A birthday gift for Shiranai Atsune! I hope you enjoy this short story. A bit of crack-ish but never mind. -.-

Disclaimer: Screw you am I owning SiH and JR! They belong to Nakamura-sensei!

Summary: It was really a stupid idea to do this but both Misaki and Ritsu could careless about it. They going to make their semes pay for what they did to their body. So dearly.


"Are you sure you wanted to do this Misaki?" Ritsu ask as he put on a over size shirt while staring at Misaki who halfway of putting some lotion on him. They are in Misaki's searching something for their plan. *smirk*

"Yes Ritsu! I gonna make Usami Akihiko pay for what he did!" Misaki yell as he throw a shirt at Ritsu who caught it as he raise an eyebrow at Misaki.

"Okay thennnnnnn" Ritsu said as he unzip his pants. Misaki stare at Ritsu who is busy wearing another pair of pants before sigh in annoyance, "why is it so fucking tight!?"

"Maybe because it's small?" Misaki ask as he chuckle when Ritsu throw the pants at Misaki's bed before flop on the said bed.

"There's really isn't something we can as a costume?"

"I think I have a pair of maid clothes somewhere"


"What? Usagi-san brought it for me to use"

"As a fucking maid?"

"Yes Ritsu. Yes"

"Gahahaha!", Ritsu laugh as he roll all over the bed while Misaki glare at him. He jump on Ritsu who still laughing like no tomorrow before he shake Ritsu, violently.

"Stop laughing at me!" Misaki scream at Ritsu

"Mikasi *laugh* made!" He keep laughing until he fell from the bed. He calm himself before look up at Misaki before burst out laughing as Misaki glare daggers at him.

"Stop laughing already! Come on let's do it!"

"Alright. *take a deep breath* Alright. Let's do it tonight. Make sure to bring handcuffs and ropes to tie them." Ritsu said winking at Misaki who thumbs up at Ritsu who laugh a little.


"What's wrong with them? They been ignoring us for sometime now" Masamune ask Akihiko who puff a smoke out of his mouth as the two lounge around Masamune's apartment.

"I don't know. Misaki wouldn't even let me touch him."

"Onodera do the same to me. He even ignore me at work"

In the mind of the semes, they have similar thoughts, 'what did I do wrong? Are cheating on me?'

That's all! I wonder what they plan is~ I hope you guys like it! I update as soon as possible!

Please RnR and FnF!

Masamune: What's their plan!?

Me: Ehh. Who knows!

Semes: *glare at me*

Me: Puh-lease! You guys would love it!