Oh baby, your face is dark, and your eyes are wild.
Oh baby, you look to me as if you're still a child.

Your innocence to me is so hard to believe,
Just a spell in my past, tell me, how long will you last.

Oh baby, you stole my lonely heart for you.
Oh baby, I wanna tell you what you can do.

I no longer care about the things we shared, you always had your way.
Won't you find a place today, won't you find a place to stay.


Sam and Dean cautiously made their way through the shipping dock, approaching an old warehouse. They had been investigating the series of mutilations in Annapolis, largely as a distraction from the cold trail of a missing Castiel. If it weren't for Dean worrying himself sick over the angel's unknown fate, this case would be right up his alley.

Bodies kept cropping up around the edge of Chesapeake Bay, each showing the same M.O. – a deathblow to the back of the neck, almost surgical in precision, and a strange symbol carved into the chest. There had been other wounds, some defensive, but they varied. Each victim had been male, in his late twenties to early thirties, "loner" types without attachment, and all had no reason for being where they were found. Some weren't even from the towns they'd been killed in.

Dean touched Sam's arm to get his attention, pointed to the side door, then to himself. Sam nodded, raising his shotgun, loaded with salt-stuffed shells, to cover the door as Dean picked the lock and carefully eased the door open. Sam slipped in first, quickly aiming left and right to clear the immediate area. Dean backed in behind him, watchful against potential ambush.

"If I had a nickel for every empty warehouse I've had to clear..." Dean muttered.

Sam shot him a quick, rueful grin, and walked forward quietly, carefully looking around corners as he passed empty shelving units. Dean stepped into the next aisle over, doing likewise. By the time they reached the rough center of the building, Sam's shoulders were starting to stiffen from the tension.
"Are you sure we got the right place?" he asked his brother, shrugging in attempt to loosen up.

"The kid from the New Age shop swore that he saw our guy go in here when he was biking home," Dean answered. "There's gotta be something here."

Dean's certainty was cemented a second later when a large man with black eyes jumped on him from atop the shelves, knocking him to the ground. He looked up from the concrete floor to see Sam grappling with two others. He swallowed back panic at the sight, kicking his assailant off and jamming Ruby's knife into the demon's gut. "Sammy!" he shouted, sprinted towards the brawl as he watched another dark figure drop into the fight.

Dean barely had time to register surprise as the newcomer dropped to the floor and spun an outstretched leg to knock the feet out from under one of Sam's attackers. Popping up, the figure gave three quick jabs to demon that was still standing, before spinning again to deliver a heel kick to his face. Sam took advantage of the demon's being staggered to drive the angel blade into his battered face. Meanwhile, the newcomer had returned to the floored demon, knelt on his chest, and had one fist cocked threateningly, the other hand clutching the demon's collar.

"Watch out!" Sam warned, coming toward the pair with blade ready. The figure on top of the demon cocked its head at Sam, then delivered a sound punch the its victim's face, laying him out, and stood over its fallen foe. As Dean came over, he realized what had appeared during the fight as a black blur was a short, compact figure in running clothes, a woman by the curves. She turned to Sam sharply just as Dean reached them, and Dean grabbed her arm to stop her from potentially attacking his brother.

"Hey!" a voice said, and Dean paused. He'd heard that voice before...

The figure raised her other hand and pushed back the hood of her jacket, beaming at him. "Easy there, tiger," Devi grinned.