Ikol circled the castle looking for an open window, but oddly enough he could not find one. He had only been gone two weeks. Two weeks since the Lady Sif came. It gave him time to free himself. Clear his head. Remember who and what he is. The time he had spent with Tony was more like a dream as he inhaled the sweet scent of salt water. The beach was calm and soothing and he had forgotten what fresh air had tasted like. Even though he returned to the gardens few a few hours at a time when the first signs of sprig had shown, his lugs had gotten used to the smog that he never realized existed in the castle.

Part of him questioned whether he should return to the castle. He had forgotten what is was like to truly stretch his wings. To not have a schedule. To go where he pleased and stay there for as long and as short as he wanted. And yet he found himself missing the company. He never new how lonely he was until someone had come into his life. And as insufferable as the human could be a times. Companionship. Something he never dreamed he would want or need became something he sorely needed. He no longer felt as beastly as he once was. Because of the way Tony treated him, he actually started to feel human. Something he never pictured he would happen. He craved conversation. Another thing that before meeting the human he never desired having. He hated himself for changing like this. He was finally happy with who he was. What he had become. And now. Now he was seeing that that was no longer a life he could keep living. Tony changed him. Forever.

He landed in the castle garden on the birdbath that was closest to the entrance. He waited for someone to enter or exit but oddly enough no one came or went. He took flight once more, but this time remaining closer to the ground so he could look for one of the gardeners and ask them to grant him entrance. But oddly enough not even a gardener could be found. It was as if the whole castle became abandoned. He reached the end of the garden where it met his forest and that was when he finally spotted someone. Lord Banner. One of the king's closest confidantes, but not fond of Ikol.

He swooped even lower to the human could see him before landing on the closest eyelevel tree.

"Ikol." He heard the man murmur as his eye followed him to the tree. "You came back." He said more loudly, but it was still his normal tone. "Tony thought…he thought you had left for good. We all did."

Ikol was startled by this statement and this reaction. He was not gone long. Just two weeks. Fourteen day. What could have possible happened within such a short time frame. He was a free bird. Tony knew it. So what was it that could have possibly changed that? Unless… "I have been unable to get access in the castle. Take me to him."

"You're not going to fly off without a word this time?"

"You have my word." Ikol landed on his shoulder which caused Bruce to nearly jump. The bird landing on his shoulder was the last thing he had expected. The only person he ever actively showed to like was Tony so this gesture of faith was far too intimate for Bruce. But he kept his mouth shut and took Ikol to the castle and then to Tony's room.

Ikol was surprised that in the middle of the day Tony was hiding in his room as opposed to working in the dungeon or study but kept the thought to himself. Once he saw Tony. The human. All would be explained.

Bruce knocked on the door before allowing himself in. Tony was laying in bed, still in his sleepwear. The room was filled with music and Ikol noticed that next to the bedside lamp was a small gold and glass bird with a key sticking out of it.

Ikol listened to the song and hated to admit that he was impressed at the mechanics and the song. Despite being a machine it sounded so life like. It sounded like him. Tony looked at Ikol for only a moment before looking back to his shining trinket. "I'll leave you two for a moment." Bruce said. So Ikol hopped off his shoulder and perched himself at the closed windowsill.

"I had a fit while you were gone. More than one actually. Thankfully Jarvis was in the room for the first and Rhodey for the second. He wound up the bird and play the music for me. And just as your song helped me through, so did this. Not to mention it doesn't argue with me or sleep in my bed." Tony spoke bitterly once the song came to an end. "But best of all, it doesn't disappear for two weeks without a word."

Ikol was taken aback at first by how upfront the king was being. But also how petty and childish he was acting. "Don't tell me you are upset because I left without being granted permission like one of your courtiers. I told you once before that I am a free creature, not tied down to anyone. We may have had our fun these past months. But I am still a beast. A magpie. I can come and go as I please. You, yourself expressed a similar sentiment when that Asgardian warrior visited and she compared me to an object no better than that." Ikol used his wing to point to the mechanical bird in Tony's hand.

"Well now that I have this to soothe me during my fits, you can came and go as much as you please. In fact, you don't even need to come back at all. All the courtiers agree. This bird, albeit it fake, is far superior in song and here when I need it. So go. I don't need you."

Ikol felt something that he didn't know how to explain. It was a feeling that he has not felt for many years. One that reminded him of his father and brother? What is heartache? Betrayal? He had grown fond of this human and it took his time away from him to finally realize it. Nearly every day, he thought about Tony. Wondered if he was hiding from Pepper or working on a new weapon. And now that he came back. Came to terms with what he wanted, he was being pushed away.

