Sorry I'm taking so long but live is... Ugh, just Ugh atm
Chapter 12
The evening went just as planned; both guys had fun, danced, drank as if there was no tomorrow. Dipper didn't manage to get any information out of Pyronica when Bill was in the bathroom, and apparently she was already more than tipsy so there was no way he was getting something out of her. But she did warn him about how he might find things out about Bill... Things he might not like, that he isn't the guy he seems to be, but it wasn't the right time to think about that. Enjoying the evening had priority, and oh boy he certainly was having fun. He could hold his liquor quite well but Bill was something else. It didn't seem like it was even affecting him the tiniest bit. The three of them where sitting back at the table in the VIP area, talking and drinking, as something caught the pink haired girl's attention.
"Hey Bill..." Pyronica tapped him on the shoulder.
"What is it?" he replied as he looked at her. She only moved her eyes toward the entrance, signaling a group of three fancy dressed men who had just entered the club.
"Do you know those three? By their appearance I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be in here," she asked.
"Shit..." he sighed. "How in hell did they get past 8Ball?" the blonde scoffed.
"Customers of yours? I told you not to bring them to the club," she raised her eyebrow.
"Py shut up!" he snarled. "I didn't bring them here, they probably followed me."
Dipper only looked confused as he listened to the two of them talk.
"Um… What are they doing?" She kept an eye on the three uninvited guests who were heading to the DJ desk.
The music was suddenly cut off, the microphone was taken from the DJ, and one of the three guys started talking into it. Of course, everyone booed, but it didn't help. The man only demanded for them to shut up.
"I am looking for Bill Cipher! I know he is in here tonight! Hand him over and you can remain partying!"
"Bill, what the fuck did you do?" Pyronica asked.
"Nothing," the blonde shrugged. "They didn't hold up their part of their bargain, I took what's mine," he answered nonchalantly as he drank.
"Bill... Could you please explain what is going on?" Dipper asked, confused.
"Shit… Um, Pinetree look… Um…" He scratched the back of his head. "Py get the kid out of here, this is going to get ugly," Bill said as he stood and headed to the control desk with a beer in his hand.
"Bill wait!" Dipper tried to run after him but he was held back by Pyronica.
"No, you are coming with me," she exclaimed.
"No way!"
"Come on we gotta go," she said again.
He freed himself from her grip and disappeared into the mass of people surrounding the three guys.
"Oh shit… Bill is going to kill me..." the pink haired girl sighed as she ran after the brunet.
Meanwhile, Bill was already on the dais where the DJ desk was, standing in front of the three men.
"Tad, it's nice to see you again," the blonde greeted the tallest man of the three intruders, black hair, and white shirt with a black jacket.
"You fucking asshole, what did you do to him?" The black haired man clenched his teeth.
"Me?" the blonde laughed. "I would never lay a finger on anyone; you have to be more specific on 'whom'."
"Don't play stupid!" the man snapped.
"Ah I remember," the blonde laughed. "Your little friend there couldn't hold his part of the bargain so I took what he owed me." A wide smirk spread over the blonde's face.
"What, he owed you?! You twisted the deal! You drove him to insanity!"
"Yeah maybe." The blonde sipped on his drink.
"You are the devil himself!"
"Well that's a compliment I haven't heard in a while."
"That's all you have to say?!"
"Nobody told you to make a deal with me."
"You are dead Cipher!" The black haired man pulled out a knife from his jacket pointing it at the blonde, it was clearly carved with some old sigils. The crowd surrounding them yelped, including Dipper who was already mixed in it.
The blonde sighed at the man's action. "Kryptos," he looked at the grey haired man behind the turn table. "Keep playing." The blonde laughed hysterically and the DJ obliged. A very well-known tune started playing.
"I will make you pay for this..." The tall black haired man swung the first time at the blonde. The crowd behind them started to back up and give them space, but they didn't run away. It was like it was a normal occurrence.
"Three against one? Cute," the blonde laughed, as he adjusted his glasses.
"Shut up Cipher!"
"That's quite some knife you got there, I wonder whose cock you had to suck for such a spell."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Tad snapped and swung his blade.
Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head
The blonde started singing along with the track as he evaded the swing. The beer bottle was still in his hand.
Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid
Even more enraged, the tall man swung his blade back at Bill, again way too slow. He immediately charged at Bill over and over again only to end up on the floor with Bill stepping on his head.
"So, tell me, did you really think that tiny little knife," Bill stepped on Tad's hand, "would harm me?" He kicked it out of the black haired man's hand.
Children roam the streets, now orphans of war
The two other men who were following this 'Tad' joined in the fight as soon as they saw their friend on the floor being stepped on by Bill. Without weapons, they tried to get a hold of Bill, but ineffectively as well.
The crowd simply stood there watching; the longer the fight went on, the more hopeless it seemed for the intruders.
