Rose supposed that the day started off like all other days. She had gotten out of bed, forcing herself to ignore the ever-present ache in her back. She had to say, she was tired of being pregnant. She wanted this baby out in the world so she could finally have her body back and be able to move around more fully. She also hated how her pregnancy gave her mother an excuse to partially hijack her life, telling her what was and wasn't appropriate for a pregnant woman to do, how the doctor told her to take it easy, which means no moving around at all in Ruth Dewitt Bukater's book. It was all just so maddening!

That morning, with the help of William, Rose managed to wheel Jack into the sitting room, hoping to make them both some breakfast before Ruth and Edith woke up to continue their bickering, something that drove Rose mad. She had once looked forward to Ruth's presence in the house when Edith had arrived, but now, she just wanted the woman to go away again. In fact, both of them could disappear.

"Rose, are you sure you're okay?" Jack frowned, seeing how Rose's hand rested against the small of her back once again and how she had yet to smile at all. In fact, in Jack's opinion, she looked like she was in pain.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired and pregnant and...I just want a peaceful morning."

"Come here," Jack held his arms out to her. Just by looking at her, he could tell that she was not only exhausted but in pain.

"I'm too heavy. I'll crush you."

"Nonsense. You can never be too heavy and you haven't crushed me yet," Jack chuckled.

"There's a first time for everything," Rose sighed in relief as Jack pulled her down onto his lap and had her rest her head against his shoulder. "Jack...I should be taking care of you..."

"You're the one in need of being taken care of right now. Let me do that, Rosie girl. You're doing a very important task right now. Let me give you the support you need. It's not much work. In fact, holding you is the happiest moments of my days, if you must know."

Rose's heart stopped and she looked into his eyes wonderingly. "Really?"

"you knew that."

"I do. It's just nice to hear sometimes," Rose smiled, leaning in for a lingering kiss just as Edith and Donald entered.

"Really, young lady. You are too heavy at the moment, don't you think?" Edith tsked.

"Mother!" Donald growled, his face turning beet red in embarrassment. Must she always provoke Rose? Why was she always trying to get them thrown out?

"I mean, really. The boy's legs won't heal with..."

"Will you shut up?! Rose is fine where she is and as for you," Jack angrily interrupted, having enough of his aunt once and for all! Ever since she got here, it's been nothing but tension and stress and with Ruth's return...well none of it was good for Rose, the baby, and even himself! It was time for someone to go! A slender hand on his shoulder stopped him from going any further. He looked at Rose, who was now back on her feet.

"Don't say something you might regret, Jack. Remember, Donald has nowhere to go. You at least care about him," Rose gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Jack sighed and nodded. Rose was right. He loved his cousin and didn't want him homeless, but as for Edith…

"Donald, you can stay for however long you like. You were never a problem. I've always enjoyed having you around. But as for you aunt Edith, I've watched you bully my poor mother. I see you still bully Donald, and I see you trying to bully Rose and I won't have it! Rose is not my mother and I'm not my father and willing to put up with it for the sake of family! Donald can stay, but you can't! You are to be out of here by nightfall!"

Edith snorted in disbelief, not knowing how to react. No one has ever spoken to her like that. She looked around and inwardly bristled to spot Ruth, William, and Laura coming down the stairs having heard loud voices from below. "You cannot be serious. The girl is heavily pregnant, you are still stuck in that chair. Who will help out around here? Those two?" She nodded towards Ruth and Laura, both looking not too happy with the dismissiveness in Edith's voice.

"As you can see, we have plenty of help. You are not needed! In fact, you never were. I want you to go. If you're still here tonight, I will fetch Officer Smith to escort you to the train station."

"Donald, pack our things," Edith turned to her son, having enough. It was clear that she wasn't welcomed.

Laura frowned. She had been interested in getting to know Donald more, but if he left, that would be out the window. "You're throwing Donald out too?"

"He can stay if he wants," Jack sighed, his eyes remaining on Rose, having a sense that something was wrong, but unable to say what. "It's his decision."

"You're leaving too?" Laura this time looked Donald, who was as pale as a ghost at the moment.


"Of course he is! Donald is a good boy. He doesn't stay where his mother isn't welcomed!" Edith snorted.

"I think you should let Donald make that decision for himself for once," William snorted, nodding at the Dawson cousin. "You'll have to cut the apron strings sometime. You mentioned wanting something like what Jack and Rose have. You won't get it stuck by your momma's side."

"Don't be ridiculous! Donald is coming with me and that is that!"

At first, fear clouded Donald's mind at the thought of being left behind. What was to become of his mother if he allowed her to leave without him? What would become of himself? He had been with her all of his life! Yes, he would love to have what Jack and Rose enjoyed. He wanted marriage and children and all of it. Couldn't he still have that with his mother in his life and by his side? Thinking back over the years, any girl who had even shown a polite interest in him had been deemed a jezebel and not an appropriate option by his mother, who always stood there as a barrier between himself and even the thought of a normal, grown-up relationship. No one was ever good enough. William was right. If he wanted something even close to what his cousin had with Rose, he had to leave his mother behind. Right now, Jack was being kind in allowing him to stay. This chance may not come again. He glanced at Rose, who seemed to be distracted by her aching back. He then glanced at Rose's cousin, who did seem to be a little bit interested. She was beautiful and a first-class lady. He probably didn't have a chance, but he wouldn't find that out if he did what he always had done throughout the years...follow his mother's lead.

"Donald," Edith's voice was stern and impatient, demanding obedience. "Come, we have some packing to do."

"I...I'm not going. I'm staying here with Jack and Rose," his voice trembled, along with his body, as he held his fear at bay, but there was also a determination there. He realized something. Rose, a first-class lady, had stood up against her overbearing mother to be with Jack and was now happy and in love. She grabbed control of her life out of the hands of her mother and was now living how she wanted. If a first-class girl could find the strength to stand up against her domineering mother, so could he!

"What did you say?" Edith stared, not believing what she had just heard! Her son had actually disagreed with her? He was letting her leave without him? Impossible!

"You heard...Aaah!" Rose's words were cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach and a gush of water spilling onto the floor. She stared in disbelief at what had just happened. And gasped as she felt a hand on her arm and her eyes widened even more as she looked to see a worried Jack, gripping her arm, but not just gripping her arm, but standing up out of his chair as if it was the most natural thing to do.

"Oh my god," Laura gasped in shock.

"Her water broke! Fetch the doctor!" Ruth moved to go to her daughter.

"Jack, you're standing up!" William also moved to get behind Jack, encase the soon to be father's legs gave out.

"What?" Jack frowned, not getting what William had said until he realized exactly what he was doing. His eyes widened as he felt whatever strength had sent him out of his chair begin to fade. "Shit..."

"I got ya," William's arms wrapped around him and helped lower him back in the chair. "Man, that was awesome."

"No, what is awesome is this and Donald, go get the doctor...I'll help, Rose."

"What about..."

"I can't worry about that now. After I hold my child...I can worry about that after I see our baby and I know Rose is okay..."

William simply nodded and looked at Donald. "Come on, mate. We're off to fetch the doctor."

Their minds reeling over what had just happened, the occupants of the Dawson household prepared for the new arrival, a new hope for the future was finally making its way into their hearts and minds. In a few hours, a dream was to be realized and a family would being to take shape.

(A/N: I know, Edith Dawson's appearance was short, but I couldn't think of how to use her and make her interesting, but I still have plans for Donald. Jack's recovery was inspired by Downton Abbey. I know, it seems unrealistic, it probably is, but poor Jack deserved to have his legs back. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! More is on the way!)