Chapter: 30 Epilogue

Five months later...

Saw Gererra's camp had grown substantially. Rebels from neighboring worlds and liberated prisoners formed the backbone of his resistance. Fighters patrolled the marshes for rancors and other threats to the camp's stability. Saw himself was always busy formulating new plans of attack. Striking Imperial supply runs provided his forces with the gear they so desperately needed. Raids themselves were easy to accomplish thanks to the combined strengths of Nadess' piloting and Dain's Force powers. Scraps was in a heaven of his own, fixing and fiddling with whatever equipment the rebels gave him access to. The praise he earned for doing so made him feel whole again. Never again would Scraps be outcasted for his passions. Despite his constant uses, Scraps occasionally disappeared to work on a special project with Vala. The same was true for Nadess and Dain, each gathering what information they could during Saw's missions.

The camp came alive with the sounds of Dain's boots sprinting towards a tent. "Vala!" he called. "Vala!"

Nadess panted from behind, trying to keep up with the Jedi. "Would you slow down?"

"Not a chance!" he replied. He pulled back the tent's curtains and spotted Scraps rummaging through a crate. He poked his head out and waved at Dain. Scraps then emerged from the crate with a gold-colored vambrace. Dain's gaze followed the Jawa as he approached a figure standing in the shadows. "Vala?" he asked.

"Dain," she replied from the darkness. "How was your recon mission?"

"Successful as usual, but there's more. Nadess and I were gathering intel on Imperial spice shipments when we noticed one was missing...from Mandalore."

Nadess caught her breath. "So I did a little digging. It turns out that a rebel cell has been raiding Imperial depots on Mandalore, halting supply shipments. Imperial transmissions were able to intercept several calls from the cell's leader. While no identity has been confirmed, there's a codename that the leader keeps going by."

Vala paused just as Scraps finished fastening her vambrace. "And what is that codename?"

"Raptor," said Nadess.

Vala sighed deeply. Hearing the word warped her back to Carden's mansion. She remembered communicating with Raptor for the first time, and wondered if all of her hopes had led her to this moment. She had to try. She had to risk everything to learn the truth. Vala stepped out of the shadows and revealed her new set of Mandalorian armor. It was scarlet with vibrant highlights of gold streaked across it. She brushed her long, flowing hair back and placed her helmet over it. The crest of the Jedi Order was painted in gold on one of her shoulders. The other shoulder brandished the words "For Dee" in Aurebesh text. She donned each as a tribute to those who had helped her.

Scraps applauded at her gleaming, unscathed armor. "Woah," said Dain. "So this is what you've been working on all these weeks."

Vala fastened one of her gauntlets and stepped forward. "The time has come to begin anew. With a cause worth saving, friends worth fighting for...and a mentor worth finding."

Vala stepped out of the tent and primed her new jetpack. She blasted off towards the clouds and spread her arms like wings. Listening to the winds blasting against her helmet sent her endorphins rushing. She smiled, knowing that she had a chance to carry on her own story. Vala flew freely, knowing that whatever was in her future would not be a repeat her past. She wouldn't let it. How could she? She was Vala Ketra...A student who'd paid the price of indiscipline. A free mind challenged by the blunt forces of extremism. A prideful warrior and symbol to many. A broken spirit on an abuser's leash. A valiant rebel determined to right her wrongs. Vala clenched all of these titles as components of her legacy, not causes to define her. She thought of Bo-Katan, and what might have become of her over the years. The time arrived for her to learn the truth. She soared across the camp and towards one of Saw's ships. She'd offered all of her services to Saw in exchange for one mission of her own. She boarded one of the sleek crafts alongside Dain, Nadess, and Scraps.

As Nadess ignited the engines and Scraps continued to marvel over Vala's armor, Dain made his way to the back of the ship to meditate. He pat Vala's shoulder on the way out of the cockpit. "Set course for Mandalore," said Vala. Nadess obliged and soon the craft was rocketing up at lightning speeds. Vala stood firm, stoically gripping one of the overhead handles and staring out into space. Nadess prepared to make the jump to hyperspace. The hyperdrive rumbled and the stars stretched across the sky. Vala stared into the ceaseless, blue void, wondering what was beyond it all. She smiled proudly, ready to begin her search for Bo-Katan. She was ready to find the last Nite Owl.

The End

Author's note: Thank you all so much for reading my first, solely Star Wars fanfiction. I cannot thank all of you enough for your support and patience during the story's production. I would like to extend a very special thank you to my girlfriend, LeAnn. Who knows where this plot and its characters would be if it was not for her critiques and lovely character, Scraps. This story was a wonderful experience and I look forward to all that awaits in the future. May you all clasp your inner warrior and take charge of your lives. * Post-Credits Scene *

Vala's ship came in for a landing and Nadess raised her brows. "Are you sure you want to stop here, Vala?"

"Scraps has gone above and beyond for all of us," said Vala. "A trip to Raxus Prime is the least we can do for him." Scraps tilted his head in bewilderment. She smiled and beckoned him towards the door. "Come on. Don't be shy." The ship's doors opened, revealing a ceaseless wasteland of all the galaxy's garbage. Anything from ravaged ships to discarded transmitters lay compiled in heap after heap of pure scrap. Scraps looked as though his tiny heart was about to give out. He took a step forward, only to stop himself and look up at Vala. She crossed her arms, leaned against the wall, and sighed. "You got two hours."

"UTINNI!" screamed Scraps as he dove into the first pile he saw. The Jawa was practically swimming through the junk, salvaging whatever he could in a bag made from a hollow droid leg.

Long Live Imagination

~Michael J. Pineda