Danny lends against the wall in his office as he stared at the creatures that had entered. There was a brown bear with a top hat, a purple bunny with a red bow tie, a yellow chicken or was it a duck with a bib that read, "Let's Eat!" and a red pirate fox with an eye patch. In their eyes, the Halfa saw sadness, misunderstanding, dread and horror. Then out of nowhere a golden bear appeared out of thin air as the other creatures started making their way towards the boy. As Danny watched the creatures slowly approached him, he couldn't help but ask, "Why did I even take this job again?"
Just then time stopped causing everything to be frozen in time. I then step out from the side with my hands up, "Whoa! Hold it right there! What going on here? We just started this from around maybe the middle or somewhere around that point in the story! What's up with that? I didn't plan for this to happen."

Just then Clockwork appeared coming through one of his clock like portals, "What is the meaning of this?"

"I had to freeze time and stop the story Clockwork," I explained to him with a huff with my arms crossed, "It started off around the middle of the story and not the beginning! The readers have no idea what going on and why on earth Danny got a job at Freddy's!"

Clockwork floated there for bit before speaking, "It see what you mean-"

"Don't you dare say my real name," I interrupted him with a stern look.

"-FariyFlare," Clockwork continued sounding a bit annoyed with being interrupted, "Just this once I will reverse time to a few nights back to where it all started," just then everything started to go backwards at a quick pace until everything froze once again, "But please don't mess with this timeline and change the events that are to come."

I just rolled my eyes at his request, "How can I mess with what is to come when I'm the one writing it?"

The Ghost of Time just chuckled, "That may be true, but this is yet another adventure and timeline for our young hero."

"So true," I replied with a small chuckle as I disappear from the scene.

Not far behind, Clockwork disappeared as well into one of his many portals as he called out, "Time in!" then time started moving once again.


It was late at night and Danny had once again taken down the oh so terrifying Box Ghost, the controller of all things square and cardboard with the occasional bubble wrap. As Danny landed on the ground, Sam and Tucker ran up to him, "Did you guys run into any trouble?"

"Nope, nothing on my end," Tucker answered with a shrug.

"Just some Ectopuses on my end, but besides that, nothing," Sam replied with her own shrug.

"So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" the Halfa asked changing the topic around.

"It's summer man!" Tucker exclaimed happily, "We have all summer to decide!"

"As long as it has nothing to do with what happen last time, I'm up for it," Sam answered.

"Same here," Danny commented, "I don't want to spend another summer racing around the country to stop a ghost obsessed Fruitloop."

"I wouldn't mind doing the cross country trip again," the techno-geek told them, "Well without government agents on our tail and or having a bad guy to chase down."

"How about we meet up at Danny's place tomorrow to decide what we are going to do," the vegetarian goth suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Danny replied with a nod, then they went off in different directions to their homes


It was the very next day early in the morning and Danny couldn't believe what he had just found out from his parents, "What do you mean you got me a job?"

"Well since it is summer vacation, we thought that it would be a good time for you to get a job and learn some responsibility at the same time Sweetie," Maddie explained to her son understanding how much of a surprise this must be for him.

"And on the plus side, you don't have to do very much for it!" Jack jumped in excitedly, "All you have to do is watch some freaky animatronics at some joint called Something Fazbear Something!" then in a voice that sounded as if he was in thought he added in, "But I'm pretty sure that they are possessed. There no way animatronics can be that freaky without being possessed."

"You will working from midnight to six in the morning during the week and will be having the weekend off," Maddie added in ignoring Jack's last comment.

"But why didn't you ask me if I wanted one?" Danny asked becoming a bit panicked from all of this being thrown at him all at once, "What if I had plans that I have to cancel or try to work around now?"

"I'm pretty sure you don't have anything that important you have to worry about," Jack tells him with a big goofy smile, "It not like you have some other secret life that none of us know about."

"Right..." the Halfa replied slowly, if only they knew his father was telling the truth.

"Now, you will be starting tonight, so make sure you get plenty of rest," Maddie informed him.

