It had been a few days since the meeting. The team haven't really needed to meet up. No one talked about it, and only a couple know – Bruce & Diana.

"Sir, need I remind you that you company may need you sometimes? If you're just going to repeatedly pummel punching bags into oblivion, you need an income to do so." Alfred said, walking further into the cave, finding the gym area. With a try in both hands, he was prepared to feed his boss - Or rather, his son.

"Others will take care of it." Was the reply he received. It was partly covered by the thud sounds of Bruce's knuckles and gauntlets hitting the punching bag.

"What is on your mind now Sir? I'm assuming a certain Amazon warrior. My advice, not that it's wanted of course, is to go for it now. You and I have noticed a current lack of activity in Gotham. Now will be as good as ever to try". Alfred said lightly, placing the trays of food and drinks on the padding on the floor, fairly far away from Bruce.

"Alfred, that's not the problem. Last night I found traces of blood from a child, named Simon Dandell. I.. I wasn't quick enough to save him. I found him in a warehouse, battered, beaten and dead from the wounds. It was a realisation of my priorities." Bruce said, shouting it over his combo of jabs, hooks, superman punches and spinning back fists. The bag was quickly starting to fall off its hinge holding it from the ceiling.

"Ah I see. That's a shame. Make sure she's also aware if your decision."

"She is." Bruce said, looking straight at the object he was pummelling.

The statement just made wasn't a lie, but not an entire truth. She wasn't told of his decision, he instead gave a notice saying he wouldn't be available due to prioritises to Gotham right now. Whilst it was vague, it was clear enough for a certain someone to get the idea.

"Maybe I spoke too soon then. Perhaps a new bad guy is out there? You don't tend to fill me in on info Sir, so it's awfully hard to keep track" Alfred responded, an eyebrow raised. He knew Bruce couldn't just tell her. Something else must of happened.

"It was most likely just some random Hitman. Why the child was targeted is unclear, but the attempts to destroy the evidence, was not at a good standard. It has to be a more low-level scum. High-end tend to perform a lot better for a lot longer."

"A random hitman got the best of Batman?" Alfred toyed, not realising it justified the opposing idea he holds. He for should would immediately bite his tongue.

"…funny. This is why I need to regain my priorities. I tried to attempt for an actual life. A life with love, maybe a family and a happy ever after – you and I both know they don't exist in the real world. I was a fool to try. I…" it was at this point Bruce realised Alfred had slipped away, not wanting to hear it. 'So that's where I get it from' he said to himself.

Since she remembered, Bruce had been training harder than usual. He was even further keen to improve his vigilantism. With the realisation and acceptance that he wouldn't have love in his life, he could now fully plunge into to vigilante life. He was already one of the best in the world in hand to hand ability, but he knew that in his world, you don't get three strikes before you're out.

He'd already had enough chances as it was.


Diana was in her dorm. Not wanting to talk to anyone, she was too involved with repeating the memory of Bruce's birthday, trying to find extra details and clues when possible. She had near everything figured out, and had developed a mind map in her head to neatly organise it.

This change in character obviously caught notice to some. While a couple thought it was 'her time of the month', the females of the team knew better. Generally speaking, they were all aware of each others cycles. They knew it was because she was focused on something, but they didn't know what and didn't think to ask. It was obviously important, so for now they let her be.

Diana convinced herself that he loved her. She also convinced herself she loved him. This was the easy part. The harder part was being able to calculate how to set each other up. She had saw the letter of temporary unavailability from Batman, and knew what it was about. She realised that he changed his priorities, furthering his determination to help Gotham even more. At this point, she couldn't tell if Bruce was the man or the mask.

She understood what it meant to him. That knowledge was why it was such a tough decision. Was chasing him selfish or caring? In one respects it's taking away the thing he cares about most from him, but in the other respect it's giving him happiness and light in his life.

She needed to talk about it, get some input from an outside source. However her Amazonian teachings instinctively make it next to impossible. She was a warrior, and if she couldn't handle stress in the mind, she ultimately couldn't be a warrior anymore.

Bruce truly was an enigma. Who actually was he? What is his purpose other than Gotham? What did he truly want other than to make Gotham a better place? She just couldn't decide if it was Trauma's preventing his attempts or love, or just a general disconnection from the idealistic view of love.

