Sorry for the long update! I really am sorry.

Here is the next chapter enjoy!

*Gray's POV*

A while after her birthday, Lucy got a white puppy and named it Plue. She only smiled Plue and no one else. She played with it everywhere.

One day, Siegrain yelled, while he enters his house, "Mom, dad came home," Lucy just looked back, and countined to stare out the window.

Just then, Plue was running outside. Lucy saw this out her window. One man, also saw Plue, and kicked Plue away lightly with his foot. That man was Lucy's dad. Lucy shaken up and in despair.

Jude, just sat down on a big swing outside. Layla went outside, gave her husband some coffee. And said "Here is some coffee, I will get breakfast ready." He said thank you and started to drink his coffee.

Siegrain and Lucy were going to school in there school uniforms, when Lucy's dad asked her to come. He picked her up and placed her next to him. "Did you eat?" He asked. She nodded. "Are you studying well?" She nodded. "Is everything in school is okay?" She nodded. He let out a chuckled. He put his finngers on his chin, and went in to give her a kiss on the cheek. She tilted his head away from her father. He turned to look down and and disappointed. He let go of her chin. He ordered nicely, "Go now, sweetie." She got up and left. Never once looked at him, just to the ground.

That night Jude asked his friend and colleag to come. They both talked about Jude's relation ship with Lucy and Siegrain.

"As a friend, I need to tell you one thing." Jude's friend said. "Already, your children are missing you a lot." He countinued. "Right now if you go with the contract, they will not only miss you, the distance between you and them will increase," He reasons.

Jude replies, "When you want something, you have to be distance to somethings." After that, both men keep quiet and go deep in thought.

The next morning, Lucy was outside playing with Plue. While walking and running around, Plue went under a red car with the engine on. The car slowly moved back and Bam! Plue was still, not moving and on the ground. Lucy saw who drove the car it was her father, Jude Heartfillia. Her eyes turned a dark shade of red, while gasping and quietly crying. Yet, her dad did not take notice. She countinued to look at the body of Plue.

Everyday after Plue died, she turned distant from her family. She never talked, let alone ask for what she wants. She kept going deep in thought about Plue and her father.

After school, when her dad came to see her, she ignored him. She took a quick angry glance at him.

One day, Lucy's father was going back to his work place. He said his good byes and left.

However, I also Moved since, my dad got transferred to Magnolia. That was the last time I saw Lucy. She looked glum, so that day I vowed to never love again until I meet her.

Thank you for reading. And if you are wondering about why Siegrain, the main character's sister likes the love interest's brother. So I put Gray's sister as Ultear.

Until next time, alavida(Hindi for good bye)
