Author's note:
Dear readers,
This is my first attempt of writing a fanfiction for the rare but beautiful and intriguing ship of Tom Marvolo Riddle/Lord Voldemort and Hermione Granger. I have got the whole story planned out, but I am not sure whether it is a good story. Please give me some review after reading this chapter. I will decide whether to continue the story once I have read your feedback. Do not be afraid to give me honest feedback. I am quite open to accept criticisms, as I believe that this is how one gets to improvise on what he or she is doing. I am currently working on the plot for this story, so there will be some changes along the way as the story progresses.
I hope all of you will enjoy reading this story, as much as I enjoyed playing around with the characters and writing it.
Happy reading!
^^ Amanda Samsam ^^
Disclaimer: the rights of Harry Potter remain with the respective author, the wonderful J.K. Rowling and other publishers/producers. I do not own anything, except the plot of the story and a few original characters that I created in order to fit into my story. This disclaimer applies to all the chapters in this story.
Note to readers: this story is not cannon-compliant. I changed certain things in the story to suit my plot.
Chapter 1: The Order Betrayed
"I want all of us to take off at the same time!" Moody growled, as he swung his wooden leg with immense difficulty over his broomstick, Mundungus Fletcher trailing behind him reluctantly. "Otherwise, there is no point for the plan at all!"
The others nodded in agreement. All six fake Harry Potters tightened their grip on their means of transport, making themselves comfortable before the long journey.
Hermione gripped the back of Kingsley's cloak tightly. She was feeling uneasy. For one thing, she was riding on an invisible creature, and this did not help much. Although she had travelled on a thestral before, when she accompanied Harry to the Ministry of Magic to rescue Sirius during her fifth year, she still felt jumpy. She did not like heights, even when she was a small girl.
For another thing, she was sure that the plan would not work out as planned. She could foresee the loopholes in this plan, but she dare not raise her objections, as it had taken careful and calculated planning from everyone in the Order. She was just an inexperienced member, too young to comment or make any suggestions. She knew that everyone in the order have Harry's best interests at heart. She did not want to ruin things by disagreeing over such a major plan. Besides, she could see that there was no other way around this problem. It had to be this way, and she knew perfectly well that no other plans will work out as well as this one.
They have no other alternative. The Ministry of Magic had been infiltrated by Death Eaters, and all Floo networks have been monitored tightly. If Harry apparated, the Death Eaters will know about it, as he still got the trace on him, as he was not of age yet. Last minute adjustments had to be made before all of them came to Privet Drive. She could still remember the tense moments when all of them were sitting at the kitchen table at the Burrow. Frustration was at its peak for everyone.
There was almost a row. Hermione did not dare to mention it to Harry back in his aunt and uncle's house. She was sure Harry would not want to corporate if he heard about the row. She could still see the guilty look on his face as he handed some of his hairs to Moody to be added into the Polyjuice potion. Hermione could tell that Harry was worried for everyone's safety. She understood how he was feeling at that moment. The burden of saving the wizarding world from the domination of the darkest wizard of all time lies solely on Harry's shoulders. Hermione felt pity for him, but she knew deep down that she could do nothing about it. She could only stand alongside Harry in this battle, providing him with the support he needed.
She knew that Ron would do the same thing for Harry. Both she and Ron had come to an understanding at the end of their sixth year at Hogwarts, after the tragic and untimely death of Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of all time and the only one that the dark lord ever feared. An understanding that they will both give Harry every inch of support he needed, as they were the only one that Harry trusted and called friends. They had been through many hurdles together, and all three of them have each other to look out for.
Ron's loyalty to Harry as a friend was tested just before they left from the Burrow a few hours ago.
As the tension increased, everyone became bad-tempered. They were running out of time, and they still have not come to a consensus on the plan.
It was after everything had been settled that the row started.
Mrs. Weasley and Ron was having a heated argument at one end of the table, whereas at another end of the table, Moody and Mundungus were raising their wands and pointing it at each other.
"I told you, Mad-eye," shrieked Mundungus, his voice sounding hoarse and panicky. "I am not coming. I just made suggestions, that is all."
"Shut up, you filthy scoundrel! You are coming because we have no other choice! We're one member short! Diggle and Jones couldn't join us as they have to attend to the boy's relatives!" Moody sounded bad-tempered, and looked as though he was about to throw something.
"Don't call me a scoundrel!" Mundungus sneered, raising his wand.
"Going to curse me, are you?" bellowed Moody, gripping his wand so tightly that his gnarled knuckles turned white. Sparks shot out from the end of his wand.
"Oh, for God's sake, the both of you!" exclaimed Tonks, standing between both of them. "That's quite enough. We don't have much time . . . watcher, Dung!"
