Disclaimer : I do not own any content of the Akame ga Kill Series.

AN: As promised, here is the chapter where you'll learn about the origins of Tatsumi's powers. I took a bit longer to write this one, but I will try to update at least once every week for those who are wondering.

Chapter Four : Crossing The Line

Back at the Army Camp

Tatsumi was sitting silently on the corner of the bed in the personal tent of his ' lover ', looking at the ground thoughtfully. He was waiting for the General, who was standing outside, clearing some issues with her Captain.

Esdeath had not spoken a single word with him since they departed from Ranexia. She kept a hard face the whole way back and he just knew that she was still mad at him because of the kiss he shared with Sayo. He would speak to her when she came back in, and try to sort things out.

Tatsumi just wished that his friend would be fine after what happened. Esdeath let her go, saying that she would make an exception, but he was still worried. After all, Ranexia would be under the control of the Empire and if Esdeath wanted Sayo she could have her without much effort. Tatsumi didn't think much about it tough, because he believed that Esdeath wouldn't do something like that, because it would hurt him more than anything. If she truly loved him, she would not even think about it.

Hearing footsteps in the direction of the entrance, Tatsumi looked up to see Esdeath coming into the tent. He could see her face, and it was clearly still the same as before. She didn't even look at Tatsumi and walked straight over to her desk, sitting down. She then began to work on some papers she got from her Captain.

Tatsumi didn't say anything for a few minutes, letting Esdeath do her work in peace. But he could feel the tension between the two of them. The air had a slight cold chill and he knew it was her anger towards him which caused it.

' I should apologize.. ' he thought as he looked at the back of his ' lover'.

Sighing, Tatumi stood up and walked over to the General, who seemed to ignore him. She noticed him standing behind her, but didn't bother to look at him, doing her paperwork.

" Esdeath., can we..talk?" she heard him ask quietly. She stopped with her work for a moment and scowled. She didn't want to speak with him, especially not about the kiss. Esdeath knew that he was going to apologize, but she wasn't ready to forgive him. She decided to keep her attitude instead.

" Don't you see that I have work to do, Tatsumi?" she responded sternly. Tatsumi just looked at her and saw the scowl on her face. Somehow he thought she was acting like a cute jealous girl now.

" Just go out and explore the camp for a while, I am busy." she said, wanting to be left alone. If he stayed longer, she knew that she was going to give in to his apologies sooner then she even wanted.

"No, Esdeath. I am staying here with you." he started calmly. Esdeath growled in annoyance at his words, but let him continue.

" Besides, I already told you over and over again that I am sorry, why are you still angry at me? I don't understand you at all, Esdeath! You are behaving like a child you know? How can woman be so jaleous, I wonder. Please stop being a child and talk to me." he said with an annoyed tone, not believing himself that he chose to speak that way. This was nothing else then reasoning with her. She was annoyed and pissed at him anyway, so this would probably add more fuel to the fire.

Esdeath turned her head over her shoulder, glancing at him with a cold face, not believing his words either. Did he just call her childish? She then stood up with a cold glare, piercing her eyes into his.

" You call me..childish? Because you kissed your FRIEND? Because YOU broke my heart? Is that childish to see the boy you LOVE kiss another BITCH and get her heart broken?! Tell me, Tatsumi!" she hissed with venom in her words. Tatsumi looked in her eyes and saw nothing but pain in them. He hated that look, so he thought that the best thing to do now was to try and calm her down somehow.

"It was not even my fault, Esdeath. You saw it too right? She just did that and caught me completely of guard. I would push her away If I could but I was just too shocked to do something about that! ." As he said that, the temperature in the tent dropped rapidly. A feeling Tatsumi was slowly getting used to after experiencing it more then three times on the same day. He felt her anger rise to dangerous level. The look in her eyes turned from pain to fury. He took a few steps back, only to be stopped by ice holding his feet in his place.

