The sun was getting low in the sky, turning the mountains into golden glowing monoliths in the distance. The office was quiet, Ruby had left for the day, Ferg had gone to the courthouse to file some papers, and Walt sat alone, with his own thoughts swirling in his head. Walt couldn't stop thinking of Vic, his relationship with Donna had sputtered out, and there was Vic, there was always Vic, steady, trusting and so damn sexy, but she had been distant lately. Walt wasn't sure if it was the Chance gilbert trial, the noise in the papers about their inappropriate relationship, or something all together different. He felt the need to talk to her.

Walt heard slow and deliberate footsteps coming up the stairs, they didn't seem familiar. He got up from the big oak deal, pushing the desk chair away with the back of his legs.
The outer door opened and closed as Walt made his way to his office door, he turned the knob and open the door, in the warm glow of the desk lamps in the outer office, Walt noticed Travis round the corner. "Travis, what are you doing here?"
Travis had a look on his face that Walt hadn't seen before, a combination of perplexed and constipated. "Sheriff, can we talk?"
"uh….sure, come on in"
Travis slid past Walt in the doorway, maybe he had noticed it before, but Travis felt Walt's presence more then ever tonight, he seemed, big, looming, and he was a little intimidated if truth be told.
Travis sat on the well worn leather of the Sheriffs couch, and clasped his hands together like he was waiting in the principles office to have his sentence handed down for running someones underwear up the flagpole.

"Travis, what brings you here tonight" Walt paused, Travis didn't look up from his hands. "is there some kind of trouble?"
"Sheriff, I think we need to talk" Travis paused, swallowed and thought about what to say " I think we should have a plan, for when, you know, for when the baby is here"
Travis looked up at Walt but couldn't read the look on his face, it seemed to be utter confusion, but thats not something he had ever witnessed before, this was just too weird.
"Come again Travis? Have you been drinking?"
"no,no Sheriff, I , uh, you know, the baby, Vic, you and me with a 50/50 chance"

the confusion was still written all over Walt's face, but now he felt the need to sit.
"Travis, I don't think I know what you're talking about, but I think you better start explaining what it is you think you know, about this baby?, about Vic"

Travis was becoming painfully aware that his timing was all off, this was a mistake, and shit, Vic was going to be pissed.

The door flew open and there was Vic, face flushed, and loose strands of her hair wildly flying around her face. The glow from the outer office framed her face and to Walt, she looked like an angel, a really upset angel, ready to take someones head off.
Walt and Travis both stood at the same time, Travis took a step towards her.
"Travis! what are you doing here?" that came out louder then she intended, but it had the right affect.
His voice was in suck in his throat "Travis!"

"uh, um, yeah, yeah, Vic, yeah, what is it, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, I need to know why you are here, in Walt's office, right now, why are you here?"
Her breathing slowed but her eyes were wild, Walt could tell she knew why Travis was here, what he wanted to talk about, but he was sure this was something he didn't clear with her first.

"Vic , do you need to talk to Trav-" he was cut off mid sentence

"NO!, Yes, I don't know"
Vic drew in a deep breath, she looked down at her shoes, she adjusted her jacket….and looked Walt, straight in the eye.
"Walt, I need to talk to you, in private"
Travis came closer to Vic, as close as he dared as she glared a him, his voice was low, and just slightly trembling "I swear, I thought he knew" She looked at him, stepped away from the open door and without a word, told him to leave.

Vic closed the door behind him, took a deep breath and pushed the hair away from her face, over the top of her head and pulled down on her pony tail nervously. She turned on her heel, "what exactly did Travis tell you?"
"well, considering I had no idea what he was talking out, not much. Look Vic, maybe you should go talk to-"
"No, I need to talk to you,... his timing just stinks"

Walt was standing in front of his desk, not sure if he should sit, or stand. The silence between them seemed to last for days, but it was only about 30 seconds for her to collect her thoughts, she had wanted to tell him so many times, she practiced different ways, none of them seemed right, she wanted to wake up from this dream and have it all go away, but Vic was not one to run from a challenge. So here it was, standing in blue jeans and boots, the biggest challenge of her lifetime.
Vic wanted Walt to just understand, she wasn't in love with either Eammon or Travis, she didn't want to be with either of them, she was suffering after the kidnapping and the divorce, he was closed off, and she was trying to self medicate, sex was her drug of choice, in retrospect, beer may have been a wiser choice.
"Walt" they spoke in unison both gave the other a slight smile, and Vic took in a deep breath "I'm pregnant" there it was…the elephant in the womb , ugh Travis.

Walt's mouth was slightly open, his head tilted just slightly to the right, his eyes locked and focused on hers. She could feel the tears starting to well up, and fought hard to keep them inside. She had to be strong, she had to show him she could handle this. The last thing she needed or wanted from Walt was pity or sympathy. "Vic…..uh…."
Vic took a quick step towards him, please don't run she said to herself, please don't tell me its none of my business.

