Authorized Author note

If you have been on Fanfiction for a while, you might have remembered this story by True Support. I asked to adopt the story, and so I will try my hardest to keep up with the content. This is True Support's letter to me about adopting the story, after I asked about it.

I wish to tell you that I haven't stopped FF, I just stopped making it. I lost interest, and lost the fun in it, it is no longer that to me anymore. I am a reader, not an author, so yes, you can adopt the story. Reason I stopped making it, and the reason I started making it, was because of the weather in washington. I was reading a TAWOG fanfic one time last year, and it was raining, and it was dark and comfy. I thought I'd make a story out of it, kinda silly really, but I wanted it to be unique like my other stories, but it was a lot more unique than I intended. I was making the chapter for it, when I suddenly stopped, turned off laptop, and left.

That was on February 20th. Last month, I was making the chapter for it again, because I found the want to again, but like the first time, it was gone. Only reason I found the want, was because of the rain. The story I made, the scenery I chose it to be, and Darwin's interpretation of the weather, is based off my opinion of how I feel of the gloomy weather. Yes, I will give you the story as I see people still favorite and follow it. Chapter 5 was going to be about Richard and Lexi's POV, to give insight on what's going on with them. I am sorry to all the readers who enjoy my story, I won't be making anymore fanfiction for a long while, but when I do, I'll try to finish it. In the meantime, have a good week everyone.

Author note

I really liked this show when it first came out, but then I stopped watching it because it kind of got dumb in later episodes, so I'm trying to get back into it. I read Fanfiction about these two because I thought they'd go great together (even though she might be a little dark). Enjoy (set a few months after Penny broke from her shell). Also, disclaimer and animation version: I do not own TAWOG I own this story, and this is the anime version (YouTube: If tawog was an anime).

Normal POV

It's been a few months since Penny, with the help of Gumball, broke from her shell, now Gumball has always gone out with her nonstop since the month began. It was evening at Elmore High, it was a dark, cloudy day outside, and it was raining, much to the delight of Carrie (who likes it when it's dark, and cloudy) and Darwin (who likes it when it's wet outside). Darwin and Gumball were eating lunch together in the cafeteria. Darwin and Gumball don't hang out much, because of Penny. Darwin learned not to long ago to accept the fact that he and Gumball will not always be together to hangout because there is a point in time when you just have to move on and get on with life.

Gumball and Darwin's table

"So Gumball, you gonna eat with Penny soon?" Darwin asking his blue haired and blue eared feline friend, knowing the answer.

"Actually, I wanted to sit with you for today," Gumball said which surprised his orange hooded friend.

"Why? I mean you and Penny always sit with each-other."

"Because Darwin, me and you don't hangout much, so I wanted to talk to you about finding a girlfriend for yourself," Gumball stated.

"Gumball, there's no girl out there for me," Darwin stated sadly.

"Darwin, there will always be a girl out there for you, and there will always be a guy out there for a girl," Gumball gave a true message.

"I guess you're right, I mean you found Penny," Darwin snickered at this.

"Hey not cool man," Gumball said but couldn't help but smirk.

"Oh come on, you know it's true."

"Well hey at least I found my girl," at the mention of this, all jokes subsided.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry bro," Gumball tried to apologize, but the damage was already done.

"It's fine Gumball, I'll take your advice and find a girl," Darwin said with a sad sigh.

"Hey, I didn't mean anything when I said that, and if it helps, never listen to dads or Anais advice for girls, but listen to moms, also last thing, what do you think about outside?" Gumball asks.

"I think it's beautiful, even though it's dark and gloomy, it's raining, so that fits the setting perfectly."

"Great, thanks for answering, I'll see you later Darwin," Gumball said as he gave Darwin a side hug and left to sit with Penny at their lone table. Darwin finishes his lunch and goes to class.

Penny's and Carrie's table

"Hi Carrie," the shapeshifter says to her ghostly friend dressed in her usual black skirt and white t-shirt (or whatever she is wearing in the video).

"Hi Penny," Carrie says in her usual tone of emotionless voice. "What do you want?"

"What? I just want to talk to you."


