So...yeah, this is my first multi-chapter story! Whoo-hoo! :D I hope it's okay. I've decided to do a soundtrack for this story, these songs are the ones that I listened to while writing this. The first song for this chapter is: 'Call Me' by Shinedown, or 'New Divide' by Linkin Park, or even'My Demons' by Starset. Yeah, that's a bit of a selection for you...but hey! Those are the ones I listened to. And besides, they're good songs so I recommend listening to them! ;P

Anyway, this story is NOT to bash Bree and Adam. At all. I just needed it to be this way for the story. And I personally don't think this couldn't happen, because this is a very easy thing to do. Anyway, I want to give a quick shout-out to Pink Libra Girl for somewhat inspiring this part of the story with her amazing story 'A For Always'. It's awesome and I highly recommend checking it out along with all of her other stories! :D

Anyway, (again) Douglas won't be in this story either; even though that might exactly not make perfect sense. But eh, whatever. *shrugs* YOu guys can think of something, you're all brilliant! ;) Please enjoy! :D I love emojis.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of this. Not. A. Thing.

Chase was not having a good day.

At all.

At first, the day had seemed fairly normal; he woke up, changed, ate breakfast, and walked to school.

Nothing new.

That is, until school was over. Chase was just leaving the hallways, amongst the last group like he always did, not paying much mind to his surroundings because he was too focused on a future project he had in mind.

His first mistake.

That's when Trent had somehow managed to come up beside him with out him noticing, and trip him. Chase, along with his binder and all of his books, since it was Friday, was sent to the ground in one, big mess.

Trent and his gang then started laughing at him as he sat up and tried to pick up all of his stuff. Chase sighed and shook his head as he reached for a lone paper about three feet away from him.

Just as he was about to grab it, however, Trent used his foot and shoved it just out of grasp, causing Chase to fall over as he was already struggling to grab it. Trent laughed and Chase fought down the urge to release Spike.

Trent and his gang then proceeded to mock him and call him names; nothing he wasn't used to. But for some reason, today Chase was a little more on edge, and was having a hard time biting his tongue.

"What, you ignorin' us or something, Dorkenport?" Trent asked, thus causing his group to laugh, but only irritating Chase further. He so badly wanted to correct Trent's English, but knew that it would only aggravate the group even more.

So, instead of answering his question, Chase just went back to picking up his papers and putting them back into a neat alphabetical order stack, next to him.

His second mistake.

Just then, one of the meatheads by Trent kicked his stack and sent the papers flying all over the place. "That's what ya' get when you don't answer us, runt." Trent said and everyone laughed yet again.

Chase's jaw clenched and his hands were suddenly balled into fists. He couldn't help but feel that these meatheads belonged in some teenage, cliche movie.

He slowly stood up, and tried to keep the anger off of his face as he spoke. He calmly released his hands so they were just hanging limply by his side and let out a calm breath. Trent arched an eyebrow at his actions.

"Look, Trent," Chase began in a steady voice, "Why don't we just pretend this whole thing never happened, and we go our separate ways?" Chase asked and Trent shrugged before exchanging a look with his gang.

That was his third mistake.

"Nah, this is more fun," Trent said, and Chase didn't even have time to react before he was shoved rather harshly to the ground, sending him back a few feet. His head collided with the cement floor, and for a moment, black danced across his vision and he blacked out for just a second.

The color returned to his vision, and he so desperately wished that it hadn't, because he soon saw the five jocks advancing on him.

He couldn't even try to get away before the first kick hit his ribs. He tried not to wince, because he knew that from past experience, the more pain you show, the more pain you endure. "See, this is fun!" Trent exclaimed and his buddies laughed as they kicked him and shoved him around as if he was some lost dog they had found in the street.

One particular hit to the side of his ribs made him gasp in pain as he was sure that it would be the most painful bruise in the morning.

"Ah, look, Trent, poor runt can't even take a hit!" Chase tried to sit up in the short break between kicks, but immediately realized that doing that, was his fourth and what he hoped was also his final mistake.

He was suddenly grabbed by the front of his shirt and thrown brutally into the lockers, from what seemed like Adam's super strength, even though he knew it wasn't, and ended up falling hard to the ground in a heap of pain.

When he tried to stand up, Trent was already there next to him, and when he finally was able to stand on his two shaking legs, he was met with a harsh punch to the face. He fell back to the ground, and clutched his eye, where he was sure a black eye was slowly starting to show up.

He hadn't even realized that now a crowd of students had come back in from all the commotion and were watching the whole fight. Well, technically a fight is when the attackers have someone who fights back.

