Description: When tragedy and loss strikes Han and Leia, can a Holiday miracle fix things? Or will it make things worse? Inspired by a few Christmas movies with Star Wars twists.

I wanted to write something special for the holiday season! Featuring of course my favorite Star Wars couple.

WARNING: This chapter does include tragedy and loss but it is the set up for the whole of the story.

Holiday Miracle

Chapter One

It was cold on Coruscant, not that Leia expected anything different. This time of year was always on the colder side. Most days this week she had gone to work in several layers, only to strip down to her normal dress after arriving within her scorching office. She'd never understand why the temperature needed to be kept so high during this time of the year. Looking out as the night fell on the planet, Leia was determined to distract her mind. She briefly let her mind wander to the speeders and all of the people out and around her building. Shaking her head she brought herself back to her apartment. The fire in front of her was warming and helped to make her a bit more comfortable. It was the perfect temperature to relax her, and keep her on task. She was all alone tonight and had been for a few weeks.

Leia ran her fingers over her data pad, waiting for the stupid thing to load. She had been working long hours this week and all she wanted to do was finish this reading, eat some dinner and go to sleep. Typing in a few more codes, Leia watched as numbers and reports ran across her screen. Her eyes moved from the screen and to the flames. They were hypnotic to watch and she was reminded of memories as she stared in at the fire. Her mother had always enjoyed a fire around the holiday season, something Leia remembered fondly from her home planet. Breha had loved the holidays and she might have passed that trait on to Leia. If only she had people to share it with. Reaching over she sipped her tea slowly, hoping it would help to soothe her mind a bit.

Her thoughts drifted to her husband, she missed him. Han had been gone for a few weeks and communications had been little to none. They always had bits of time apart but they made it work. However this mission had been unexpected and with the holidays fast approaching, Leia missed him even more. Even Luke was off planet, handling one Jedi matter or another. She was on Coruscant all on her own.

Hearing her com sound beside her, Leia quickly grabbed for it and prayed it wasn't work.

"Hello?" She answered softly, formal enough in case it was someone important but calmly in case it was a loved one.

"Hey sweetheart." Han answered. Leia smiled and relaxed back into the sofa, she could use a good talk with her husband. It had been a long week and a simple chat with Han would always put her in a better mood.

"I'm glad you called." Leia sighed softly, tossing her data pad to the side and resting her head back against the sofa. She could hear Han's chuckle through the com and it sent chills through out her body. Everything he did could still make her blush, make her skin heat or make her want to kiss him.

"It's good to hear your voice, beautiful."

"How are you Han?" She asked quietly.

"I'm good, better now." She could hear the smirk through his voice. "I miss you." He told her.

"I miss you too Han. How is it going?" She asked.

"Same old same old, I'm sorry I haven't been able to call much."

"It's work Han, I understand."

"I'd still rather be there with you. What is my beautiful wife up to?" Han asked.

"I'm working on some files."

"and drinking wine…" Han added with a chuckle.

"It's tea tonight, tell me about how things are going."

"No work talk Leia. I just want to talk to my wife."

"So talk." Leia smiled.

"You order food in?" Han asked knowing her so well.

"I didn't feel like cooking." Leia added.

"You never feel like cooking, how you survive without Chewie and I, I'll never understand."

"I'm a big girl General." Leia said hearing the chime of the door sound. "My food is here, looks like I'll survive my dear husband." Leia said, placing her tea mug on the side table.

"Good to know Princess, I wouldn't want you to starve."

"Well believe it or not Han Solo I'm doing just fine without you." She teased, slowly standing up and moving towards the door. Her stomach had been making sounds for hours and she knew for a fact she was starving. Wrapping her robe around her form, she tied it tightly around her waist.

"Admit, you miss me." Han said calmly to her.

"Never General." Leia said walking over and palming the door open.

Her heart stopped as the door slid and revealed her husband. She didn't even think, she dropped her com and launched into his arms. Han laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around her form. He lifted her up and held her up off the ground. Leia's face buried into his neck and took a deep breath. Han smiled brightly, loving when he could successfully surprise her.

"You're here!" Leia whispered to him, running her hands up and into his hair.

