Disclaimer: I own nothing

Rated: T (for now)

"Shikon no Tama."

It was a skill that the Winchester brothers had picked up a long time ago, and though it may have been subtle, they quickly noticed the change in body language in both of the Higurashi siblings.

"Oh?" Kagome turned to Castiel as a look of interest swiftly overtook the tense expression she had displayed for only a second or two, "You know of the legend?" She asked curiously.

"I only know of the basics," Castiel admitted, "Angels are forbidden from interfering with the fates of the Holy Ones. It is to my knowledge that a Shinto Priestess and a Buddhist Monk played major roles in the legend, so my kind could not have intruded in any way in the legend."

"Shikon no Tama," Sam repeated in a murmur, looking thoughtful, "It sounds familiar to me, like Higurashi does. Where have I heard it before?"

"Shikon no Tama translates into Jewel of Four Souls." Kagome shrugged and her brows rose when a look of realization suddenly appeared on Sam's face.

"So it's a real object?" Sam sighed, "Well, either way, it probably would have been a bad idea to go looking for it." He said out loud.

"Since when were you going to look for some Japanese jewel?" Dean demanded, "And what the hell for?"

"The Shikon no Tama is said to grant a wish to whomever possesses it," Kagome replied, almost looking disinterested, "If you researched the legend, that is where you must have come across the name Higurashi before. The Buddhist Monk depicted in the legend was one of our ancestors named Miroku Higurashi."

Sam nodded, looking a bit fascinated by the information, "You're probably right," He said before glancing at his brother and noticing his deeply irritated expression, "Something wrong, Dean?"

"You were planning on searching for this thing?" Dean asked angrily, "You and I both know that wish-granting devices are extremely dangerous and you still wanted to get a hold of it?!"

"What else was I supposed to do?" Sam's voice was full of frustration and beginnings of his own anger, "You were dead and trapped in hell! Of course I looked at every possible way to bring you back!"

Kagome glanced between the two large males before stepping between them in order to stop a fight from breaking out, "It does not really matter now," She said with a sigh, "The Shikon no Tama is gone. It is said in the legend that the Shinto Priestess destroyed it."

"So, it wasn't the Shikon no Tama that you wished upon?" Sam asked inquiringly and was surprised when Kagome paused for a moment too long.

"No," She answered, "It wasn't," Her voice was calm and smooth, "I'm sure that's enough information for tonight. If you don't mind, Souta and I would like to retire to our room."

Dean and Sam glanced at one another and knew they were both thinking the exact same thing, yet would not dare to say it loud.

Kagome was lying.

"Yeah, sounds fine to me," Dean rolled his shoulders, giving Souta a casual glance since he had stayed rather silent for the past few moments. His interest surged when it appeared that Souta looked as though he did not want the conversation that just occurred to have happened at all, 'And why is that?'

"We should get an early start," Sam agreed, not wanting to push Kagome any further, "Again, thank you for the rooms." He looked to his shoulder where Kirara had been contently sitting for the past while and found himself a bit disappointed when she leapt off right into Kagome's arms.

"Oh," Kagome was taken back as she fully expected for Kirara to follow Sam to his room, "It's not a problem," She smiled slightly when Kirara nuzzled her cheek, "We will see you in the morning."

The Winchesters nodded, heading out of her room and towards their own, and that would have been the end of that had it not been for Castiel, who was eyeing Kagome intently.

"Why did you lie to Dean and Sam?" He asked, though his voice wasn't that of an accusing tone, but flat as it normally was, "You are the Shinto Priestess featured in the legend of the Shikon no Tama, are you not?"

Kagome shrugged, "Who can say?" She simply replied, "That legend features a few different Priestesses," She crossed her arms, "If you don't mind..." She trailed off and was satisfied when the noise of rustling feathers sounded and Castiel was nowhere in sight.

"Nee-chan," Souta quietly said and he instantly received a soft look from his sister, "Was it really okay to give them so much information?" His worry almost instantly dissolved when Kagome smiled at him, "I trust you, Nee-chan."

It would be okay.