Diana sit on her bed, for many minutes, hours and whenever possible. Her back resting on the backboard, with her knees bent up in the air. Some problems couldn't be solved with a sword and shield, and some problems couldn't be solved quickly. Diana was learning this the hard way.

Suddenly, a rapid fire of knocks ripple from her room door. The sheer speed from hits cause Diana to leave her thoughts and ask who it is. A fast paste response, from none other than the Flash, was the answer she received. "Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di let me in please please please" was spoke from the outside of the room. Diana simply closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself from his obnoxious self.

Reluctantly she got up and let him in. To her surprise, the whole League was there. Well, the whole League besides Batman of course. They all stood with nice posture, slight smiles on their faces. "Hey Diana" was spoken from Superman – the leader of it, and probably the organiser of this. Although Batman was the frontier for plans, Kal wasn't half bad neither when it came to it.

"Erm… what exactly is happening right now?" Diana asked, with slight confusion written on her forehead. She had an idea of what was happening, or at least what was going to happen.

"Well… we've all noticed a change in attitude with you recently. And we'd just like you to know that if you need any of us, we're here for you. We appreciate the fact that you take these things head on, by yourself. But…" Clark said, before being interrupted by Canary: "for not being a meta, Bruce is an obstacle very few can get past." Everyone turned their heads and looked at her: "what?" She replied, the lines of what to and what not to say distorted. Clark turned back, to continue his speech: "...anyway. If you do need others, do not let your pride barricade you from talking to us. We're not a team, we're family, together, all of us" Clark said, before starting to ramble on: "even Bruce, whether he chooses to actually acknowledge this or not is another matter but it's the principle."

"Right. While I do thank you for you attempts to comfort me, there's not much you can do" Diana began to state, before Queen interrupted: "but there is something, otherwise you would of said f'off already."

"Ugh, well… I guess" Diana responded, slightly scratching her head. She uncontrollably let out a hint, and it was instantly spotted by the archer in green spandex.

"Well?" A bunch said simultaneously. It was apparent that they all wanted to help.

"I don't exactly have to inform you all of the problem. You all are intelligent people, with an exception of course" Diana begun, looking at Flash at the end of the statement, which caused a "heyyy" response.

As Diana attempted to further the conversation, audio from the TV in her room caused silence to the League: "breaking news. The dangerous criminal, who's named "Bane", has recently escaped Arkham Asylum. Details of his escape are being looked Into, but it is suggested that his suit and the enhancing drug he uses, known as Venom, was somehow slipped into his holding cell. He and a few other criminals got out. While no deaths occurred, serious injuries to several guards occurred. Please be careful while travelling around Gotham, and call the GCPD if you have any suspicions or worries."

With a few sighs, Martian butted in: "well that's Batman occupied for awhile". The group looked at him, with mild concern. "Should we help? This is the man who once broke him after all" Hal stated, knowing the risk Bane provides. In many respects, Bane and Bruce are equals.

"I fear he wouldn't want help, even if he was lying down in a puddle of his own blood." Martian honestly replied. "Let's return to posts, the last thing we need is a pissed off Batman during this time" Diana said, holding her head higher now. "When isn't the guy pissed off?" Canary said under her breath, again causing many heads to look at her. "What?" She asked once more. "Fine, I was wrong for speaking the truth. Let's get back to work" she said.

The League done just that.


Bruce was working hard in his computer. He had to find where Bane was hiding and sort him out quickly. The longer time Bane had, the worse it looked for Bruce.

Bruce had hacked into many cameras around Gotham, in an attempt to spot anything that could aid. Before he searched any further, he had alarms tripped in his own place. He turned his attention to the alarm set off, looking at a camera that focuses on that area. After seeing who was now waiting at the front door, Bruce immediately swung away from his chair.

"ALFRED! ALFRED! GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR. ALFRED!" He shouted, running up the secret staircase to get into his home. By the time he got up, he saw Alfred place his hand on the handle. "GET AWAY NOW" Bruce shouted. Alfred Looked back in fear, immediately following what he asked of. Alfred quickly, yet silently crawled from the door. Within seconds later, the door was flung across the room. The man who walked through glowed toxic green.

