AN: First of all, thank you to those of you who favorited, followed or reviewed this story! This chapter is short and rather silly. Hope you enjoy all the same!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!



"No. Absolutely not."

Sally lifts her chin stubbornly. "Why not?"


"Because is not a valid answer unless you're three years old. Are you three years old?"

Poseidon ignores the implied insult. "It is a valid answer for a God."

"Oh, you don't get to pull that card with me." She waves the tiny, pink socks in his face. "Tell me why we shouldn't buy these? They're adorable and Baby likes them," she looks down at her slightly rounded belly, "don't you, Baby?"

Poseidon has the audacity to look exasperated, the asshole. "Baby doesn't even have a mouth or ears. And I can't believe I'm calling it Baby."

"How else would you call it? We haven't chosen a name yet," Sally points out logically, "but I still want to know why you don't like pink. And I swear, if it is some shit about how it's feminine and thus weak, I will punch you in the face, God or not."

She's not stupid: she knows being born something like four thousand years ago is bound to have left lasting damage on his mentality.

But Poseidon rolls his eyes. "Trust me, I do not, in any way, link femininity to weakness. This has nothing to do with gender. I don't care if the baby is a girl, a boy or a horse: they're not wearing pink."

Sally is suddenly seized by a previously unknown fear. "Baby could be a horse?!" she whispers-shouts, mindful of the other clients browsing around the shop.

Poseidon looks at her as if she has gone crazy. She doesn't get why, honestly. She has read enough Greek Mythology – or history – to know that giving birth to a half-animal half-human offspring is not out of the realm of possibilities. And Poseidon did create horses.

"It was an exaggeration, Sally. Baby – the baby is going to be human. Or half-human half-god, anyway."

"Okay, okay," Sally gives up, "just forget it." She raises the socks in front of his startled eyes. "We're buying them unless you can give me a valid reason not to."

He sighs. "It's just…pink is another God's chosen colour."

"Oh," she frowns, trying to work out whether she's willing to consider that a valid reason or not, "You mean Aphro–"

Poseidon gently places two fingers over her lips. "Don't say it. Names –"

"– have power," she finishes for him, "Right. Sorry." She kisses his palm. "Then what colour would you like?"

"Well –" he holds up a finger "–not yellow because…the sun. Not black, obviously."

As if, she thought.

"Absolutely not grey. That's her colour –"

"I don't think they come in grey," she mutters, staring mournfully at the pink socks. Nah, it's not a valid reason, she decides. Since when do Greek Gods have chosen colours, anyway?

"–not red, not orange, not purple – I hate purple – not white, not –"

He goes on like that for a few minutes, but Sally tunes him out. In the end, she's left with exactly two colours.

"Green and blue. That's it? You want Baby's wardrobe to be completely green and blue." She frowns. "Isn't blue, you know, your brother's colour?"

Poseidon grimaces. "We share," he admits in a 'the things I have to do' sort of tone.

Sally just stares at him, half-incredulous half-amused. Their quiet afternoon of shopping has certainly taken an unexpected turn.

"Listen, Poseidon," she starts, only to be interrupted by the saleslady.

"Have you chosen, dears?" she asks, her smile quite obviously fixed.

Sally knows she has been glancing at them disapprovingly the whole time they've been in the shop: she's sort of getting used to it. You've got to when you're eighteen and pregnant.

Poseidon, on the other hand, looks about to deliver some old-fashioned divine punishment on the spot.

Well, what she's about to say is bound to distract him from his murderous intentions.

She turns to the older woman with a wicked grin on her face. Poseidon, who knows her well enough to suspect she's plotting something, narrows his eyes.

"We're taking every colour, dear," her grin turns downright evil, "but green and blue."

Poseidon doesn't speak to her for the rest of the day.