Mundungus ducked behind Tonks just in time as one of Moody's spells burst out from the tip of his wand. The jet of red light soared passed Mundungus' face, missing him by an inch. It crashed into one of the wooden chairs behind Mundungus. There was a deafening crash and bang as the chair exploded when the spell impacted on it.
"Reparo!" Hermione said hastily, waving her wand casually. Instantly, the chair mended itself and was as good as new.
"Sorry about that," growled Moody. "Lost my temper. I am warning you, Mundungus. Any funny business, any at all, and I'll make sure that I'll deal with you personally when we have completed our task."
Mundungus nodded resentfully, throwing Moody's wand a fearful but at the same time contemptuous look.
Hermione's head was throbbing painfully. She could not stand this any longer. She hoped that they will be able to make a move soon.
"We will wait for Kingsley, and then we'll be off," said Moody, checking the time by looking at the clock on the mantelpiece.
"He's a bit late," Lupin said, sounding worried.
"Probably summat at the Muggle Prime Minister," boomed Hagrid. He too, Hermione noted, was looking worried.
"I'll check the bike and see if it's all righ'" Hagrid trailed off, standing up with immense difficulty due to his bulky built.
"I'll go with you," Mr. Weasley offered.
There was a sudden high-pitched yell from the opposite end of the kitchen table. Hermione jumped slightly, and turned her head in Mrs. Weasley's direction. It seemed that the row between Ron and his mother have reached its breaking point.
"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said, her voice rising. "Talk some sense into Ron, will you? He just won't . . ."
"I want to be involved!" Ron bellowed at his mother at the top of his voice. "You heard Mad-eye. We are one member short, and there is not much time left!"
"Then, I'll go instead. You stay here and take care of Ginny. You can wait for us," Mrs. Weasley stated.
"Molly, don't be silly," growled Moody. "We're done planning all this and I think you'd do better to stay out of it . . ."
"Are you doubting my capabilities, Mad-eye?" snapped Mrs. Weasley, her eyes blazing. "Have you forgotten that I, like all of you, have fought in the Order before in the first wizarding war against You-Know-Who? Do you think that after so many years of being a housewife, babysitting my children, that I have lost my touch?"
"Mum," said Ginny, putting a hand on her mother's shoulder. "I'm sure that everything'll be fine. Trust the Order."
"Ginny, you keep out of this. You are not to join them, because you-are-not-of-age!" Mrs. Weasley was bursting with anger now. Hermione could not blame her. Half of her family are going to risk their lives tonight, just to bring Harry to safety. Hermione was sure that deep down inside, Mrs. Weasley was worried sick about all of them. She would have done the same if she was in Mrs. Weasley's shoes.
"No, I am not joining," said Ginny bitterly. "You know that everyone would not have allowed it, even if I volunteered."
"Quite right," said Bill, looking sternly at his sister. "You stay here with Mum, and wait for us to return."
"Sounds great," Ginny retorted, sounding resentful.
"That's the only sensible thing that happened tonight," said Mrs. Weasley, breathing deeply as though she had run a great marathon.
"Ron," Mrs. Weasley said. "Stay here with Ginny. Arthur, I'll be ready in a moment. I'll join you . . ."
"For the last time, mum!" Ron shouted. "I-am-of-age!"
"So? What are you saying? That you are more capable than your own mother?"
"Molly," said Mr. Weasley, looking tired. "Give it a rest, will you. Ron's of age, and he has the right to decide things for himself."
"I am going with them. Harry needs my help. I am his best mate," said Ron with a determined look on his face.
"Do you realise how dangerous this will be? Do you have any idea how I . . . I mean, your whole family will feel if you . . . if you . . ."
"Mum, shut it," said Fred, giving his mother a painful look. "We'll look after ickle Ronikins for you. He won't lose a hair when we're around. Right, George?"
Fred turned to his twin for support.
"Right you are, brother," said George. "Don't worry, mum."
"You may be killed! So young, innocent and inexperienced!" shriek Mrs. Weasley, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at everyone around her, as though daring any one of them to contradict her.
"Then I'll die proudly," said Ron fiercely, his blue eyes blazing with a flame that Hermione had never seen before. "With no regrets," he finished.
The whole kitchen went silent. Everyone turned to look at Ron. Hermione gazed at him. Her insides swelled up happily. Ron was so brave, fearless of everything. She was proud to be his friend.
Mrs. Weasley looked as though Ron had just stunned her. Her expression was unreadable for a moment. Then, bursting into tears, she pulled Ron into a tight hug.
"You're so . . . brave . . . Just like a true fighter . . ." she sobbed, kissing Ron fiercely on both cheeks.