"I'm here." Leia smiled and kissed his neck. Pulling back Leia looked into his eyes and leaned in to kiss him.

"I'm so glad you're here." Leia told him against is lips.

"I like surprising you." Han said, stepping forward and moving further into their apartment. Han gently placed Leia on the ground, his hands never leaving her. Leia rested her face against his chest and smiled.

"When did you get on planet?"

"Just got back, I was wondering if you'd be awake." He smiled, tracing his hands down the side of her face and over her bottom lip. Leaning down, Han brought his lips to hers and sighed into her warmth. They stood in the doorway kissing for what felt like a lifetime, a lifetime that would never be long enough. Leia sighed against his lips and pulled at his jacket. Her lips traced familiar patterns across Han's mouth, neither caring or wanting to take their much needed breath.

"I missed you." she told him again, and she really had. With this stressful week and the holidays coming so fast, she usually took comfort in her husband's presence.

"I know, you always miss me Princess." Han smirked, leaning in and kissing her once more. He'd never tire of their kissing, or the way her hot mouth slid over his lips. He could get lost in kissing her, even after all these years, he still felt like they were pressed against each other a board his ship, sharing their first kiss.

Hearing a throat clear from behind them, they both turned to see the flushed face of the delivery boy standing outside their door.

"Princess." He nodded, looking away from the couple. Han smirked and Leia hit at his chest.

"Hello." Leia greeted moving to grab her food and pay the poor boy.

"Have a nice night Princess, General Solo." He said with a nod before he practically ran down the hallway.

"Poor boy." Leia said, grasping all the food in her arms.

"It's not like he's never seen people kiss before."

"That was a little more then a kiss." Leia reminded him.

"I'll show you more then a kiss later sweetheart." He said helping her grab the bags and place them on the counter. "How much food did you order? You're just a little thing, and yet you eat so much." Han smirked.

"I was hungry, I haven't been eating during the day." Leia admitted, earning a glare from her husband. He was always irritated when she didn't fully take care of herself. "Just means you can have some too." She smiled.

"How thoughtful sweetheart." Han said pulling his jacket down his arms and kicking off his boots. Leia smiled, happy to see him at home and getting comfortable. She'd let the boots slide tonight, normally she would have yelled at him for tossing them across the living room.

"I have a fire going." Leia said, suggesting they sit in the main room instead of at the table. Han nodded and followed her in with the food. Placing their things along the small table, Leia sat against the sofa once more, her eyes moving back to the fire. She could already feel a difference in the atmosphere of their home. Things were better when she had Han around, wasn't to say she couldn't handle herself without him, but the long absence wasn't ideal.

"Nice little cozy evening you have going here." Han smiled, leaning in beside her and draping his arm around her shoulders.

"I like the fireplace." she told him.

"I remember. I'm kinda surprised this place isn't more decorated." He said looking around their rather bare apartment.

"I didn't want to start any holiday stuff without you here."

"Maybe tomorrow." Han offered and Leia nodded, leaning in and kissing his lips once more. Their kiss deepened, and before she knew it Han was slipping his hand into her robe and tugging at her clothing. Her stomach's loud growl stopped their movements and Leia blushed.

"You need food Princess." Han smirked, releasing his hold on her and grabbing for some of their dinner, silently promising to finish what he had tried to start.

The couple ate in silence, perfectly happy with each others company. Han couldn't help but brush his fingers over her face, or reach for her hand, every touch warming Leia's insides.

"I'm glad you're here." She told him.

"Me too, so tell me what you've been up to." Han asked.

"You said no work talk?" She questioned with an eye brow raise.

"True, but I heard some talk when I arrived."

"What talk?" She sighed, wondering what was circling around this time.

"Something about an important vote?"

'Yeah, I'm always voting on things." Leia offered, trying to avoid the topic.

"Leia?" Han said, unconvinced.

"This will be the first vote I've taken part in since my announcement." Leia told him.

"The big announcement then?" Han asked, not wanting to out right say it. Leia smiled at his caution and nodded.

