********Sorry for the wait, smutty chapters take me longer. Please skip this chapter if that isn't you cup of tea. Never done a Harry Potter universe fic before, but as always I don't own anything here. I'm just a fan.*********
Of course he wanted her. He was practically going mad behind his measured movements. His body cursed him the moment he stood up. However, Tina deserved better than the impersonal hotel room, itchy flannel blankets, and stiff sheets. "Come with me. I want to show you something."
Making doubly sure that the hotel room was locked, he opened his case and guided Tina to its well worn ladder.
Tina had been in Newt's case once before, but it still astonished her. The spaces widened and expanded seemingly before her very eyes. Creatures of all shapes and sizes could be seen milling about the central space and back into their respective ecosystems. As before, his workbench was a haphazard display of salves, drawings, plant clippings, and miscellaneous bric a brac. A kniffler was admiring its reflection in a freshly cleaned spade, a pair a billywigs zoomed overhead, Pickett was impatiently waiting in a bush near the table. The bowtruckle chirped at Newt when he entered the case behind Tina, but he shook his head and told him to be patient.
"This way." Newt told Tina, he took her by the hand and lead her to a door at the back of the workspace.
Stepping into the living quarters, Tina felt herself pass through various wards. "No creatures, in here…" She mused.
"Can you blame me for not wanting mammoth dung beetles in my bedroom?" He laughed. "Only Dougal is allowed back here, in case there are any problems I need to know about."
It was a quaint, rustic looking room with a scrubbed wooden floor. There was a kitchenette, a small dining table, two arm chairs and a writing desk tucked away into an alcove. Behind the writing desk was a one way window facing his workbench. It was plain, but homey.
He lead her down a corridor with some closed, white washed doors; bathrooms or closets she surmised. At the end of the hall was another large white door, Newt pushed it open for her and watched for her reaction. She brought her hand to her mouth in amazement.
The bedroom was breathtaking. It was hexagonal in shape, each wall was a mural of one of the habitats in his menagerie; at least she thought they were murals. As with other walls in his case, they caught the light in such a way so she couldn't be sure that, when approached, the wall wouldn't fall away into its depicted landscape. The wall with the door depicted a deciduous forest with a small lake just past the doorframe. Clockwise from there was a polar tundra, a semi-arid desert pocked with crags, a wide savannah, an alpine coniferous forest, and a dense rain forest. The six corners of the room arched toward the ceiling, becoming less and less defined as they rose until they diffused all together into an open blue sky.
The only furniture in the room was a stout wooden bed and a large book laden nightstand to one side. Both were backed up against the coniferous forest, with a babbling creek running down the mural on the side of the bed without the nightstand. Tina could faintly hear the creek's water moving, and if she looked closely enough she could see the depicted creatures in the various biomes moving subtly across their painted surfaces.
"Are these charmed paintings? To keep track of your beasts while you're in here?"
"Mm-hmm. I enlisted the help of some wizards more talented than I, when I originally started building this case. But I watched them closely and memorized their charms. Since then I have been growing my case on my own and improving upon it. This room was particularly challenging, but I crafted it entirely myself and am proud of it."
The dim magical light source was high over the savannah, reminding Tina that it was still early afternoon. "It's enchanting." She said, though it felt like a colossal understatement.
"Would you laugh if I told you that I used to have my writing desk in here and had a small twin bed in the alcove of the main room?"
A giggle brightened her face. "Only because that sounds so very like you."
He hands were shoved in his pockets as he shrugged bashfully. It was entirely too adorable to resist. Tina brought herself close to him to resume her prior task of removing his shirt. Newt nuzzled her cheek with his nose until she tilted her head back enough to allow him access to her lips. He took his hands from his pockets to allow the vest, and then the oxford to flutter down to the floor.
Tina began unbuttoning her own blouse next, but Newt stilled her hands. "May I?" One agonizingly slow button after another slid loose under the ministrations of his fingers. He had to evaluate every inch of her skin as it was revealed, kissing her neck and collarbone as he went. Eventually the blouse joined his clothes beside them. Just before she started fumbling with his pants he asked "And you are sure this is what you want?"
Tina slid her wand out of her skirt pocket and cast a quick contraceptive charm on herself. "Yes, I am completely sure." She said, placing her wand on the nightstand.
As he set his wand next to hers, Newt blew out a nervous breath. "I should tell you something, Tina. I've not been with a women..."
"In how long?"
"Erm… well… ever, really." His voice shook.
"You know that doesn't matter to me. We can take things as slowly as you'd like." Although, she was worried that the lust in her eyes contradicted her words.
"I've never had more than a fleeting curiosity regarding human relations before. Dont misunderstand me, I'd like to try if you're amenable... But please excuse my miserable lack of experience..."
Reaching behind her back, Tina unfastened her brassiere and Newt fell silent.
He was overcome. Whatever self restraint he may have had was lost. She had quickly divested him of his trousers and he was peeling the stockings off her legs with little regard for their structural integrity. In his desire fueled abandon he accidentally ripped her silk slip. Feeling like a common beast in rut, he swore at his recklessness under his breath, but he simply could not seem to get Tina undressed quickly enough.
He lowered her onto the pile of blankets that covered his bed. Her dark hair splayed on his pillow. His pillow! There was a beautiful, naked woman in his bed! Not only that, he felt he was quickly becoming irrevocably enamoured with her. Of all the impossible things… "Tina" he sighed, letting himself explore her exposed skin.