" That BITCH tried to steal you away from ME, Tatsumi and you LET HER kiss you! YOU ENJOYED THE KISS, TATSUMI! I SAW IT ON YOUR FACE! ADMIT IT!" Tatsumi flinched at her words and took a few steps back. The outburst of her just showed him how he really broke her heart. Now he fully understood what was going on inside her. It felt so wrong to see her like this.

" Why.. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!? WHY WOULD YOU BREAK MY HEART?!ANSWER ME, TATSUMI! " she yelled with fury. Tatsumi just stared at her taken aback by her words, not knowing how to respond.

Then he came up with the only idea that would calm her down definitely. He then suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her, pulling Esdeath closer to embrace her in a gentle hug.

Esdeath's anger seemed to vanish almost instantly as she felt the warmth coming from the hug, her eyes wide from surprise at his actions. The cold air in the tent started to fade away slowly after the contact.

The two stayed like that for a while, with Tatsumi hugging her close, trying to calm her down. And to his relief it did actually work. Now to end this all, he would apologize to her in a real way. No more reasoning, no more fighting. This apology was going to be genuine, and nothing else.

" Why didn't you tell me, Esdeath.. I didn't know thatI had done this to you.. I didn't know that you were in so much pain.. why didn't you just tell me...But now I do understand, and I never want to hurt you like that again. I hate seeing you like that and I promise you, I will never let that happen again. Please forgive me, Esdeath, believe me when I say that I am truly sorry.." Tatsumi whispered softly into her ear.

Then he felt her wrap her slender arms around him, holding him close. She then rested her head on his chin and started to let her emotions flow with tears. She started to cry on his shoulder as Tatumi started to stroked her back gently to calm her down.

She was ought to be a ruthless killer, a monster with a cold heart. But Tatumi knew, the cold heart had a warm core, which he was seeing right now. She was not the General he knew, instead she was a girl in front of him, needing his affections. And he wouldn't turn her away like this.

" I am sorry too.. but I couldn't help it. I was so scared.. I thought that I lost you when that girl kissed you.. I thought she would steal you away from me..Please Tatsumi. You have to promise me. Promise me that you will not leave me. I love you.."she whispered softly, snuggling closer into Tatumi, who tightened the embrace even more.

" I will not leave you, Esdeath, I promise." he said gently as he leaned back to look at her in her beautiful teary eyes. The sight right now was so much different then before. She looked at him with pure love in her eyes, which he had to admit was really beautiful.

Esdeath stopped crying and wiped her tears away. Then she did something unexpected. She pounced on him with joy, making both of them fall on the ground. Esdeath then straddled him, looking deep into his confused eyes. She then took hold of his hands and placed each of them next to his head, pinning him down. Tatsumi struggled to break free from grip but she was too strong for him and he couldn't do much about the situation. Then a smirk appeared on her face as she looked at him with hunger in her eyes and began to move in for his face.

" E-Esdeath s-stop someone migh s-" Tatsumi could never finish the sentence as Esdeath silenced him with her lips on his own, kissing him passionately. Tatsumi felt her shoving her tongue inside his mouth, exploring every inch. He just widened his eyes at the sudden contact and was unable to do anything. He just let her do what she wanted.

After a while Esdeath broke the kiss and let go of his arms. She then pulled him close and hugged him again.

" Thank you, Tatsumi. I forgive you now. " she whispered huskily with a grin as she leaned back to look at his face. Tatsumi blushed at the kiss they shared, not able to speak. Esdeath smiled at his reaction and looked deeply into his emerald eyes, losing herself in them. Tatsumi too lost himself in her gaze. Her smile was truly beautiful, he tought, he couldn't help but let a smile appear on his face as well, seeing her like this.

Esdeath then began to blush lightly as she saw the same smile which she had fallen in love with again on his face. This time however, Tatsumi smiled directly at her and it made her heart beat like crazy in her chest. She felt the warmth of both his mind and his body and was really enjoying it.

To her displeasure however, Tatsumi stood up and offered his hand to help her stand up as well. Esdeath gladly took it and let herslf get pulled up by her lover.

Tatsumi then remembered his question he wanted to ask her. There was still the issue about Sayo and he needed to confirm that she would not try anything.