"This is the first vote I will take place in, since I announced my parentage." Leia further explained. Han only nodded. Leia had openly made the decision a few months ago to inform the galaxy who her biological parents were. It was something she had talked over with Han over and over again. He had been her rock through out the process. Luke had helped as well, giving her any sort of support she needed. While many applauded her and supported her decisions, others believed she did not need to hold any sort of place within the government. It was a mix, but Leia had seen both sides to the reaction.

"And what are people saying?" Han questioned.

"Han, it's the same as always. Everyone that didn't want me to keep my position, well they don't want me to vote in these things. I think I understand where they are coming from."

"Well don't!" Han said, his outrage showing through. "He had nothing to do with you! You didn't have to tell them the truth, they should respect you more for being honest."

"I know sweetheart." Leia smiled, once again Han was showing how much he supported and loved his wife. Running her fingers over his chin, she offered him a soft kiss. "It's nothing I can't handle." She whispered against his mouth.

"You can handle it all." Han smirked. Leia nodded her head just barely and leaned in to kiss Han once more. "What do you say we move this to the bedroom?" Han asked with a smirk, his fingers finding their way inside her robe once more.

"Better plan…" She quietly moaned against his neck.

"What plan is that?" Han asked her.

Standing up, Leia let the robe fall from her shoulders, revealing a short white night gown underneath. Han's eyes gazed over her creamy legs and up to her bare thighs. His eyes locked on hers, as she pulled at his hands and led him beside the flames of the fire.

"You love fires." Han whispered to her, both leaning back against the floor beneath them.

"I do, They make me feel happy."

"I have a few ways to make you feel happy." Han smirked.

"You and your corny lines."

"You love them."

"You're right." Leia agreed, her fingers dragging through Han's hair as he leaned over her. Her hair spread out against the white carpet behind her head. Han smiled so lovingly at her. He was the luckiest man in the galaxy.

"I love you." He whispered over and over against her lips. Their kisses growing with passion and their bodies moving together for the rest of the night.


Han leaned back against the booth a board the Falcon. Leia had left him a few hours ago, the conference before the vote taking place early this morning. Watching over the screen in front of him, he watched as senators, leaders and rulers arrived from around the galaxy. He recognized some familiar faces, people he had met on various missions or gatherings he had attended with his wife. The crowd seemed to be growing outside the hall and the press continued to cover the whole of the event. Han moved his eyes down and tinkered with the wires in front of him, best keep his mind awake. He hoped to spend the rest of the day with his wife as soon as she finished work. They'd been spending most of their time together, ever since he returned. The apartment was finally decorated for the holiday and Leia was excited to enjoy the season with her husband, Chewie and hopefully Luke would be attending as well.

Hearing an all too familiar name, Han looked back up at the screen. He saw her through the crowd of people and smirked. Her grin was straight and not at all her true smile. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful.

"And here is Ambassador Organa Solo." Someone called into the the holo screen. Han smirked, still feeling a bit of pride every time he heard Leia referred to as a Solo. "Princess! Princess!" They called over to her. Han watched as his wife frowned and walked towards them slowly. He knew she hated to be called Princess, these days she tried to remind everyone that Ambassador was her title. But to most of the galaxy she would always be the last Princess of Alderaan. It was something she would have to live with, but she didn't have to like it. She had explained to Han once how much it hurt when people called her Princess. While she didn't want to forget her home or her family, she couldn't dwell on a dying title. Most days she accepted Chewie and Han calling her Princess, but everyone else seemed to add a sarcasm on to the tittle that Leia refused to hear any longer.

"Good morning." Leia greeted them.

"Ambassador how are you feeling about the vote tomorrow?" Someone asked her.

"I'm lucky to be apart of this all and I'm feeling very well on it. We all seem to be on the same page."

"Wonderful, do you think it will help the majority of the people?"

"Of course, that was our intention for this policy. The good that will come from this vote is significant and immense. Anyone effected by the Empires rule will have a much better outlook after this vote." She answered and Han smiled. She was always so good when talking to the press or answering questions. But hell she was good at everything she did.

"Princess!" Someone called to her. Leia slowly turned her head and faced him. "Some would say you should not have a say on this vote."

"I suppose some have been saying that, but all members of government are taking part in this."

