The End?

The Reapers are gone…

The War is won….

The Reapers are gone…

The War is won…

Over and over, Garrus repeats these words over in his head like a cycle. But not because he can't believe. No, he always knew Shepard could do it, he always had faith in her, never once did he doubt her abilities.

He repeats these words because no matter how hard he tries, he can't feel happy. Not without her.

They found her body…

She's in a bad condition, Less than 50% chance of her survival, even less for a full recovery.

When he finally was granted clearance to see her, Garrus did not expect what he saw.

The first thing he noticed was how awfully clinical the room was, there was no air, no colour, just this white room, her bed and what looked like hundreds of machines hooked up to her body keeping her alive, keeping her breathing.

He then noticed her body. For a moment, he could not recognise the woman in front of him. She was burned, patches of scorched skin dotted her body and complementing those burns were a series of scars, possibly caused by debris, which were scattered across her body.

Strapped to her face was a endotracheal tube which was attached to a machine by her bed which regulated her breathing, along with more machines and tubes which were strapped to other parts of her body providing her with blood, nutrients and other types of fluids, all just to keep her alive.

Garrus had completely tuned to what the doctor was telling him, something about her injuries, the burns and the numerous amount of operations they had to conduct on her body. He just looked at her wanting to reach out to her, to hold her.

"We had to put her in a medical induced coma to stabilise her, but whether or not she'll be able to awaken from this is another matter entirely"

A coma, a deep sleep, completely unaware of the world around her. She doesn't have any idea that the reapers were gone, she has no idea that they won. They won. They did it. Together.

The doctor had left Garrus alone in the room, leaving him with only the soft sound of the heart monitor to accompany his breathing.

It almost didn't seem fair. No. This wasn't fair. Shepard had done everything and anything to stop the reapers. She united the fucking galaxy for spirits sake and this was her reward?!

All Garrus wanted to do was to help her, help her get back get better, get back on her feet and back to the Shepard he knew. But there was nothing he could do.

All he could do was simply sit by her side, hold her ever cold hand, and hope.

"I need you to recover, because I can't make it on my own…"

A/N: So this is an idea I've had in my head for a while and I wanted to put it down and see how it goes. Knowing my track record with stories, this is going to take me a while, but I'm going to try. Call it a little project of mine. I may change the title later, I'm not too sure yet.

Anyway, this is a small snipit of what it will look like and what's to come.
Hope you like it :)