"Well Carrie, I see that you were alone and decided to sit with you."

"Thanks Penny, but don't you want to sit with your boyfriend, Gumball?" Carrie asked in her monotone voice.

"I do, but I wanted to sit with you today and talk to you."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to talk to you about boyfriends," Penny said.

"Boyfriends, that's a weird topic to discuss," Carrie said.

"No it's not, anyway, I want to know if you would like to have one."

"Why on earth would I want to have a boyfriend?"

"So that you are being loved and cared for, or looked after," Penny says as she looks towards Gumball.

"Well you forgot about the anguish you feel if your boyfriend ever cheats on you, or the feeling of regret when you realize he's not the right guy for you," Carrie said as she looks towards Darwin.

"Yes, there is all that, but at least you won't be alone to handle the hardships that will be coming your way."

"I'm a ghost Penny, a ghost, we don't feel emotions you know."

"Yes, you don't feel emotions, but you still have them. There were a few times when you felt them even, and even though you say you don't feel them, you still have the emotion, love," Penny says as she looks towards Gumballs direction.

"Ugh, Penny you can go sit with him, I appreciate you talking with me but I'm pretty sure you want go to your boyfriend," Carrie says.

"Thanks Carrie, please try to get a boyfriend, and let me know how you feel. Also, what do you think of the weather today?" Penny asks.

"I think it's beautiful, it's dark, gloomy, and it's raining so that gives it a nice, calm setting for the day. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just curious, anyway have a great day Carrie," Penny says as she goes sits with Gumball.

"Get a boyfriend, and tell me how you feel, hmmmmm, maybe I should try to get one," Carrie says whilst Penny hears.

Gumball and Penny's table

"So what did Darwin say?" Penny asked her boyfriend.

"He said he will try," Gumball told his girlfriend.

"What did he say about the weather though?"

"He says it's beautiful, dark, gloomy, and rainy, but very calming. What did Carrie say about the weather?"

"Exact same thing. Think they will try to go out with each-other?" Penny asks.

"I sure hope so, because they're the only two in Elmore who have never had a date," Gumball said.

"Well, I hope they will live up to their word and try," Penny says as the bell rings and everyone heads to class.


"Alright class, now take your seats," Ms. Simian commanded as everyone was in their seats.

"Today's lesson will involve the weather system," Darwin and Carrie perked up at this considering they never learned about the weather system much.

"Here is how the weather system works ( . I'm too lazy to write about it). And that is how the weather works," Ms. Simian explained. "Any questions?"

Darwin raised his hand, "How does the weather affect our mood?"

"Well it's all about the mood, here is a brief discussion of what it is and who talked about. According to the associated press, one in four Elmore's believe weather affects your mood. Bad weather can go beyond making people feel sad or depressed. It's actually called Seasonal Affective Disorder."

"Seasonal Affective Disorder, then how is it that it's bad outside, but I feel happy about it?" Carrie had her head against her arm but lifts her head as Darwin mentions feeling happy about the weather.

"Well, you see that's, uhh, personal belief or something," Ms. Simian tries to explain.

"Personal belie- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN," Ms. Simian cut Darwin off. "Now, class is over," as if on cue the school bell rang, and everyone left class. Darwin was on his way to his next class when Carrie spoke.

"Hey Darwin?" Carrie said.

"Oh, hi Carrie, something you want?" Darwin asked Carrie.

"I was wondering if you didn't have anything to do after school, would you like to come hangout at my house tonight?" Carrie said whilst blushing a slight red.

"Hmmm, I'll have to see about that, but if I don't, then sure."

"Great, well I'll see you later Darwin," Carrie said and left (I was stuck on how the conversation should go for 12 hours). The rest of the day went by fast, Darwin was thinking about heading over to Carrie's house but was stopped by Gumball.

"So Darwin, ready to go home?" Gumball said as he covers his head with his backpack.

"I don't know, I'm thinking of heading over to Carrie's house tonight," Darwin said.

"Bro, why don't you go over there now," Gumball said edging Darwin.

"What about Mrs. Mom or Mr. Dad?"