He pressed into her as cautiously and respectfully as his present state of mind would allow. The warmth enfolded him in bliss. His stream of consciousness was fragmented around the collision of their two bodies, and went something like this: Pickett hit a wicket playing cricket, Pickett hit a wicket playing cricket… wicket… hit a… oh… Merlin help me, why is she moving like that? She should absolutely do that again…. no, no wait I can't take that again, I must make sure this is worth her while too… oh, oh dear… blast my inexperience, she can't possibly be enjoying this as much as I… then again, those sounds... those sounds she's making… mewling, begging, moaning even… those are positive sounds, to be sure… right?… Oh, nothing has ever felt so right in all my existence… it's too much, it's all at once…
Newt was hopelessly trying to regain a modicum of control over himself when Tina whispered his name softly against his neck. It proved to be his undoing, as he couldn't help but succumb. Flashes and sparks whizzed and whirled in his head. Tingling sensations flung to the far extremes of his body before coalescing again at his core.
When he finally recovered enough to open his eyes, he couldn't help but stare bewildered and besotted at the beautiful witch beneath him. He worked his mouth into an awkward half smile but couldn't think of anything at all to say. As it turned out he didn't have to, Tina propped herself up on her elbows to kiss him.
"You are such a good man, Newt Scamander."
"Even though I smuggled an illegal potion into New York? Would you have tried to stop me from giving Jacob that potion, had you known about it ahead of time?"
"I'm not sure, to be honest. My relationships with no-maj's haven't been the same since I met you. It's not right to dictate whom someone can love or befriend. It's gotten more and more difficult for me to defend the actions of MACUSA, in that regard… What sort of Auror does that make me?"
"A strong, empathetic one, that uses her heart and mind to make her own decisions instead of blindly accepting what's fed to her."
"Like I said, you're a good man, Newt." She said, wrapping herself in his arms.
The two of them cuddled and chatted for the remainder of the afternoon, buried in his bed. They had a light supper at his small kitchen table. Just as the artificial sun was setting in his room, they made love again. Enchanted stars winked into existence over the bed. Newt watched his graphorns cross one of the muraled walls in the dimming light. Tina's breath was coming slow and shallow beside him.
He still couldn't believe that she was there with him. How had he won over this amazing woman, introverted as he was? What an unlikely but welcome course of events. It was bewildering. Relationships in the animal kingdom had far fewer nuances and subtleties than their human counterparts, he concluded, but he hoped all living things shared some of this magic.
It did still bother him that Tina had felt so left out earlier. She felt as though she had to ask to visit him in London, when in fact he would be tripping over himself with joy to have her there. It was entirely unnecessary for her to worry. Perhaps there is more I could say? More I could do to make her feel welcome in my life? He sighed, and kissed the top of her head. After making sure Tina was asleep, he crept away to his writing desk for inspiration.
A soft morning light filtered through the rainforest canopy onto the warm blankets. Tina was still drinking in the smell of Newt on the sheets when she felt movement on the bed beside her. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by Dougal's inquisitive face inches from her own. It startled her into sitting up. Having anticipated this, Dougal flashed into invisibility and fled from the room. As she sat wondering after the demiguise, Tina noticed a tray on the nightstand. There was a steaming cup of earl grey tea topped with crushed mint, a currant muffin, and an envelope with a mustard yellow seal.
The thoughtful tray made Tina smile, even though Newt was nowhere to be seen. He must be tending to his animals, she reasoned. Taking a long draw from the teacup, she thumbed opened the envelope and read the letter within it:
Tina, Fame has brought me nothing but anxiety. If anything I feel more like an outsider now than I did when I could blend in with a crowd and disappear. I came to New York as part of an effort to surround myself with the few people I trust, before my impending celebrity gets too out of hand. I was concerned that hiring you would muddle up any chance I may have at a relationship with you. But when I extended offers to Queenie and Jacob, I never meant to exclude you. I should have realized my mistake before you were forced to confront me about it yesterday. For that oversight, I apologize profusely.
When you came looking a letter, if what you were actually looking for was a formal invitation, please consider this that invitation. You are invited to participate in as much or as little of my life as you like. You are invited to London to help set up the bakery or to get your sister settled. You are invited to Norway when I go this summer to study ridgeback dragons. You are invited to share in all my triumphs and failures as you see fit. I invite you into my life whole heartedly, as I have never done with another. You are invited to be my companion and partner, Tina Goldstein, indefinitely, no matter which side of the Atlantic we find ourselves on. -Newt
Dougal crept back into the room as she finished reading the sweetest letter she could have possibly imagined. Tina hopped out of bed, buttoned a few buttons of her blouse and and asked the demiguise: "Where is he?" She jogged with the creature out of Newt's living quarters, past the workbench, and to the occamy nest.
When Newt saw her approaching, he wiped his dusty hands on his trousers and grinned. "Hope you don't mind the tea, I didn't have any coff…. Ooof!"
Tina lept into his arms. "Thank you, thank you!" She said between showers of kisses. "It's exactly what I wanted!"
His eyebrows raised. "If this is the way you respond, remind me to give you tea more often."
"The letter you dolt." She continued kissing his face, trying to pepper each freckle with equal attention.
He held her close for a moment, revelling in her affections, before he said. "Speaking of letters, we better get a move on to meet Queenie and Jacob at the docks."