Disclaimer: Harry Potter and it's fantastic characters are owned by J.K. Rowling. This is a free and fun based Fan Fiction.

AN: I am writing this story because I promised another writer that I will take part of their plot idea and use it in a story. First a few things.

1. This is not a love at first sight type of story from the start. It is mostly a affiliation that grows into love obsession.

2. There will be some violence or suggested themes to match the story's plot.

3. This is an entire AU of the Harry Potter Series.

4. I will keep posting chapters for "Squib and the Fire". This is another story I wanted to write so I can have a creative break from Squib!Harry.

5. This is also not Dark!Harry.

6. Sorry for those who are not satisfied by the short descriptions of French culture and areas. Please if anythings is wrong then please drop a review! Will change anything that doesn't make sense.

I hope you come to love it and post reviews!

Chapter 1

"French Revolution Part 1"

Shadows crept on his body. Lights flash to his annoyance. Light... Love... It was something he never felt that was right. Rain poured down his messy black bangs which cast over his green void of eyes. He only stood there in the middle of the road. A road he didn't know or even knew. Lost wasn't a word the described his current condition but he was away from them. The monsters that he needed to get away from. He limped softly in the rain with car horns blasting in his ears as he went. The rain felt like it healed his wounds. The scars and wounds that were inflicted by those monsters. The pain felt like it was washing away but so did the warmth of his body. The light in his eyes was fading away as did the hope that dwelled in his being. Whispers like phantoms lingered in his ears.

'No one will love you boy!'

'You're just a freak!'

Each whisper made his body more rigid each step he took. Like it was draining him of his power slowly with each whisper.

'Freak! Look at the freak!'

'Honestly you're lucky! You should be grateful!'

His knees hit the solid earth. His face devoid of any emotion. His body finally giving in to the darkness that surrounded his body.

'You won't be worth anything boy!'

'Because you are nothing but a freak!'

'You want to run freak! Try it then! Run for all I care! There is no home for you if you leave! Good riddance with you!'

His body fell to the cold harsh soil. His eyes barely kept open as the lights dazed his vision. Not able to hold any longer did he give into the darkness hoping if he died that maybe he could feel warmth. Yes he wanted to feel the warmth of his parents at least once.


Sebastian Delacour just finished going over protocol with his magical law enforcement unit. Unlike the British magical ministry department heads, the French Ministry of Magic enforces the Minister of Magic to proceed all dealings of every unit in the French Magical Government. Doing this caused less problems as a whole and less misunderstanding as they call it. Sebastian was the current Minister of magical France. What was he doing at a small dainty commune? Well magical law was currently broken in this land which in course caused the ministry to act due to secrecy in magical practice to nonmagics. Eguisheim a small little commune in the Haut-Rhin department in Grand Est in north-eastern France. It was a famous tourist commune that was featured for it's beautiful architecture and of course for Alsace wine that's produced in the Alsace region and also primary a white wine. It was a quaint area to vacation but right now it didn't feel that way to Sebastian. Third degree offense was taken in this small commune causing a lot of work for the minister himself to go over twenty different types of protocol to make sure the secrecy and the safety of nonmagic and wizard alike was kept.

Stepping out a small bakery with a bag of pastries on hand he made his way to the local floo network of the commune. His job was settled now all he had to do was head home for a sort while before heading off to his graveyard duties. Something he wasn't pleasantly looking forward to but the smiles of his beautiful family made it it worth all the work. He took every moment to enjoy the dark road that spanned across the commune itself and the pleasant lights that flashed everywhere. Of course he could do without the nonmagic mechanical steeds that tended to give him a migraine but he could see why the commune itself was a tourist favorite. Not as amazing as he hometown and home but it still scaled almost the same. His joyful walk soon came to an end as a crowd blocked his way just a few yards away from the floo network station. Intrigued yet worried, Sebastian took the small amount of time to check it out even though he himself knew his wife and daughter would have his head for it. How could a man who only recently just had another daughter delivered not attend his house duties as a father? Well this man was more set on keeping his family safe more then as a father being home all the time. He had a lot of apologizing to do at home.