" Say, Esdeath.. " he stared, gaining her attention. " About my friend...you won't do anything to her, right? I mean, Sayo really is like a sister to me and I swear that I don't feel the same way about her. I didn't even know that she had those feelings for me. It was so sudden that I could not react at all..please tell me that you will leave her alone."

He saw her face turn into a scowl once again upon hearing the name of his friend. Esdeath narrowed her eyes at him, remembering the scene that took place in Ranexia.

" I told you that I will make an exception this time, right? Don't worry." she responded, faking a smile. She actually made up a plan to kidnap Sayo and ' play' with her when Tatsumi was asleep tonight, even though she said that she was going to make an exception.

' That bitch will pay for trying to steal Tatsumi away from me.' she thought with a sadiscic grin.

Tatsumi noticed the mischievous look in her face and suspected that she was lying to him. He knew that she was scheming something and he wouldn't let her do anything to hurt Sayo. So he had to act quickly before something could happen.

" I don't believe you. You don't look convincing at all with that grin on your face, Esdeath." he said as he narrowed his eyes at the General, his anger building up inside of him.

" What are you up to, Esdeath? Tell me!" he hissed harshly, demanding an answer from the Ice Queen. Esdeath bit her lips, unsure how to respond. How did he figure it out that quickly? Was she that easy to read?

"I.." she started but couldn't find what to say next. Tatumi took this as the final hint, knowing that she was actually planning something behind his back and was unable to talk about it.

" I won't forgive you, If you hurt her Esdeath, remember this. I told you, she is like a sister to me, nothing more. I had no idea that she felt like that for me. I promise you, if you do something to her, you'll NEVER see me again.." Tatsumi said coldly before leaving towards the exit of the tent. He then stopped and glanced at her over his shoulder.

"I started to see that you can be different then the woman who I knew to be the Ice Queen. I thought I could begin to trust you. How foolish of me. You are still a monster after all, how could I even think about coming with you was a good idea." he said with venom in his words. Esdeath's eyes widened in shock as he kept saying those things.

"You don't love me, Esdeath. If you did , you would let Sayo stay unharmed. You would respect the fact that she is my family and let her go. But instead, you decide to plan something to harm her for your own enjoyment. Sorry, but I could never love someone like that." was the last thing he said before walking off, leaving the shocked General alone in her tent.

Tears began to form in her eyes as Tatsumi left her. She was even more afraid of losing him than before. She went over to her bed and burried her face into the pillow, crying silently.


Wanting to clear his mind after what happened between Esdeath and himself, Tatsumi walked through the camp of the Imperial Army, trying to find a spot where he could sit down silently. He was clearly raging in his mind, with his fists clenched tightly as he walked . Tears began to form in his eyes as he thought about what would have happened to Sayo, if Esdeath managed to get her.

Now, if she did actually harm Sayo in any way, he would simply leave her. If she did love him as she was saying, Esdeath would apologize later and stop with her plans. He didn't expect her to even think about harming Sayo. Sure, she was pissed at her and extremely possessive of him, but this wouldn't justify her intentions.

As Tatsumi walked past some soldiers in the camp, he noticed their gazes, which were full of fear. They were staring at him like he was some sort of monster, who just walked by. Pleased at the sight, Tatsumi smirked, thinking that no one would dare to mess with him.

Just then a group of soldiers appeared right in front of him. They looked at him with disgust in their eyes. Tatsumi decided to avoid them, by trying to walk around the group, but they formed a line, stopping his way trough.

Narrowing his eyes, Tatsumi looked at the group of soldiers, who were smirking at him. One of them stepped forward and stood right in front of Tatsumi, looking straight into his eyes with a grin on his face.

"Look at him guys, the monster has been tamed by our General. Are you sad little one? Did you become the toy of General Esdeath?" one of the soldiers joked as the others started to laugh.

" Move out of my way. I have no time for this." Tatsumi said calmly, not wanting to deal with them right now. The leading soldier of the group began to laugh and gripped the boy by his shoulder.