"Geroff, mum," said Ron, freeing himself from his mother gently. "I'll be fine. We'll all be fine."
"Ron, I am very proud to have you as a son," Mr. Weasley said, his eyes swimming with pride as he ruffled Ron's ginger hair.
Ron's ears turned scarlet at the attention everyone was giving him. He spared a glance in Hermione's direction. She smiled at him and gave him a reassuring nod.
There was a tiny pop from outside the garden.
"Kingsley's here," Moody said. "Come on, everyone. Time to go!"
"Be safe," Mrs. Weasley hugged each of her children and Hermione as they filed out of the backdoor after Moody, who was walking with some difficulty as he was carrying two large bulging sacks, which contained everything they needed to carry out the plan.
"We'll come back safe and sound, Molly," said Lupin, giving her a thumbs-up. "Don't worry."
"Take care, all of you," said Ginny, waving from the kitchen window, as Moody took out his wand to dissolution all of them.
And they were off a few minutes later.
Hermione was jolted out of her thoughts by Moody's voice.
"If either of us get killed," said Moody, his magical eye spinning so fast that it looked as though it will pop out of its socket any moment, as he surveyed the surroundings cautiously. "The rest will carry on. Don't look back or try to help. It'll only make things worse, mark my words!"
"No one is going to die tonight, Mad-eye," said Lupin quietly. "Voldemort didn't know about the plan, remember?"
Even as he said this, he gazed away from the group, casting his gaze downwards. He sounded unsure, and everybody did not even bother to question him or argue with him on this point.
"'urry up, we'll 'ave to get going," said Fleur, breaking the tension. "Good luck, every'one."
"Right," said Moody, tightening his grip on his broomstick. "Mundungus, don't you dare chicken out of this. You'd have known better if you do so."
"Shut it," muttered Mundungus, glowering at Moody.
Moody ignored this last comment, looked around to check that everyone was prepared for the journey and then took out his wand from his travelling cloak pocket.
"On the count of three!" he said slowly. "One . . . two . . . three!"
"Hold tight, Hermione," said Kingsley as he nudged the thestral's side gently. With a jerk, the creature spread out its enormous wings and they rose upwards into the air.
The night was clear, but not a single star twinkled above them as they fly out of Privet Drive. The cold wind sent chills down Hermione's spine. The wind buzzing in her ears as they soared higher and higher into the air. Her small hands were freezing. She clutched Kingsley's shoulders tightly as the thestral gathered up speed and sped on into the dark sky.
Just as they rounded a corner, Hermione knew instantly that something was wrong. There was something wrong. The air around them was suddenly tense. A dozen hooded figures materialised into the night sky, each riding on a broomstick.
Kingsley was tense as he leaned forwards on his thestral, urging it to speed up.
"Kingsley," Hermione whispered. "I think . . ."
"We are betrayed," Kingsley finished flatly. "They knew."
"What . . ."
But she did not get to finish her sentence.
There was a bang behind them. Hermione turned around just in time to see a jet of green light flying in their direction.
Kingsley's wand was out in an instant. He deflected the jet of green light, and sends a few stunners flying into the night sky.
"Your wand, Potter!" Kingsley bellowed, as he stunned a hooded figure who was gliding towards them.
Hermione knew that Kingsley was saying this in order to confuse the Death Eaters. With a flick of her wrist, her wand was in her hand. She had practiced to cast non-verbally and was very good at it now. She figured that she will have an advantage over some of the Death Eaters.
"Stupefy!" she thought. A jet of red light flew out from the tip of her wand, and hit another of the hooded figures. He gasped, too late to realise what happened, failed to duck in time and fall out of sight as her stunner hit him squarely in the chest.
More Death Eaters were surrounding them now. Hermione and Kingsley continued onwards, urging the thestral who was clearly frightened to speed up.
"Watch out!" Hermione screamed, as one of the spells sent by one of the Death Eaters from behind them missed Kingsley by an inch.
"Keep casting!" said Kingsley.
Hermione turned around just in time to see two Death Eaters lunging forwards, trying to grab her off the thestral.
"Potter, you're dead," leered one of them. His hood flapped in the wind, revealing the face of Antonin Dolohov.
Anger rise up in Hermione. Dolohov had injured her back in the Department of Mysteries, and she was going to get back at him for this.
Unknown to Harry and Ron, Hermione have been studying the dark arts during the weeks after Dumbledore's funeral. She figured that it will come in handy someday. However, she had sweared that she will only use it when necessary. She was not ruthless, like Lord Voldemort.
She figured that she would have to control her anger now. There was no good cursing Dolohov now. Their priority was to save Harry's life. She hoped with all her might that Hagrid had reached Tonks' parents' place by now. He will be in great danger if Lord Voldemort joined the chase, and Hermione know that Harry would not have a chance once the dark lord gets himself involved.