Pushing his way through the crowd did Sebastian come upon a bizarre scene. A boy with black hair was face first in mud. The light shower that ended must have caused the mud to surface but what threw him off was the fact that not a single person was wiling to help the boy up. Most were taking pictures like it was a tourist attraction while others just whispered to their neighbors about the predicament. Sighing deeply because he shouldn't get involved in nonmagic matters, being the samaritan he was said other wise. Parting the crowd till he was in the center, Sebastian crouched to the boys side and nudged his shoulder. Getting no response did he place his hand on the boys neck to make sure.

'Good. The boy has a pulse. Why is a boy that looks like six or seven out here in the mud unconscious and why isn't a single citizen helping out...? Nonmagics are nothing but ruthless neanderthals.'

Picking the boy up to get a better picture of him, Sebastian softly took a handkerchief to clean the boys face. The face now rid of mud started to show the inner workings of black stripped eyebrows and unruly black hair. The boys features hardly looked french which he wasn't surprised since they were in a tourist location but what caught his eye was the strange lighting shaped scar just above the boys right eye. It was so big and pulsing with magic that it threw Sebastian off.

'This... Couldn't be...'

Lifting the boy in the air did Sebastian part the crowd again making his way to the floo network station. Not even answering the guards words or protocol, Sebastian flooed without a word to his home.


The Delacour manner wasn't as large as the magical populace of french picture or written about in the magazines and papers. It looked rather large on the outside but was the size of a modern four bedroom house that was settled on ground level. The only difference from any other modern french home was the fact the kitchen was twice the size a normal one would be and the dining hall could fit hundreds of guest. This was set if they had parties for their children or other engagements that must be hosted. Apolline Delacour herself quite enjoyed the size of the home since she herself wasn't used to living in luxurious commodities such as wealth. She didn't want her daughters to grow with a head to heavy for their body and her husband Sebastian also agreed with her decision. Speaking of decisions, Apolline specifically told her husband to be back by an hour past seven before heading off to his nightly duties. Annoyed was lightly putting it in Apolline's case while her youngest daughter was already put to sleep and her other daughter was currently laying on her lap trying to stay awake.

She stroked one of her pride and joy as the daughter yawned softly into her lap. If it wasn't for her oldest daughter, Apolline who have unleashed the wrath of a veela on her husband. Her daughter Fleur Delacour was wishing for her father to come faster before she drifted off to dreamland. But the more time ticked on the more her eyes got heavier and the anger her mother held got even stronger. Just as Fleur was about to fall asleep the floo network flashed with green flames and a hulking figure walked out the fireplace. Noticing that her father was finally here did Fleur jolt up from her mothers lap and ran towards him. She was about to tackle her father before her fathers expression stopped her. Noticing her husbands distress caused Apolline to forget every ounce of anger she held for him in a instant and instead inquired what the problem was.

"My dear, what may be the problem? Your face shows stories."

"Not now my love. Something series is happening here. I have to get back to work right away and settle a few things before coming back. It seems I have a long night at the ministry."

Understanding her husbands duties did she nod in silence and followed the man she loved. Sebastian himself finally placed the object in his arms on a couch before softly stroking the hair on the boys face.

"Apolline. Get blankets for the boy. We don't want him to fall ill."

Apolline though confused didn't question her husband as she walked away. Fleur herself was intrigued what her father had brought to her home and rushed to the side of the coach. Noticing a boy just a little younger then her and different hair made her more interested.

"Who is this boy papa? Where did he come from?"

"That's what I need to figure out my flower. I'll be back by midnight with more information."

Addressing his wife with the last sentence, Sebastian turned back to the floo network and flooed away. Apolline noticed the boy was soaking wet and dirty so with a wave of her wind did all the filth fly away before she placed the blanket on the boy. Fleur hugged her mothers waist as Apolline sat in a chair in front of the boy to keep an eye on him.

"Will papa be back mama?"

"Of course he will my flower. He just needs time to figure out."