"You do have an association with the Empire. Do you not Princess?" He asked. Han tightened his grip on the table around him, he wanted them to stop asking her these stupid questions. He knew she could handle herself but he hated when people danced around what they really meant.

"Well I spent a great deal of my life fighting off the Empire." Leia reminded the reporter.

"I believe he is referring to Darth Vader, Ambassador." Another voice sounded and Leia nodded.

"Yes I'm aware, thank you for stating what he was too afraid to say. I'm well aware that many people did not take to my honesty regarding my biological parents. Some have accepted me and the truth, but others have not. I can only remind them that I was raised by two amazing people. Bali land Breha Organa are who made me who I am today. Not a masked man that hurt this galaxy. I am a product of them and I hope that one day everyone can trust in me again. Thank you, I really must be getting inside." Leia said as she waved off and slowly walked away from the reporters.

"She always handles herself so well." Chewie said walking into the room and sitting beside his friend.

"She sure does." Han smirked, overly proud of his wife right now. He'd have to remind her how sexy she was when she told off reporters, or perhaps he would show her tonight.

"Is the Princess ready for the holiday?" Chewie asked.

"She is all set. She loves this time of year." Han smiled, it was so nice to see his wife happy about something. Even it was as simple as going out to see pretty lights or decorating their apartment. "You're sure Malla won't join us this year?" Han asked. Leia had made sure Chewie knew that his family was always welcome on Coruscant, or they could even spend the holiday on Kashyyyk.

"Malla has made plans, but she appreciates the invitation."

"We could swing you by home fuzz ball."

"You just want to be alone with Leia." Chewie laughed.

"Hmmm Maybe." Han said, his thoughts going to a lovely image of spending all of her time off wearing little to no clothes. "It's a nice thought but I'm afraid Luke will be joining us as well." Han sighed.

"You like Luke." Chewie reminded.

"Of course I do! But he also likes to interrupt adult time with my wife!"

"Adult time?" Chewie laughed.

"What do you want me to call it, I don't want to embarrass you." Han smirked.

"Pretty sure I've walked in on enough of your adult time to be past embarrassment."

"Not with Leia, the other ones don't count."

"Oh right." Chewie laughed again. "I'm pretty sure I remember an incident on the trip to Bespin."

"I thought Leia asked you to never mention that again." Han reminded his friend, trying to hide his smile. He remembered the memory vividly. Their relationship was new and amazing, they couldn't stop touching each other, which sadly lead to a very regretful wookie walking into the cockpit and witnessing something that made the Princess blush for days. "Hmmm Leia and I need another Bespin trip."

"Perhaps." Chewie said with a laugh walking away and back to his own work.

Han continued to tinker with the wires and bolts, trying to replace this board before Leia was out of her meeting. She had told him she would com him as soon as she was out, so he had time to clean up. As time passed Han wondered if the meeting had ran over. Hearing a slight buzzing, Han reached in his pocket and pulled out his com.


"Hello General Solo, I wondered if you were available for a meeting?" Leia's silky voice asked through the static of the com.

"Why I might be able to make some room in my schedule." Han smirked.

"Well I feel special, I know how busy you are."

"Anything for you Ambassador. Did your meeting run over?" Han asked, fully noticing how delayed she was.

"I had something to do after the meeting, sorry. I'm done now." Leia explained.

"It's alright."

"What are you doing" She asked.

"Thinking about all the things I'm going to do to you tonight." Han said, catching Leia off guard. He could almost hear the blush across her cheeks.


"What?" He chuckled.

"I'm out in public I hope you know."

"You're a married woman Leia."

"Doesn't mean passersby need to know those details."

"How about I tell you all about them when you get here?'

"It's a plan, you at the hangar?" Leia asked, her voice going in and out as she walked the streets of Coruscant and moved to find her shuttle.

"I am. Remind me to tell you how sexy you look telling reporters off."

"Didn't you just tell me?" She said with a snort.

"Well, remind me to show you."

"Han Solo…" She giggled softly. "I'll see you soon."

"Alright, I love you sweetheart." He told her, moving to stand up and clean the table off.

"I know." She said shortly, before the static of the com ended the call.