"Look, I had sex…twice….you know about Eammon, and then there was Travis" Walt was still looking at her, but he was still there, keep talking...
"I don't exactly know who the father is, there is a 50/50 chance"

"..But Travis said, …..he thought I should know, …..what is he …."
"don't listen to Travis, he can barely tie his shoes"

Walt broke his gaze on his deputy and looked down at his 14 year old boots, scuffed and weathered, he looked up at her again, and held her eyes. During his obsession with trying to catch Jacob in the mob scandal, and trying to track down Hector the Rez vigilante, he had distanced himself from the people that meant the most to him. Cady was still distant, that was going to be a long road back. He hoped that he could mend his friendship with Vic a little easier. Henry, well thats a whole other story.

"Look, Travis found out , by accident…so I admitted to him I was pregnant. I didn't tell him who the other" she paused "candidate was, but he assumed it was you"
"you didn't correct him?"
her eyes seemed to have a slightly devilish look to them, and the right side of her lips drew upward in a sly smile.
"no… it was none of his business"
"where have I heard that before" he smiled a small wry smile. The tension was gone and Walt shifted his weight and relaxed, his hand on his gun belt, his other hand rubbing the hair on the back of his neck.
Walt turned and walked around his desk, Vic stepped in front of his desk , took a moment and sat in the red leather chair, propping her chin on her hands. She could see his wheels turning, like his brain had just switched to Sheriff mode, analytical and logical.

"so, do you need some time off…are you feeling ok…are you…um….uh…"
Vic practically jumped back out of the chair, "Jesus Walt, don't do that"
"Do what?"
"that shit you do" Vic paced the floor of the old library turned sheriffs office,
"I want to talk to you as my friend, a confidant, someone that …. cares, NOT my boss!" her stomach was tightening, and not because of hunger, although she could go for a Busy Bee double cheeseburger with extra mayo, hold the onions….focus Vic….she took a deep breath.

Vic turned and found him right there, standing just inches from her, she didn't hear come around the desk, she could feel the warmth of his body, he blocked the last remnants of the setting sun coming through the window blinds, he was there in silhouette, and he took her breath away.
She slowly looked up, and their eyes caught each other.
He reached out and tucked a few errant golden hairs behind her ear, that slightest touch of his hand was like being struck by lightning and she had to stop for a moment and collect her thoughts.

" Vic…I will always be here for you. I….trust you. I care about you…" Vic couldn't really believe what she was hearing, was this actually happening, at that moment everything around her faded away, this was the conversation she had wanted for so long, but now, they were having it because, now their was a baby involved. That thought snapped her back into reality, and she couldn't hold back the tears.
Vic stepped into Walt's chest, and his arms instantly wrapped around her body. Her arms around his rugged shoulders, for such an imposing man, he had the warmest, softest touch that she had ever known. "Vic" His voice was low and gravely, she could feel it through her chest.
She raised her head away from the tear stain she had left on his well worn denim shirt, the shirt smelled of Walt, a mixture of leather, cedar and something else she couldn't put her finger on, but it drove her a little crazy when she got too close.
His hand left her side and reached for her face he brushed the tear stains from her cheek with the back of his curled fingers. "With everything going on with the civil suit, with the rumours of you and I, the, " he cleared his throat and paused, " the kiss, it may be best for you to take some time.."

"No, I told you I would not let you crash and burn, and I meant it" Vic stepped back, but his hand still rested on her hip.
"this is my mistake, and I will own it. I have to own it," she looked down and put her palm across her abdomen," I'm the only one this baby has, and whatever the outcome, I will do right by him"
"or her" she looked up again at Walt, she still had tears in her eyes, but now for a different reason, she was scared, scared for this baby, scared for her future.

Walt leaned in took Vic by the waist, let out a sigh, and gently placed his lips on her forehead, he lingered there and then slowing wrapped his arms around her. The scruff on his jaw rubbed against the top of her ear, "We will do this together, whatever it takes, I need to keep you and this baby safe. There are too many threats out there right now. I promise you. You do what you need to do, but from today forward, you can count on me, for anything…..anything Vic"

Walt couldn't see her face, but she smiled, and at that moment her fear faded away. She held him tight, the tears stopped and her stomach growled. Vic started to chuckle, Walt heard it to, "Let's get that bruiser something to eat" They both released the embrace, Walt stepped away from Vic to grab his hat and coat from the coat rack in the corner. He pulled the coat up and onto his shoulders, he fit his hat on his head, took a moment to give Vic a look of reassurance, and walked to the private entrance door. Walt turned and looked at Vic, she walked towards him and he opened the door for her , she walked through the doorway with his hand on the small of her back.

"busy bee?"