But Chase didn't dare do that, knowing that he could glitch and show his bionics, while also possibly killing someone. Laughter echoed in his ears, along with harsh insults being thrown his way.

He could barely hear it over the blood rushing through his head and his heart pulsating in his skull. He looked up, and saw two new figures enter the crowd; his biological brother and sister.

For a moment, relief flooded through his veins, until he noticed them exchange looks and hang their heads, before slowly leaving the scene; leaving him to defend himself.

In his brief puzzlement and betrayal, one of Trent's partners had come over and roughly made Chase stand up; causing Chase to surprise himself by being able to stand without falling.

Soon another hit was aimed for his face, but he managed to escape the hit, only to be punched hard in the stomach. And by hard, he means hard. He doubled over and clutched his ribs, sucking in a breath of cold air.

"What? Are you a weakling or something, Chase? I think that should be your new nickname; Davenweak! Everyone look! It's Davenweak!" Trent called out, and Chase tried hard to not let Spike out. Suddenly, a new voice entered the scene and Chase managed to look up to see Perry.

"Hey!" She shouted, causing everyone to shut up immediately due to the voice. "There will be no fighting in these halls on a Friday afternoon, so why don't you all just skedaddle?" She asked and everyone rushed to get out. "And Trent," She called out, causing him to freeze in his tracks.

"Detention tomorrow from noon to three!" He groaned and left the building with his buddies. "Man, I love giving detention." Chase heard her say, and never in a million years would he have thought that Perry would come to his rescue.

"Hey, kid, maybe you should go to the nurse's office and get that eye checked out. Don't want no lawsuit on my hands for a student going blind." Perry said, and Chase shook his head.

"It's fine. Thanks. I'll just be going home," He said and she shrugged.

"Whatever," She said before heading back into her office. He sighed and made his long, painful trek back home. Not at all looking forward to seeing his siblings.

He winced each time he took a step, and took a deep breath, before grabbing the door handle and walking into his home. He immediately saw each of his family member's faces all throughout the main floor. Donald and Tasha were in the kitchen, while Adam, Bree and Leo were in the living room on the couch.

They all looked up at him, and only then did Chase realize that he was forty five minutes late. Donald wore a look of shock on his face, while Adam and Bree possessed both that look, and shame. Chase's jaw clenched at just the reminder of their betrayal.

Donald, Tasha and Leo immediately rushed over, while Adam and Bree took more time in getting over to him. Chase closed the door behind him before limping over a bit more.

"Oh my gosh, Chase what happened!?" Tasha exclaimed and Donald frowned as he looked him over.

"Look at that black eye!" Leo said and Chase glared at him, causing the smaller man to cower back.

"Chase, what happened?" Donald asked as he laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. Chase held back a wince at the touch, and looked over at Adam and Bree. They both looked at him with guilt, but never said anything. He sighed and shrugged lightly, as to not aggravate his bruises.

"I got into a fight at school, and Spike got out." Chase lied, and immediately felt Donald's hand move away from his shoulder. He could practically feel the anger radiating off of his father/uncle.

"What!? Chase, do you have any idea how dangerous that is!?" He exclaimed and Chase nodded. "Do you know how much damage you could have caused? I thought you were getting better at controlling Spike." Donald scolded.

"Donald!" Tasha exclaimed. "Can't you see that the poor boy is injured? Besides, it might not have even been his fault. And it wasn't exactly like he was the one to ask for that chip you gave him." Tasha scolded Donald.

"Well, technically that was my brother's doin-" Donald started saying but was cut off by Tasha.

"Donald." Tasha warned.

"Yes, dear." Donald said, slight fear lacing his words, and Chase would have smiled if not for the pain. "Chase, you should go to your capsule and take a nap. That should take away the pain for the most part, but those, um, bruises and black eye," Donald gestured to the swelling around his eye, "Probably won't go away for a while yet." Donald finished and Chase nodded.

"Okay, I'll go now." He said before starting to limp over to the elevator.

"Wait, Chase, do you want some help?" Donald asked and he shrugged.

"Thanks, Mr. Davenport, but I'm okay. I walked all the way home, I can walk to the elevator and to my capsule." He said, casting a quick glance over at his siblings. He then limped into the elevator, and once the ride was over, he made his way over to his capsule, before falling into a blissfully pain-free sleep.

So, yeah, there's the first chapter. I hope no one was OOC or anything. And don't worry, things will make a lot more sense in the upcoming chapters; which I will hopefully be able to update tomorrow morning. Next chapter is when the fun starts. ;P