Penguin: Hai! So today is the start of the Christmas One-Shots! And Christmas is my favorite holiday, so this will be WAY easier than the Halloween ones xD For this one, you can request songs OR words, seeing that there's lots of Christmas-oriented words or songs xD You can request any word or song you want that deals with Christmas. And yes, there's going to be lots of fluff! There'll also be some ones that'll make you cry…but that's expected from me xD

Onto the responses! :D

~Responses to HTCG~

Rose Tiger: I had to. XD Don't worry, it will be continued in the next chapter :P

: Reminds me of how I feel about my grandma. xD Aw, thank you! 030 Nobody likes a cliffhanger, including me. xD But, I'm a sucker for them ;D And thank you! I love you! I also love this story :D

UnicornSecrets: I just did :D

Adrien: Yes…I do.

Penguin: ~smacks his arm~ About time you admitted it!

Adrien: Abuse…why. .-.


Adrien: BUT. YOU. WROTE. IT.

Penguin: True, true. But only to add drama! And yeah Nathanael, wipe it off your face! That doesn't mean you still have a chance with Nathanael!

Nathanael: ~munches on fries~ Whut?

Penguin: Dude…SHARE.

Tom: Thank you, UnicornSecrets. The role of a father can ever be diminished, even during your daughter's wedding…or non-wedding…

Marinette: Well, what happens next is-


Marinette: Fine…

Penguin: Thank you! I will! :D I think I broke mostly everyone's…and I purposely ended it there. xD Well, I can't tell you. And thank you! I'm glad you were pleased! O3O I love you!

So since I know that someone will request this song…I'm just going to get it out of the way since I hate Mariah Carey.

Enjoy the first Christmas One-Shot! :P P.S: This was requested by pinksakura271!

Song: All I Want For Christmas is You by Mariah Carey

Beautiful pure white snow covered the streets of Paris on this December night. Chat was wearing his outfit as usual, but he also wore a Santa hat that had slits for his cat ears and he had a red ribbon tied around his bell.

Christmas was one of Chat's favorite holidays. Playing in the snow, giving gifts, receiving gifts, the cocoa, THE EGGNOG, mistletoe, sledding…

The potential thought of catching Ladybug underneath the mistletoe and stealing a sweet mistletoe kiss from her beautiful pink lips…

Anyways, his happiness kept him from the fact that his father hated Christmas. He didn't understand the purpose of Christmas, the same way that he didn't understand other holidays as usual. But no mind to that. Nothing could ruin the mood for Chat.

He hummed Jingle Bells happily as he twirled his baton, surveying Paris underneath the falling snow. "Hmm, doesn't seem to be any criminal activity tonight. Maybe I'll just call it a night and go home. The hot chocolate and warm fireplace is calling my name."

Chat walked to the end of the rooftop and whistled. He was about to jump to the next building when he saw Marinette's lights were still on upstairs. Chat tilted his head, and pondered why was he looking at the bakery. He felt like something important had to do with Mari, but what was it.

It wasn't for free snacks from the bakery…

It wasn't for the soothing back rubs she gave him whenever his muscles ached from battling akumas…


NOW he remembered.

He had a gift for Marinette, and he needed to give it to her as soon as possible. Chat cursed underneath his breath and jumped to Marinette's trap door. He stood up and held a fist over her door, ready to knock.

"Wait, I can't just knock and say that I'm here to give her a gift. She'll think I'm weird…maybe I could say I'm just visiting to make sure she's okay? That might work…" The door then opened abruptly and Chat screeched a little bit, pushing away a bit. "Chat? What are you doing here?" Marinette asked, tilting her head.

"I um…um…were making sure you were okay? Yeah, I was making sure you were okay! Are you…okay?" Chat responded nervously.

Marinette giggled a little bit. "I'm fine, kitty. Why don't you come in? I have some hot chocolate that my mom made, and it'd be wonderful to share it with someone." Chat gulped and nodded slowly. "Okay, sure, I'd love some hot chocolate."

