Sticky little hands woke Tony even before his alarm clock went off. Slowly he blinked his eyes open and gazed into the face of his eldest son. Wincing at the thought of his wife smacking his arm for referring to Jackson, as his eldest son. This would be their final baby and Ziva desperately wanted it to be a girl. Girls were great but Tony still loved the idea of two boys. Since Ziva would be having her tubes tied after this pregnancy. The baby growing inside Ziva was his only shot for that dream. He reached over and pulled the toddler close. Jack nestled his head into his father's chest and began to giggle hysterically.

"Abba! Abba!" Jackson giggled.

"Jackson Anthony DiNozzo! I told you not to disturb your Abba!" Ziva called.

"It's OK, I need to get up anyway." Tony yawned.

"What brother's name?" Jackson asked.

"Your sister is going to be named Tali." Ziva replied.

"Abba said brother." Jackson commented.

"Oh really?" Ziva questioned.

"Last I checked a baby can be a girl or a boy, and you insisted that we wait until he is born to find out his gender." Tony reminded.

"It's called a mother's intuition and besides I do not need three of you." Ziva smirked.

"We'll see in two and a half months." Tony rebutted.

"That we will." Ziva replied.

Jackson's preschool was holding a special lunch for family members. Due to limited space only one guest could be invited to this particular lunch and since Ziva was out of the field anyway. She was the one, who would be attending. Though as Tony pointed out she was technically two guests. After the lunch Ziva was going to sign Jackson out early and take him on a special mother/son field trip. Ziva was working in as many one on one days with Jackson as she could. Before the newest DiNozzo came along. Tony was as well but it was easier for daddy to leave a new baby for the afternoon than it was for mommy. Especially since mommy would be breast feeding.

"Where we going today?" Jackson asked, as they drove towards the school.

"That is a surprise." Ziva reminded.

"Can Tiggly know?" Jackson asked, holding up his stuffed tiger.

"I already told Tiggly in private." Ziva laughed.

"Does brother get to know?" Jackson asked.

"Your sister knows, but only because I can't get away from her." Ziva explained

"Why not?" Jackson asked.

"Because she's inside of me." Ziva explained.

"Why?" Jackson asked.

"Because that's where babies grow." Ziva replied.

"Why?" Jackson asked.

"Because you were backyard camping with grandpa Gibbs and your Abba made my favorite dinner. After that we were so happy that a baby started to grow in my tummy." Ziva explained.

"OK" Jack replied.

While Ziva was enjoying a mother/son school lunch with Jackson. Tony was eating a sandwich at his desk in the bullpen. Gibbs and McGee were splitting leftover pizza from the break-room and Bishop was eating a five dollar fill-up box from KFC. After he finished his lunch, Tony tossed the paper bag into his personal trashcan and smirked.

"I still got it." Tony announced

"Congratulations DiNozzo" Gibbs replied.

"Oh come on Tony. Even I could make that shot." McGee teased.

"Is that a challenge?" Tony asked.

"You guys can play trashcan basketball later. We got a dead petty officer at Rock Creek Park. McGee gas up the truck! DiNozzo grab me some more bullets from the armory." Gibbs barked.

"On it!" McGee cried.

"Of course I get the boring job." Tony groaned.

The four agents and two medical examiners stood around the officer's body. It was a woman in her early forties, with a gunshot to the back. Ducky's preliminary diagnosis was Exsanguination. According to her ID, her name was Wanda Lenore Turner. The scene had been photographed, evidence had been collected, witnesses had been questioned. Ducky and Jimmy loaded the body onto the gurney and wheeled it towards the van, Tony and McGee were busy planning their trashcan basketball tournament. When the whir of a helicopter drew everybody's attention to the sky.

"It's a life-flight." Gibbs commented.

"They are in a hurry." Ducky added.

"Must have been one hell of an accident." McGee sighed.

"Sad" Bishop replied.

"I always hate that sound. Ever since I became a father. I just think what if it were me or Breena? What if it were Tori?" Jimmy explained.

"I know the feeling but this city is a huge community. Don't stress on it too much." Tony assured his friend.

The drive back to NCIS was filled with banter about the tournament and Gibbs continuously trying to get his agents to focus on the case. Noticing that it was now after noon, Tony sent a text to Ziva asking about lunch and if they had made it to the zoo or not. He could not wait to see the pictures that Ziva would take. He especially looked forward to seeing Jackson at the tiger exhibit. Tigers had been the boy's favorite animal since birth. Gibbs had brought Tiggly to the hospital to compete with director Vance's plush lion. Tony suspected that Gibbs was still rubbing that one in the director's face.

"What are you doing? Texting Ziva to bring Jackson to watch you lose?" McGee asked.

"Tournament isn't happening til we wrap the case." Gibbs reminded.

"No I am just checking to see if they got to the zoo." Tony replied.

"Damn I should have something about zoos and you losing." McGee groaned.

"Whatever, I guess Ziva got held up talking to another mom or something. They should be there by now or she should at least have been able to text me from a traffic light." Tony explained.

"Ziva isn't the one who gets held up talking." Gibbs laughed.

"True, I just hope they are OK." Tony replied.

"I'm sure they are just fine. Two year olds are a handful when they are wired from candy." Gibbs reminded.

Tony wasn't sure if it was Jimmy's remarks about the helicopter or Ziva's delayed response, but he had the worst feeling. McGee pulled the sedan into it's designated spot and the team exited the vehicle. The walk back to the squad room was relatively quiet compared to the drive back, but Tony could not shake his feeling. Upon arriving on their floor, the elevator door slid open and the team exited. A series of gasps escaped from the mouths of the team, when they noticed Vance standing in front of their bullpen.

Abby was beside him, sobbing heavily into a handkerchief.

"What's going on, Leon?" Gibbs asked.

"This news was meant to be shared with Agent DiNozzo privately but I know that he is going to need your support right now. So I am going to just go ahead and tell all of you." Vance explained.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"Ziva and Jackson were involved in a car accident. I don't know the exact details. All they would tell me is that Ziva is critical and Jackson was injured as well. They are at Georgetown. I am sorry." Vance apologized.

Tony had no recall of the drive to the hospital. His memory stopped with Gibbs dragging him towards the elevator and did not return until he was standing in her room. Jackson was up in pediatrics probably scared to death but right now Tony needed to be with his wife. Nobody would tell him about his baby. Just that they had preformed an emergency C-Section and he/she was in the NICU. Ziva's injuries were grave, there was nothing to be done. She had severed her spinal chord. Not in the Delilah way, where she would be paralyzed. Her chord had been severed just below the brain stem, her neck was broken in two spaces and her lower spine in four. Her skull was cracked and she had massive bruising and bleeding on the brain. Some idiot had decided that they would rather have a text fight with their girlfriend than pay attention to the road, lost control of their car, and now Tony was going to lose the love of his life. His heart was shattered into a million pieces as he gave the go ahead to turn off the machines. It happened much faster than Tony had anticipated. The machines were switched off, Ziva convulsed for a moment, and then she was gone. The scream of the flat-lining heart monitor, ripped out Tony's heart. Eventually a nurse switched off the monitor and Tony could no longer bear to be in that room. He stumbled out into the hallway and was blinded by the florescent lights. He found his family in the waiting room and made a beeline for Gibbs' waiting arms.

"She's gone." Tony whispered, voice cracking.

A/N: What is the fate of Jackson and "Baby DiNozzo"? New chapter will be up soon. Please review and thanks for reading.