"Great, just what I wanted, a summer job," Danny grumbled as he crossed his armed not happy with this at all and sighed, "There's no way out of this is there?"

"Nope," Jack answered with not seeing what the problem was.

"So, where is this place?" Danny asked accepting his fate at the time being.

"It's the new pizza place that opened not that long ago at the edge of the town," Maddie informed her son. "Also, the owner asked for you to come in at 11:30 so he could show you around."

"Well, I'm going to go meet up with Sam and Tucker," Danny told them as he left the house and called up his two best friends to tell them to meet him at the park instead.


"They did what!" Sam cried out quite annoyed at what she had just heard. When Danny had asked her and Tucker to meet up with him at the park instead of his house, she thought something was up, but not this!

"I know! They didn't even ask if I wanted a job to begin with!" Danny cried out in function as he threw his arms up into the air.

"Apparently, the real name for the place is called Freddy Frazbear's Pizza," Tucker informed them as he typed away on his PDA, "It's apparently a pizzeria for kids and grown up alike. It also has a band of singing animatronics that consists of China the Chicken, Bonnie the Bunny and Freddy Fazbear the Bear. There is also another one named Foxy the Pirate Fox who tells stories about his adventures on the seven seas."

"That sounds like the perfect place for you Tuck," Danny replied with a smile and with a small laugh, "Food and animatronics."

"And a nightmare for goths," Sam commented then as an after thought with a smile said, "But the animatronics seems cool."

"And I'm going to be working there for the rest of the summer," the Halfa groaned in disapproval, "Now how am I going to protect the city when I have to work?"

"Don't worry about it dude, we will make sure that nothing happens when you're busy," Tucker assured him.

Before Danny had the chance to argue, Sam jumped in, "And if we run into any trouble we will call you. And I'm sure that they won't miss you if you are gone for a bit if we do call."

Danny just sighed knowing that no matter what he said or did, he wouldn't be able to get out of this. "Fine... But don't hesitate to call me if you run into trouble. No job is worth the lives of others."

The techno-geek and goth nodded in agreement knowing how Danny would do pretty much anything to save those around him. Wanting to change the subject around a bit, Sam asked. "So, when do you start working?"

"Tonight at midnight," Danny answered, "But my new boss wants me there around 11:30."

Sam looked at her watch and saw that it was almost 5, "We still have some time before you have to head to work, so what do you want to do?"

"Yeah, before any ghost decides to show up," Tucker added in.

Before Danny had a chance to commented on that, his ghost sense went off and a familiar cry could be heard, "Beware! For I Am The Box Ghost! FEAR ME!"

Sam and Danny glared at Tucker who just shrugged, "What? How was I suppose to know that he would show up?"

Danny just rolled his eyes as he took off to take care of the annoyance.

Hey, guys! Yes, I know that I have other stories in the works to work on, but I wanted to upload this one since I been meaning to for a while. I know I have another FNAF story to work on but I'm having a hard time getting back into doing that one. The reason for that is because that story is in first person and since I haven't done any other stories in that format for a while, I'm finding it a bit weird writing it with being unsure if I'm doing it right or what not. But I promise that I will try to get back to it as soon as I can. I actually have up to chapter 13 written up I believe, but not doing it for a while I'm not that sure if I have things written right or not. I hope that any of you that read one will understand and I'm sorry for the long hiatus for it.
Well, lets get back to talking about this story shall we? I have tons and tons of ideas for this story and ones for sequels. Yes, I said sequels. I decided to do a crossover based on each game and because of that, I'm being tortured from not being able to write them until I finish doing this one... Also, I know that the second game takes place before the first game, but what I have planned I can get around that little inconvenience. How you may ask? Well, you just have to wait and find out for yourself. MA HA HA HA HA HA!

Um so... I hope that you guys can't wait to see what happens next in this little story. Will Danny be able to survive? Well, for you to know that, you just have to wait and read to find out for yourself! :)
Until next time, Flare over and out!
PS: This will be a side project for the time being.