"Since when I think of him as the dark lord?" Hermione thought, scandalous. "He was a villain. The most ruthless, evil villain that I've ever known."
A bang made her jump. Kingsley was now duelling with Dolohov and one of his partners. It looks that they were outnumbered, as three more Death Eaters joined the fight.
"Impedementa!" Hermione shouted, pointing her wand at one of the large Death Eaters on Dolohov's right. The Death Eater ducked just in time and her jinx crashed into a nearby skyscraper. There was a deafening explosion.
Kingsley shot a final stunner at Dolohov before turning to the thestral again.
"No, you don't!" sneered Dolohov as he lunged forward. Kingsley nudged the thestral harder and the creature reared up instantly. They gathered up speed. But Hermione could tell that they were losing the battle.
Then, Hermione could feel herself slip sideways. She holds onto Kingsley tightly, but something was pulling her backwards, away from the thestral. She looked around, and saw that Dolohov had his wand out, pointing it at her. Invisible ropes were drawing her away from Kingsley.
Realising what was happening, Hermione dropped all pretence, and gripped her wand tightly. There was no use of hiding what she could do now. If she was captured before they reached their destination, the plan will be ruined. The Death Eaters will torture information out of her before killing her, and she was not ready to die in their hands. There are still the horcruxes. She needs to help Harry to destroy the horcruxes.
"Avada kedavra!"
"Look out, Potter!" Kingsley shouted, as a jet of green light whizzed past Hermione's ear. Kingsley deflected it with his wand.
After making sure that Kingsley was safe, Hermione turned back to face Dolohov. The ropes were pulling her further away from Kingsley. She was almost near the thestral's tail, she gathered, judging by the soft swishing she felt under her. She would have to act fast.
Directing her wand at Dolohov, she raises it and brought it down in a slashing motion, as she thought: "Sanguinem haurientus!"
Dolohov screamed as a jet of white light hit him squarely in the chest. His body went limp and he started to fall.
Hermione knew that Dolohov would not return to the fight any moment soon. This was a spell to drain one's blood from his body temporarily. A useful spell to weaken one's enemy, which she had invented and perfected herself.
She could no longer feel the invisible ropes that tried to pull her away. She slid onto the thestral, guiding her fingers through the creature's skeletal body as she could not see it.
"Kingsley . . ."
But she could not finish what she intended to said.
What happened next was too quick. One moment, Kingsley was shooting a spell at the remaining Death Eater, and then, there was a blinding jet of green light, soaring straight at his back. Kingsley had no time to deflect it, as he was unaware of it.
Slowly, with horror written all over her face, Hermione watched as Kingsley's body was blasted upwards into the sky, as the jet of green light hit him squarely in the back. Then, slowly, the limp body arched and began to fall, down, down, down, until it hit the ground with a thud.
"No! Kingsley! Kingsley!" Hermione screamed.
Even as she looked down, daring herself to look at the dark mass below her, she knew that he was dead. Kingsley Shacklebolt, just like many others who fought in the Order of the Phoenix, had fallen.
She would not let Kingsley die in vain. She will fight on.
Covering her face in fear, Hermione gripped the thestral tightly, and turned around. She had to make a detour and find the others. There was no other choice. She would not let them die.
As she turned, a horrible sight met her eyes. A pale mass was gliding towards her. He was flying without a broomstick, with both hands outstretched, gliding gracefully as though his body was floating like the clouds in the sky. A wand was gripped in one pale hand, with long, slender and white fingers. Hairless, with sunken cheeks, red gleaming eyes and a lipless mouth, the figure lunged forward.
It was Lord Voldemort.
Panicking, Hermione spun her wand quickly, drawing a wide arc around her and the thestral. "Defensiva bulla!"
A white bubble erupted from the tip of her wand, enclosing her and the thestral tightly in it.
"Protago totalum!" Hermione casted, and the bubble glowed blue, enclosing her tightly.
She looked up just in time to see the look of mingled surprise and shock on Voldemort's face. She had caught him by surprise, she gathered.
Thinking that this was her chance, Hermione casted one last spell to distract Voldemort.
"Anguis ignisus!"
Fire burst from the tip of her wand. The flames began to form the shape of a huge snake, which started to glide in Voldemort's direction. Glancing over her shoulder to see the look of shock on Voldemort's face, Hermione pressed her ankle into the testral's side, urging it to turn around and sped off into the night as the creature gathered up speed. She was temporarily safe for now, as she was enclosed in the bubble she created.
"Point me," she thought, flicking her wand casually after a few minutes. An arrow emerged from the tip of her wand, pointing westwards.
