Hey everyone! Wrench/OC story! Here it is! I'm sooo into Wrench and this idea just sort of came to me plus there's not enough Wrench stuff out! Huge props to the two already Wrench/OC fics available. I had started this last week, but you beat me to the publishing part ;D.

This chapter will have you getting to know the OC. It doesn't follow the game plot, I'm leading more towards this happening after the game (or right at the end, considering how the game ends with "earlier that night" scenario for free-roaming purposes).

Anyway, Chapter 1 I hope you enjoy!


Sitara and Josh sat loomed over a bright laptop screen illuminating the room and their faces as they wait for results they've been looking for. Upon the screen read:

Name: Myres, Emelia

Age: 25

Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian

Place of Birth: New York City, NY
Occupation: Unemployed

Salary: No Record
Threat Probability: 65%

Violations: unauthorized possession and illegal practice of chemicals, breaking and entering, theft, armed robbery.

"That's her," Sitara said.

"65%?" Josh asked.

"Mostly framed," Sitara grabbed her phone looking up anything she can find on Emelia Myres.

Marcus walked in the hackerspace, coming down the stairs offering his greetings, before Sitara interrupted him, "Marcus! Come here," She said.

"What's up?" He asked walking over to her.

Sitara turned in her chair to speak to Marcus, "This is my old friend, Emma. Thought she could help out and be an ally of Dedsec."

"What can she do?" Marcus asked.

"Check out her file," Josh said clicking on her violations again.

"Chemicals? So she's some mad scientist?" Marcus asked.

"Something like that. She used to make these ice darts that work with modified airsoft guns. Non lethal, but it hurts like a bitch. Totally throws people off, and could help when the stun gun's range won't go far enough. Oh! And smoke bombs! With non lethal gas," Sitara said sounding more excited as she told her friend's skills.

"Why she sound like a Batman villain?" Marcus laughed.

"Weeellllll, maybe more like Batman since she doesn't like to kill anyone," Sitara offered.

"Batman's killed people before," Marcus said with a straight face.

"Alright you out-nerded me. Anyway, this isn't about Batman. It's about her. We could really use her as an ally," Sitara said.

"Sounds like it. How do you know she'll be so willing to join us?" Marcus asked.

"Well the problem is that she's been arrested and fined enough to lose her ability to be allowed to use a laboratory. Can't really find a job, either. She was addicted to chemistry. I'm sure if we find a way to wipe away all that bad rep, she'll join us."

"Bribe her to do chemistry?" Marcus noted the irony in the matter. Who wanted to do chemistry?

"She's a freak, but she's great. You'll love her and her ice darts," Sitara smiled wide.

~~~Silicon Prints~~~

It's been 1 year, 4 months, and 10 days since her last day in a lab. Unfortunately no one would hire Emelia since, so she took a job getting paid under the table at a T-Shirt printing store. She didn't have to work with the public, and could stay safely in a backroom where no one would bother her.

Emelia, casually going by "Emma", and her coworker Sasha, were organizing shirts that have been disorganized throughout the day. She put her long hair up hours ago, having dark strands falling down over her face slowly since then.

"Emma! Can you close up? I'm sorry my baby's throwing up and the nanny is freaking out!" Sasha said startling Emma out of her silence.

"Yeah, no problem. Hope he'll be okay," Emma smiled.

"Thanks, I'll buy you lunch tomorrow!" Sasha grabbed her things and power walked out of the door, Emma just watching her casually.

Emma checked the clock, an hour left to go. By herself. She sighed, finishing her organization as her phone buzzed from the counter. She wondered who it was. No one texts her or gets in contact with her anymore. It could have been Sasha, maybe she locked herself out and forgot something. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't even a number she recognized.

Meet me at Baker Beach.

Emma responded with, Who's this?

I'm a friend, don't worry.

Emma rolled her eyes and knew she didn't have much to lose by going. Worst they could do was, what, kill her? She scoffed pulling her hair of her tie, letting her dark, wavy hair flow down past her shoulder. She ruffled it to get out any tangles. Emma doubted herself for a second before hurrying up her duties before closing up.

~~~Baker Beach~~~

Emma walked down the path to Baker Beach after 9:30 pm. It was a Tuesday so thankfully it wasn't packed. On second glance, there weren't that many people aside from 3 small groups of people, and 2 people sitting at a table. She figured whoever was looking for her would see her before she sees them, so she started walking to the first group of male hipsters, sitting in the sand, "...Were you looking for an Emma?" She asked timidly.

