.


I had a few requests for a Hannah story. I thought I would write something during the Christmas season. I hope you enjoyed it. This story contains two chapters. I plan to post the second chapter tomorrow.