Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody! I hope you guys all have an amazing day and the best year to follow that you could ever hope for (because 2017 is just around the corner). I've decided to take up the whole 365 challenge since I love photography and this is my last year as a Shauf so it's kind of crazy to think about! I really want to keep up with writing, but Lord know's it's a love-hate relationship and by the time I post a chapter I regret it because I wish it would have been better... but we'll see! Also, special Hello from my dogs since they're surrounding me right now. ;)

Disclaimer: I own nothing Sailor Moon.

I'll Be Home for Christmas

December 25th

I barreled into Darien's room and jumped on his bed, bouncing him. He sat up quickly, ready to fight in all of his confusion. "Santa came Darien! Santa came! Get up!"

I finally ceased my bouncing and he looked at me with the most confused and dumbfounded look I had ever seen. "What the hell are you talking about?"

I giggled and rolled off of his bed. "Just get up, grumpy."

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair but obeyed my words. He walked groggily after me, following me into the living room. He stopped, drawing his eyebrows together and squinting. "What is this?"

"Santa came Darien. Obviously." I giggled as I bumped into him. "Now hurry up and start opening your presents!"

"Wait, I have some for you. Was I supposed to bring them out already?" He asked. He really didn't know how this whole Christmas thing went. I waited in the living room while he retreated to retrieve his presents to me, making a couple trips out into the living room.

"What are you doing?!" I cried out. "This was supposed to be your big Christmas surprise! You weren't supposed to get me anything!"

"Great minds think alike." He shrugged with a smile. "Besides, I started buying when I saw you were back in town. I kind of hoped you'd be around for me to give them to and I wouldn't have to look like a creep when I dropped them off on your front porch, uninvited."


I cuddled against Darien as we ate breakfast. It was too early and too happy of a day to spend it in the kitchen sitting on either side of each other. Part of me really wanted to ask Darien what we were now, especially because we had just bought presents for each other - more than friends do. The other part of me? Well, it was too content to say a word.

"Christmas isn't over yet, you know? I still have one more gift for you." Darien finally spoke up as we finished off our plates and walked them out into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, looking up at him suspiciously.

"I mean what I said. I have one more gift for you. Go ahead and get dressed, its outside." He encouraged. I bit my lip, trying to figure out what it would be, as I walked back into my room to change from pajamas to jeans and a sweater. I slipped on boots and came out to see Darien dressed, too, his hands slipped in the pockets of his leather jacket. He pulled out a bandanna from one pocket and I instantly recognized it.

"Blindfolded again?" I pouted.

"Yes. Because I don't trust you to close your eyes and not peek." He informed me as he tied the cloth around my head, covering my eyes. I heard him shuffing around before placing one of his hands on the small of my back, directing me around. In the elevator, down a hallway, rounding a corner, going straight, stopping to open a door, and feeling the cool blast of the winter weather against my skin. Then his hand was gone and I heard. "You can take it off now."

So I did, and there was Darien standing right in front of me with a hand behind his back, in the garden area. He pulled it out to reveal a large bouquet of bright red roses. "Darien they're so pretty!" I exclaimed as I reached out to grab them and stuff them right in front of my nose to smell quickly.

"Then I only have one more question for you." He replied as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. "Serena Carter, will you be my girlfriend?"

"HECK YES!" I squealed before throwing my arms around him and hugging me right. I pulled back and kissed his cheek, using all the strength in my body to stretch up to reach it in a quick motion. I pulled back and traded he flowers for the box, opening it to reveal small blue diamond earrings. My eyes grew wide. This was like way too much. I was not used to dating a nice rich guy. Did they just go around doing this? Dropping hundreds on a girl they wanted to date? "They're so pretty Dare, but I feel bad. They look expensive."

"But here's the thing, Serena, you're my girlfriend now. Besides, with all these guys that eye you up, I have to put something expensive on you to let everybody else know you got a man." He winked.

"You're crazy." I shook my head, smiling.

"And you're gorgeous. And mine." He replied before pulling me in close and leaning his head down to capture my lips with his in the most powerful kiss I'd ever had. It was like every kiss got better with him and I never wanted this feeling to end. Suddenly there was a familiar feeling of a heavy cold hitting my skin. We both pulled away and looked up at the sky to see the snow falling, heavily and fast, and beginning to lay. "I think my parent's approve." He smiled before leaning in to kiss me again.