Han smiled once more and quickly cleaned up, grabbing a clean shirt from their cabin. He figured Leia wouldn't approve of the oil stains across this one, not that she wasn't used to that by now.

"Princess on her way?" Chewie asked from the cockpit.

"She is, I'm going to meet her outside."

"Have a good day." Chewie called.

"You too! I'll talk to you later."

Han lowered the ramp and quickly ran down the path and into the hangar. It seemed like a busy day for working on all the ships. Captains and pilots were running around the hangar in a frenzy that made Han happy he had Chewie to help out. Han leaned against the side of his ship, waiting for his wife to come into sight. He thought about a few places he could take her today, anywhere that would share the holiday spirit. Han knew she missed her parents around this time but also loved celebrating, he always made it his mission to keep her holiday spirit going strong. After just a few short minutes Han saw her. Leia smiled at him as she walked across the path and toward the Falcon. Han quickly stepped forward and met her half way.

"Hi husband." she greeted.

"Wife." Han smiled, leaning in and kissing her deeply.

"You miss me that much?" Leia asked out of breath. Her fingers leaned in and grabbed Han's jacket, pulling him closer to her.

"I always miss you sweetheart."

"You're going soft Captain Solo."

"That's General to you." Han smirked, kissing the tip of her nose.

"Let's get out of here you silly man." Leia said, pulling at his hand. Turning around toward the exit Han and Leia were startled to see someone standing not far from them.

"Princess." The man said, his voice quivering uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry have we met?" Leia asked, stepping towards him. Han moved to step beside her, his arm wrapping around her waist.

"No we've never met." He told her.

"What can I do for you?" Leia asked him, she could feel Han tensing beside her and she noticed the way her husband's hand moved towards his blaster.

"We don't need people like you." The man told her gritting his teeth.

"Hey, that's enough." Han warned trying to step in but Leia's hand on his chest stopped him.

"What have I done to upset you?" She questioned.

"You are a lie and everything you stand for is a lie Princess! You deserve to be with him!"

"With who?" Leia asked.

"Your father." He spat out at her.

Everything happened so fast. The strangers words echoed in the hangar, as his hand quickly pulled the detonator from his cloak. Han didn't have time to take a breath before the red button was pushed and the clicking began. "You deserve to be with him!" His words cut through the air, Leia's heart stopped and the only thought in her mind was Han. Her mind must have triggered something, as she turned to face her husband and watched as he reached for his blaster. Everyone was moving in slow motion, the detonator, Han's reach and Leia's thoughts. With one final moment, Leia did the only thing that came to her mind, and lifted her hand up towards her husband. Searching for something deep down inside her, she found that spark. Han's eyes must have darted down to Leia's hand, but he had no time to react before he felt himself being pushed away and thrown across the hangar with a strong force. He slammed into the ground across the way, his head whipping up to look for Leia. He saw her hand still outstretched from where her force push had sent him flying.

"Leia!" He screamed and just like that time sped up.

The explosion hit and shook the hangar. Everyone in the space started coughing and running for the exit. Han's ears were ringing and he felt numb. He didn't even realize he was being lifted until he saw Chewie's face.

"Han!" Chewie yelled to him, trying to pull Han out of his daze.

"Where's Leia?!" Han said pushing away at Chewie's arms. Han stumbled across the smoke and the rubble. "Leia!" He screamed through the wreckage. The smoke slowly cleared and Han saw her. Laying across the floor of the hangar. "Leia!" He yelled once more as he ran towards her and kneeled to her side. "Sweetheart look at me! Open your eyes for me!"

The blood surrounded her and she had wounds across her face and body.

"Leia look at me! Chewie call the medic!" Han screamed.

"Han…" Leia coughed out, her voice barely audible.

"Leia I'm right here! I'm right here sweetheart, look at me." He said stroking her cheek and trying to get her to open her eyes. Finding what little strength she had Leia opened her eyes in a fluttering motion. Their eyes met and held for a moment before Leia whispered to him.

"I love you…" Her eyes closed and her body felt limp.

"Leia! Leia open your eyes! Look at me! Damn it look at me!" Han's screamed echoed around the now empty hangar. His eyes stayed on Leia's face, her eyes closed and the blood now running down her face.

