Just then, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Megatron slowly brought the sword down towards the kneeling Prime. The Autobots watched in shock and horror. The Cons were cheering, figuring that they were about to be victorious. Unicron was eagerly watching while Prime wasn't just watching – he was hard at work.

As the sword slowly lowered, Primus called Slugbug to join with Optimus. Slugbug vanished from the sparkling safe room he had been in, worrying all but Mirage, as Mirage sensed something was going on. Mirage had always known something was different about the precious sparkling and so this didn't seem out of character for the little one.

Out on the battle field, Optimus was starting to feel weakened, as he had lost much energon, but he also felt some strength coming from somewhere. Optimus didn't know it, but Primus combined Slugbug with Optimus, which released something never yet seen before. The strength of all the previous Prime's flowed into Optimus' systems, including his ancient predecessor that shared his name. Optimus felt renewed in his strength, but he knew he was not to stand just yet. He had to wait for just the right time.

Megatron's glowing red optics were anticipating victory as the sword drew closer to Optimus' helm. However, just as the sword was about to strike Optimus' helm, Optimus caught it in his own bare hands. The Autobots were stunned. The cons grew silent. Megatron was shocked and angered as he watched the sword be caught and then ripped away from him by a Prime that looked almost new, though the battle scars remained.

"Bad move, Megatron" Optimus stated, feeling the power of not only the ancient Primes flowing through him, but also the power of Primus, thanks to Slugbug's spark which was a portal for Primus. "Now its my turn" Optimus stated, as he felt the power of support from Primus, the ancient Primes, and his teammates.

Megatron was pissed. "Not if I can help it" Megatron stated, lunging at the Prime, trying to destroy the bot once again. But as Megatron lunged, Optimus moved the sword so that it pierced Megatron right through the chest plates, not quite killing the bot instantly. "I still function" Megatron stated, as his systems slowly died off.

"Go Megatron, you will no longer be a threat to our world or peace" Optimus stated, waiting for the bot to go.

All were shocked when it wasn't Primus that showed up for Megatron's evil spark, but Unicron. The presence of evil was over powering, but Unicron couldn't stay long, as Primus was too close and too powerful and drove the ancient evil bot back to the pit where Unicron belonged.

Only once Megatron and Unicron were gone did Primus release Bug from joining with Optimus and thus resetting things inside the Matrix and Optimus. Optimus was still weak, but he was victorious.

"Prime, sir?" asked one of the Autobots who had valiantly fought against the cons.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Optimus asked.

"We…. We want to know the truth" the Autobot said in return.

"What truth is that?" Optimus asked, starting to worry, as now that the battle was over and the rest of the cons had been rounded up, Optimus was worried that what Megatron had said would destroy what his troops thought of him.

"Well, Megatron stated that you were the son of a pleasure bot. IS that the truth?" The Autobot asked, wanting to know.

Optimus sighed, there was no getting out of it now. He would tell the truth and hope that his teammates would still accept him.

"Please, all my Autobots, gather round as I must tell you the truth. It is true that before I was selected by Primus as Prime that I was a pleasure bot, the lowest bot in society. My mother is Orion, who was once known as the best pleasure bot there was. He taught me many things besides just how to pleasure bots, he taught me how to treat bots. My original given name was Orion Pax. My designation was changed when Primus selected me to be a Prime not too long after Sentinel was killed" Optimus stated, hoping the Autobots would not reject him.

"Sir, I am much older than you think. I have lived under many Primes and have watched as those Primes grew more and more arrogant. It is refreshing to see a Prime who cares for all and doesn't let class stop any bot from being what they want to be" the random bot stated. And with that, the rest of the Autobots cheered and rallied around Optimus. They had found out the truth and still accepted him as their leader. He had been so worried that if the truth came out, he would be shunned. Instead, he was welcomed with open arms.

"All right troops, back to base. Transform and roll out!" Optimus called in his most commanding voice. The other Autobots who had fought willingly followed the command and headed back to the base. Optimus followed them a short distance behind. Ironhide went back to the Prime.

"I'm proud of you son" Hide stated.

"Proud of what? I killed my own twin? My troops will accept me regardless? We lost many troops today?" Optimus asked.

"I'm proud that you stood up for those who couldn't fight and that you told the truth to your troops. Unfortunately, in war, sacrifices must be made, but do not let their deaths be in vain. Remember them as ones who gave their lives to buy the peace we now have."

Optimus hadn't thought of it that way. "Thank Primus for all his help. I would have been dead if not for him." Ironhide smiled as they continued back to the base.

Upon arriving at the base, all the Autobots, those who fought and those that stayed behind, had gathered, waiting for the Prime to arrive. Optimus was surprised to see the gathering, but a slight nudge from Ironhide was all that was needed to get Optimus up and speak.

"My fellow Autobots, today we finally have peace. Megatron and his evil forces have been defeated. And though we have lost many lives during this Civil war, let us not let their deaths be in vain. Let us remember that their deaths made it possible to have the peace we now have. And now, we shall rebuild Cybertron and make it a society where all bots are welcome. As your Prime, I may be the selected leader, but there will no longer be a class system. All will be allowed to work to their full potential and choose their own paths" Optimus stated, and received many cheers. Mirage smiled in the background. Optimus truly had come into his Prime role well. And soon, Cybertron was on its way to being the grand place it once had been.