Chapter One; The Assignment

Merry Christmas everyone! Welcome to Harry Snape's first ever Christmas adventure! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and are excited about it being the first of December being the official mark of the Christmas season because I know I am! Here's the first chapter!

Harry James Snape was a special nine year old little boy. For this was because of the fact that he was a wizard. He had a three year old little brother named Tobey (Tobias), and a two year old little sister named Eve. (Evangeline) He also had two dogs. One of them was a Jack Russell Terrier Poodle mix named Cowboy, and the other was an Irish setter mix named Katie. Most importantly he had two parents that really loved him.

He had his mother Lily and his stepfather Severus who had adopted him after they had gotten married. Harry was a very happy and bright little child, especially now since Christmas was coming. For of course he was excited about getting his Christmas presents, but he also knew that the true meaning of Christmas was celebrating the birth of Jesus and by doing what He came here to do, loving each other and giving to those in need.

He was very excited to get home from charm school that afternoon. Not only because it meant the start of his Christmas vacation, but because of his holiday homework that his teacher had assigned. "You know Harry, I always knew that you were an extraordinary little boy but I've never known anyone to get excited about homework over Christmas." His father told him as he walked through the door.

"That's because it's an exciting assignment. We have to pick somebody who's less fortunate than us and give them a gift without them knowing about it." Harry explained with a grin.

"Oh I see, the secret Santa, I remember one year that I had to do that." His mother said as she looked up from the book she was reading while Tobey and Eve continued playing on the floor with their toys.

"What are you reading Mum?" Harry asked her as she smiled sweetly at him before waving her hand over to him.

"Come over here sweetheart and I'll show you." She told him as he rushed over to her and sat down next to her before lying his head down on top of her shoulder. Lily cuddled it close to her before planting a kiss on the top of it and letting him see the picture she was looking at in the brochure. There was a log cabin with a blanket of snow outside it and lightly falling out of the window.

"What is that?" he asked her as he pointed to the picture.

"That darling is the place were going to be vacationing at for Christmas vacation. I invited Mrs. Weasley and her family to come with us to Switzerland." She told him.

"Cool!" Harry exclaimed. "I love their chocolate!" he cried as both of his parents laughed before his mother kissed him again. "What about Tobey and Eve? Are they coming with us?" he asked her.

"No, they're going over to Grandma and Grandpa's. It's just going to be us." She replied with a grin as Harry's face lit up with excitement.

"Really!? That's great! This is going to be the best Christmas ever! I can't wait! I'm going to start packing now!" he cried leaping to his feet before rushing down the hallway.

"Harry wait! We're not leaving until a couple of weeks sweetheart!" Lily called before breaking into a fit of giggles.

Harry waited in the back of the Santa Claus line with his family and the rest of the little boys and girls. Of course he knew that he was too old to personally sit on Santa's lap, but he liked watching his brother and sister. He liked looking around the wizarding mall while he waited. Everything was already decorated up for Christmas. He especially loved the fact that the Christmas tree was up and decorated because he always loved helping picking out his own Christmas tree.

His father would always let him climb up on top of his shoulders to put the tree topper up on the tree. They had a star and a Christmas angel and they changed back and forth every year. This year he would help put the star up on the tree. It was a shiny silver one, and to him and his family it symbolized the star of Bethlehem that led the wise men and three kings to see the baby Jesus and present Him with the three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Harry smiled to himself as he heard It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas in the background because he knew that in a couple of weeks it would be. When it was Tobey's turn to sit on Santa's lap he asked for a toy Hogwarts train, and Eve (after she had stopped crying) asked for snow and a new sled to go sled riding with. After they finished seeing Santa Claus, they stopped for lunch and that's when Harry ran into his best friend Ronald (Ron) Weasley and the rest of his family.

"Hey Harry!" he cried with a wave. "Merry Christmas!" he exclaimed.

"Merry Christmas!" Harry called back.

"Did your parents tell you about our vacation yet?" he questioned.

"Yeah," Harry began with a nod before he just simply grinned at him. "but if they didn't you would have just ruined the surprise anyway." He said as they finally reached the back of the line.

"Oops, sorry." Ron apologized before placing his hand over his mouth. "So anyway, have you figured out what your secret Santa gift is going to be yet?" he questioned.

"No. I don't even know what I want for Christmas yet." Harry replied.

"You better hurry up and send your letter to Santa then." Ginny told him while Lily bent down to Tobey and Eve.

"So do you guys want a happy meal?" she asked them.

"Hey to me, anything to keep them quiet is considered a happy meal." Snape said as his wife rolled her eyes.

"Oh Severus!" she groaned.