branch smiled to himself he never thought he would ever again be happy or sing or dance or even hug. he glanced at poppy who had fallen asleep next to him. he smiled he had found happiness because of her. this silly cheerful optimistic troll who always sandg and danced he had found her annoying but deep down he had loved her but had shut out feellings. but as their journey had occured she didnt scorn him but was patiet kind compassionate she had hugged him it reminded him of his grandma and she offered comfort as that happened his heart had started mending and when she had lost hope branch had finally decided to sing to help poppy just as she tried to help him. he had felt joy seeing her regain her colors and fet happy as he regained his the feeling of happiness he had long blocked returned. he knew poppy returned his feelings they were totally ment to be. poppy hugged branch in her sleep.

i love ou branch she sleep talked branch smiled i love you too poppy.

you helped me find happiness.

as thoes thoughts left branch fell asleep cuddling his beloved queen.