"General Solo!" Someone yelled from beside him but Han was in a daze. All he saw was the scene over and over in his mind, like a holo on replay. The man, the detonator, Leia pushing him away, the explosion, all of it. "General solo! We have to get her to the med center." They started to lift and move Leia, pulling Han from his memories.

"Is she going to be ok?" Han asked them, as they lifted Leia up and on to the stretcher. One of them placed a mask over her face and others started to hook her up to other vital detectors.

"She has a heart beat General Solo, but its faint."


Han paced the medic center, he was covered in ash and what he assumed was his wife's blood, but he wasn't leaving until Leia was stable and out of her surgery. The medic had mentioned something about internal damage or how close Leia had been to the explosion. They asked Han questions but he didn't have the answers, he knew nothing. He didn't know who the man was and from what they had told him he didn't make it. One less thing Han needed to worry about. Whoever he had been he was on borrowed time as it was, Han would have killed him for what he did. Chewie looked up at his friend and his heart worried for him.

"Perhaps you should sit?" Chewie suggested.

"I can't…" Han told him short and quick.

"You aren't helping her by marking the floor up."

"I need to stay awake and ready for when she's awake."


"I'm not talking about this right now."

The screens around the medic center were all playing the same thing over and over again.

"Reports are coming in that Ambassador Organa Solo was involved in some sort of an explosion. It is un clear if this was an assassination attempt."

"All we know is that Princess Organa was injured but we do not know to what extent."

"She was said to be visiting her husband General Han Solo when the explosion took place."

"Tomorrows vote has been postponed and all delegates have successfully been moved off planet until the threat can be named."

Han tried to calm down, he knew Leia would want that. He mostly tried to block out the constant news broadcasts. But he couldn't help the pain and worry he felt. Or the anger at his damn wife. How could she do that! Why didn't she push them both out of the way? And since when was she using the force like that? Almost on cue Han heard his name being called from down the hall. Looking up he found Luke walking towards him.


"Luke…" Han nodded stepping towards his brother in law.

"Any word?' Luke asked him, grabbing hold of Han's shoulder.

"She's in surgery." Han answered.

"What can I do?" Luke asked.

"You can tell me when the hell she started using the force like that?" Han bit out, ripping his hands through his hair.

"Like what?" Luke asked confused.

"She threw me across the hangar! When! How does she do that now?"

"I didn't know she could." Luke answered honestly. "She hasn't been practicing…Han its very possible she tapped into something inside of her. Something she knew could save you…"

"Well she wasn't suppose to save me damn it!" Han yelled not caring who heard him. "I was meant to protect her."

"You couldn't have known." Chewie tried to add but Han waved him off, walking away from both Luke and Chewie. Finally Han took a seat and rested his head in his hands. His thoughts swirled and his mind showed him her face.

****Her beautiful hair was laid out against her pillow as she giggled against his touch. Han rolled closer to her his bare skin rubbing against hers.

"Han Solo, if you don't stop tickling me! I swear!"

"I thought you weren't ticklish sweetheart?" Han smirked, his fingers moving a long her skin.

"I'm not." She smirked, trying to deny what Han already knew.

"Liar…" Han whispered against her lips before kissing her. His lips danced over hers and slowly moved down her face, her jaw and sucked the skin against her neck. Leia sighed against his touch and the way his mouth worked over her skin. Her fingers traced over his back, her nails digging into his shoulders.

"You seem like you missed me." Han mumbled against her neck.

"You know I did." She told him, all teasing gone from her voice. Pulling back Han rested his head against his bent arm and looked down at his wife. Her lips were swollen from their many hours of kissing, she had little marks starting to appear along her skin, something that Han was sure he would be yelled at for tomorrow. Her cheeks were flushed but she held a gorgeous smile and her eyes showed pure relaxation and calmness.

"You're beautiful." Han whispered to her, reaching for her hand and kissing over her wedding ring.

"I'm your wife, You have to say that."

"But I told you, you were beautiful before you were my wife."

"According to all those holonet stories you didn't see me like this until our wedding night hot shot."

"It's cute they think you're so innocent." Han smirked, earning a slap to his bare chest.

