Note: I do not own any of these characters. I also did not create any of these characters (you get the idea)
Each story stands on its own, none are connected, or take place in the same timeframe.
A is for ankle:
Jamie was helping Danny move the boxes out of their dad's attic. They were working mostly together, but every once in awhile, an argument would pop up. Their current argument was on whether or not Jamie was really helping.
"You've been sitting there drinking a soda for the past seven minutes!" Danny exclaimed.
"Cause I was thirsty!" Jamie argued back. "Is that a crime?!"
"Just get the rest of these boxes out of here." Danny sighed.
"What!?" Jamie yelped. "There's like 40 more boxes!"
"Well that's how many I moved when you were sitting on your lazy ass."
"Is not!"
Jamie picked up a box. "aahh this one's heavy." Jamie complained.
"Here let me get it then." Danny replied.
"Wait a minute, I thought you just said.."
"Well if the baby's not strong enough to pick up a box,"
"Danny shut up!" Jamie yelled at him. Danny tried to grab the box.
"Jamie just give it to me.".
"Get off Danny!" Jamie fired back at him. "Danny! Stop, get off… Aaahhhhhh!"
Jamie slipped and fell down the stairs, taking the box with him, which happened to contain all of Erin's soccer trophies.
"Jamie!" Danny yelled, running down the stairs after his brother.
Jamie was at the bottom of the stairs, unconscious. The box had hit him in the head, and he passed out.
"Jamie, wake up." Danny prompted, his tone 100 degrees cooler.
He lifted the box off of Jamie, then crouched down so he was level with his brother. "Come on, I'm sorry kid, please wake up."
Silence. "Jamie come on, don't make me explain this to dad by myself!"
Jamie moaned.
"There you go, open your eyes," Danny said. Jamie's eyes slowly squinted open. "Ahh, light…" Jamie mumbled. Danny positioned his hand so it was covering Jamie's eyes, and pulled him up so he was sitting up, leaning against the wall. "Better?" Danny asked. Jamie didn't respond, and they sat like this for a few minutes. Finally, Jamie looked up.
"Ugggh, ankle… Hurts." Jamie moaned.
"Lemme see." Danny looked at the ankle, and gasped. It was very bruised, and swollen. He touched it, and Jamie yelped.
Meanwhile, Frank walked in the room. "What on earth are you two even…" Seeing Jamie on the bottom of the stairs bleeding, he stopped. "Danny, what happened?"
"He fell down the stairs,"
"Okay, help me get him up," Frank moved towards Jamie. Both took one arm over their shoulders, and together, Danny and Frank moved Jamie out the door.
Danny deposited Jamie into the backseat of his car, with his leg propped up onto the seat. Frank stayed at home to move the rest of the boxes into the garage.
Jamie moaned. "Danny it hurts… Uggggh"
"I know kid, and I'm sorry"
"Not your fault."
"Yes, it is. I practically pushed you down the stairs!"
"Should have been working 'stead of sittin,"
"Alright well then I guess it's both our faults"
One trip to the ER later, and a car ride back to their dad's house, Jamie was sitting on the sofa with a pair of crutches and a green cast on his foot up to his knee, and a concussion. He also had the next two weeks off from work, then two weeks of desk duty. His foot was propped up on a pillow, and he had a cool compress on his head.
"Well, I hope you boys both learned a valuable lesson from this," Frank said, moving into the living room.
"Which is?" Danny asked.
"Fighting instead of working gets you two weeks of desk duty," Frank chuckled.
"Uggggghhhh" Jamie moaned.