Hermione knew that she was a few miles away from where Ron and tonks are supposed to fly. They will be heading straight to the Burrow. Her heart was thumping loudly as she guided the thestral westwards.
Ron must be all right, she kept telling herself. Ron will be fine. All of them will be fine. There will not be anymore deaths tonight. She would not let it happen.
(Flash back)
"Hermione," Ron spoke her name softly. They were sitting side by side on the sofa in the sitting room in the Burrow. "Can I have a word?"
This was the evening before they are supposed to get Harry to safety. The plan had already been changed.
"Sure," she said. She could sense that he wanted to tell her something important.
"Not here," said Ron. "Come out into the garden. I want to make it private."
"Okay, Ron," she said, laying down the book that she was reading and following him out into the garden.
They walked for a few minutes before Ron said quietly: "Walk with me, will you?"
She quickened her strides, and was beside him in a few seconds.
"What is it?" she asked him, looking worried.
Ron was quiet for a few minutes. They continued to walk. They were out of the garden by now, and were walking along a twisted path bordered by tall hedges which lead towards Ottery St. Catchpole.
As they reached a fork in the road, Ron turned right and Hermione followed him. They walked on until she could hear the sound of water splashing in the distance.
"Up here," said Ron, as he started to climb a steep hill after walking on for a few more minutes.
Hermione followed him up the hill, her heart racing. She was not sure what Ron was up to. She hoped that he would tell her soon. His manner seemed to be out of place, and she was scared for him.
"Ron, are you . . . are you all right?" she asked, panting slightly as they reached the top.
"I am fine," said Ron. "Just want to show you something. Come on!"
Tentatively, he reached for her hand. Hermione froze for a second, and then place her hand in his.
His large and warm hand covered hers as he led her, it seemed, towards the sound of splashing water. She squeezes his hand gently as they neared a small fountain.
"Ron, it is beautiful!" she exclaimed.
"Thought you'll like it," said Ron, letting go of her hand. "I discovered this spot when I got lost in the village when I was five. I came here to clear my thoughts sometimes. Fred and George didn't know about this. I wouldn't take you here if they knew. There won't be a moment's peace with those two around."
He laughed, but Hermione could tell that it was a forced laugh.
They were silent after that. Ron's blue eyes found her hazel brown ones and they gazed at each other.
"Do you remember what you said when we were discussing about the Yule Ball back in our fourth year?" Ron said unexpectedly, still looking at Hermione. The expression on his face was unreadable. "Actually, I've realised it for ages, you know."
"Ron, I don't . . ." Hermione started. She could not see where this conversation was going.
"Well," said Ron, seeming to pick his words as he continued slowly. "you said that Harry and I took long enough to realise that you're a girl . . . remember? I just want you to know that . . . that I've realised it for ages, since second year . . . I mean . . . I would've ask . . . I want to ask you to the ball with me, and I was jealous that you went with Krum instead. And I snogged Lavender because Ginny reckoned that you snogged Krum, and I just want to make you jealous and . . . " he broke off.
Hermione stared at Ron, comprehension dawning on her face.
"Oh," she said in a small voice. "I know that, Ron. And you got to me, I felt terrible watching Lavender and you . . . " she trailed off, kicking a few pebbles around the fountain absent-mindedly.
"That's not the point," Ron said stiffly. "The point is . . . the point is . . . I fancy you, Hermione."
Something warm flared up inside Hermione. He finally said it. He finally said what she had been waiting to hear for the past two years.
"I love you, Hermione Granger, as long as I ever lived,: said Ron, as he closed the distance between them.
"Ron, oh, Ron!: with tears swimming in her eyes, she hugged him tightly. His arms were around her petite frame, pressing her softly against him. "I love you too."
"We could have had ages, you know," Ron said softly, stroking her hair. "All the silly bickering . . . what a waste of time . . ."
"Yeah," said Hermione, as Ron brushed her tears away with one of his hands.
"But it is too late now, I guess," Ron said softly. "We are going to be stuck in a war. Cruel thing, fate."
"No, it doesn't make any difference. We can . . . "
"No, Hermione," said Ron softly. "We can't. You have to understand this. We don't know what will happen tomorrow or in the future. I don't want you to be stuck with me because it'll break your heart if I don't survive this battle. I am afraid for everyone, Hermione: for my family, for myself and for you. If anything happen to you, I don't think I have the strength to live on. And it'll be unfair for you to grief for my . . . well, you can just move on, with no regrets and all."
"Neither do I," said Hermione quietly. "I understand. I wouldn't like it to end that way either."
"Yeah," Ron agreed.
"We're still the best of friends," Hermione said, squeezing his shoulder.
"The very best," said Ron softly.