"Good afternoon Batman" he humbly said, walking further into the house.

"Bane…" Bruce spat out. Alfred immediately got on his feet and ran into the Bat cave.

"Your friends won't save you from me breaking your spine once more. This time however, I will follow it up with the decimation of your skull" Bane said, clicking buttons on the wires that circled around his body, causing venom to flow at a faster rate through his body. The result of this was further vascularity.

Without any hesitation, Batman immediately through a Smoke grenade and batarang at Bane. The batarang missed the tubing, but the smoke grenade landed by his feet, causing a quick flurry of smoke to surround Bane. It limited his sight to almost nothing. But the area he was standing in was not populated, with only a large set of stairs nearby, as well as a kitchen desk.

Batman started running towards Bane, in an attempt to fight him while 'blind'. He was quickly circling Bane, sending a flurry of attacks his away. Bane just stood there, almost looking like the jabs that could break thugs ribs, had no effect on him. Bane adapted to Batman's initial strategy, and through a punch of his own. His fist was large and hit Batman's chest armour, immediately sending him flying into said desk.

Batman was half way in the desk, when a charging Bane came charging and jumped at him, a superman punch planned. It hit Batman, and sent him fully through the desk, and create a slight cradle in the floor, where Batman landed.

Bane now stood over Batman, but the fight wasn't over. Bruce immediately kicked the back of one of Bane's legs, causing him to get to one knee. Bane was then hit with a massive force, from the impact of both of Batman's legs hitting him on the chin. The force sent him back enough to give Batman room to quickly get up.

The daze from the kick wore off quickly, and within seconds Bane was back to offence. Bane through some punches of his own, each manually dodged by Batman. Parrying or blocking hits from this tank of a human wasn't an option. Noticing the close proximity of the two, Batman gained temporary separation by a far barrel role. Batman now stood near the stairs.

By the time Batman could turn around, he was met by a massive spear from Bane, sending him through some of the stair handles. As batman attempted to get back up, Bane grabbed his cape, pulled it towards him, grabbed Batman by the throat, and quickly choke slammed him into the angled stair. The slam caused an immediate concussion. Bane placed a foot on Batman's chest, and started an onslaught of heavy strikes to Batman. Within three hits, half the mask had broken off, and blood had splattered far away from Bruce. After the third hit, Batman immediately went into his utility belt, picked out a taser, and zapped Bane before the fourth hit could connect.

While Bane felt the effects of the electricity running through his body, he fought through the pain and spasms, stomping his place foot heavily onto Batman's chest, causing Batman to go into the stairs, meaning the taser no longer has contact on Bane's skin. The hit immediately broke a dozen ribs, one of them puncturing a lung.

As Batman attempted to repeat his actions through the pain, Bane caught Batman's wrist, disarming the taser in the process. He then placed his other arm behind Batman's elbow, and pushed the wrist backwards, causing his arm to immediately snap. Batman yelled in pain.

Bane then grabbed hold of Batman by the throat, and lifted him in the air with one arm. "Fortune favours a prepared mind" Bane said: "and you was most certainly not prepared". Shorted afterwards, he started to immediately choke slam Batman into the stairs, sending him further and further into the staircase with each slam.

Batman was near completely unconscious. The repeated slamming of his head on the stairs caused major concussions, and the tight grab of the throat made it extremely hard to breath. He was essentially rag doll, completely at the handlers mercy.

Bane slammed him once more, completely breaking the mask Batman once had. His back armour now extremely weak and fragile. Bane replaced his foot on Batman, but this time moved his head and broken nose to the side, putting his foot on the temple.

"I have already found pleasure in breaking your back. The skull will do." And with that, Bane started putted pressure onto Batman's skull. When suddenly, a shotgun was sent off, sending Bane stumbling back. It didn't full pierce the skin, but stunned Bane. "GET AWAY FROM MY SON" Alfred shouted, repeatedly pumping and shooting the shotgun. After five shots, he needed to reload. The shots caused bleeding over the body, but didn't causing severe damage to Bane.