" Or what, little monster?" he said tauntingly, putting more force into his grip. Tatsumi took hold of the hand , which was still on his shoulder and removed it forcefully. He then swiftly threw the soldier on the ground, who seemed surprised by his actions. Tatsumi was still holding his hand in a position where he could break it instantly.

"I said I have no time for this. Last warning." he said, raising his voice. He then put more pressure to the hand, making the soldier groan in pain. More soldiers gathered around them, as the events took place.

"Y-you bastard.. Kill him!" he exclaimed at the group. The soldiers hesitated for a moment, before charging at Tatsumi with their swords.

Tatsumi broke the hand of the soldier on the ground with a swift move, making him cry out in pain, before dodging and countering the attacks of the soldiers quickly with well placed kicks and punches, knocking everyone on the ground.

Most of them stood back up and glared at the boy. " You are dead, boy!" yelled one of them, ready to charge again at Tatsumi.

" What is going on here?!" a voice demanded from behind, before the soldiers could attack again. Tatsumi turned around and noticed that it was the Captain of Esdeath with two Imperial Guards behind him, who stepped trough the crowd of soldiers. If he remembered right, his name was Legas.

"C-Captain Legas. This..this monster attacked us out of nowhere! H-he broke my ankle and smashed the other soldiers on the ground! "the leading soldier of the group said, pointing his finger at Tatsumi, who looked down on him with a fierce glare.

The Captain glanced at Tatsumi, recognizing him from before. He was the boy who killed the whole assault squad but became the lover of their General, an interesting boy he could say. " Is that true? Did you attack them?" he asked the boy who now turned his head back again at the Captain.

" No. They stopped me in my tracks as I was walking by and did not listen to my warnings when I told them to step aside. " Tatsumi responded with a glare towards the soldiers.

The Captain seemed to be in thought for a moment as he carefully eyed the boy, before nodding in acknowledgement.

"Well..alright I believe you." he said with a smirk, surprising Tatsumi. The group of soldiers were shocked hearing Captain Legas say that. They hoped that the boy would get punished but were mistaken.

" B-But Captain he-" the leader of the group started, but was stopped when the Captain came right in front of him and picked him up from the ground, looking in his eyes with a glare.

" This boy is under the protection of General Esdeath, and only she may punish him if she wishes to do so. None of you will touch him again or I will grant him personally the right to use lethal force against you. Be thankful that his swords are with the General now, otherwise you would have ended up like the assault force. Now everyone LEAVE!" he said harshly, pushing the soldier back on the ground again.

He groaned in pain as he fell on the ground. The other soldiers of the group came up to pick their leader up and bowed at the Captain.

" W-we are sorry Captain Legas!" one of the soldiers exclaimed and turned around, leaving the place quickly with the group.

Tatsumi looked with curiosity at the Captain, he was not sure what to think of him. Legas seemed like a good person, but he wouldn't trust him right away. After all, he was still a Captain in the Imperial Army.

Turning around to face the boy now, Legas held a smirk on his face and hold his hand out for Tatsumi, who raised an eyebrow at his actions. He accepted the hand and shook it lightly.

" I am sorry for the trouble they caused you, young man. Tatsumi was your name, if I remember correctly?" the Captain asked. Tatsumi looked at him for a moment and nodded his head.

" Yes, I am Tatsumi, pleased to meet you Captain. Legas was it, right?" he responded with a questioning look.

" Yeah, correct. I am Captain Legas, pleased to meet you as well." the Captain started with a smirk and let go of Tatsumi's hand. " Would you like to come and have some tea in my tent, Tatsumi? We should get to know each other better. After all, we'll run into each other more often now. So what do you think?" he asked.

Actually, the Captain had no ill intentions towards the boy. Tatsumi just interested him and he wanted to know how he destroyed there assault squad without any help.

Tatsumi thought about the offer and decided to accept it. The Captain was right, he should get to know the higher-ups better. It could benefit him for his plans of changing the Empire in the future. The more allies he had from the inside, the better his plans could be executed. But he wouldn't dare to talk about this matter now.