"If I could turn back time, I'll be sure to ask you to the ball before anyone does," he said softly after a few moments of silence, in which they both gazed at each other, understanding each other completely.
"Maybe . . . just maybe . . . if both of us make it out of this battle, alive and all, we could have our own little family."
"That'll be great," said Hermione. "I can already imagine the garden that I would like to have and the plants that I'll want to grow . . ."
"And redheaded children playing in the house . . . " Ron trailed off.
"That'll be nice," Hermione murmured.
"Will you? Will you want to spent the rest of your life with me if we . . . "
"What do you think?" Hermione asked.
"Well, if Viktor Krum comes along some day in the future . . ." Ron trailed off uncertainly.
"I'll be sure to give him an invitation to . . . what you called it . . . our nice little bonding?"
They were standing so close to each other now, that Hermione could count the freckles on Ron's face.
"That's the silver lining that I've been looking for," said Ron into her hair.
Slowly, gently, Ron pulled her towards him. And then, he kissed her. Slowly, she kissed him back. He deepened the kiss, and Hermione closed her eyes, enjoying every moment of it.
"Hey, look! Someone's snogging! Marie, come and look!"
Hermione jumped. Ron released her and she stumbled a bit before getting her footing again. Both of them looked sheepishly at each other, as a few girls from the village emerged from the bushes behind the fountain and peered out at them.
"Let's go," Hermione said in a flustered and embarrassed voice, taking Ron's hand. Without another backwards glance at the group of girls who were now giggling excitedly, both of them started to walk away from the fountain, down the steep hill and back to the Burrow.
(End of flash backs)
Voices around her jolted Hermione out of her thoughts. What was she thinking? She should not be thinking about this kind of things now.
"Hermione, what happened? "a figure was soaring towards her. "And what is this?" the figure pointed to the bubble enclosing her and the thestral.
"Ron!" Hermione gasped, recognising him at once. The effects of the Polyjuice potion must have wear off by now, she gathered. She did not know how long they have been flying, but it was certainly more than one hour. She could not even feel her appearance changing, due to her panic.
"Tonks, turn around," Ron was saying. "Something's wrong."
Tonks swung the broom around with a worried look on her face.
"Hermione, why are you alone?" she asked. "Where's . . ."
"He's dead," said Hermione. "I was duelling with Dolohov when it happened. Dolohov had just fallen. Then, Voldemort joined the chase and he . . ."
Tonks was white in the face.
"No!" she said. "Not another one!"
"Moody's dead," said Ron quietly. "We saw it. Mundungus panicked and disapparated when we were surrounded. Then, Voldemort . . . he was flying . . . he killed Moody."
"Someone betrayed us," said Tonks stiffly. "They knew we're moving Harry tonight . . ."
"Listen, Tonks," said Hermione. "We've to get out of here. I'll go with Ron and you to Kingsley's place instead of the Burrow."
She flicked her wand, and the protective bubble around her disappeared.
"But Hermione, we can't turn back now," said Tonks. "We're nearly at the Burrow."
"The Death Eaters and Voldemort will be coming this way. He . . . Voldemort saw me taking off in this direction. If he gets here first, all of us are in great danger. We'll detour and head for Kingsley's instead. I think our portkey will still be there because Kingsley timed it to take off in two hours' time. We can apparate to his house now."
"I suppose . . ."
Tonks broke off as two hooded figures materialised in thin air.
"Wotcher, Hermione, Ron!" Tonks whipped her wand in the air and brought it down, sending stunners at the oncoming Death Eaters.
A mad cackle issued from one of the hooded figures. Hermione froze. She knew that mad cackle very well.
"No, you don't, you filthy bitch!" screeched Belatrix Lestrange as she rounded on Tonks. "Do you think that you can hurt your Aunt Bella, you silly girl? I will finish you tonight, and he will be proud! Avada kedavra!"
"Not so fast, you madwoman! I have no aunt. You are a shame and disgrace to the family!" Tonks shouted as she flourishes her wand at Belatrix, who deflected the spell with a lazy flick of her wand.
"How dare you speak to me like that?" Belatrix shrieked. "You will learn to hold your tongue and watch your tone around me, girl! Wondered what my dear sister put into your head, and that filthy Muggle that she married, I couldn't believe her tastes!"
The Death Eater beside Belatrix jeered at them.
"Stupefy!" Ron shouted, pointing his wand at the Death Eater. The stunner crashed into the Death Eater's head, and he started to fall.
"How dare you attack my husband?" Belatrix howled in rage, as she rounded on Ron.
"Sectumsempra!" Hermione bellowed unexpectedly. Caught by surprise, Belatrix failed to dodge the curse, and it grazed her shoulder, creating a deep gash. Blood started to ooze out of the gash.
