Ok so I haven't updated in years and honestly it's because I haven't a lot of motivation for this fic. Sorry about that but I'm sure a lot of you can relate, I'll try to update more often but no promises. On a different note: so many views! Oh my god I did not think this would be so popular! Thanks so much to all of you and please continue to leave nice reviews!

"Wow… your place is great, Jess; really I love it." Rory stands in the doorway of Jess's apartment looking around. The living room is small but cozy, very Jess. There are books lining the walls and covering the coffee table, a small TV in the corner in front of a beat up but comfortable looking couch, and glass door opening up onto a small balcony.

"Thanks. It does the job."

"Well I think it looks very Hemingway."

Jess smirks and points to a doorway. "The kitchen is through there-" he points to a slightly ajar door on the opposite side of the room, "-the bedroom through there and the bathroom-" he gestures to the door next to them, "-is here. There isn't a whole lot of space but what more could a tortured writer need?" He watches as Rory walks around the living room, an awed expression on her face as she takes in all his books and the antique typewriter in the corner.

"This is amazing? Where in the world did it come from? I never pegged you for a collector?"

"My mom gave it to me. It was sitting in her closet for ages. She said she found it at a yard sale years ago and bought it on a whim; you know how Liz is. She said she had no use for it so she gave it to me, not that I have a use for it."

"Well it certainly completes the tortured writer aesthetic you have going here. And you can't tell me that you haven't used it once?! Really?"

"Well, maybe once." Jess bites his lip, smirking sheepishly and swiftly changes the subject, "So how 'bout some food? There's a great Chinese place down the street."

"Food sounds great. Can we order in though? I'm suddenly really tired." Rory hides a yawn behind her hand and grins.

"I'll be back. You pick a movie; they're all under the TV." He motions to the stacks of DVDs while he grabs the landline phone and starts dialing. Rory sorts through movie after movie with no apparent filing system, picking up Star Wars, then The Princess Bride, then Casablanca. She waves all three at him with an incredulous expression, Jess just rolls his eyes and waves his hand with a smirk.

"So, what's piqued your fancy?" He grins then looks at the film she shoves in his lap. "Love Actually? Really, Rory? It's October."

"I know I know, I'm just really in the mood for this. And it's far enough away from Christmas that you can watch it again in two months without being annoyed. Come on, Jess. I know it's one of your favourites." She pleads with him, her bright blue eyes wide and doe-like and Jess can't refuse.

"Okay, but only because you're the guest. Do you want popcorn?"

"Always." Rory watches through the doorway as Jess moves into the kitchen and she finds herself distracted by the way his t-shirt clings slightly to his back and shoulders. Mesmerized, she smiles to herself as he pulls out an ancient popcorn maker and starts pouring kernels in. He glances up to catch her staring and he smirks.

"What? Admiring another one of my fine antiques?"

"Huh? Oh… the popcorn maker, oh yeah. When did you buy that? 2005?"

"Probably. Actually yeah, it would have been pretty soon after I moved out. Why? You want one? I think I could hook you up with a guy."

"What guy? Doctor Who? Marty McFly?"

"Marty McFly travels forward in time so obviously not him. I could maybe get the Doctor though."

"Oh yeah? That would all depend on which doctor." Jess' reply is cut short by the doorbell ringing and Rory jumps up to answer it.

"Wow that was fast."

"I told you. Best Chinese place in all of Philly. They're also completely dead on a Wednesday evening." He settles down on the couch as Rory pays the delivery man and reenters the room carrying a large paper bag. He watches as she examines the contents as she sets the little boxes on the coffee table. "You still like chicken chow mein right? And sweet and sour pork?"

"It's an eternal love affair. I can't believe you still remember, it has been a while."

"I have a very good memory." He gives a small smirk then presses play on the remote control. They both settle into a smooth rhythm, reaching for one of the many boxes of food and filling their plates. Jess smiles to himself as Rory curls into the side of the couch with a blanket around her legs and her plate balanced in her lap. She looks more young and carefree then he's seen her look in years.