A/N: I have no idea what inspired me to write this, but here it is. It might be just this, but I may expand on it later if inspiration hits me again. Either way, enjoy and review.

"You are barking mad, Malfoy if you think I'm going to come down into the dungeons with you tonight!" Hermione muttered under her breath. Their potion began to bubble and she smiled. It was going well so far considering how utterly distracted she was. She looked over at where Ron and Harry were taking turns dropping various ingredients into theirs and rolled her eyes.

"I'm asking you to give Slytherin a chance, Granger. That's it." Hermione turned to glare at him and was met with a solemn look. He was sincere, at least that was for sure. She saw something else in his eyes that she preferred to ignore as she offered him an annoyed look

"You have had multiple chances, Draco." Her voice softened and he noticed it. "Slytherin might not be as horrible as everyone thinks it is, but it's pretty awful, if you ask me." His face turned red at the accusation, but he'd already had a response in mind.

"So let us change your perception then. The cauldron began to send up large puffs of purple smoke. "Or are you too scared to spend one night with us." Professor Snape glanced up, noticing that their potion was finished and called the class to order.

Everyone but Draco and Hermione looked up. They were too busy staring into each other's eyes. Snape dipped an oversized ladle into their caldron and dropped it over the mouse in the bell jar. It sizzled and popped like acid on flesh and when the thick purple fluid began to part, the mouse was hairless with unnaturally huge eyes. Parvati screamed and covered her face, Neville rubbing small circles on her back. This drew the two teenagers' attention away from each other and for the brief moment Hermione was distracted, Draco scribbled something on a paper and slid it to her as Snape announced that the class was over. As soon as the paper left his hands, he picked up his book bag and strolled to the door, leaving a confused Hermione at the desk to open his note. He stood in the doorway waiting as students began filing out. She folded the paper open and bit her lip at what it said.

"Be one of us for a night?"

With a warm feeling of anticipation settling in the pit of her stomach, she looked from the note to him and then to Ron and Harry who were bickering as they got their books together. Swallowing a lump in her throat she smiled tentatively at the blond in the doorway. Her blood was singing in her veins.

"Fine Draco, I'm yours for the night, just shut up about it now." He grinned victoriously and loped out of the room. She stared at the space he'd just vacated with a shocked look at her own brazenness. What the hell had she just agreed to?!