Gritting her teeth, Belatrix directed her wand at Hermione.
"No, you don't, you filthy little mudblood! Avada kedavra!"
The flash of green light sped towards Hermione. Hermione raise her wand, trying to deflect it, but the thestral, clearly frightened and deciding that it had enough of the adventure, turned and flew directly at the jet of green light, clearly thinking that it will be able to escape from the current predicament.
Hermione nearly lost her balance as she clung onto the thestral for dear life. She raises her wand, trying to deflect the curse, but she was not quick enough.
"Get out of the way, Hermione!" Ron bellowed. Hermione could hear his voice behind her.
She tried to duck, but the jet of green light was closing in on her.
Tonks emerged on her side, deflecting the curse quickly.
"No! Avada kedavra!" Belatrix shrieked again.
"Wotcher, Ron!" shouted Tonks, moving in front of him.
"Expelliarmus!" Belatrix shrieked, and Tonks' wand flew out of her hand, and Belatrix caught it. She smirked triumphantly.
Hermione, now regaining her balance, deflected the killing curse which missed Tonks by inches.
Tonks was now flying straight at Belatrix, anger written all over her face.
"Avada kedavra!"
Hermione turned around just in time to see another Death Eater aiming his wand at Tonks.
"Tonks, watch out . . ." Ron trailed off.
Too late. Tonks was too busy trying to get her wand back from Belatrix, that she failed to notice that her life was in danger. There was a shriek of surprise, as the jet of green light hit her head. Tonks' body seemed to be suspended in mid-air for a while, before it started to slide off the broom and started to fall.
"Ron!" screamed Hermione. Ron, who was sharing the same broom with Tonks was falling along with Tonks.
"Wingardium leviosa!" Ron bellowed, waving his wand desperately. The broom soared up into the air once again.
"Thank you, Rabistin," Belatrix said, cackling madly. "One problem off my hands. Now, let's see. You want to play, mudblood?"
As much as she wanted to curse Belatrix to hell, Hermione knew that she had to get Ron safely away from this place. She has to find out how the rest of them is doing, especially Harry.
"Come on, Ron," Hermione said, beckoning him onto the thestral. "Here, look at my hand. The thestral is here. Come on."
"There's no need," said Ron in a cracked voice. "I saw it."
"You . . . oh," said Hermione, comprehension dawning on her face. With a feeling of dread, she looked down and sure enough, she could see the skeletal body of the thestral. They have witnessed death, and were now able to see thestrals, just like Harry.
Ron directed his broom towards Hermione and was just climbing onto the back of the thestral behind Hermione when Rabistin, clearly satisfied that he had killed Tonks, fired the killing curse at him.
"No, you don't!" shrieked Hermione, waving her wand in a circular motion, and slashing it down. Green flames shot out of her wand and wrapped itself around Rabistin's body. Rabistin screamed. Hermione held her wand higher into the air, increasing the tightness of the flame which now coil like green snake-like ropes around Rabistin's chest. Rabistin could not breathe, and Hermione was determined to let him suffer.
"This is what you get when you killed a member of the Order, you bastard!" Hermione screamed. "Feel it! How do you like it?"
Ron was gazing at Hermione, a mixed expression of admiration and fear etched on his face.
What happened next was totally unexpected.
Hermione was so intent on hurting Rabistin that she did not notice that Belatrix had sneaked up behind her. The madwoman was inches from her when Hermione looked up. Shocked, Hermione directed her wand at Belatrix instead. Rabistin let out a bloodcurdling scream and backed away as the flames died when Hermione lifted the curse.
It was too late. Belatrix had already fired the killing curse at her. The jet of green light was speeding towards Hermione. She knew that she would die this time. She had no chance of escape.
"No, you don't!" Hermione heard Ron's voice, as he flung himself in front of her protectively, pushing her backwards. "Hermione, get away!" The jet of green light hit him squarely in the chest.
Hermione will never forget the look on Ron's face as his body fall out of sight. He looked determined, his now lifeless blue eyes blazing with the flame of battle. He had died like a true hero, and Hermione was sure that his family will be proud of him.
Hermione screamed. She could not take it any longer. She had witnessed three tragic deaths in one single night. And Ron's death was the final straw.
She could not believe it. It seemed so long ago that Ron had held her hand. The kiss they shared at the fountain seemed ages ago. She could still feel Ron's arms around her, warmth coursing through her body as he stroked her hair and deepened the kiss.
"Maybe . . . just maybe . . . if we managed to make it out of this battle alive, we could have our own little family."