"Let me worry about them, I'll just tell them you went to hang out with a friend for the rest of the day. Now go," Gumball says as he pushes Darwin towards Carrie's bus.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," Darwin said as he walks onto Carrie's bus and sits with Carrie.

"Darwin what are you doing?" Carrie asks as she moves over to the window.

"I have nothing to do when I get home, so I decided to just come over to your house now. Do you mind?" Darwin asks Carrie as she blushes at the early hangout that will soon come.

"Sure, I'm happy to know you're coming over," Carrie says whilst Darwin blushes. They both sat in their seats. Carrie looks out of the window, staring at the dark clouds that block out the light, whilst Darwin does the same but looks at the rain pouring down from the window. Carrie notices Darwin staring out and starts a conversation.

"Darwin, do you like to watch it rain?" Carrie asks. Darwin caught by the unsuspecting question looked dumb founded.

"Wait what?" Darwin asks dumbfounded.

"Do you like to watch the rain," Carrie repeats herself.

"Well yeah, I especially like it when it's all dark and cloudy outside," Darwin answers surprising Carrie from his answer.

"Really? You like it when it's all gloomy outside?"

"Well yeah, although I wouldn't call it gloomy, it has a nice atmosphere to it."

"Yeah but it's dark outside, in undead tradition, when it's dark and raining outside, it means the gateway to the netherworld is opened."


"No not really, I was just pulling your leg," Carrie said as she giggles at Darwin's stupendous face. Darwin and Carrie talked some more about the weather, until their bus stopped, and they both got out heading towards Carrie's house. Darwin being the only physical being out of the two, took off his hood and tastes the rain.

"Darwin what are you doing?" Carrie asks.

"I'm tasting the rain water," Darwin says as he has his head up.


"Because, rainwater is much better than water from oceans and rivers."

"How is that possible, water is water, it has no flavor."

"It's not the flavor I like, but the freshness it has."

"Freshness?" Carrie says questioningly.

"Yeah. You see, water is formed from the clouds, and the clouds are created from within the sky, so since the water's origins are from the clouds, it has that fresh taste to it. How about this, I'll let you possess my body, and you can drink the regular water we drink every day, and then drink the water from the sky. I have a cup that can gather it for us," Darwin explained.

"Would you really let me possess your body just to drink two cups of water?"

"Yep," Darwin said in his cheerful attitude whilst Carrie blushes at his kindness. They both continued onward towards Carrie's house. They got on to the front porch as Carrie phases through the door and unlocks it whilst Darwin looks at her confusingly.

"I'm a ghost, so I don't have keys with me," Carrie tells Darwin.

"Oooohhhhhhh, well alright then. I got the rain water filled," Darwin shows Carrie the cup of water.

"Great. Now, are you going to stand there all day or are you going to come inside?"

"Oh uh, ok," Darwin says as he walks inside Carrie's house. Darwin looks around Carrie's home

(fuck, I don't know much about Carrie's house), and sees that she is home alone.

"Where are your parents?" Darwin questions.

"They're at a family gathering, only my mom, dad, and grandmother went there," Carrie explains.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I don't like family gatherings all that much, plus they left early this morning," Carrie explained to him.

"Oh, that wasn't right."

"Well hey, I'm glad they left me alone," Carrie blushes at the thought she had.


"Because one, I have the house all to myself. Two, none of my family members will bother me. And three….uhh," Carrie stutters as she tries to find something to say.

"And three?"

"And three, you're here to keep me company," Carrie blushes a deep red at what she said. Darwin blushes as red as a tomato (cliché) at the thought of him and Carrie alone in a house, with no one around to supervise them.

"Let's head up in my room," Carrie said as Darwin's cheeks start to heat up real fast. Carrie and Darwin head upstairs, Carrie phases through a trap door, but forgot about Darwin and tells him to pull down the trapdoors hatches so he can access the room. Darwin enters Carrie's room and pulls up the hatches to close it. Carrie's room is apparently the attic of the house. It is a fairly large room, having enough space for five people to move around freely.

