Born Of Two

In This Story, A Long Time Ago, Isshin Had An Affair With Who He Thought To Be A Normal Woman. Turns Out That She Was An Arrancar. Now, Only Fifteen Years Later, Isshin Is Given Two Twins Out Of The Blue One Day Named Ichigo And Ayame Munkatta (Moon Cutter). How Will The Story Change Now That These Two Exist And Are Born Of A Soul Reaper And An Arrancar?

AU, OOC(Mainly Ichigo), OC. M For Language, Violence And Nudity.

Chapter 1: That Mistake

"Ayame - Iris, A Light Purple Flower Meaning Loyalty"

"Mizuki - Beautiful Moon"

Lemons Ahead

Fifteen Years Ago

It was just another night on patrol for Isshin Kurosaki. But not his usual patrol as a soul reaper, no. His patrol for good produce for his wife Masaki. She had been sick for a few days now after catching a very nasty cold she caught when it rained on her unexpectedly. Isshin was worried but knew that she would be okay if she just stayed in bed for now.

Isshin was walking along the store in search of some carrots to make a stew later when he accidentally bumped into a woman. This caused them both to drop their baskets and the woman fell to the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry miss-" Isshin was cut off when he got a very good look at her.

She was a tall yet slender woman with light brown skin and an innocent looking face. She had vibrant blue hair that reached down to her mid back and she was wearing a black sweater that was very tight around her curvy body. She also had on a long blue dress that reached down to her ankles and had a black crescent moon on the side of it near her right leg. She looked up to Isshin with her deep pink eyes and smiled at the man.

"It's fine." She said in a soft voice. She stood up and dusted herself off before looking at Isshin as he stared at her. "I should've been paying more attention to where I was going."

Isshin broke out of his trance of staring at her and spoke. "Oh no, I was thinking to myself and not paying attention. Are you hurt in any way Miss-" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

The woman smiled at him and stuck her hand out. "Munkatta. Mizuki Munkatta."

"Kurosaki. Isshin Kurosaki." Isshin said as he shook her hand.

Mizuki smiled and the two started to talk as they were in the store. They paid for their respective items and continued to talk to each other. Isshin realized that there was definitely something alluring about Mizuki. From the way she looked to her own name, everything was actually reminding him of his wife, Masaki. He found himself talking to her as they walked outside. He followed her along when she said she would like for him to walk with her to her home since it was night time now. Isshin happily obliged since he was gentleman after all. He walked with her and they still talked to each other until they reached her house. It was pretty average sized and had only one floor to it. Mizuki went to the front door and unlocked it with her key. She went in and asked if Isshin wanted something to drink while she was putting her things away.

"I guess I could go for tea before I head home." Isshin said as he went inside and closed the door.

He left his shoes near the door and went inside. It was average inside the house. A couch, a small television, a small kitchen that he was sure Masaki would have gone crazy in if she had to cook there, a door that led to what he could only assume was the bedroom, and another door next to it that he assumed was the bathroom.

"You can sit down if you like." Mizuki said from the kitchen. Isshin nodded and sat down. Mizuki prepared the tea fairly fast and walked over to him with two cups in hand. "Here you go." She gave one in her right to Isshin and he took it with a smile.

He took a sip and went wide eyed. "This tea is amazing." He said to her. "What did you put in it?"

Mizuki smiled at him and answered. "It's an old family recipe that I'm not allowed to tell to anyone." Mizuki said with the same smile. "Although I think you'll enjoy it after a while, soul reaper." She said to herself.

After a few minutes of talking and drinking the rest of the tea, Isshin was ready to head home.

"It's been nice talking to you Mizuki," he started as he stood up. "But I've got to get to my wife back home before she worries herself to death."

"I bet that would be very tragic for you, eh Isshin?" Mizuki asked him with a grin.

Isshin smiled back at her then was about to head for the door, but as he moved his body started to feel hot. He stopped and stood there holding his chest. He could feel the heat going all throughout his body and it was starting to get unbearable.

"Isshin." Mizuki said in a seductive tone. Isshin turned and saw her taking off her sweater, her ample breast moving with her slow motions. She undid her bra and tossed it aside so Isshin could get a very good look at very firm and beautiful breast. Mizuki stood and undid her dress, letting it fall to the ground. She placed her hand on her hip and smiled at the flustered man in front of her, noticing the massive tent in his pants. "You want me, don't you?"

Isshin was no longer in control of himself as he jumped Mizuki, violently ripping her panties off to expose her clean womanhood to him. He made short work in getting his own clothes off and suckling on one of her nipples. The taste was so intoxicating to him that he just couldn't get enough. Mizuki moaned in pure ecstasy as he started work her other nipple and finger her now dripping womanhood with his fingers. She knew the drug she used would work, but never work this effectively. She brought his head up to her and planted a sloppy wet kiss on his lips. The two started to fight for dominance in the others mouth as they continued for several sensual seconds. Mizuki broke the kiss and moved away from Isshin, leaving him excruciatingly hard as iron. She walked over to one of doors and opened it to show the large bed in the room.

