A/N: No excuses for how long it's been. Let's just say school got in the way. Ugh.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I swear! -looks shifty- Please don't sue me.

Just Outside the Slytherin Common Room, 11:26PM

"Granger...?" Draco rubbed his sleepy eyes while trying to simultaneously smooth down his rumpled hair. Hermione was speechless for a moment, a bed headed Draco Malfoy was a rare sight indeed. "Are you mental, it's half eleven at night."

"Yes, grandfather, I'm perfectly aware of your bedtime and your incessant need for beauty sleep." He scowled and she grinned up at him.

"You joke, but I get positively insufferable if I don't get a full ten hours of sleep."

"That actually explains why you were such a git in first year..."

"...Granger." He rolled his eyes.

"And second and third and fourth."

"Are you done?" He tried to look and sound annoyed but there was a small smile playing around his lips. Hermione tried not to stare. "Because in case you haven't noticed, it's bloody freezing."

"And your ability to magic has completely escaped you?" Draco flushed lightly, amusing Hermione, and pulled his wand out of the pocket of his silver silk pajamas. He cast a quick warming charm. "Excellent. Now follow me." She turned around and walked down the corridor, her footfalls completely muffled. He rolled his eyes, but hurried after her anyway.

She waited just before the threshold of the entrance hall and took his hand before casting a disillusionment charm on herself. He was confused until he saw the few students still milling about despite the late hour. He didn't recognize most of them.

"Where are we going?" He whispered, but Hermione was silent as she led him up the main staircase. They went up two floors and when it was finally clear, she cast the countercharm

"When you were dragging me all over the castle at all hours of the day, I never asked you where you were taking me."

"Actually-" He began to interrupt but Hermione raised both hands to his lips in a valiant attempt to shush him.

"Malfoy." She scolded and he bit his lip to keep from laughing. In the light of the third floor corridor, he was able to appreciate Hermione Granger in all her beauty. Her hair was as untamed as ever, being held back by a frighteningly small hair tie, she was wearing soft blue pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. She completed the ensemble with a horrifying red and gold anorak that made his head hurt just looking at it.

"Granger, if you don't mind my asking." She rolled her eyes. "Why are we here?"

"We are here because professor Burbage is a half blood." Draco frowned, not understanding. Hermione beckoned him, took his hand again and led him to the huge picture window that overlooked the Hogwarts grounds she sat at one end and he took a seat at the other. They looked down to see no more than thirty students all gathered around the grounds, some huddled in groups of three, couples holding hands or sharing warmth in the soft moonlight and individuals chasing the cold with mugs of steaming liquid and cigarettes with glowing tips. There was a sense of anticipation in the air that Draco picked up on, even from three storeys above.

"What is going on?" He wanted to know. "How is Filch not raining hell down on their heads?" Indeed, even Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris stood among the masses, Filch holding the purring cat gently in his arms.

"Because we're waiting." She consulted her small, silver wristwatch with a satisfied smile. Draco was as confused as ever. He kept on scanning the grounds almost anxiously.

"Waiting for what? And what does Professor Burbage's blood status have to do with anything." Hermione sighed and sidled closer to him, putting her hand into his to pacify his unease.

"Professor Burbage is a half blood which means she's one of the few members of staff that actually remember." Hermione turned in the window seat so she was facing outside completely and Draco did the same, resigned to the fact that she wasn't going to spoil the surprise.

They didn't have to wait very long, as in a matter of moments, the Hogwart's Clock Tower began to chime, signaling midnight. With the very first toll of the bell came the first crackle.

A lone yellow jet of light shot into the sky exploding into a cloud of silver and gold. Draco gasped involuntarily, his hand immediately clutching hers. He turned fully to the window as more crackles and pops erupted. The second stream started as blue and burst into a shower of white, turning into a majestic eagle that soared into the clouds and vanished. A white stream of light changed rapidly from gold to orange to red before bursting into a roaring lion. There were cheers from the students watching and more night clothes clad students raced out to enjoy the show. Green streams of light turned into snakes that slithered in the air, coughing up bursts of silver, a badger rolled around lazily leaving streaks of yellow, luminous against the night sky.

Throughout the display, Draco stared wide eyed at everything, his hands never letting go of hers. She felt her heartbeat accelerate with every gasp and when he finally turned to stare at her, she couldn't help herself.

"Kiss me." She whispered, her voice filled with urgency. He raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"Well I suppose it had to come down to this at some time."

"Draco Malfoy, don't be a prat." She laughed and reached up to graze her fingers against his cheekbones. "Just kiss me. Now, please. Before the last stroke." The questioning look never left his face, but he complied and leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss that made her toes curl up in her socks. They parted and he smiled lazily.

"What was the urgency about."

"A kiss at midnight on new year's." She answered slowly, still gaining her wits about her. "It's tradition."

"A muggle thing?"


"What is it supposed to mean?" He wanted to know as another eagle exploded into a shower of blue and silver lights.

That I love you. She wanted to say. That I want to spend the rest of the year with you. The words tickled around her mind. That I see a future with you. She swallowed.

"Nothing in particular. Just good luck and prosperity throughout the year."

"A kiss does that?" he was dumbfounded and she only shrugged. Instead of going back to the other side of the window seat, she settled between his legs and laid her head on his chest.

"It also means..." She trailed off. She couldn't tell him. Telling him would make him run the other way, wouldn't it? She sighed. "That you want the other person to be happy." He nodded, making a satisfied noise at the back of his throat.

"I'm happiest right here." He murmured so softly she wasn't even sure if she'd heard him correctly. He sighed into her hair and pulled her closer. She allowed herself to smile.

It was already shaping up to be a good year.

"Hermione?" She looked up at him and he was wearing a shy but playful smile. "Do you know what would make the night even better?"

"What?" He pulled his wand out again and whispered a few words. He immediately looked satisfied as he pocketed it. "What did you do?"

"You'll see." He kissed her forehead and leaded back against the wall, watching the fireworks display. She shrugged mentally and leaned into him, the melodious voices of the students who stayed awake to ring in the new year drifted up to them through the open window.

We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dineā€ ;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne

A/N: This fanfiction exists in a universe in which Voldemort does not kill Charity Burbage, the muggle studies teacher. I also didn't know whether or not wizards know about/watch fireworks displays which explains the few students that actually stayed up to watch it. In my mind they were all half bloods and muggleborns.

As a side note: Happy New Year! I wish you all lots of fun, laughter and love.