"Is this boy in danger?"

"Mmm wait till you dad comes back love. Be a good girl till then okay?"

"Yes! Fleur is the best girl!"

Giggling softly at her daughters proclaimed titled, Apolline stared into wonder at the blacked haired boy while she awaited her husband with her oldest daughter.


The past four hours haven't been pleasant for Sebastian. Not a single source turned up with any information on the boy's reason for being at the scene. Not a single notice of his arrival in France or notice of papers ever appear. It was like the boy was forced to come to the country without the country itself knowing... Or at least the magical side of it anyways. He himself felt like there was a force at hand preventing the boy from be discovered. The only clue he had was the boy arrived with a family of three when visiting Eguisheim. After nearly exhausting all resources in the small commune did he manage to find the family's whereabouts. It was a small one story little inn just on the southwest edge of the commune. It only housed about six guest in total and to his resources apparently the family was the only guest currently residing in the little inn. Brushing up against a sign that read 'Petite Auberge' Sebastian readied his wand just in case this was a wizarding family. If this was for any other type of business then Sebastian would have laughed at the name of the little inn but he was here on serious business. After getting the room number for the inn's owner and confirming the family's status did he make a swift movement up to the first floor. He pondered if he needed to use English before confronting the family but soon decided against it. There would be little use in using English when visiting France anyways.

Sebasitan knocked a few times on the door. The sound of yelling and shooting made Sebastian keep his wand hand at ready just in case. The door swung open and a petite boned older woman came into his view giving Sebastian a not so pleasant greeting.

"What do you want?"

Noticing the man was not responding did the woman shake her head and turned to French next. Stupid man couldn't even speak English.

"What do you want? Are you the inn keepers helper? Then why hasn't the bath towels been replaced!"

"Ah yes Madame! I am here to inquire a bit news that may be linked to you."

Flashing his ministry badge to the woman did the woman herself eyes bulge. She corrected her standing position and tried her very best to fix her hair while flashing a welcoming smile to the man.

"Oh sorry dear Monsieur! I didn't know you were with the local police! I should have known better!"

"No Madame. It's certainly fine on all accounts. May I come in?"

"Oh certainly!"

The woman switched back to English before addressing to a person further in the room.

"Vernon! The police are here!"

"Then let them in. We don't want trouble Petunia!"

The woman called Petunia gave one final smile to the French man before letting him through the door. The room itself wasn't that large in all accounts. It could fit a family of three but the image of the people that Sebastian view came into play didn't fit the description of family of three. A very stout man probably even bigger then a hippo was wasting away on a recliner while eating away at sweets. What looked like a pig he was guessing was the son of the family. Looking about just the same age the boy he found, the pig of a son was laying around filthy in wrappers. By the strain of hairs on the woman's hair did Sebastian see the struggle that the woman was going through.

'Pigs... Pigs is all I see.'

Keeping his thoughts to himself did he finally put his wand hand away and pulled it out to greet the older gentlemen. But Sebastian regretted treating the man in front of him as a gentlemen. What he came into contact was the type of man he never liked dealing with. A weasel.

"Yes yes! Petunia tell the man that I am grateful to meet him and willing to help those who are the police!"

The man called Vernon kept his smile on his face while Sebastian himself wanted to pull away his hand. Petunia herself relayed the message in french to Sebastian which Sebastian then relayed a message to her.

"He says that he has information pertaining to a case that fell into his hands. He said that the local police found a young boy starved and lost."

Petunia paused for a second for the man to relay the rest of the message.

"And that witness accounted the boy leaving this very inn."

"Well tell him we don't know any boy! All we have is our lovely son Dudley!"

Petunia gave back another message to Sebastian which caused his face the scowl. If that boy on the floor was any lovely then his daughters then he was a Clabbert! He gave his response to Petunia which caused the wife to show a look of shock.

"He said if we were lying then all the law enforcement of France will file a report and get us arrested... Child abuse is frowned upon in the land of France..."

This made the man name Vernon enraged as his face started to turn purple.

'Yup. Just like a hippo.'