" Sure, Captain. Lead the way." he responded. Captain Legas smiled and nodded. Then the two plus the guards made their way towards the tent of the Captain.


Tatsumi and Captain Legas sat across each other on a rounded table inside of the tent. The captain poured some tea in two cups, handing one of them to the boy. Both of them were sitting silently and taking slurps from their hot teas. The Captain then decided to break the silence, wanting to get to the reason why he brought the boy into his tent.

" So, Tatsumi, tell me. How did you kill the whole assault squad on your own? I don't want to know why you did that, you had your reasons. But I want to know, what kind of power do you possess? It must have been a Teigu, right?" he asked with interest in his eyes. He knew that the boy was strong, hell stronger than himself because he didn't have a Teigu. The boy could easily end his life instantly If he wished to do so, but he was not hostile towards him, which made him feel relived.

Tatsumi felt unsure about telling him about his powers. He didn't trust him at all and if he told him then maybe he could find a weakness and use it to his advantage. He considered most of the Imperial Army still as his personal enemy, but this man was different. Even if the Captain knows who Tatsumi is, he was acting nice towards him.

' Sigh, I'll just tell him. He would find out anyway from Esdeath.' Tatsumi thought and decided to tell the Captain about his powers, and how he got them in the first place.

" To be honest.. I don't know If my powers come from a Teigu or not. It all started on that day about a year ago.."

Flashback ( 1 year ago)

Tatsumi was running through the woods quickly, tying to find a bird like creature which he spotted flying towards a small lake. He never saw a Danger Beast like this before and wanted to see it from close range. That's why he left his friends Sayo and Ieyasu behind at the camp they made.

Noticing a large shadow on the ground, he looked up into the sky to see the giant bird fly over the woods. It was flying a bit faster then him, so he was running after it. Tatsumi really wanted to see what that Beast was.

Suddenly, a clearing appeared and the creature shot forward and landed on the other side with his two strong legs, creating a huge storm around the area. Tatsumi could only stare in awe at the creature, as it folded its wings gently on his sides. It was was about 16 feet in height and stood proudly as it turned around to face Tatsumi.

' Whoah..so majestic.' he thought with great fascination.

The beast looked somewhat like a legendary phoenix, but it wasn't exactly one. It had reddish-golden feathers together with bluish-white ones covering its body, creating a beautiful pattern. The creature had a golden tail, which was about 8 feet long.

Its eyes were bright red and it had some crests on its head which had a red colour. Its beak was not too long as its tip was close to the face.

Suddenly, the creature began to walk towards Tatsumi slowly, who backed away a bit. He could tell that this bird was nothing to mess around with. He was not sure if it was seeing him as a threat, as it looked at him with curiosity, tilting its head.

Tatsumi was stopped by a tree as he backed away, not able to move anymore. He could run, but he thought that was not a good idea since the bird would eventually try to catch him. So he stood there, awaiting the creature.

It came close enough towards Tatsumi until it could touch him with its beak. The creature looked down at Tatsumi,directly into his eyes. It seemed like it was scanning him, possibly trying to find out if he was a potential threat. It then lifted its head back up again, and backed away a few steps.

Suddenly, the creature emitted a glow of light, brightening the whole area and making Tatsumi cover his eyes.

' W-what is happening' he thought as he began to wonder what the creature was doing.

The light then began to diminish and Tatsumi opened his eyes again, looking at the spot where he expected the creature to be. But he didn't see a giant bird in front of him, but a figure which looked.. human?

The creature had transformed into a more humanoid form now, and it looked like a girl with long golden hair . Instead of feathers, it had actual human skin. The wings were now folded on her back, and were slightly smaller in size. Instead of its beak, it had a human face.

Tatsumi blushed as he saw the girl standing in front of him with closed eyes. She was really, beautiful despite being a bird like creature. She was wearing light cloth to cover her intimate parts.

Much to Tatsumi's admiration, she had quiet the big chest, which he couldn't help but gaze at with a blush forming on his face.

"Where are you staring at, pervert!" he heard her exclaim as she stepped closer towards Tatsumi. He now looked up into her narrowed eyes, fearing that she might hit him.

