"Catch me dad, catch me!" squealed the voice of a young girl far ahead of him in the vast golden meadow."
"Daddy's coming" Po shouted as he huffed and puffed along.
"Where are you?" Po sang in a sing song voice as he entered a small patch off woods.
"Can't catch me daddy" giggled the voice. The bushes behind Po rustled making him spin around.
"Oh, I wonder where you could be hiding" Po said slyly, he tipped toed up to the bush ready to pounce.
Po was inches away "got ya!" Po shouted pulling apart the bush to revel a small girl panda, a panda with Tiger colour and markings on her.
"HI Dad!" the little girl shouted gleefully turning to face Po.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AAAHHH" Po screamed waking up in a cold sweat. He had fallen out of his bunk and onto the floor with a loud crash.
"Po! What is it what's wrong?" Viper asked panicked as she slithered in to his room followed by Monkey, mantis and Crane. "Did you have a nightmare?"
"Told you, you should not have had that week old dumpling buddy" Monkey said patting his pal on the shoulder.
"No, it was not the Dumplings, I had a Dream." Said a still shaken up Po.
"Tell us may be it will help you, Oogway always said are dream have a meaning."
Po was unsure as weather or not to tell them but they were after all is best friends in the world, he could not, would not lie to them.
"I…I was in this meadow, I heard a voice calling me dad and that I should play chase."
"Awwwwww, a baby" said Crane. "Sorry" he said when he saw the look Viper gave him. "Go on Po"
"Ok, I was chasing after the voice it lead me to some woods, I thought it was coming from behind his bush so as I snuck up on it, I pulled away the bush to see a young girl panda, but she was not a normal panda she looked like me but had.."
"Had what?" asked an annoyed Tigress angered at being woken she stood in the doorway of Po's room.
Po looked up seeing her standing there he let out a loud long scream "AAAAAAAAAHHH" jumping up he ran strait thought the paper wall that stood between his and Crane's he shot off down the hall still screaming."
Tigress shook her head, "I'm going back to bed."
after she had gone and the door clicked shut behind her both Crane and Viper looked at each other and softly said "Oh."
"What? What is it?" monkey asked.