The days in the McCord household rolled by like a current-each pushed out of existence by the aggressive pattern of the next. It was the pattern that allowed the getting by. Problems were easy to ignore this way, and they were. It was their normal-never to be questioned, although, the great irony was, they all did.

Elizabeth looked across the room at the framed photo that sat on display on the bedroom wardrobe. Her blurry morning eyes dependent on her memory in order to make it out. Of course, it had been there every morning, but for some reason, unbeknownst to her, she took special notice of it that morning. They were all perched on the small, worn, wooden staircase in the farmhouse. The girls sat up top while she, Henry, and Jason sat below. It was taken the day they moved in. She had asked the moving men to take it-She smirked at the thought. They were young back then, their smiles a bit more vibrant, their eyes wide with anticipation for the future. "The future" she laughed once more. What else could a university professor dream about? Now, here she was-in this anticipated future and all she wanted to do was drift back into the past. A past that was filled with grading papers, caring for sick children, family meals, and sex that was interrupted by the occasional bad dream.

Elizabeth listened as feet thundered down the hall and decided it was time to move along as well. She pulled herself out of bed; a heavy reluctance loomed over her. She quickly got dressed, and headed down the stairs, smiles and all.

"Hey guys," She smiled upon seeing her children.

"Hey…" All three mumbled.

"Listen, I'm heading out now so tell dad when he comes down, okay?"

Now answer.

"Okay?" she asked again in frustration.

"Okay," Jason replied in an angry sigh.

"Girls?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah," they mumbled in unison.

"...Thanks…" Elizabeth added as she walked toward the door with rich sarcasm in her voice.

She walked out of the house feeling defeated, as she always did, nowadays. Between her job, Henry's new job, and all the "extras" that went along with life, they hadn't time to stop. She was hesitant to address these feelings. It was because of her they were in this mess. Henry and the kids seemed comfortable with this new "them." After all the time it took to get to this point it seemed wrong to take it away like it would all be for nothing. So off she went, today and every day, pretending that everything was fine so she could fit into the new picture of the Merry McCords.

She arrived home that night with a newfound hesitation. She wondered what would happen if she didn't go in if they would care. She no longer returned to a home filled with the patter of feet, laughter, or excitement. Instead, this home was a home of loneliness.

"Hey, Noodle," Elizabeth greeted.

"Hey, mom," Alison replied, When will dad be home?"

"He's no-" Elizabeth paused realizing that her question had no relevance. Of course, he wasn't home, he was never home, "-I don't know, Noodle."

"Well, I made dinner, yours is in the fridge."

"Thank you, baby," She smiled, "...Stevie and Jason?"

"Jason's upstairs, Stevie's out."


"I don't know," Alison shrugged, "She just said she was going out with some friends and left."

Elizabeth sighed.

"Well, I've gotta study. Night, mom," Alison said as she escaped up the stairs.

Elizabeth sat alone on the couch the rest of the night waiting for Henry to arrive. It proved to be an act of patience but she needed to reclaim their normal, if only for herself.

"Hey," she yawned, amid the soft yellow light as he walked in.

"Hey, babe…" He walked over to the couch, confusion resting heavy on his face, "You didn't have to wait up, it's almost three."

"I just needed to see you, Henry," She murmured, resting her tired weight against him.

"Can we talk about this in the morning?"

She looked at him with a quizzical expression. "Wha...We...When are we awake at the same time?"

"We'll find time, it's late babe," He said, taking her hand in his.

"No, Henry," She asserted softly, pulling her hand away, "I don't want to 'find time' I just want to be us.

Elizabeth…" Henry pleaded.

"We shouldn't have to plan...All this out," Elizabeth's voice grew in a defensive pitch.

"We don't have to "plan" anything out."

"Really?" Elizabeth laughed.

Really," Henry replied.

"You know that's not true, Henry."


"No. Everyday…" She paused, feeling the warmth of anger circle her, "Everyday I wake up without you, and every night I go to sleep without you."

"I'm here-"

"I go to work, and it's the highlight of my day," She continued, cutting him off, "I can distract myself from...This, and put all my energy into work. At night when I head home, it all comes back; you, the kids…"

"Don't over exaggerate," He scoffed.

"Henry, I'm not over exaggerating," Her voice grew soft with seriousness, "We spend our time working, and it's become a refuge for us. I don't like to come home because I don't know who I am here."

"Then what do you want me to do Elizabeth? You want me to quit?" He asked.

The anger in his question is what finally drew her to tears. "No...That's...That's not what I meant," She managed weakly.

"Well, that's sure what it sounds like," He laughed.

Elizabeth wiped her tears away and attempted to regain her composure. "All I'm saying is, I want to restore our family to what it was," She stated.

"Oh, cmon, Elizabeth...You can't be serious," He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts, "Look, I supported you when you accepted this job. I took care of the kids, of the house. But you need to support me now, too. I can be the man beside the woman, but that does not mean I am confined."

"I'm not trying to confine you."

"No you aren't because you've never been, you don't know what it feels like," He jeered.

"Excuse me?" Her eyes widened at his claim.

"No, no you don't," He repeated, raising his voice, "Living a life consisting of: 'Dad,' 'Professor,' 'Henry.' Day in and day out, that was my life waiting for you. So don't tell me that my job is causing you some...Some heartbreak because I need it in order to save myself from my own heartbreak!"

"Please don't yell," Elizabeth said trying to stay calm and collected.

"Hello?" Stevie yelled.

Both parents shifted their attention.

"Well...This is awkward. Looks like you have company," She said, pointing to her younger brother and sister who sat on the stairs.

Jason was quick to move as he ducked his head and ran up the stairs. Ali hesitated and slowly walked down to join her sister.

"Guys, please, go to bed," Elizabeth said softly.

"Are you-" Stevie began.

"Please," Elizabeth softly pressed.

The two complied, leaving Elizabeth and Henry alone, once more.

"What are we going to do?" Henry asked.

"Well, I'm going to bed," Elizabeth answered, grabbing the blanket off of the back of the couch.