In her room is a bed; a desk with a computer; a 64 inch flat screen TV; a microwave; a sink; a wide selection of shoes; a chandelier hanging from the ceiling; a game console; an assortment of gothic/emo paraphernalia (books, posters, clothes, etc.); a nice rectangular window on top of the ceiling where rain is pouring down on it, and two cabinet with various types of food in one

that looks to be enough to last for a few months, bowls and plates in the other.

"So this your room, it's actually really nice, and cozy too," Darwin compliments Carrie's room.

"Thanks Darwin," Carrie says as she looks away blushing slightly (a lot of blushing yes I know).

"You're welcome," Darwin says as he walks around the room.

"So," Carrie says as she flips her hair. "What would you like to do?"

"Hmmm, I don't know, what can we do?" Darwin asked.

"We can play games, go on the computer, watch TV, or we can watch a movie," Carrie told Darwin.

"What movies you got?"

"Well I mostly have horror movies, and some action ones."

"What horror movies?" Darwin asks as Carrie show's him a bookshelf full of them. It ranges from A-Z. Darwin and Carrie go through the list of movies to see which ones would be best to watch, at the same time, the weather is getting worse outside.

"How about Darkness Falls?" Darwin suggests.

"Sure, I've never really watched that movie before, might be interesting to watch," Carrie said. Darwin puts the movie in, and they both sat down on Carrie's bed. Darwin with his hood over his head, was watching the movie with Carrie, who was making popcorn for Darwin using her microwave (what else of course). The microwave beeped, Carrie floated to it, and opened the microwave and then opened the bag and poured the contents into a bowl.

"Here Darwin, I made you some popcorn," Carrie said in her monotone voice.

"You're not going to eat some?" Darwin asked"

"I might if you don't mind me possessing your body."

"Of course not, oh, I completely forgot about the water I had, so now you can taste it and tell me," Darwin planned excitingly.

"Ok, well actually there is this spell I wanted to try out."

"A spell, what kind?"

"It's a spell which will make me physical, but of course I will still be a ghost, just a ghost that can be touched."

"That sounds like an awesome spell, what do you need to do?"

"I would need you to…, uh," Carrie started to blush at the idea of the spell.

"What do I have to do?"

"You have to hold my hand," Carrie explained slowly whilst Darwin blushes madly at the idea of having to hold Carrie's hand to make her physical (I know this is kinda dumb but be patient dammit).

"Will the spell be permanent at least?"

"Yes, but only to you, because you're the only one who I cast the spell on," Carrie said as she blushes at the thought of Darwin holding her hand.

"Well, cast it already then," Darwin says surprising Carrie.

"You mean you won't mind holding my hand?"

"Of course I won't, and besides, it's just me holding your hand, nothing bad will happen right?" Darwin said.

"Right. Well, here is the spell," Carrie starts to sing a chant, and then Darwin's hands were swirled by some magic, and then the magic was dismissed, leaving a sparkle.

"There we go, now whenever I hold your hand, I become a physical ghost," Carrie explained.

"So, we can watch the movie with popcorn, and you can eat?" Darwin asked.

"Yes, now let's first see if it will work with the drinks first," Carrie said as Darwin stood up and filled a cup of glass with tap water got the two drinks ready. Carrie floated over to him and Darwin then extended his arm and held his hand out, Carrie took his hand and soon became physical (as in not a see through ghost anymore), and grew soft, slender ghostly legs.

"Wow Carrie, you look absolutely gorgeous in your physical form," Darwin said as he checks out Carrie, and Carrie's surprised and is feeling kind of warm inside, then he gave her the water from the sink (tap water).

"Thanks Darwin," Carrie said as she quietly smiles to herself, then she drinks the water. "Mmm, strangely feels nice to drink water."

"I'm glad you like it, now drink the rainwater," Darwin said as Carrie drinks the rain water.

"Mmmmmm, well you're right about it being a lot more fresh," Carrie says whilst Darwin blushes for no reason. Darwin then let's go of her hand.

"Now that that's over, let's watch the movie," Carrie said as she and Darwin sit back down on her bed and watch the movie. The movie started, the popcorn was in Darwin's lap, and Darwin took hold of Carrie's hand so she can eat the popcorn, her legs appear in sparkles. The movie just began, and Darwin was already spooked, but Carries hand was soft to the touch, so that relaxed him a little.