Bane limped towards Alfred. Bane casted a shadow that completely covered Alfred. He was over a foot taller, and weighed near quadruple the old man did. Alfred gulped as he realised the intimidating poster infringed him.

As Bane went to swing a hook, that would of easily killed the man, it was caught by none other than Superman: "enough!" He said, throwing Bane through the windows near the door frame, sending him outside, sliding and bouncing on stones. As Bane attempted to get up, he was greeted with Superman's superman punch, causing a ripple through the air, and Bane to be launched into the floor. The stones that once surrounded him now scattered all over the place from the blow.

"Do…what you want with me, Superman. I've *cough* already wonnn…" he said, before being kicked in the ribs, sending him across the floor and into the guarding walls over eighty foot away. The hit of the wall broke the tubing on Bane, and knocked him out, drastically decreasing his size in the process.

Superman instantly turned and looked through the gaping hole in the door frame, to see a near dead Batman. He quickly flies and lifts him up in his arms. "Thank you for calling Alfred, he owes you his life" Superman said, before quickly being teleported to the Watchtower.

"Let's hope he still has one to offer" Alfred said quietly, a single teardrop hitting the area his broken son rested moments ago.


Superman walked though the Watchtower corridors, walking past almost all other members. Each initially smiled at his arrival, before seeing the man who laid in his arms. As Superman walked closer to the medical centre, a crowd of members followed. All of them had their heads dropped, hoping for the best, but thinking the worst.

"Martian I need help immediately!" Kal said, holding his best friend in his arms. The Marian turned, to find a near dead Bruce. His armour was falling off with each footstep Kal took, symbolising further that Batman was again broken. What was now resting on a medical bed wasn't Batman's life, it was Bruce's. Superman stood back as J'ohn started giving all his attention to Bruce.

Superman slowly walked backwards, not letting his eyes to drift off Bruce. His snapped arm dangling off the bed caused Kal to think he should have been quicker. He eventually left the room, to walk into the viewing room, where the rest stood. Looking away from the viewing panel, they all looked at Kal, there faces filled with worry. Kal simply walked further in, to watch other his best friend – his brother even.

A few moments later, a curious Diana walked in. "What's going o…" she said as she looked through the panel, her voice quickly drifting into nothing. "…Bruce…" she said faintly under her breath. Her eyes showing her something so foul, she refused to believe it. Her eyelids started to flutter in disbelief and sadness. She placed her hand on the one sided panel, wondering how and why. She slowly turned to face Kal.

"Bane" he said quietly to her. Both their attentions went back to the man they both loved in some way. "Stay strong Diana" J'ohn said to her telepathically while working. Somehow it didn't change what she felt, which was far from optimism.

Kal blamed himself for not being there quick enough. Diana however blamed herself for shifting his priorities. If he stayed focused on Gotham, and not love, he could of fought off Bane.

"Don't think such thoughts. Bane arrived at Bruce's house, he wasn't ready regardless. Bruce fought anyway to prolong, not defeat" J'ohn said to Diana, again telepathically.

Not one of them said a word for another half an hour. They only spoke because an alert went off, causing most of them to leave to fight on Earth – leaving just Diana, Superman and Zatanna in the viewing room.

"You think he'll be ok Kal?" Diana asked softly. Unable to raise her voice to any capacity, it felt like a knife had pieced her. "I…I…I don't know Diana." He replied, sharply ending the sentence, not wanting to consider the worst. "Bruce always bounces back" Zatanna said, trying to stay strong. "Excuse me, I have someone I have to go get" Kal said, before excusing himself for a short while. The two woman remained.

"He will live Diana, I promise you." Zatanna said, placing a hand her her arm. "I hope so. But it may not be a life he wants to have." She replied. "What do you mean?" Zatanna asked, confused. "He can't look after Gotham in a wheelchair…" she said, immediately taking back what she said. Zatanna just looked at Diana in acknowledgment of that possibility. The dozen or so slams on the stairs must of caused further serious damage to the spine.

Diana put her hands together, praying to her Gods in Ancient Greek. "You know we can't use magic on him" Zatanna said, trying to inform Diana. "It isn't magic" Diana replies, separating her hands.

The night was badly beaten, and indeed very young.