"All your fault, you seduced me." She whispered, her finger tips running over his skin right above his heart.

"Did I? I remember equal seduction" Leia offered her own smirk now. Raising an eyebrow, Leia leaned in close to him.

"Remind me…." Leia whispered bringing their lips together once more. ********

"Han?" Luke called to him. Pulling Han out of his memories, Han looked to Luke.


"Do you want me to get you some caf?"

"I…Sure." Han nodded, he probably needed it. Luke nodded and moved to stand up. He barely took a step before the medic rounded the corner. Luke took one look at him and he felt something tear in his chest. Luke grabbed hold of his chest and struggled for breath. The stabbing feeling in his heart told him everything he needed to know.

"Kid you ok?" Han asked, quickly standing to grab hold of him.

"Han…" Luke choked out.

"What?" Han asked, looking down the hall he saw Leia's medic moving towards them. Looking back to Luke, Han's heart literally stopped. He had never felt this before, nothing would ever compare to what he felt in this moment. He looked into Luke's broken eyes and looked at the pain etched across his brother in laws face.

"No!" Han told Luke, he wouldn't believe it. He didn't care what kind of connection Luke and Leia held, it wasn't true.

"Han…" Luke tried to touch his friend but Han pulled away.

"General Solo!" The medic said walking up to the three of them.

"Where is my wife?" Han asked immediately stepping forward.

"General solo, perhaps you should sit down."

"No I need you to tell me where my wife is!"

"General Solo, I'm afraid we did everything we could." The medic started and Han immediately started shaking his head no. "The Princess had too much internal damage, she was way to close to the blast. We tried to stop the bleeding, but I'm afraid there was too much damage."

"No…" Han said over and over again.

"Han…" Luke said stepping forward. But Han shrugged him off and he stepped away from all of them.

"I love you…"

Her hushed words rang through Han's mind over and over again. Every time he had ever kissed her or made love to her, each time she told him how much he meant to her. Their plans for the future, or how she felt happy for the first time in so long. It didn't matter now, she was gone.

"Cub?" Chewie said walking up to where Han stood against the wall. His eyes were vacant now. "Han…" Chewie tried again. Han suddenly pulled away from the wookie and turned back to the doctor.

"I need to see my wife…" Han told him. The medic frowned sadly and slowly nodded, "Please come this way." He told Han.

Han followed him down the deserted hallways of the med center. Han didn't even know how he was still standing, let alone walking. Stopping at a door, the medic turned to him. He offered him a reassuring nod.

'Take your time."

Han slowly walked into the room. It was cold and dark and empty. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want Leia to be in here. He could see her laying against the table across the room. Han didn't know if he could move forward, he felt like his heart was going to give out or his lungs would stop accepting air. He didn't now if he could do this. Leia, his wife, the love of his life, the girl he waited so long to find was gone. Somewhere deep down he found the strength to move forward and step towards Leia.

"Leia…" He whispered to her lifeless body. The sheets were pulled up and over her, only her face was visible. Han wanted to touch her, but felt wrong to do so. With a shaky hand he lifted his hand up and ran it along her cheek, a practiced move between them. She would always turn her face into his palm, loving the warmth of his hands. But she didn't turn into him now, and all Han felt was coldness.

"It wasn't suppose to be like this sweetheart…Gods Leia." Han said his head dropping and the sobs that had been threatening to take over surfaced. Tears streamed his face, as he stared down at his Princess and tried to pretend she was just sleeping.


Han wasn't sure how long he had been sitting on the couch in their living room. He had started a fire, something he knew Leia loved and after that he had sat down and hadn't moved yet. The apartment felt like that medic room, cold and empty. Han hadn't been out in days, maybe it had been longer. He knew Luke and Chewie were trying to contact him, and had even tried to come into the apartment the other night. But Han had sealed the door and didn't intend on having any visitors any time soon.

Grabbing hold of his whiskey, he couldn't help but laugh. Leia had bought this bottle for him on his last birthday. She knew how much he loved the Corellian whiskey and she had found this specialty make just for him. It tasted amazing, they'd drank it together that night. Now Han would finish the bottle off by himself.