His voice rang in her ears as hot tears leaked out of her eyes. She made no attempt to stop the flow of tears as she directed her wand at Belatrix. She was going to kill Belatrix and avenge Ron's death. She did not care what the others would said when they know about it. Nothing mattered anymore. Ron was dead. Her Ron was gone forever, ripped from her by Voldemort's followers. Her world was shattered.
"Avada . . ."
Belatrix was about to deflect the curse when she suddenly froze in mid-air. She clutched her left forearm, threw one last contemptuous look at Hermione, and then vanished.
Confused, Hermione looked around her. Belatrix had clearly felt her Dark Mark burning. Voldemort wanted his followers to meet him. She did not know what he planned. All she knows is that she would have to warn the others. Their plan had been discovered. She could not bear to witness anymore deaths tonight. She had to get back and make sure that Harry, her only remaining hope had arrived safely at the Burrow.
If Harry was killed, she was sure that there was no chance of the light side surviving another day in a world dominated by Voldemort.
"Come on," she whispered, guiding her thestral downwards. The creature obeyed, flying lower and lower until with a thud, it landed softly on the ground. Once Hermione slid off its back, it immediately stretched out its wings and took off into the night, clearly frighten to remain there for another minute, clearly fearing that Hermione will change her mind and mount it again.
Hermione made her way slowly towards the dark mass lying a few feet away from where she landed. She could tell that it was Ron, judging by the flaming red hair.
Hermione wiped a trickle of blood from Ron's nose, and gazed down at the freckled face of the man that she had grown to love over the years.
Gazing into the deep blue eyes with full of emotion, Hermione slowly forced herself to accept that never again will those blue eyes looked at her with the fondness and gentleness that she had come to love. Never again will he talk to her; never again will she hear his jokes and never again will they ever share another kiss or create their little family.
"I love you, Ron," Hermione murmured. She leaned over him, kissing his forehead. "I will always love you."
She turned away, and was just about to stand up, when something shiny caught her eye. She squinted at it from her position beside Ron's body. Judging from its position, Hermione gathered that it had fallen out of Ron's pocket when his body fell.
She pointed her wand at it and said slowly: "Accio."
It soared into the air and landed in her palm. She looked down at it. It was a small gold ring.
A small stone was set in the middle of the ring, glittering brightly. Hermione realised that it was a red ruby. Letters were engraved on the inside of the ring.
RW to HG
Emotion bubbled up in her, as she slipped the ring into her pocket. He had meant to give it to her. She wondered where he had bought it. It was so beautiful. It must have cost him a fortune.
"I will remember," Hermione said softly to Ron, squeezing his ice cold hand. "Always."
Then, squaring her shoulders, she turned away and stood up. She walked a few paces away from Ron and disapparated, concentrating on her location. She had wasted enough time already.
The interior of Kingsley's house was dark, as Hermione apparated directly into the sitting room. She spotted the portkey at once. It was about to take off, as it was beginning to glow blue.
Hastily, she reached out, and touched the brass kettle with her finger. With a jerk, she felt her feet leave the ground.
After seemed like forever, her feet slammed onto a hard surface.
She could tell that something was wrong the moment her gaze fell on the immaculate wrought iron gates in front of her. This was no safe house. They have been completely betrayed. Someone had tampered with the portkey.
A handsome manor stood before her. The hedges along the drive were neatly pruned. A white peacock strutted pass her as her heart raced. Where was she, she wondered.
Her question was answered soon enough. Someone was walking towards the gates, holding a lantern which bobbed in front of him as he walked. She could tell that it was a man, judging by the way the figure walked.
The figure reached the gates, opened it, and stared at Hermione. For a brief moment, a look of surprise crossed his face. Then, he crossed the boundary between them, flinging the gates open as he walked towards her.
"Well, well, well," the figure drawled. "What have we here?"
Hermione did not need to look up into the face to know who it was. Sure enough, as the figure closed the distance between them, the light from the lantern illuminated his features, and Hermione gazed into the face of Lucius Malfoy.
Fear teared at her. Fear that she had never felt before. She shuddered. They were all doomed.
"Petrificus totalus!" Malfoy said silently, pointing a wand at Hermione.
Hermione cursed silently. She should have defended herself, knowing what Lucius Malfoy was capable of, but she was too busy panicking that her brain seemed to slow down her thought process and her reflexes.
"Very good, very good," said Lucius Malfoy as Hermione's body crumpled and fell limply onto the ground. "Let's see what we shall do with you once you're inside."
Hermione's insides burned when she saw the satisfactory smirk on Malfoy's face.
"Interesting," Malfoy muttered, as he levitated her body along the neatly manicured garden path. "An interesting turn of events. Unexpected, I daresay."
The last thing she remembered was Lucius Malfoy levitating her through the immaculate front door of his home before she fainted and succumb to oblivion.