Chat followed Marinette down the steps and she poured some hot chocolate into a mug, passing it to him. Marinette was wearing black leggings and a big red sweater that had a Christmas tree on it and it said, "Merry Christmas!" Her hair was in a messy bun and she was also barefoot.

Oh my god, she looks so cute in that outfit… Chat thought to himself. Chat was about to take a sip when Marinette said, "Wait! You need some marshmallows!" Chat grinned at her flirtatiously.

"Pawesome, my purrincess. You remembered that I liked marshmeowllows. I feel touched." Marinette rolled her eyes at the puns. Marinette plopped 3 marshmallows into his cup and he took a sip, sighing happily. "Give my compliments to your mom, this is clawesome!"

Marinette looked at him and said, "You know what I want for Christmas?"

"What's that, my princess?" Chat teased. "For you to stop making so many cat puns!" Marinette giggled. Chat gasped fakely. "I'm hurt, princess. My puns are the best gift to go to anyone! And that's not what you're getting for Christmas, you'll be getting something way better."

Marinette put her cup down and crossed her arms teasingly. "And what's that, kitty?"

Chat smirked and said, "Well, you have to close your eyes to find out." Marinette tilted his head and Chat said, "Just close them."

"Alright kitty…but this'd better not be a prank again." Marinette slowly closed her eyes and stood straight. "Can you see?" Chat asked, waving a hand in front of her face. Marinette giggled. "I said I wouldn't peek!" she responded.

"Okay, just making sure!" Chat said. Chat pulled out a small box out of his pocket and he placed it on the floor. He opened the small box and he pushed a button, making the item grow bigger. He stood up and said, "You can look now."

Marinette opened his eyes and gasped loudly when she saw the gift. On the floor was a brand new and advanced sewing machine that she'd been wanting for MONTHS. It had a red bow on the side and tears welled up in her eyes.

Chat looked at her nervously. "Um, if you don't like it, I can return it and I can get you something else if you want-" Marinette ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Don't! It's perfect, just perfect! Thank you, Chat Noir! You didn't have to do that!"

Chat gasped and slowly hugged her back. She feels so warm… Chat thought to himself. "Oh! I forgot about your gift! Wait right here!" Marinette shouted, running to her bed and getting on the ground, searching for Chat's gift underneath the bed. Chat looked at her and she pulled out a small box and ran up to him.

"I know it isn't much…but I hope you like it." Marinette replied, blushing a bit, twiddling her fingers. Chat tilted his head as she gave him the box. He pulled on the ribbon and opened the small box. Chat's mouth went wide open as he saw the present.

He held up the ribbon with two fingers and exclaimed, "You got me a new bell?!"

Marinette nodded shyly. "I made it…do you like it?"

"I love it Marinette." Chat smiled brightly. Marinette looked up at him with sparkling eyes, clasping her hands. "You do?" Marinette asked. Chat chuckled and nodded. He put the box in his pocket and he put his present in the pocket of his outfit. He put his hands on her shoulders and whispered, "I actually have another gift for you."

Marinette gasped at him. "What is it?" Chat looked up and saw a piece of mistletoe hanging from Marinette's ceiling. Marinette looked at what he saw looking at and she looked back down, blushing madly. "Um, um…that wasn't…"

Chat slowly tilted her head up with his finger and leaned closer to her. "Merry Christmas, Marinette…" he whispered before connecting his lips with hers. "MMM!" Marinette mumbled in surprise. She froze in place, and then slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back.

Chat wrapped one arm around Marinette's waist and slowly brought a hand to Marinette's hair, playing with it. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her toes. They kissed for about a minute before Chat slowly pulled his lips away, smiling.

"Well, did you enjoy your 2nd surprise gift?" Chat teased. Marinette looked at him and stuttered. "U-um, I-I, h-huh." Chat laughed and hugged his princess tighter. "Oh Mari, you're so cute when you're flustered…" Marinette blushed and hugged him back tight.

Penguin: And so, we end the first Christmas chapter with a mistletoe kiss c; Oh la la. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one! Bai lovelies!