A/N: Ayyee, back with MM. Here's the result of some plot bunnies in my head. I was always curious as to what might have happened between MC and Seven between the chatrooms in the game. Spoilers of course, so if you haven't been on Seven's route, be aware. Hope you enjoy!

MC let out a huff, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. Her arms hung loosely off the end of her bed. She rested her chin on the mattress and stared forward. Seven hadn't moved from his position facing the wall for the past—she glanced at the clock. For the past three hours. He occasionally shifted his sitting position here and there, placing his computer on the floor and then on his lap again. But, he never faced her. He never once turned to look at her.

Despite the dull ache in her chest, she cleared her throat and grabbed a box from the nightstand beside the bed. She hadn't managed to pick up Honey Buddha Chips at the convenience store next to the building, but she managed to pick up a box of granola bars while Seven was freaking out over the phone. "Hey, Seven," she called. As usual, no answer. "Luciel?"

She'd be lying to herself if she said that being ignored by him didn't hurt. Heck, it hurt a lot. How many times had she gone through this before from other people? Ignored. Looked over. Even after she thought they could be good friends. But still, she couldn't shake the feeling that Seven wasn't actually as cold as he kept portraying himself to be. She knew he wasn't always the happy-go-lucky 707 in chatroom either. She wanted to know the real him. If he wanted to make a fuss about it, fine. But he should know how persistent she could be.

MC propped herself onto her elbows and opened the box. "Luciel Choi!" she called one last time. She frowned when she spotted his headphones around his neck and not over his ears. Her mouth fell agape. She reached into the box, grabbing a wrapped granola bar and chucked it at his head.

Her aim wasn't the greatest, so she only hit his back and not his head. Nonetheless, it was enough to make the red-head turn around.

"What the heck, MC!" Seven snapped.

"You're ignoring me!" she said, sitting up now that he was finally looking at her. "Your headphones aren't even on."

She walked over to him and knelt down beside him. She put her ear to headphones. "Seven! It's not even playing music!"

"Hey, w-what do you think you're doing?" he said, placing his hand on the top of her head and pushing her back at arms length.

"You could at least give some sort of response," she mumbled. She reached over and grabbed the granola bar. "Eat. I haven't seen you eat anything since early this morning."

He let go of her head and returned his attention to his computer. "Not hungry."

"Don't care," MC returned evenly. "Eat."

"Leave me alone, MC," he growled.

"I'll leave you alone if you eat this," she said, waving the bar in his face. He grabbed her wrist to stop her from shoving it straight into his mouth. He turned briefly to glare at her.

Still holding her wrist, he began typing with one hand on the screen. MC shimmied so her feet were no longer underneath her. She positioned them on his hip and shoved as hard as she could. In shock, he let go of her wrist and tumbled to his side.

"What is wrong with you!" he yelled. "What part of 'leave me alone' do you not understand?"

"The part where you don't eat!" MC replied, matching his volume.

He opened his mouth to say something, but only let out a sigh. He let his head fall to the ground and looked up at her. MC felt her cheeks grow warm. For the first time since he came to the apartment, his expression was soft. Dang it, he looked cute. "What am I going to do with you?" he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. His glasses fell to the floor in the process.

MC picked them up and observed the smudges on them. "Really, Luciel. How can you even see?" she muttered before cleaning them with the end of her shirt.

"If I eat, will you leave me alone in complete silence for three hours?" he asked. She glanced down at him. His hand was still over his face, and he hadn't moved from his position on the floor.

"Why only three?" she replied, a smirk tugging on her lips.

She was satisfied by the soft pink tinting his cheeks. He cleared his throat. "Because I obviously can't leave you alone for longer than that as you always want to go shopping."

"One time," she said. "And deal."

He pushed himself back into a sitting position. He held out his hand expectantly. MC ignored it and placed his glasses onto his face herself. He quickly snatched the granola bar from her other hand. "Why are you like this?" he growled before tearing it open and taking a large bite.

MC waited expectantly until he finished. He must've been very hungry, since there were no crumbs in the wrapper he handed back to her. "Okay then, Captain," she nodded. "Three hours."

She stood and made her way towards the kitchen. Loud, unintelligible noises from Seven made her stop. "What?" she asked.

He ran a hand through his already messy hair. "Y-you can't go that far," he stammered. "Just stay on the bed or something. Read—or go talk to someone in the chatroom. No, no, no. Not that one. Go read."

She rolled her eyes, but obeyed anyway. With a small sigh, she pulled out her phone. The familiar sound of clacking filled the background. She pulled up her timer app and set it for three hours. Seven would be getting a call at exactly 9 p.m.

A/N: Liked it? Hated it (Hopefully not)? Let me know in a review. Might be adding to this as I'm on his route again and ready for some feels and angst. Thanks for reading!