Sebastian yet again discard his thoughts as he waited for the torrent of words that would come out the mans mouth.

"How... How dare he! You tell him we have no business with the man and have a good day! Bloody bigot can take his soddy arse out of here!"

Petunia relayed the message but then paused to say the last part of the sentence.

"Don't relay that last part to him Petunia!"

"Oh no Monsieur she doesn't have to relay that message. I heard it loud and clear."

Vernon choked violent while Petunia walked back in horror with a face colored white. Knowing the man now spoke their language caused distress to ping in their heads.

"O..Oh sir! I didn't mean to call you-"

"a 'Bloody Bigot with a Dirty Arse' ?"

"Y-Yes indeed! Of course I would never call a magnificent man like you any of those things!"

With a swift movement of his head, Vernon signaled for Petunia to get the man a chair and so she did. Petunia dragged a wooden chair from the dining table and offered it to the man. Sebastian nodded in thanks to Petunia before taking the chair. When he was settled did Vernon start to speak again.

"Now about this boy yes? We have no earthly idea what you are talking about dear sir!"

"Really? So you have no accounts of housing a boy with messy black hair and glasses?"

"None of the sort!"

"Really now... But some of the witness-"

Sebastian pulled out a few polaroid photographs from his coat pocket and flashed them.

"Have a few different stories to tell. Also the inn keeper himself accounted the boy in his alibi. So did many of the shop owners in the area and even the sweet old lady down the street accounted the boy due to being the most adorable young man she seen in ages. So Mr..."

"Dursely... Vernon Dursely"

"Mr. Dursely. What can you tell me of the boy... Or are you lying?"

Vernon cursed softly under his breath while sweating profusely. His lumpy like hands brushed a cloth from the dining table to wipe his face. It was quite a disgusting sight to Sebastian. But Sebastian can see the weasel of a man's head slowly work the information in his head.

"I- Yes! We were going to send a report out for the boy because he just up and left our room while we were just about to fetch him! You see we were about to leave his afternoon and tried our best to get all our luggage ready but the boy left! You see he always been a trouble maker you see! Gets it from his mother and father!"

"So your son-"

"God no! That boy is no son of mine!"

"So he's a bastard?"

Giving a look to Petunia did she shake her head in retaliation.

"So what connection is the boy to you?"

"Why should you know Mr..."

"Mr. Brasier. Cotnoir Brasier."

"Yes... Why should you know Mr. Brasier?"

"Law Mr. Dursely. It's my job to find out or would you rather state secrecy and allow your governmental officials take over the matter for you?"

Shaking his head did Sebastian get his answer from the man. This man was hiding something and he was trying his best too. He was going to find it out.

"No that won't be needed! The boy is the son of my wife's deceased sister! His parents died in a car crash and left him on our doorstep. We loving raised him alongside our Dudley."

That was all the information he needed as he grabbed his wand in his coat pocket and twirled it softly without revealing it. After he was done did he do what he was best at, Legilimency. He scanned each head one by one. Each head he scanned the more horrifying events that were commented from this family caused disgust and loath at the memories. The rage that was building in this Sebastian's inner depths was pushed back due to the fact he couldn't do anything to this nonmagics. After he was done scanning each mind which took only a few seconds, Sebastian grabbed a document from his coat pocket. One he prepared for just in case something happened during this meeting.

"Well it seems your case seems solid Mr. Dursely."

With those words Vernon smile finally broke through his angst demeanor.

"But under every circumstance I'm afraid you have to come into the local police office for further questioning."

The smile washed away and the angst came rushing back to the horror he felt yet again.

"Yet... If you want to skip the process and not be under the authorities of France then there is another option for you."

At his words did Vernon latch on to the next option instantly but still a wary of caution lingered in his voice.

"May I hear this so called option?"


With that Sebastian pulled a single roll of parchment and unrolled it. It revealed paperwork similar to a contract. Pulling out a pen out of his coat did Sebastian continue with his proposal.