They stopped talking and looked up. One of the drunk hipsters smiled a toothy grin, "No, but I am now," He slurred.

She rolled her eyes, "Ugh, my mistake," and continued walking. She started walking toward the table before Marcus, whom she didn't know, raised his hand up to get her attention. She smiled and grasped her backpack strap tighter as she walked over.

"Hey, you messaged me…?" Emma glanced over to see Sitara and her eyes widened, "No… no no no no," Emma said walking backwards,.

"Emma!" Sitara quickly stood up to put a friendly arm around her, "Don't cause a scene," She said quietly through a toothy smile, "Have a seat!" She cheered, "Got you a beer."

Emma glared but did what she said, ignoring the beer. Now she was trapped. She knew Sitara was a track star and could outrun her if she tried to book it. She looked over at Marcus and noted that he looked athletic, too. "Emma, this is Marcus. Marcus, Emma."

"Yeah, nice to meet you. What the hell, Sitara, I thought you said you were friends!" Marcus whispered loudly.

"It's not entirely untrue, right, Emma?" Sitara shrugged.

Emma continue to glare at Sitara before darting her eyes between her and Marcus. She sighed, "Once upon a time… I guess." Emma answered.

"So what's the deal?" Marcus asked carefully.

"Long story. Emma we need to ask you something…" Sitara started.

"I know what you're going to ask, and my answer is no." Emma said quickly.

"What do you think I'm going to ask?" Sitara asked.

"About Owen, and I can't-"

Sitara interrupted, "This has nothing to do with Owen. I promise. Please, don't tell me you still talk to him."

Emma sighed, relieved, "Hell no."

"Who's Owen?" Marcus asked.

"Even longer story." Sitara said. Marcus looked defeated. He was so lost and no one was telling him anything. She turned back to Emma, "We're going to delete your ctOS profile and find you a lab."

Emma's eyes widened and she finally sat up straight, "What? You two?"

Sitara nodded, "Well. Dedsec." She whispered that last part.

"Deds-!" Emma began before Sitara covered her mouth. Emma pulled her hand off, "That's almost just as bad. Listen, Sitara. A lab is tempting, but I can't get involved with…. them again."

"It'll be different this time. No Owen; no danger. We just need you to do your lab stuff and be an ally. Think of it as business partners." Sitara smiled.

Emma furrowed her eyebrows. She wanted that lab. More than anything. Her life felt empty without chemistry. That feeling she got when practicing trial and error was her favorite. Everyone called her a daredevil or "crazy" when hearing about how free she was with chemicals, but she didn't care. But Owen… The man that caused her to lose her lab in the first place. She wasn't ready to go through those memories again, but she knew that the closer she was to chemistry, the closer she was to having him destroy it all over again or worse. Emma shook her head, "No."

"I saw those wheels turning. What are you worried about? And don't tell me it's a long story," Marcus finished quickly and sternly.

Emma looked between Marcus and Sitara for a few moments, "Well, it being a long story is true, but it's also one i'm not comfortable talking about."

"Can you give him a short version?" Sitara offered softly. Emma looked away at the ocean. Sitara looked to Marcus, "Owen, a former Dedsec member, went rogue and pulled some shady shit that he got caught for, framed Emma, and she lost everything."

Marcus got the hint that Owen was someone important to her, "I'm sorry to hear, Emma. But we'll keep you safe. Sitara told me how much chemistry means to you. That shit about the ice dart? I really need to see that!" Marcus said.

Emma smiled. Just hearing about the excitement someone shared over her 'projects' made her day - week, even. Marcus seemed very genuine. She already liked him. Sitara smiled too and Emma noticed. She quickly looked down before her face gave it all away.

Sitara laughed, "Weeellllll?"

Emma pinched the bridge of her nose and lightly started to shake her head, "Okay fine!" She said throwing her head back. Sitara and Marcus softly cheered, "But only because you actually want to see it! Unlike you, you called me a nerd every chance you got," She said pointing at Sitara.

"What? You were! You were quoting Mr Freeze and started making ice puns!" Sitara laughed.

Marcus lightly slammed his hand on the table, "Awww man, I should have said "It's ice to meet you" before!"

Emma laughed, "It would have broken the ice a lot sooner."

Marcus laughed and Sitara rolled her eyes, "She never misses a beat. Anyway, we'll keep in touch, alright? We'll keep you as far away from Dedsec as possible."