Carrie was enjoying the popcorn, she is eating like a normal being eats instead of ravishing the bowl like an animal (no offense people). The movie ended, and Darwin released Carries hand, and there was disappointment at the end (see the movie to understand).

"Man that movie sucked, I thought they were going to put a twist at the end," Darwin exclaims but was more disappointed of himself from letting go of her hand.

"I know right, they're doing that with every other horror movie," Carrie said in disappointment.

"I thought they will still do that but on Syfy."

"They probably will, but I doubt it."

"Well, now that the movies over, want to play a game?" Darwin says enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah," Carrie said as she pulls out a few multiplayer games. "Which game do you want to play?"

"Hmmm, how about castle crashers?"

"Great, I've always wanted to play that with someone because it's too hard for me."

"Well you're not alone," Darwin says as he grabs Carrie's hand whilst Carrie blushes and smiles softly to herself.

"Darwin, you know I can still hold and touch things that are physical, but it's just that I won't feel them," Carrie explained.

"Oh, well alright then," Darwin said disappointingly as he let go of Carrie's hand whilst Carrie regrets what she said. They both chose their characters, Darwin, the orange/fire knight, Carrie, the pink knight.

"Wow Carrie, I thought you would choose the white knight or the dark, and evil ones," Darwin said.

"Well, just because fuck it, I'm going for the humor," Carrie said as Darwin starts to snicker. They both started out from the beginning, and soon were leveling up.

"So Carrie, what are you going to invest your points in?" Darwin asked.

"Hmm, I don't know, what does each attribute do exactly?" Carrie asked. (Skip this part because it explains the attributes)

"Well strength increases the amount of damage you deal, magic increases your mana bar and teaches you new spells, defense increases your health, and decreases the amount of damage you take, agility increases your movement speed, and how fast you shoot your arrows, it also increase the damage of the arrows," Darwin explained.

"Thanks, I think I'll go with agility," Carrie said.

"Sweet, then I'll go with magic and strength."

"You can choose two?"

"Yeah, you just split them."

"Ok, then I'll choose defense, and agility."

"Nice attribute contribution," Darwin complimented.

"Thanks, now let's start," Carrie said as she and Darwin start. The weather outside was getting worse by the minute, soon the wind started gusting and was blowing leaves off of trees, the sky was getting darker, and soon lightning was flashing. Darwin and Carrie played for three hour's straight, only time they chat was to ask for help or strategy help to defeat bosses. After they defeated the game in five hours, Darwin looked at the time and saw it was 8:00 o'clock PM.

"Shoot, I have to go home Carrie," Darwin said as he pulls down the hatch and climbs down the ladder whilst Carrie follows after him.

"Ok, and thanks for hanging out with me for six hours, it was fun," Carrie said as they both make it to the front door.

"Your welcome, and it was fun hanging with you Carrie, I'll see you tomorrow," Darwin said as he opens the door. As soon as Darwin cracks open the door, the door immediately flung open and practically pulled him out as a mini tornado tried to take him.

"Darwin!" Carrie exclaims whilst Darwin hangs on the to the door knob with one hand whilst trying to reach for the side of the door. Carrie grabs Darwin's reaching hand while hanging on to the side of the door and tries to pull him back in. Thanks to Carrie, Darwin reached for the side

of the door, and pulls himself in whilst Carrie closes and locks the door.

"What happened?" Darwin asked as he breaths heavily.

"I don't know," Carrie said. After what happened, the TV in the living room switched on, and the news came on as well.

"Breaking News, this is an emergency, I repeat, this is an emergency. The world's biggest and greatest storm, known to man, is happening in Elmore. No one knows how long it will last, but it is suicide to go outside at this weather, it is highly advised to stay inside, until the storm blows over, for now just stay inside. Stay safe people," The news crew warned as the TV shut off.

"Well, shit," Darwin cursed.

"Well, that sucks," Carrie said, although deep inside she was really happy to know that Darwin is going to stay. "So, guess you're going to have to stay here for a while huh?"

