Disclaimer: I may have my own ideas about how I want their story to carry on, but sadly I do not own Gilmore Girls or these characters. If you're reading this, you too are a fan and know this already.

Rory's POV:



"I'm pregnant"

She looks shocked. A part of me wonders why this surprises her - I am after all her daughter, her spitting image, fruit of her loins. But then, I've been in a state of shock myself since that stick turned three days ago.

"Mom, say something. Please. I'm sorry, I never meant to disappoint-"

"Hey! Stop. Whatever you're thinking, just stop. You could never disappoint me. I'm just – how long have you known?"

"I just found out a few days ago. I was late at the Gazette, and I ran out of pop tarts so I went to the fridge and there was nothing in it but Charlie's lunch so I stole his apple. An apple mom! I didn't even realize what I was eating until I was done, and then I just freaked. I drove right to the Walmart in Woodbury to buy a pregnancy test. It was like 5 in the morning. God! When did I turn into such a cliché! I went to Chilton, I was the editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News. I was valedictorian of my class at Yale for God's sake! You worked so hard to give me everything, and here I am at 32. I'm living with my mother, my career is non-existant, I still can't even find my underwear and I just found out that I'm pregnant in a Walmart bathroom! What am I going to do?!"

"Rory, calm down. Everything is going to be okay."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know you. Sure this wasn't part of your plan and I know how much you like to have everything planned, but you must have given this some thought right? What are you thinking?"

"I'm just going to have to do this. You did it. I talked to dad you know. After I left the Walmart in Woodbury I drove around for a while and I ended up at Dad's office in Hartford. We talked about how he let you raise me by yourself and he was right! I was so much better off with just you. But it still hurt, every time he blew into our lives I would get my hopes up, that maybe this time would be different. And every time he let me down. I don't want that for my baby. I'm so scared to do this by myself, but what other choice do I have!"

"Oh Rory. It's not the same. You're 32 years old. Sure, you've hit a rough patch in your career but you're not a teenager. You are an educated woman, with so many options. And no matter what, you won't be alone! You have me and Luke. And more importantly, Logan is not your dad. I know I was always hard on him when you guys were dating, and I'll be honest. I did see a lot of Christopher in him. It was hard for me not to, he was this pretty blond society boy dragging you back into the life I ran away from. But that was my issue, not his and not yours. He was good for you, I just couldn't admit that to myself. He pushed you outside your comfort zone and he made you so happy." She looks at me for a moment, and she starts to tear up. "I know that when he proposed to you on your graduation day, a big part of the reason you said no was me" she choked out. "My hang-ups about marriage, and about society and about Logan. And at first I was relieved. I was being selfish, I didn't want you to be a part of that life, to move across the country from me. But over the years I've watched you kid. And even before this rough patch, you haven't really been happy since you and Logan ended."

I stare at my feet. I've been happy haven't I? No, not really.

"Have you told Logan yet?"

"I can't! Mom he's engaged to someone else. I can't tell him. There are only two possibilities. He wants nothing to do with me, with our baby, and I don't think I could take that. Or he breaks up with Odette, he leaves her for me because he thinks he has to do the right thing because its what he's been raised to do. I don't know which would be worse. We were supposed to be Vegas… you know, together when we were together, and not together when we were not"

"Ah, the no strings idea. Because that worked out so well for you the first time around? Who's idea was that?"

"I don't know, mine I guess. We ran into each other at a hotel in Hamburg when I was there about a year and a half ago trying to get an interview with Merkel and he was there to negotiate a merger with some paper that HPG wanted to buy. We decided to get a drink together at the hotel bar and get caught up and it just felt like old times, you know? We ended up sleeping together and in the morning I panicked. He was looking at me like he used to look at me, and then his cell phone rang and it was Odette. He started to tell me something about Odette's dad and I just starting rambling on about how I didn't need to know, about how I always thought Hamburg was the Vegas of Germany and what happened there could stay there… and I just ran out. I bumped into him again a few months later in London and well, it just kept happening. But he never brought up anything about us being serious, and he never stopped seeing Odette. He proposed to her!"

"Rory, did you ever think that maybe he was scared too? He asked you to marry him and you said no. Maybe he thought that if he got too serious with you, you might spook. We Gilmore girls do have a habit of running."

"Seriously, now of all times you decide you're team Logan?!" I can't believe this. What alternate universe is this. My mom just smiles at me, like I'm the glue-sniffing special kid that she's patiently trying to explain something to for the 10th time.

"I'm team Rory. Always have been, always will be. Did you ever think that maybe there is a third possibility? Maybe he wants to be a part of your life, and your baby's life, but is waiting for you to tell him that's still an option. You'll never know if you don't tell him, kid. You'll agonize over it for a bit, but you know what you have to do."

"Love!" I jump in my seat, as do the people around me in the airport. Finn seems oblivious to the sideways glances as he shouts out again, "Love, is that you?" He makes his way over to the couch I'm sitting on in the departure lounge at JFK. I've been sitting here for the last hour, slowing savouring the tiny cup of coffee I'm allowing myself each day. I found a doctor in New York who confirmed I am in fact pregnant; I just wasn't ready to have all of Stars Hollow find out. And there was no way it would be safe to go to a doctor in Hartford and risk running into someone who knows my grandmother… or even worse, someone who knows the Huntzburgers. I shutter at the thought of Shira slipping it into conversation with Logan that rumour has it that Gilmore girl has gotten herself knocked up. He does not need to hear about this from his mother.

"Love! You're not ignoring me now too are you" Finn says, pouting a little. He sits down on the couch across from me. "I haven't heard a single thing from you since you broke our hearts at Colin's new Bed & Breakfast. What are you doing here?"

