Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan/Case Closed.

Pairing: KaitoxShinichi

Lyrical Spices


[Song Inspiration: Love Like Stars by Ben Montague]

Reaching out with the scissors, Shinichi cut the wire, all the while giving the fake Kaitou KID his best innocent little boy smile. "Oops."

With a twang and a yell, the world filled with a swirl of smoke and glitter. When the air had cleared, the imposter was plastered to the wall of the building opposite, which also happened to be the museum the imposter had just come from. There were yells and sirens from below as the police and spectators alike were treated to the sight of the museum's newest curator, upside down, plastered to the building by a mass of sparkly, slimy something that no one could readily name.

With a flash of light, the real Kaitou KID appeared standing in mid air next to the imposter. He said something admonishing to the man that Shinichi couldn't hear from where he was standing, wagging a finger like he was scolding a child. Then he waved to his adoring fans and the scrambling police and vanished in another flash of light.

Shinichi didn't have to look to know who it was when he sense a presence behind him.

"Have you thought about how the police are going to get him down from there safely?" he asked, honestly concerned now that he was taking a closer look at the spot where the imposter was stuck. There was no balcony attached to that building, and the man was a considerable distance from both the ground and all the nearest windows. On top of that, the street was too narrow for a helicopter to safely enter. And anyone trying to peel the man off the wall would need to be able to first peel the mass of slime from him.

"I figured they could lower someone on a rope from the roof or a copter," the thief replied with a chuckle. "Don't worry, they're resourceful. And I left a note with instructions on how best to remove the slime without dropping him."

Shinichi blinked then shook his head, bemused. "That was thoughtful of you."

"I try. You were wonderful, by the way. You're an excellent assistant."

Shinichi snorted. "Don't get any ideas. I was just stopping a crime."

"About that, how's the lady?"

Shinichi's expression grew somber at the reminder. The museum owner's daughter, who had rejected the imposter's amorous advances, had been the real target of the man's crimes. Long story short, he had used KID's name to lure her out, the girl being a huge KID fan, and tried to kill her. He had failed. "She'll be fine. Although it may be a while before her father will let her out of his sight."

"All for the best, I say." Deciding that that was enough of such serious issues, Kaito crouched down and scooped Shinichi up into his arms. "Now that that's done, we can be on our way." Then, with Shinichi cradled against his chest, KID leapt from the roof and opened his glider. The thief was laughing. An answering grin tugged at the corners of Shinichi's lips. Now that the debacle was over and the victim safe, he allowed himself to relax, content in his thief's warm embrace. He could feel himself blushing, but fortunately Kaito had his eyes on the skyline and so couldn't see it.

They landed on a rooftop well away from the imposter's heist location.

"We really do make a good team," the thief remarked as he set Shinichi down.

"We do," Shinichi admitted because, well, it was true. Although he would have rather died than admitted it not all that long ago. Now, he just refused to admit that the thought might kind of make him happy. It would be far too embarrassing.

Sitting side by side on the edge of the roof, they looked out over the city. It glittered with millions of little lights.

Kaito had always loved the view of the city at night. Especially when the skies were clear as they were tonight.

The sky was full of stars scattered like diamonds on a velvet blanket. But even more beautiful than the stars was the great full moon hanging proud in their midst.

And when he turned to look into Shinichi's eyes, he could see the moon reflected in their sapphire depths, making the blues sparkle like the dust of dreams. He was seeing Shinichi then, the soul behind the too young face and all the masks so like and unlike his own, and all he wanted to do was to pull Shinichi close—to claim those soft lips and kiss Shinichi breathless. To see him blush, hear him laugh, and make him moan Kaito's name. But he knew that he couldn't. Not yet.

But one day, one day Shinichi would be old enough again. One day, they wouldn't have to pretend they didn't know each other. One day, they could do normal things together during the day instead of sneaking around after dark. But until that day came, Kaito was content with things the way they were.

There was no fun being ordinary anyway. If they hadn't had such strange beginnings, they wouldn't be who they were, and that wouldn't do at all.

"Hey Shinichi."

Tearing his gaze from the city below, Shinichi glanced up at the thief sitting next to him. "What is it?"

"You once told me you wished that you could change the past."

"I remember," the detective murmured. How could he not? It was, after all, where this had all begun.

"Do you still feel that way?" Kaito asked, indigo eyes serious as they caught and held Shinichi's own. "If you could go back in time and change everything, would you still want to?"

Shinichi quirked an eyebrow at him, confused. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Just curious." Wrapping an arm loosely around Shinichi's waist, the thief turned his gaze back to the sky. "Because I was thinking, even if I could go back in time, I wouldn't want to change anything."

"Don't you have any regrets?"

Kaito laughed. "Of course I do. Who doesn't? But if things had gone differently, we wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be the person I am, and you wouldn't be the person I love."

Shinichi's breath left him as his eyes grew wide, and he barely heard as Kaito continued.

"We might never even have met. None of that is worth giving up just to trade in some old regrets for new ones. Or at least that's what I think."

Shinichi swallowed hard. "I…" He started to say then stopped. Clearing his throat, he tried again, feeling his face warm. "I can't say I don't still wish sometimes that I'd made different decisions, but I… I don't mind it so much anymore that I can't change them. I...like being here like this. With you." The last words came out in a mumble that was barely audible even to Kaito's sharp ears, but he heard anyway, and those words brought a genuine smile to his lips.

On an impulse, he pulled Shinichi onto his lap, ignoring the boy's yelp of protest. Then he wrapped his arms firmly around the detective and rested his chin on to of Shinichi's head. "That's good."

-End of Chapter-