"Yeah, but I guess it won't be too bad, at least I'm not alone," Darwin said. 'And I'm with a pretty girl too,' Darwin thought to himself.

"Oh, well alright then. Would you like to call your brother?" Carrie asked.

"That'd be great, thanks," Darwin said whilst Carrie takes him to a phone in her house. Darwin calls Gumball.

"Hello?" Gumball answered.

"Hey Gumball," Darwin said.

"Aww dude, where are you mom is going crazy."

"Bro chill out, I was hanging out at Carrie's house when the weather went bad."

"Man, you're lucky to be with a girl, is she alone?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Aww bro, you are so lucky, being in a house, with a girl, alone is the best thing that can possibly happen to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean is that you're stuck with her forever how long this storm is, and you can have fun with her," Gumball explained proudly.

"Gumball I still don't understand what you mean."

"Fish brains, I'm saying that you could have sex with her."

"WAIT WHAAAAAT!" Darwin exclaimed.

"What's the matter?"

"ARE YOU CRAZY, she's not like that," Darwin whispered the last part.

"Well no at first she isn't, but when you two get closer together, then she will be."

"You're out of your mind, I wouldn't do that," Darwin said whilst turning around to see Carrie taking food upstairs.

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I'll let mom know you're safe, right now, I have to go, see her soon brother," Gumball said and hung up.

"So what was that about?" Carrie asked.

"Oh it was no- nothing," Darwin stuttered nervously.

"Well ok. I'm stocking food for you up in my room."


"Because if there is a storm outside, then I wouldn't want the power turned off. So I'm going to cut the power from the bottom floor and transfer it up in my room," Carrie explained.

"Alright sweet, want me to help?"

"No thanks, I've already done everything, it should go off right about….now," Carrie said whilst the power from the bottom floor turned off, and the attics lights start to flicker.

"You going to stand there or are we going back up in my room?"

"Definitely upstairs," Darwin said as he follows Carrie and closes the trap door.

"I got all the food stored here for you so you won't die of starvation," Carrie said.

"Well thank you Carrie. You're a lot more caring than what most people say," Darwin said making Carrie blush.

"Thanks Darwin. Want to watch another movie?"

"Sure, this time how about we watch the Evil Within," Darwin suggested.

"Sure, but which one? The classic one, or the new one?"

"New one because it's actually realistic and scary, and this time, I'm making the popcorn."

"Sweet, let's put it in," Carrie said as she puts the movie in and Darwin makes popcorn. Hearing the popcorn popping, Darwin goes and puts it in the same bowl him and Carrie used earlier.

"Mmmm, smells good," Carrie spoke while taking a whiff.

"I know right, and the best part is, you can eat some more of it if you like," Darwin said cheerfully.

"What, really?"

"Yes, it's you're popcorn we're eating, so yeah," Darwin said as he sits on Carrie's bed with the bowl full of popcorn, he then extends his hand out for her to take.

"Why Darwin, you're so kind," Carrie says softly with a smile and blushes, then she took his hand. They both watched the movie while holding hands. Carrie eating the popcorn Darwin made her, was enjoying it while Darwin was getting creeped out from the chick who cut her tongue in half.

"That's just freaky," Darwin commented.

"Yeah but it's a lot better than other movies," Carrie said with a smirk on her face.

"Well yeah that's true," Darwin said as he yawns tiredly.

"You getting tired Darwin?"

"Yeah, a little. Why are we sitting? Wouldn't it be better to lay down?"

"Yes it would, but then we won't get an up close view of the TV."

"Carrie, it's a 64 inch TV, I'm pretty sure we're losing view of the whole movie this way and the tension of being this close is really hurting my eyes," Darwin explains.

"If it hurts your eyes then why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you liked to watch it up close so I didn't want to complain about it," Darwin said as Carrie blushes from Darwin's worries for her own comforts.

"Thanks Darwin, but I lived here for years, you've only been here for a day, so you're the guest and it's my job to make you comfortable!" Carrie said with determination. Carrie has Darwin place the popcorn on the ground for the moment being, and has him lay down as she grabs a pillow and places it under Darwin's head, making him more comfortable and relaxed.