"Lets continue in here Isshin." Mizuki said with the same seductive tone in her voice.

Isshin wasted no time goin over to her as she climbed on the bed. He got on top of her and kissed her again, but this time, he felt her smooth hands wrap around his hard cock and stroke it. He was easily almost ten or so inches with plenty of girth to him to satisfy any woman. As she stroked, he moaned uncontrollably in her mouth and was soon being dominated by her tongue. She started to rub his large member against her wet entrance and looked deep into his lust filled eyes.

"Take me Isshin." She said to him.

Isshin pushed into her hard and she moaned loudly at how forceful he was. He sat there for a short time, feeling her tight and warm entrance as it seemed to pulse around his cock. After getting used to how she felt, Isshin pulled out until only the tip was inside then thrust in hard again. He now had a fast rhythm to his thrust as he continued to pump into her repeatedly.

Mizuki was absolutely overcome with lust and was completely in love with Isshin's hard cock as he continued to pump in and out of her faster. To add to her pleasure, Isshin started fingering her clit with his thumb, sending her off the walls. She moaned lewdly at his ministrations and was now kissing him in the same sloppy way as before. She could feel her own release coming like a flood and try as she might, she knew she couldn't hold it for long. She broke the kiss and stared into Isshin's eyes again with a lewd face and said to him.

"I can't take it anymore! I'm cumming!" And came she did. Mizuki's juices flooded out and was all over the bed and Isshin's cock.

Because of this, she tightened even harder and Isshin started to thrust even harder and more manic like. He was also close to his own orgasm as he felt the tightness in his balls grow even tighter. He regained a small part of himself and tried to pull out, but when he tried, Mizuki grabbed his hips and kept him inside of her. He couldn't hold it anymore and yelled out to her.

"Cumming!" He released a copious amount of his seed inside of her.

They both screamed out as he continued to fill her. Mizuki could feel the heat going deep into her, straight to her womb.

After a few long moments and riding out there highs, Isshin passed out on top of her. Mizuki smiled and lifted him off, pulling his cock out in the process. She laid him down on the bed next to her and smiled down at him. Mizuki placed a hand on her pelvis where her womb was located and smiled. She could feel the energy of a former soul reaper captain inside of her now, and she knew what that would mean. Mizuki looked back to the sleeping Isshin and smiled down to him. Mizuki leaned down and kissed his forehead, leaving a pink light where she kissed him.

"Thank you so much Isshin." She said to him while still smiling. "When you wake up, you'll be back home, and you won't remember me for some time. Go and live a happy life until," she placed her hand on her womb again. "Until they get here."

An Hour Later

Isshin woke up outside and leaning next to a light pole. He was back in his clothes and had his bags of vegetables in his lap. He looked around and didn't remember what happened beforehand. He rubbed his head as he tried to remember, but everything was just a haze. All he could remember was going to the store for Masaki and then he bumped into someone. After that, everything else was hazy.

"I need to get home." He said as he got up and carried his bags with him, in hopes of remembering just what happened and why he smelled like musk. "Must've been from sitting here in the air near a trash can for who knows how long." Isshin thought to himself as he headed for home.

Nine Months Later, Unknown Area

There were screams that seemed to resonate within the cold air of the whit desert. The screams were loud and an energy was being released into the air. The pink energy clouded the sky and blocked out the crescent moon's light from the sand. It was followed by another bloodcurdling scream and the energy spiked even higher into the air. Every creature that saw this energy scattered away as it started to come down onto them. Whatever this energy touched seemed to completely absorb it into itself, causing the pink energy to grow even larger.

At the very center of this raging energy, was Mizuki Munkatta. Only she had what looked like a white mask fragment on her face. The fragment was a crescent moon that was over the right side of her face. She also had a few pink streaks just under her left eye and circling around it like an eagles eye.

She was lying in the sand without any clothes on and with her legs spread apart and on what looked to be a white coat. She looked to be pregnant and that it was time to deliver. She took a deep breath and pushed. She screamed at the unbearable pain of childbirth, but soon heard a small cry. She looked down to see a child with pale skin and light blue hair on his head. He had a fragment of an eagles mask with a small horn on it atop of his left eye, and it had blue streaks going across the top. He opened his eyes a few times and saw that he had brown eyes like Isshin did.

Mizuki couldn't fully relax just yet as she felt another surge of pain coursing through her again. She bit down on her lip hard to suppress her screams and make sure her first child wasn't too scared yet. Her energy surged into the sky again and created a massive torrent of wind and energy that was engulfing everything in its path, aside from the baby boy. After one final push from Mizuki, the cries of two babies were heard now. She relaxed her body and breathed easier now that her ordeal was over with. The energy subsided and left most of the desert and the surrounding dead trees nothing but ash and glass.