"With his contract you can sign the boy over to the forces of France. The boy will be set to a foster home till of age and official become a citizen of France. Not only will he be out of your hair but all legal functions will be in play."

"So... So you're saying that the boy can be off our hands and given to the French...?"

"If you want to see it as that then yes. Off your hands and off to the so called French he goes. All you have to do is sign."

Giving the pen to the man did Vernon sign the documents without hesitation. The mans face of pure joy disgusted Sebastian even more. The man practically gave the boy to the wolves without a single thought. He suspected the same expression would have been on the woman's face but what he meant confused him. Sure there was a smile plastered on Petunia's face but her eyes said different things. Longing and regret formed in the woman's mind which surprised him. It was a shame such a woman fell in love with such a man. Raised a boy who was a fitting image of his own father. He sent a silent prayer to the woman as he gathered the rest of the documents.

"With that well in order this means the boy is off your hands. Now if you will-"

Sebastian stopped right at the door and turned around giving a very menacing glare.

"Get out of my country."

With that he left towards his office for the fifth time today leaving a frighten family of Durselys behind.


The boy's body felt light. Everything that touched his bare skin was soft which wasn't right to him. What he should be feeling is the hard coarse dirt that he feel asleep on. He was pretty sure he fell asleep in the middle of some road. Ahh maybe he never left. Maybe he dreamt everything and was still laying down in the makeshift bed he was given. But that wasn't right... His aunt and uncle would never allow him to have such material to comfort himself with. No in fact they wouldn't let him have one of the three beds or the coach to lay on. Slowly getting up did his eyes fully open. Confusion slowly drawn on his face as the bulky wood ceiling was placed with white smooth texture instead. Getting up did he notice his entire body was wrapped in a huge blanket with many different colors and just below his head was the softest looking pillow he had ever seen.

If there was one thing the boy knew was the fact that he was dreaming. Yes there was no way he could be in such a dreamland in real life. He scanned the walls to the floors. He liked the decorations that littered the entire room. He noted it was bigger then the Durselys living room and quite like how homey it felt to him. He stopped his wonderment when his green orbs landed on a particular sight. A beautiful woman with silver blond hair and petite face came into his view. Her hair was only shoulder length but her bangs curved around her face like a waterfall. The soft marking of mole was drawn under her left eye and her body looked quite small to Harry. He felt she was only a little bit fatter then he was. His eyes lingered down from the woman to a bundle of hair laying on the woman's lap. This bundle of hair had a body protruding out of the body and looked just as big as his.

The bundle of hair rustled for a bit as a face slowly raised from the woman's lap and mumbled a few coherent words. With this the boy can now examine the new face that he was unfamiliar with. Much like the woman's face, this little girl had a similar look but just a few touches of differences. The same mole decorated just the same spot and the girls hair was similar to her mothers. The said girl turned her attention away from her mother and gave a gaze at the boy. It took the girl a couple seconds before realizing the boy was awake. Very many facial expression danced across the girls face which threw Harry off. The girl stood up from the woman's lap and started to shake the woman awake saying words that the boy could hardly understand. After a few moments the woman herself final woke up and gave the little girl a scolding before her eyes lay upon the boy. Now noticing the boy was awake did the woman raised a hand trying to get a closer look at the boy. But the boy panicked and flinched trying to protect himself. This wasn't a dream he thought but more of a nightmare. No matter were he went even in his dream he was still getting hurt. Alarmed did the woman draw back her hand and a look of concern draw on her face.

"Don't hurt.. me please... Please don't hurt me.."

The boy begged over and over again causing the woman to become startled. All she wanted to do was help but the boy was in clear stress and fear. The way his body shook and the closed eyes indicated the boy was ready to receive pain he didn't want to receive. The little girl was confused by the boys actions and words.

"Mama... Why is the boy afraid? Did he do something bad?"

"No my flower. The boy is just afraid, give him room please. Apolline, please may I have a word."

The sudden arrival of the girl's father took both of them by surprise. Apolline even though she didn't want to leave the boy's side decided going against her husbands request and followed him to the next room leaving the boy and the girl to be alone.