The Mafia Loves You!

Inspired by Katekyo-Hitman-aus and Chamiryokuroi on Tumblr. Don't worry I have gotten permission~!

If there was one unwritten rule in the Mafia that every Boss and their subordinates followed, it would be to never tell Sawada Tsunayoshi, better known as the Decimo of Vongola, that most of the Mafia was in love with him.

More than likely all out war would occur should the brunet notice – or god forbid, be told. Everyone quite liked the clueless – and so very innocent – looks on the Decimo, as they showered him with gifts whenever a Holiday came up. Often times they would just create them in order to be close to the object of their affections.

Sawada Tsunayoshi only began to get a clue on an innocuous and hectic St. Valentine's Day. Which was filled to the brim with overzealous fangirls and fanboys desperate to get their hands on his Guardians, and mountains of paperwork due to the destruction of many buildings (Goddamn Varia). An overall strenuous day where the world didn't give a fuck about him tearing his hair out despite that it was just a holiday for love.

It came as no surprise to Tsuna that his Guardians would be more than a little rowdy (as they always tended to get around this time of year – much to his confusion). After all they had been cooped up most of the day and tensions were running high. Especially for his cloud guardian who handed out punishments for crowding like it was candy on Halloween...and that was on a good day.

So understandably Tsuna feared for his life (he should fear for his virginity even more – but Tsuna could be as clueless as his mother at times) because Hibari would not go outside due to all of the crowding and prowled the hallways; a caged animal. Thus, neither would his other Guardians and that in itself was a recipe for disaster. That meant a bloodthirsty, short tempered Hibari would be trapped in the mansion with a bored Mukuro. Tsuna didn't know if he should just run for his life or attempt to put them on separate sides of the mansion to spare Vongola the damage cost.

Fast forward the entire day which ended in a wing of the mansion destroyed, courtesy of Hibari and Mukuro, but thankfully no deaths or serious injuries. Tsuna relented and unleashed Hibari so he could go control the "crowding" outside of the mansion. Then let his other Guardians blow off their steam with missions. The paperwork had come to a stand still and Tsuna couldn't believe his eyes finally seeing his desk without any papers on it.

Tsuna should have known that it was a forewarning of the utter chaos that was to come. But the happiness he felt drowned away his intuition screaming at him to get the hell away from the Mafia. Screaming at him to go spend the rest of his days on an isolated island with only animals for comfort.

He happily went to his room because despite the hectic day, he had no more paperwork! Throwing himself on his bed Tsuna wanted nothing more than to go to sleep..that was until he felt a box under his chest.

Poking and prodding the box until he decided it looked innocent enough, well as innocent as a huge heart shaped box could look laying on his bed, Tsuna opened it.

His entire world came to a stand still, and horror with morbid curiosity filled his stomach as he realized what lay inside the innocent looking heart shaped box.

A heart. A human heart.

Tearing his eyes away from the heart he saw a small letter that read, "For our dear Decimo, here is a small token of our appreciation, from your allies; the heart of our enemies. We hope you've had a good day."

Aside from horror, Tsuna felt muted surprise and strangely enough a little embarrassment.

Who in their right mind would give Tsuna a real human heart on Valentine's day?

Worry crawled into his mind as he wondered exactly whose heart was lying inside the box. No one would really give him a human heart right?

Tsuna shook his head and closed the box deciding to forget all about it. After all if he never mentioned it, then no one should ever know about it, right?

If Tsuna had thought about it just a little more he would've disposed of the box and then decided to forget about it. But seeing as this was Tsuna, he left the heart shaped box on his bed and quickly ran out as soon as he heard a new explosion.

Months later Tsuna would have acknowledged that it was the tipping point and eventual beginning of the Mafia War for his affections.

However, at this point in time, for Tsuna it was not only very gruesome yet quite literally heartfelt gift, it was also a clue of the Mafia's feelings toward him.

One of many, many clues he would garner in the coming months before realizing too late that he had unknowingly seduced the Mafia that was all too willing to court him. And it all started with Reborn finding a heart shaped box on his Decimo's bed.