Mizuki looked over to the babies and looked at the other child she just gave birth to. This baby was clearly a girl and had Mizuki's skin tone. She had light purple hair and a mask fragment above her left jaw that trailed just above her left eye. The fragment was mostly a skull like mask with light purple streaks on it. She opened her eyes and Mizuki saw that she also had deep pink eyes.

The two were crying while Mizuki looked down to them and smiled. She wrapped them up in the coat that they were laying on and calmed them down. When she did, they both looked at her for a moment then fell asleep in her warm and motherly embrace. Mizuki let a tear fall from her eye as she held the two close to her.

"Sweet dreams Ichigo." She whispered in the boys ear. "Sleep well Ayame." She whispered in the girls ear.

She started to walk away from the epicenter of the now glassed part of Hueco Mundo and made her way to what appeared to be a small cabin like building. It was small and white on the outside and when she went in there was only one bed and a window pointing toward the crescent moon. Mizuki laid the two down on the bed and then collapsed on the ground in complete exhaustion.

Fifteen Years Later, Kurosaki Clinic

"Is this the place bro?" A girl asked the blue haired boy standing next to her. She was around an average high school girls height and had vibrant light purple hair that reached her mid back and tied up. She was wearing a white dress that reached pass her knees and a pair of white sandals. She also had what looked like a pink Bo staff on her back along a red bag. The staff was taller than she was and didn't look all too dangerous.

"Yep." The boy answered her with a smile. "This is where he lives. Come on, lets go." He said with enthusiasm in his voice. He was fairly tall with shoulder length blue hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in white shorts that were passed his knees and a loose black sweater. He also had on sandals but his were black instead of white like his sister's. He had a short sword attached to his hip and had a blue bag hanging off his left shoulder in the shape of a guitar.

The two went up to the front door and were excited to meet this man their mother always told them about. The boy rung the doorbell and they waited for a few moments until someone opened the door. It was a girl with dark hair and wearing red cap on her head. She had a fairly bored expression on her face until she saw the massive smiles on the two's faces and freaked out a little.

"C-can I help you two?" She stammered as they continued to stare at her with those big smiles and weird face markings.

The girl answered first. "We actually came to see someone named Isshin Kurosaki. Is he home?"

"Dad!" The little girl yelled out before turning and walking away. "There's two weirdos outside for you!" She left their sight and they waited patiently.

"I'm coming my beautiful little Karin!" A man yelled out from inside the house. There was a loud crash heard only seconds later after he said those words.

"STOP ACTING SO FREAKIN WEIRD DAD!" The little girls voice could be heard from inside as she shouted at him.

"OH MASAKI, WHY IS MY DAUGHTER SO MEAN TO ME!?" The man shouter out and sounded like he was fake crying. After a few seconds, Isshin Kurosaki walked around the corner to the front door and froze at the sight of the two individuals standing there. They looked strange to him and he could faintly tell that they weren't human. No, they felt almost sinister, almost hollow like.

"Are you Isshin Kurosaki?" The boy asked him.

"That depends on who's asking." Isshin started in a serious tone. He might not have his powers, but that didn't mean he didn't have a few tricks up his sleeve. "Who or what are you two?"

The two in the doorway smirked at him which made Isshin tense at first, but then they did something that was fairly strange to the man. They smiled widely and hooked each other arm around one another to introduce themselves.

"I'm Ayame." The girl almost yelled out.

"And I'm Ichigo." The boy said as well.

"And we're looking for our father." They both said in unison.

Isshin was confused. Two hollow-like beings looking for their father? Strange.

"And why did ya'll come here looking for me?" Isshin asked them, still using his serious tone.

The two dropped their smiles down to smirks now and answered in unison again.

"Because you're our father, Isshin Kurosaki."

First Chapter Down. This Is Actually My First Bleach Lemon Ever But Not My First Lemon Ever. No That Goes To Another Fic I Wrote Called Last Archangel And The Son Of Satan. Writing The Lemon In This Was Very Fun. I Hope Ya'll Think I Did A Good Job With It Since This Will Probably Be The Only Lemon Chapter For This Story.

The Concept For This Story Actually Came From A Fic Called A Different Side To The Story By Kuma Akuma. Ya'll Should Definitely Check His Story Out, It's Really Good.

If Ya'll Liked This Story, Fav/Follow To Keep Up With It, Review Your Thoughts On It And PM Me Your Suggested Bleach Fics. I Will Not Be Accepting OC's In This Story, Sorry Guys.

Anyway, You Guys Are Awesome, And As Always,

Stay Sexy Out There, PEACE!