I smile a little. "Hi Finn. I just didn't think you guys would want to hear from me… you know since you're Logan's friends and all. What do you mean too? Who else am I ignoring?"

He looks at me for a second. "Not you Love, Logan's gone radio silent. Hasn't answered any of our texts or phone calls since New Hampshire. Just works. All the time." He smirks at me, a little coldly, "This is why I don't do love, Love. What kind of idiocy is it? What is the point if having the love of your life rip your heart out leaves you boring and focused on your work? No thank you"

I glance down. Love of his life? Does he really think that? "Love of his life?" I blurt out, "How can I be the love of his life? He's engaged to someone else. I was just his mistress" I can't help it, all these damn hormones. I'm starting to tear up… in front of Finn… in the airport. Perfect.

Finn's look softens. "You know better than that reporter girl" he murmurs, "Logan is just…" The intercom interrupts whatever it was Finn was about to say. "This is the final boarding call for American Airlines flight 347 to London-Heathrow. All passengers please board at gat 36 now".

Finn's eyes light up. "You're going to London!" he exclaims! "You're going to see Logan!"

I blush, and turn away. "I just… need to talk to him." I turn back to look at Finn, and God help me that crazy Australian has that sparkle in his eyes that tells me he is up to something. "Please Finn, don't tell him I'm coming. He doesn't know I'm coming! I don't know if I'll have the courage to talk to him once I get there and I just don't want to have to explai…" I'm starting to hyperventilate.

"Whoa, Love, calm down. Your secret's safe with me. I've got to catch my flight to Dublin, Morgan Corp. has a new hotel there that I'm supposed to be there for the grand opening in a few days. I was going to stop by London on my way home to drag Logan out of his office and lighten him up a bit, but maybe that won't be necessary anymore. You give me a call if you need a pep talk to build up that courage, aye? You two need to finally talk things over."

"Excuse me miss, I'm sorry to wake you but we're about to land, you will need to lift your seat back up." The flight attendant startles me. I didn't fall asleep did I? I haven't really slept in days. My mom was right, its all I've been able to think about. And now I have Finn's voice in my head. Love of his life. Am I really the love of his life? Because I think he is mine. I grab my carry on and make my way off the plane and through customs. I don't even have a suitcase to pick up. I think back to my first doctor's appointment early this morning.


"There, that's the heartbeat Ms. Gilmore" Dr. Suzy Mirault smiles at me. "And that is your baby" she points to the screen. "I'd say you're about seven weeks pregnant. I want you to make an appointment in about a month. We'll be able to take some more measurements then, see how everything is progressing and give you a more accurate due date. In the meantime, I want you to start taking prenatal vitamins, and here is a pamphlet with some of the do's and don'ts while you're pregnant. Is the daddy in the waiting room?" She looks at me expectantly, handing me some paper towel to wipe the gel off my belly.

"Ummm, no" I stutter, pulling my sweater back down and sitting up. "He, uh… he couldn't be here today.

Dr. Mirault smiles at me kindly. "No problem. I'll give you a printout of the sonogram so you can show him your baby. Between me and you, most dad's have a hard time seeing anything on the sonogram, but I'm sure he'll want to see it right away anyways."

End of flashback

I didn't even think about it. With Dr. Mirault's certainty that baby's daddy would want to see the sonagram right away floating around in the back of my mind I drove straight from her office to JFK and bought a ticket on the next flight to London. I have to tell him. The backpack I had with me at Paris' townhouse will have to do I think to myself as I make my way out of Heathrow to flag down a cab. Couldn't risk losing my nerve on the drive back to Stars Hollow to pack my suitcase. Besides, maybe he won't want anything to do with me after I tell him. Could be a quick trip anyways! No. I can't think about that or I won't be able to make myself knock on his door.

The cab pulls up at his door. How did I get here so quickly! I don't know what I'm going to say yet! I should have written something down, or…

"Miss?" the cabbie looks at me questioningly?

"Sorry, what did you say?" I really am losing it.

"I said, we're here. You ok?".

"Oh sorry. I'm fine, thank you." I mutter, embarrassed as I hand him money for my fare. I step out of the cab in front of Logan's building. As the cab pulls away, I look up and make my way to the front door with purpose. I'm about to head into the building when a girl about my age opens the door. I have never seen her before in person, but I have spent enough time creeping her online to recognize her immediately. Odette. She stares at me for a second and it is clear that she recognizes me too. She sighs loudly then says "I should have known." What should she have known? Does she know who I am? She laughs to herself, but I can't understand what is so funny. I just stare at her, in shock. Oh God, what have I done! "He's all yours" she says, and I can't tell what she is thinking. She struts to the black town car that just pulled up and climbs in the backseat.

I stand frozen in place on the sidewalk. Why did I just show up here! I knew that his fiancé had moved in with him, why didn't I think about the fact that she could be here! Oh God, he has a fiancé! What am I doing! I don't belong here! He's moved on, he is engaged! You can't wreck another home! My cell starts to ring, but I don't reach for it. I turn around, about to flag down another cab when I realize that I can't just leave, he doesn't know that Odette saw me. She'll tell him I was here. Dammit! I make my way back to the door, dragging my feet this time. I step onto the elevator and my cell phone beeps, signaling a new voicemail. I can't lose my focus now. I push the button for the penthouse.

Author's Note: this my first foray into fanfiction, so please be merciful. I binge watched all four episodes of the revival on Friday night and I just can't stop thinking about what happens next. I decided for my own sanity I needed to write about what I wanted to happen.