"Thank you Carrie, I've never really felt so relaxed and comfy," Darwin says as he let's go of Carries hand and stretches his arms and legs.

"You're welcome, also you let go of my hand," Carrie said.

"Oh, sorry," Darwin said as he takes her hand again. "Carrie you can lay down too, now that you have legs, you can stretch your muscles as well."

"Well ok, only if you move over a little," Carrie said as she lays down and Darwin grabs her hand and lets her stretch.

"Ooohhhhh Darwin it feels so gooooood," Carrie moans out relief of never having to stretch her newfound physical body. Darwin hears this and instantly became as hot as a heater.

"We-well, I'm gl-glad you li-li-like it," Darwin stuttered horribly whilst Carrie moves around more, enjoying the relief. After a few minutes of Carrie moaning and groaning she stopped and laid down on her bed and watched the movie from the tip of the bed, Darwin wasn't red no more but still blushed as he held Carries hand and laid down next to her, enjoying the movie with popcorn.

After the movie was over, Darwin let her hand go, and they were both tired, but had to figure out where Darwin's going to sleep.

"You can sleep on my bed for the time being," Carrie offered Darwin, which Darwin declined.

"No, it is un-gentlemanly for a man to sleep in a girl's personal bed," Darwin said. "I'll sleep on the ground with a pillow for tonight."

"No Darwin, you are my guest and you will sleep in comfort for tonight," Carrie argued. Just then lightning flashed by and Carrie jumped at the sight of it.

"Carrie, you scared of lightning?"

"No, I was just surprised is all," Carrie blushed with embarrassment and a grim look on her face.

"Well, alright then," Darwin grabbed a pillow from Carrie's bed, and placed it on the side of her bed so that he is close by.

"I'll sleep next to your bed, how about that?"

"That would work I guess," Carrie said as she starts to head towards the trap door.

"Carrie where are you going?"

"I'm going to change my clothes."

"Your clothes?"

"Yes, did you honestly expect me to where my everyday outfit to bed?"

"Yes?" Darwin said slowly.

"Well you're wrong, so I'll be back," Carrie said and phases through the trapdoor. It's been 20 minutes since Carrie fazed through the trapdoor, and Darwin was getting worried, so he gets off the bed and heads to the trap door, and pushes down the hatches so as to find Carrie. He looks around the house for her, and soon sees some light coming from the bathroom, and sneaks to the bathroom and sees it ajar.

"Carrie?" Darwin whispers. He peeks through the ajar door and sees something that turned him on! Carrie, in the bathroom, wearing nothing. Carrie's ghostly white body is gorgeous to the light of the candle. Carrie has her legs in the light, showing her cute small round ass (Fuck me, i'm such a perv) in front of Darwin.

"Grrr, why are my legs showing, and why am I not a see-through ghost right now?" Carrie questions herself. Darwin watches her trying to figure out what's wrong with herself. Carrie turns around and Darwin sees her hairless pussy, apparently pink was her secondary color, also shows her beautiful C-cup sized breast with the tit pink aswell (kinda like Gardevoir i guess). Darwin immediately walks away slowly to the trap-door.

Darwin climbs up the trap-door and pulls it up, then calmly walks to the side her bed, and lays down on it, fast asleep with the image of Carries nude body in his head. Carrie was finally a ghost again, and changes her shirt, along with skirt, to a more comfortable style. Carrie goes and phases through the house into her room, and sees Darwin fast asleep on the side of her bed.

'He looks cute when he's asleep,' Carrie thought to herself. As she gets on her bed, she sees Darwin moving to the side facing the bed, and she notices his erection. 'Did I cause that?' Carrie thought to herself gawking at it. Carrie decides to ignore it, and goes to sleep. Rain pounds on the windows as they slept that night.

Author Note

I originally planned to make this a fluffy one-shot, but instead I decided to make it into a lemon story. If you like it, please leave a review, because I've been trying to make this work for a week now, and I deserve some credibility. Last, let me know if i made any mistakes.