I- I am s-sorry! I didn't mean to, you just surprised me al of a sudden!" he said as he blushed in embarrassment and waved his hands in defence. The girl watched him with curiosity and sighed, accepting his apology.

"Alright, Alright it's okay!" she started cheerfully, clapping her hands together. Tatsumi let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he would be unharmed.

" Anyway, my name is Sora and I am an Aventis. Pleased to meet you." Sora said with a slight bow as she introduced herself.

Tatsumi was in thought for a moment as she told him what she was. He never heard of any species of Danger Beasts which is called Aventis.

Bowing down as well, Tatsumi wanted to introduce himself to the Aventis girl." I am Tatsumi. Pleased to meet you as well."

"Now the reason why I showed myself to you Tatsumi , I have been watching you. For a long time now. I have seen you train, I have seen the determination and the potential in you. And I believe that you can be a great host for me and my powers." she spoke as she looked back up and smiled at him. Tatsumi was baffled by her words, looking at her with wide eyes.

" Wha- B-but why? Why do you want to give me your powers? And what powers are you even talking about in the first place? How did you even watch me? I don't understand at all." he said, uncertain about the whole situation.

"Don't ask so many questions at once, my head is starting to hurt!" Sora whined with a fake pout, which made him say quiet ' sorry', but then she smirked and leaned her face towards Tatsumi.

" You see.. it's a bit complicated. Aventis are an entire female species and we need some sort of a master to live. We have to possess someone's mind simply and make him our host. This person will be able to use our powers in exchange of his mind energy." she started as she told him what she wanted. Tatsumi narrowed his eyes at her, thinking that she was some kind of parasite.

" Hold on, what do you mean by 'in exchange of his mind energy'? Are you eating the energy of your host? That's what a parasite would do!"he exclaimed as he crossed his arms under his chest.

Sora then began to laugh at his statement, irritating him even more.

" Hahah, no you silly, we are not parasites! We just have to live around the energy. It will have the same function as air for us. We need to breath it to live, right? The energy is the same."she told him after her laughter died down.

Softening his eyes, Tatsumi nodded his head in understanding. But he still had some doubts about it. And he was going to ask her some more.

"Okay, so far I understand. But..why would you choose a boy like me when there are much stronger man out there?" he asked with his head tilted in a questioning look.

"I can see that you care very much about your loved ones Tatsumi, you are also very strong in your mind. You wouldn't use my powers for your own enjoyment to willingly kill, like other man would do. Instead, I know that you would use them to protect pepole. That's why I want you, Tatsumi. Please become my master. Let's help each other from now on! "she exclaimed cheerfully.

Thinking about what she said, Tatsumi considered her idea and felt that it wold be the right thing to do if he accepted her. If she was telling the truth, then he might get stronger than he is now. She was right when she said that he would use her powers to protect the people he cared about. So he decided to take her offer.

" Alright, I guess I can trust you. So I accept." he said with a smile. The girl immediately beamed in happiness.

" Thank you, Master Tatsumi!" she exclaimed with joy and jumped on Tatsumi, kissing him on his cheek several times. He could do nothing as he was being kissed by a girl he just met. And being called master made the matters worse.

"One thing though, and you can't say no, since you already agreed. Being my master, means also that you have to be my mate in the future." she said seductively as she continued to kiss him.

Tatsumi's eyes went wide upon hearing her words. "E-EHH?! I HAVE TO BE YOUR MATE?!" he yelled out, not believing what she said. Sora stopped the kisses and just nodded with a smirk on her face. What did he just get himself into? He should have known it when she told him that she needed a male master. How naïve he was.

Sora then suddenly looked deep into his eyes. " Now, let me get inside of your head. We still can talk while I am in your mind , you just have to think that you are speaking to me, and I will be there whenever you need me, Master." she whispered, before placing her forehead on his with a blush. Then she opened her wings behind her back, and a bright light started to emit once again, directly from her forehead and her wings. Tatsumi was feeling a strange sensation and closed his eyes, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. Then he collapsed, falling unconscious against the tree he was leaning on.


