He saw her open her mouth with a slight smile but she was cut off before she could give him her answer.

"Mione!" the redhead shouted.

They both turned to face the direction of the shouting. Then Draco quickly turned back, and gave his full attention to the bar his drink sat upon.

"Ronald." Hermione said with an exasperated sigh, which seemed to go unnoticed by the man.

"What are you still doing over here, and talking to that prat of all people?" He gestured towards Malfoy spilling the drink in his hand in the process.

Malfoy didn't turn around but simply raised his own glass, "Oh, very nice to see you too Weasley."

"Seriously Ron don't be childish." Hermione harshly whispered, people were watching them. People were always watching them. "Go find Ginny, I'll meet you guys outside…after I finish my drink."

Draco's eyes lit up ever so slightly at hearing that last part.

"But Mione! Just come now. You can't possibly be enjoying yourself." He persisted like a petulant child.

"No, I for one am not five too many drinks in, and Draco was kind enough to get this for me. I've been over here by myself for over an hour, nice of you to finally notice though really. I'm having a civil adult conversation, because unlike the rest of you, I can't stand continuing with childhood fights. We're all theoretically supposed to be adults, try acting it sometime." She finished with a sip and turned around to face the bar with Draco.

Ron huffed and disappeared into the crowd.

"I know you like to think we're all passed our childhood crap, but seeing you scold Weasley is about the best thing I've seen in months." He said stifling a laugh.

She rolled her eyes at him in return.

"I didn't mean to come off that harsh, I was just aggravated."

"You don't have to explain anything to me I loved it." He said looking at her with a smirk.

"I'm sure you did. You and all the others." She said motioning to everyone around them.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

She looked at him and tilted her head slightly.

"You can't be serious…We're in the trashy sections of the papers every week. I just can't stand when he gets like that. So irrationally stuck in his own ways. It's even worse when he drinks, hence why I particularly loathe occasions like this. He's changed…or I have I really don't know anymore." She seemed to trail off in her own thoughts before she realized how much she was opening up.

Draco was taken aback by how blunt she was being. He cleared his throat.

"I… uh, actually didn't even know you two were together."

"Oh, I just assumed. I really don't know what we are at this point." She said looking down at the floor.

"Right. Well I better be going, it was nice seeing you. Nice talk." He said as he got up out of his chair, and began to leave.

Hermione didn't even plan on saying anything else, but he got a few steps away from her and…

"Yes!" she said a little too loudly. She mentally kicked herself for being somewhat spastic. She was working on that.

He made his way back a bit to her.

"Yes what?" he asked looking at her.

"Oh, your question earlier…before we got interrupted. You said you wanted to get together…a better setting perhaps. Less nosey onlookers."

He kinked one of his eyebrows up in her direction.

"I'm not sure your…Weasley is going to take that too well."

"I don't give him an itinerary of my day. He sure doesn't give me one. If you've changed your mind that's fine."

He held his hand up to stop her from what he was sure was sizing up to be another rant.

"I never said that, did I?" he smirked at her. "I just wouldn't want the Gryffindor war princess's halo to fall off on a count of me."

"I can keep a secret if you can."

"Oh, a clandestine meeting to simply have an adult to talk to, you bad girl you."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Are you quite finished?" She asked him

"Not even close."

"I'll need another drink then."

"I thought you had to get going?"

"They'll have left without me…trust me. He'll have thrown a tantrum about me not coming out right away, or something else utterly ridiculous. Then Ginny and Harry will have whisked him away, so he doesn't make even more of a scene. Then he'll wake up tomorrow acting as if nothing happened at all."

"Wow, that's a lot to wrap my head around."

He sat back down in his seat next to her at the bar and got them both another drink.

She took the drink in her hand.

"That's my life I suppose."

"Mine's not any better."

"It's strange, isn't it? I mean did you ever think we'd end up here… like this?" she questioned him with a look.

"I'm not sure I follow princess."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"I mean, as kids didn't you think there would be more to life."

"Yeah, I suppose but reality kind of sunk in quick for me."

"It's like we became sort of adrenaline junkies at the wrong time. We didn't really have a normal childhood….war and all."

"I was never going to have a normal childhood, but I get where you're coming from."

"Well Merlin me neither! I am a muggle born witch after all…normal was not in the cards."

"Seems we have a lot in common, who would've known." He said quietly.

"I may have had an inkling." She smirked at him.

"Oh really? Why didn't you share your alleged inkling then?"

"Scared." She simply stated.

"A Gryffindor? Scared? A Gryffindor admitting she's scared? I think I've had one too man I can't have possibly heard you right." He said with a hand placed behind his ear.

"Oh, you heard me right, but I can't speak to your personal alcohol tolerance Draco."

He laughed his eyes looking warmer than they ever have in his whole life.

She found herself being very attracted to his laugh. Or maybe even just him all together. She was beginning to feel very nervous.

"I um I should be going. I'll be in touch."

She wasn't even sure what made her get up or speak those words, she felt as if she was having an outer body experience.

He watched her walk away somewhat shocked, and half expecting to never hear from her again.