Bodies hanging in the streets to adore
The two men tried over and over again to bring Bill down by brute force, but that only ended up in them having a knee rammed into their stomachs or a fist on their faces. Everything seemed to be in favor for the blonde. He didn't flinch or even drop a sweat as the fight went on... He had already brought down the two guys accompanying Tad before the black haired man stood up again.
"You never give up, do you kid?" Bill grinned eerily, it was something new, not the usual cocky grin he had... This was different, he was enjoying the fight... He enjoyed inflicting pain and it was clearly visible through his face.
Royal flames will carve a path in chaos,
Bringing daylight to the night
Death is riding into town with armor,
They've come to take all your rights
It didn't take long before he brought Tad down again, this time taking the knife away from him and inserting it into his jacket. He piled up the other guys on top of each other. Bill picked up Tad by his hair, almost pulling him to the same height as him.
Hail to the king
Hail to the one
Kneel to the crown
Stand in the sun
Hail to the king
"Let me remind you who you are messing with."
Bill hit him in the stomach making him lose consciousness for a few seconds. Then he threw Tad on top of the other two men and stood on top of Tad's head clearly using much more force than needed to press down his head.
A sudden yell disrupted Bill from his murderous trance.
"Stop!" a familiar voice called. As the blonde looked up he could clearly see the brunet's locks in the crowd... his face covered in fear.
"Pinetree..." The blonde moved away from the collapsed guys. Meanwhile, a few guards like 8Ball had arrived at the dais, where they carried the knocked out guys out of the club.
"Shit…" Bill whispered under his breath as the scene was being cleared.
"Keep partying like this never happened, a round for everyone is on me," the blonde called through the microphone as the attackers were carried away. A sudden cheer livened up the place again as the DJ changed to hard electronic music. In no time everything was like it had never happened, the crowd dispersed and only Dipper was left, who was apparently horrified.
"Pinetree... You shouldn't have watched that, I told Py to get you out." The blonde looked down as he approached the younger man. "Look I..." He was interrupted by Dipper before he could say anything.
"You don't need to say anything... I'm not stupid, Bill, I already realize you are not the quiet librarian you pretend to be…" Dipper sank his head.
Bill only stood there rooted to the floor as he let his Pinetree talk.
"I really like you but… I want answers... I don't want to be left in the dark, I feel like you have only been using me and there are already about a thousand questions I have for you and you always say we will talk about it some other day, but I can't wait another day." The brunet bit his lips before he continued.
"Pinetree…" The blonde cupped the brunet's face. "I can't… Please trust me on this."
The brunet moved his face away from Bill's touch.
"Mason, give me time…"
"Don't say my name…" The younger man looked down.
"Look, I promised I would tell you tomorrow about the books and make the terms for them, I will tell you about the rest, but not right now…"
"Why is that?"
"Because I can't afford to lose you."
"Why would I believe anything you say..." Dipper sank his head. "I mean, all this? And I'm sure this is not everything you are hiding from me and I'm not even sure what just happened."
Bill carefully took Dipper's hand placing it against his mouth. "Because I've been waiting for you for eons... "
"I promise you I will tell you everything when the time comes, I understand you want knowledge, I'm no different, but if you don't trust me… leave now," the blonde answered.
Dipper gulped at these words. There was awkward silence between the two of them, even with the music blasting at full volume a bunch of drunk people dancing around them, it seemed like they were in their own little dimension, isolated from the rest of the world.
"So, your answer?" Bill asked.
"I... I just..." the brunet sighed, "I like you way too much just to leave you because of this and you know it."
A smile spread across the blonde's face. "Thank you Pinetree." He placed a kiss on the younger man's lips.
"Don't thank me... I'm still confused, and you said something about terms for using the books and, to be honest, I don't even know what you mean by that... I just need time to swallow the fact that I don't know what's going on."
"Of course… Want to head home for the night?" the blonde offered.
"Thought we were going to your place?" Dipper tilted his head.
Bill couldn't help but bite his own lips. "Well, you surprise me Pinetree."
"What? If you don't want to," the brunet scoffed.
"Of course I do." Bill pinned him against the wall, a wide smirk on his face.
"I guess you are back to normal," Dipper smiled.
They left the club immediately after Bill found Pyronica and yelled at her for letting Dipper watch the fight. Both guys drank their fair share, but Bill was nowhere near tipsy, not even when he was fighting did it show. It was like he had just been drinking water the whole evening, but Dipper, on the other hand, started to feel the alcohol. He always got rather touchy when he drank... Not like Bill really cared. And all worries he had about Bill lying to him were suddenly gone, nothing mattered in the moment, just being with Bill satisfied him. Or, at least that what he told himself, otherwise he wouldn't be going to the blonde's apartment... Dipper wondered how long he would be able to hold back before he threw himself into the hands of Bill.