Director Six made her entrance, her short heels making loud clicks has she entered the elevated conference room. On the first row in front of her, selections from Team Rainbow were seated. She looked over her chosen Operators before grabbing the small remote from the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she began. "I have selected you today to take part in a mission that will take place in the Romania. The White Masks have sought temporary refuge there and the government is unaware of their presence. Therefore, this mission is highly top secret and covert. It will be an in and out, kill the head honchos and let the rest crumble."

Elias watched the projection screen come to life and a demographical map of Romania was displayed.

"The White Masks have hidden between the reservoir Zgură Cenușă and a village called Santăul Mic. They have made a hideout for themselves, which you can seldom see here," she pushed a button on the remote and the screen changed, revealing a small field and a tree line. Elias was barely able to note out the building hidden in the tree line. "Based on these photographs, we are able to conclude that this safehouse is not meant for a long-term stay, therefore, you will mobilize as soon as possible, and you will destroy the leadership there."

Director Six changed the screen again, displaying four men. All of these wore the traditional White Mask uniforms, but their coats wore different symbols and their face masks were colored in different red patterns.

"These are the targets located within the safehouse. Our intel shows that these men are some of the White Mask leadership. Your objective is to eliminate them. There is no room for failure, ladies and gentlemen. These men are seasoned, so watch your backs."

Elias looked to his sides. He trusted the abilities of his fellow comrades. Monika, Gustave, Timur, and Eliza. They would be able to complete the mission.

"I must reiterate the importance of remaining covert. We do not want to stir attention among the citizens of Romania. A packing list will be provided to you and address your weapons as needed. Travel to Romania will be by plane. Departure for Romania is in five hours to arrive there at zero dark thirty. The flight will be roughly two hours and twenty minutes long. Do what you must in these next five hours to prepare."

Elias went over his packing list. It was a short list, which he could easily understand why. One change of clothes, any hygiene he deemed necessary, a small flashlight with red and blue color attachments, chem lights, weapon cleaning kit. It all had to fit in his small push pack that fit over his shoulder and settled just beside his hip and strapped just around his thigh.

Marius and Dominic watched their comrade collect his items. While they knew that Elias would be fine, they still worried for the safety of their teammate. Monika being in his company eased most of their worries.

"Pass auf dich auf da draußen. (Watch your back out there.)" Dominic said with a seldom used seriousness in his voice.

Elias did not spare his comrade a glance as he tightly rolled his clothes. "Das werde ich. (I will.)"

"Das wissen wir. (We know.)" Marius added from his spot against the wall. "Du und Monika seht zu das ihr zurüuck schafft. Wir würden einsam sein ohne unsere zwei Lieblings Quatschköpfe. (You and Monika had better come back to us. We will be lonely without our favorite sillyheads.)"

The German Operator pushed his rolled clothes towards the bottom of his push pack, sighing loudly. "Marius, wir werden innerhalb der nächsten zwei Tage wieder in Hereford sein. Ich bin mir sicher, alles wird gut. Wir sind auf einer Mission und da ist kein Platz für persönliche Gefühle. (We will be back in Hereford within two days, Marius. I am positive you will be fine. We are going on a mission. There is no room for personal thoughts.)"

Elias was grateful for the momentary silence as he finished packing his small bag. He slung the shoulder strap, clipping it into place before clipping the thigh strap. The man straightened, seeing his comrades watching him still.

"Wenn das Team zu stationieren bereit ist, werden wir uns wiedersehen. (We will see you again when the team is ready to deploy.)" Dominic promised as he stepped forward and gave Elias a clap on the shoulder. Elias nodded, unable to stop himself from noticing the worry in his fellow German's gaze.

"Wir wissen das zu schätzen. (We will appreciate it.)"

While their worry was unnecessary, Elias was confident that the team he was going to deploy with were well-abled. He left his comrades to their own devices, heading down the hall to meet with Monika so that they could go retrieve their weapons. The woman was waiting at the fork in the halls, leaning against the frame of the double doors with her arms crossed.

"Bist du bereit? (Are you ready?)"

"Ja." She responded as she pushed off the frame.

Together, they walked in silence towards their armory. Elias knew he could leave out his personal thoughts for Monika while deployment and while he did, he wouldn't be placing anyone at jeopardy. Along the way to the armory, Timur joined them. Dressed in a darker colored Gorka, the Russian Operator looked ready to deploy in that moment. Almost.

"No paint?" Monika asked, a finger pointing to her cheek.

Timur grinned. "Net. Not yet. I would hate to have the paint on for longer than necessary. You two look ready to kill."

"We are not going to have tea with the Queen of England." Elias retorted back with a grin.

"Da. I suppose you are right." Timur chuckled. "Do not let the SAS hear you disrespect their Queen."

By the time they arrived at the armory, the rest of the assembled team was there and pulling their weapons from the lockers. Elias and Monika made way to their team's locker bay.

"About time you came. I was starting to worry you would bail." Eliza said as she strode over, her R4-C slung across her chest. Her attention was more geared towards Elias than Monika.

Elias hardly spared her a quick glance as he pulled out a small weapon case with his P12 locked inside. He flicked open the latches, lifting his weapon and visually inspecting it, "I do not know what makes you think I would… bail from a mission."

The ginger-haired woman smiled—a too warm of a smile in Monika's opinion—and she reached to give Elias a small nudge on his elbow. "You know I was joking. You're so serious."

Before Elias could be given a chance to answer back, Monika released the charging handle to her weapon loudly and flashed a steely look at the other female Operator. "As men and women in the special operations field, we need to remain professional and serious about our jobs. We need to set aside the games for tonight and focus on the mission."

Eliza's smile was wiped from her lips. Hazel eyes slightly glared at the German Operator before the smile came back. "Of course. You are correct. I will see the pair of you when we board the plane."

"…You did not have to do that." Elias murmured when Eliza was far from earshot.

Clicking of Monika's thigh holster was heard as she strapped it into place. She pushed her P12 into it, locking it in. "Ich kenne. Gern geschehen. (I know. You're welcome.)"

"Danke sehr. (Thank you very much.)"

With their weapons ready to go, armored and geared up, the team of five made their way to the flight line on Hereford Base. The plane was hardly commercial. Because of the high covertness of the mission, a smaller and more discreet plane was selected to take them to Romania. Much like Dominic and Marius promised, they were there to bid their teammates farewell and good luck despite Monika insisting they did not need luck to accomplish the mission.

The assembled team began to board the plane, but before Elias could turn after Monika, Dominic grabbed his elbow. Elias turned his head back towards his comrade and saw the serious look in his brown eyes. Words were not needed, and Elias nodded.

Elias approached the plane, climbing up the small set of stairs before seal its door.