Groaning, Tatsumi woke up at the exact same spot where he passed out a while ago. His head was still dizzy, and he started remembering slowly what happened. He then began to wonder everything was a dream or not. Sora was definitely not around, and he saw no traces of her anywhere, so he thought that he somehow fell asleep and dreamed.

' This must have been a dream right..?' he asked himself as he began to stand up and look at his surroundings.

'Tatsumiii, you woke up finally!' he heard a cheerful voice inside his head and he immediately recognized it.

'Sora, is that you?' he asked, still not sure about the situation.

' Yep! It's me!' came the response of the cheerful girl inside his head. Tatsumi nodded and started to wonder about how she felt in his mind.

'Umm..are you fine in there?' he asked, scraching the back of his neck.

'I never felt any better! It's sooo nice and warm in here, Tatsu! And I just finished making my home in your mind! It looks awesome! You should come and see it too soe day!' she said with excitement. Tatsumi did not understand what she meant by house, but decided not to ask her anything about it.

"Well, I am happy that you like it in there." he said with a slight smile and heard Sora giggle in response.

Remembering her promise about the powers, Tatsumi decided to ask Sora on how to use them. He wanted to protect his loved ones after all.

"Say, Sora. How can I use your powers now? I want to become stronger for everyone." Tatsumi exclaimed with determination. Sora giggled at him as he asked. She knew that he would want to know that.

' Sorry to tell you this, Tatsu, but you can't use them now. We still have a loooot of training to do.' she responded matter of factly. Tatsumi frowned in disappointment and let out a sigh. He thought that he would gain access to her powers right away, but it was not a huge problem at all to train and bring them out by himself. That way it could be even better, so that he can slowly get used to it.

' Alright, I understand. Man, and I was hoping to be super powerful and fly like you right away. ' he said with a light chuckle, which made Sora giggle inside his head.

' This will take a lot of time, Tatsumi, but today you need to rest. Your mind is still not stable enough to begin the training. Just go back to your camp. I want to meet your friends too!' Sora exclaimed to her master. He nodded and began to walk towards his camp slowly.

' You are right , I still feel a bit dizzy. ' responded with a sigh.

' I hope we are going to be good partners, Sora.' he thought with a smile. Feeling happy that he got someone like her inside his head. She would not only grant him powers, but she would also be a nice companion to have around.


End of Flashback

" And after that I trained a lot with her, almost every day. She is a good friend and teacher and I learned many things from her during this one year. But there is still some learning to do before I actually master my powers. And with time, I definitely will. " Tatsumi finished as he looked at a surprised Captain Legas.

The Captain was definitely interested in this boy. What he had was not even a Teigu. Never did he hear that a Danger Beast would freely join a human and grant him powers like that. Did that make Tatsumi a human- beast hybrid? He wasn't sure. And he would want to find out more about him, but it was getting late already, and his General was probably expecting her boy back already.

"You really are an interesting boy, Tatsumi. Thank you for telling me everything. " he said as he finished his tea and put it down on the table. " So you can speak to her from your mind? How is that? Can you even see her?" he asked with a questioning look.

Tatsumi chuckled at his question as he knew the answer. Sora was currently in a state of deep meditation inside Tatsumi's mind. She told him that after she wakes up, she would be able to manifest her body outside to the real world for a specific time. That way, she could train him even better with her powers. But there was certainly more to it since she was so excited about seeing Tatsumi in real life.

"Well yes, I can talk to her from inside my mind. And I can't see her directly, this would only work when I am dreaming. She summons me inside my mind If she wishes to talk to me." he said with an annoyed tone, remembering a few things she would do to him when he was with her in his dreams. And if she showed up in real life, she would push herself on him even more. With Esdeath around, this would get really dangerous.

Chuckling,the Captain stood up from his seat , with Tatumi following soon after." Oh, I get it. Really interesting." he said as he began to walk towards the exit of the tent. The Captain then stepped out and looked at his surroundings, to see that it already got dark. He didn't even know how they talked, but it sure seemed long. Then he turned back to face Tatsumi, who came up from behind, and hold his hand out.