Emma reluctantly nodded. She still wasn't fully confident in her decision, but figured it was worth a shot if it meant being able to use a laboratory again. Thinking about testing all the recipes that she's been cooking up in her brain, only to force them out of her mind due to the possibility of never being able to do anything with them. Being so far away from her craft was like prison, even worse, maybe. To her, at least. Her mind was muddled, but one thing she knew for sure, she was the happiest she's been in months.

As long as she stayed far away from Owen, she thought. Being far from Dedsec meant she was safe. However, still being involved with them is dangerous in it's own terms. As long as she only uses Sitara or Marcus as a Dedsec contact, she'd be fine, she hoped.

Little did she know, she'd be a lot more involved than she thought.

~~~Emelia Myers' Apartment~~~

Emma walked out of her bathroom, steam from her recent hot shower exiting the room along with her. She began towel drying her hair as she sat down and turned her TV on. She sighed, hearing the bad news being broadcasted from the screen. It wasn't just San Francisco. Sure it was dangerous, but what city isn't? Especially these days. She slouched back in her couch, staring at the TV, not really absorbing the information spoken to her. No, she was daydreaming about the possibility of being in a lab again. She wanted to start creating formulas on a notebook to she has something to test right when she gets access. Before she could let her thoughts wander even further, she heard a noise behind her couch and next thing she knew she couldn't breathe.

She reached up at her beck to feel cloth crushing her windpipe. Gasping for breath, she reached back further, following the cloth to feel two strong hands.

A face came up next to her ear, "You thought you could keep secrets from me?" Asked a deep male voice.

Emma gasped and was suddenly able to stand up, twisting around behind her only causing her to get lightheaded. She bent down holding her coffee table for stability as she stared at the couch in front of her. No one was there. She straightened herself up, never leaving the couch out of her sight. She covered her mouth, still unsure of what just happened.

"A dream…" Emma whispered to herself. Owen. That man's voice was Owen. But it was just a dream, she had to convince herself. He wasn't real. She looked at the TV, now showing Poker instead of the news. The time read 6:34am. "Just… a dream," She repeated again. Sleeping for another 2 hours was going to be impossible, so she instead just got ready for her day at work. Quickly. Being in her apartment made her feel uneasy.

~~~Silicon Prints~~~


Emma held her coffee that she picked up on the way as she unlocked the door to the store. With the awful sleep she had last night, caffeine would be the only thing helping her function. The store didn't open till 11am, and she didn't have to be in until 9:30, as did her coworkers but she had nothing else to do. She walked past the front, setting her backpack down on the counter before she entered the backroom.

She held her coffee up ready to take a sip, but as she entered the backroom, she froze. Her hand lost all motor skills and dropped the coffee, letting it spill all over the ground. Of course, she didn't hear the spill, nor mind the burning sensation of hot coffee in her hand. All she could see was the graffiti sprayed out all over the walls and merchandise in the backroom.









Read over and over. She didn't know what to do. The room started to spin. She covered her mouth with both of her hands and she trembled. Owen did this. Owen knew about her meeting with Sitara. How? How did he know? She has a flip phone with no internet. She doesn't have technology that ctOS is connected to. Did he have her bugged?

She didn't even hear her coworker Jerod walk up behind her, "Oh hey Emma you're early - WHOA" He said.

Emma turned to face him, tears welling up in her eyes. Tears forced out by fear, and nothing else. She made eye contact with Jerod as he looked at her expecting an explanation or answers. Certainly, he didn't think SHE did this?

"I gotta go." She said with a weak voice, grabbed her backpack and left. She can already assume that she's fired, but that thought didn't last in her mind for more than a moment. She had other things to worry about.

There's no escape from Owen, she thought. The meeting with Dedsec was why he started harassing her again, and if he is already suspicious of that, then there's no other option than to keep in contact with Dedsec. Sitara will help her get through this. The only way to take out an unstable hacker like Owen is with a group of hackers…

She hoped.

Hope you like it! Wrench will be in the next chapter for sure and a lot more after that (duhhh).

I'm pretty bad at writing third person, but my vision for this story will work a lot better in third person so I can get Dedsec members point of views into play. Maybe i'll get better at it, too, along the way!

I also have an Aiden/OC fanfic that I was in the middle of writing, but reader interest seemed to go down, so I kind of lost interest. But I really do want to finish it, so if anyone is interested in reading that. Favorite it or something to let me know and I can write both these stories simultaneously.

Thanks loves *heart*