Han ran his finger over the cold metal of Leia's wedding ring. The medic had given it to him, as if that would comfort him. He'd almost laughed in his face "No what would comfort me is if you would have saved my wife." Han thought bitterly to himself. He looked down at the silver with band with the Alderaanian crystal in the center. She had loved it so much, she had burst into tears when he showed it to her. He didn't want it, it belong to Leia. Tossing it across the room Han slammed his hand against the table. It didn't help that the apartment was decorated with full holiday decor, they'd spent all day together decorating the house and singing silly holiday music. Leia had laughed and enjoyed the joyous time with her husband.

*******"Han we are not hanging mistletoe everywhere!" Leia scowled.

"Why not!?" Han whined.

"It's a silly Corellian tradition."

"Well sweetheart you married a Corellian."

"A silly Corellian." She reminded him as she leaned up to try and hang something on the wall. She reached up to her tippy toes, but she still fell too short. Han smirked and walked behind her.

"You like this silly Corellian." He told her, as he lifted her up and into the air. She let out a shriek and grabbed hold of the wall for balance. "I've got you." He assured her.

"I could have reached it." She said, finally resting the decorations on the hooks and grabbing for Han's shoulders as he lowered her back down.

"Whatever little Princess." He said with a smirk.

"Shush you, back to work."

"I like it when you're bossy."

"Of course you do, that's how we spent the first few years." She smirked back at him.

"Awww the good old times." Han said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him.

"Good times?" She smiled.

"Any time with you is good."

"You are so corny." She said letting out a large laugh. One that only those closest to Leia had heard.

"These times are better." He whispered, leaving in and kissing her. She kissed him back, happy to take a break from the decorations to kiss her husband.

"Mmmm Much better…"

"Of course, we weren't having sex back then." Han smirked and Leia slapped his chest.

"You ruined it!" She said trying to look mad, but finding it too comical to hold back the smile.********

Han could hear her laugh in his head, her voice and the sound of her breathing. He wanted to reach out and touch her. Or walk down the hall and find her asleep in their bed. He wanted her back and he wanted her back now. This wasn't fair, none of this was fair.

"Do you plan to drink the whole bottle?" A voice suddenly said behind Han. Han jumped up dropping the glass of whiskey and tripping over the center table. He cleared his vision and saw a cloaked figure standing across from him. His dark cloak hid his face and went down the length of his body.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?" Han said slurring his words as he tried to stand back up off the floor.

"Do you think your Princess would like to see you this way?"

"Shut the hell up! Get out of my house!"

"Han, you need to calm down."

"Who the hell are you!?"

"A friend." The voice answered softly.

"I don't need a friend, get the hell out." Han said finding his way back to his spot on the couch.

"I'm here to help you Han."

"I'm sure you are…You here to discuss Leia's will. Someone beat you to it. They thought it would be appropriate to talk to me about my dead wife's assets a mere few hours after I lost her." Han said laughing bitterly. "Some people…" Han said again, gulping down another swig of whiskey.

"You care a great deal about the Princess." The cloaked figure said, stepping in front of Han.

"No shit!"

"You love her?"

"No I just married her for the royal name." Han scuffed.

"Would you do anything to see her again?'

"What kind of question is that!? Why are you in my house? GET OUT!" Han said pointing to the door.

"Han, you need to listen to me."

"I don't even know you."

"Would you do anything to see Leia again?"

"I want her back…" Han whispered.

"You would accept any version of her?" The cloaked figure asked him.

"I love her, all of her." Han said his voice coming out rough now.

"You would give this life up to see her again?"


"You would accept any version of yourself?"

"Of myself? Han questioned, his head feeling heavy now. He really had had too much to drink.

"Would you give it all up to have her back and alive?" The cloaked man asked.

"I'd give anything to have her back…" Han whispered, his eyes growing heavy. As his eyes fluttered shut he heard the cloaked figure whispering something over and over.

"You'd give it all." He told Han. "And you will…."

Han tried to open his eyes but all he saw was a bright light and then suddenly everything went black.

I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter to this Holiday Story. More to come of course! For those reading my main story, this story will not effect those chapter updates. This holiday fic is already written and I plan to update it about every other day! Thanks for reading, Reviews are the best!