" I think you should get back soon, or General Esdeath will get worried, it's dark already. It was nice to talk to you, Tatsumi." he said as they shook hands.

Tatsumi nodded and let go of the Captain's hand. " Likewise, Captain Legas. And don't worry about Esdeath." he said with a frown. The Captain looked at him for a moment, noticing the frown on the boy's face but didn't want to bother him. He briefly nodded, and let the boy go.

By now Tatsumi made his way to Esdeath's tent. The talk with the general helped him calm down a bit, but he would not forgive her that easily. What she did, or planed on doing was just wrong and he could not accept it. He would forgive her some time eventually, but now he thought that she should regret her thoughts.

He wondered what she was doing for a second, remembering the look on her face as he left her. She sure looked shocked at his words, and he knew that he hurt her greatly.

He arrived at her tent soon after and went inside. He looked around and saw Esdeath on her bed, with her face buried in a pillow. He couldn't tell if she was sleeping or crying, so he decided to walk up to her.

Sighning, he touched her shoulder gently to see if she was still awake. To his surprise, she wasn't. She was sleeping with her uniform still on. The pillow under her face was wet.

' So she did cry.. I don't know if I should feel sorry.. she deserves it. But still..man I kinda feel guilty now. ' Tatsumi thought with a frown. He then looked around the room, trying to find a place where he can sleep as well. There was nothing where he could lie down, besides her bed. He wondered if he should just take the chair at the desk of the General, but decided against it since it would be uncomfortable.

Looking at Esdeath's bed, Tatsumi saw that it was large enough so that two people would fit in. He then went to the other side and glanced one last time at her, before lying down beside her, turning his back at her.

Feeling the bed shift, Esdeath began to move around and woke up, opening her eyes slowly and seeing Tatsumi lying next to her, with his back turned at her. She didn't know if she should say something, but during the time he was away, Esdeath wanted nothing else but apologize,

" T-Tatsumi..I am so sorry..I know you won't forgive me now, or maybe ever, but I don't want to lose you.. I am so sorry. I should have thought about you when I planed this, but I didn't. I should have thought about what she is to you and how you care about her. I shouldn't let my emotions take control of me and my actions. You are my first love and this is all new for me. So I don't know how I should behave in a relationship, so I thought that it would be okay, but I was greatly mistaken. I don't want anyone else to take you away from me Tatsumi, that's why I wanted to do that. But now I see how wrong I am, and I am truly sorry. I won't hurt your friend, I promise. Just..please don't leave me..I love you way too much.." she whispered, tears forming in her eyes once again.

Tatsumi sighed, and turned around to face her. He wanted to see if she was telling the truth. Maybe then, he could start forgiving her. But he would not forget about this.

As he turned around, Tatsumi's heart began to hurt slightly, seeing Esdeath's teary face again. Her eyes were red from the whole crying. She looked even worse then before. His eyes widened at the realization of his words he said to her as he left.

' You are still a monster',' You don't love me, Esdeath',' I could never love someone like that.' he repeated in his mind. And that's what probably made her like this. He felt bad for doing this again. She wanted to give him her love, and she truly meant it from the way she looked at him. And all he gave her was hate. He made her cry two times on the same day. The same day she declared her love to him. And he wanted to make it up to her.

Deciding it would be the best thing to do, he wrapped an arm around her, surprising her and scooted closer, holding her in a tight embrace.

" It's okay Esdeath.., I am sorry that I made you cry like this again.. I am the worst..you don't deserve this. I should have known that you don't have any experience with love and how to handle it.. but let's not worry about this anymore. I won't leave you, I promise. Sorry again for the things I said.." he whispered in her ear and held her close.

Esdeath felt the warmth coming from his words and from his touch. She felt really secure in his arms now, snuggling closer to his embrace with a smile.

"Thank you.." she whispered, closing her eyes. Soon, she fell asleep again with a smile on her face. Tatsumi too, closed his eyes and decided to go to sleep after a long exhausting day.