But it was to be expected. Wasn't it? He was just a bird. As much as he felt like a human, he would never be one. Tony would never see him as an equal. Never understand him and what he is. Everyone pushes him away. And now it was Tony's turn to do the same thing everyone else has to him.

Ikol cawed in a way the Tony thought was meant to be a laugh. "You wish me to beg? To grovel. To ask for your undying forgiveness because I wasn't here when you wanted me to be. I am not your servant or your courtier. I am not a citizen of your kingdom. I do not have to bow nor placate you and your pity party. All you were was a way to pass the time. Nothing more." Ikol's heart as small as it may be, stung from the words he was spouting and he didn't understand why. When he fought with his brother and father he never felt such regret in his words. So why was he feeling it now? With a human he has only known for a short while.

"If that's how you feel then go. Leave Midgard and never come back. You are not welcomed in my gardens nor any land that is mine. If I or any guard see you we will fire on sight."

Ikol didn't say a word. He didn't fight back. Kings. Humans. They were beyond reasoning. And Tony was showing his true colors. That he is no different. Ikol opened the window with his beak and flew out. Not once looking back. But while he was flying he felt something wet land on his wings. He looked up to the sky expecting spring showers, but there were no clouds in sight.

To say Tony was annoyed would be an understatement. He was livid. Yes he almost died. He had another one of his fits while experimenting with the explosive powder and could have blown off half of his face, but he was finally getting close to making a viable weapon from the powder substance. And here he was, bedridden with babysitter Jarvis. Yes, his heart issues were escalating. Instead of having one every few weeks, he was having them on a nearly daily basis. But every few minutes he would wind up his golden mechanical bird so even if he did have a fit, the song was almost always playing. He would close his eyes and focus on the music helping him relax until another pill could be shoved down his throat.

He tried to pass off the increase in attacks as nothing, but Pepper wanted him in bed and for the court doctors to look at him once more. He attempted to protest, but was vastly outnumbered, so there was little chance of success.

He was laying in bed, the golden bird in his hand. Its beak moving up and down as it sung its song. Listening to it was all he could do to pass the time. Not gadgets or tinkering allowed until observation was over. The one plus side was that Pepper was acting regent, doing all his work until he was deemed better. She was the only person he trusted the kingdom to. Would carry on all the hard work he is trying to do for his citizens.

The song came to an end and Tony began winding up the bird again. But the fit began to take hold. At first is seemed like any other, his body would shake and his heart would beat so fast he feared it coming out of his chest. But this time his body started trashing and sick spewed onto the floor. Jarvis's chair nearly fell as he jumped out of it to fetch a doctor.

The golden bird fell to the ground during the fit. The glass cracked and a few pieces of the golden gears flew under the massive bed. Jarvis ran back in the room and pinned down his kings trashing body. The three court doctors ran into his room. One held the kings head straight, while a second helped Jarvis keep the king's body straight. The third doctor forced a slimy clear liquid down Tony's throat and forced his mouth slightly shut, but not completely, so it would not come out. The trashing slowly came to a stop and Tony looked as if he was sleeping.

"What's happening?" Jarvis asked them, but received no answer. He didn't understand. What was it that caused the escalation in the fits?

Shimmering gold on the floor caught his attention, so Jarvis picked up the now broken mechanical magpie. Then it came to him. That was when it worsened. That was when his king's illness started getting worse. He never noticed, but the fits were so few while the king was in the original magpie's presence. But the moment he left, the fits came back, only steadily worse.

There was a correlation between the two. It was not proof of causality, but is was just too much of a coincidence to not be. He placed the broken trinket on the kings bedside. He looked at it for a few hard minutes, remembering the vibrant green tail of the original. The slick black feathers and the snowy white intermixed. He could perfectly see the smile on his king's face when he listened to Ikol's songs. A song that he hadn't seen since the late queen was alive.

He knew there was a connection. There had to be. And there was only one way to fix it. All he needed was a second opinion. Maybe three. Or four. After all, nothing spreads faster in a kingdom than gossip.

Ikol sat in the tree. He was as far away from Midgard's capital city as he could be without entering the forbidden Asgardian lands. While he was banished from Midgard, so long as he stayed away from humans who would recognize him he figured himself safe.

The closest village that he would visit to salvage for food, for there were no trees bearing fresh fruit the he cared for, had become insufferable. Everyone, even the smallest child sung that asinine machine's song. There was no where he could go to escape it though. He was trapped by the boundaries of this idiotic kingdom, for he refused to go to the closest kingdom to the east, Wakanda. He traveled to many small villages in Midgard, but everyone in the kingdom appeared to know the tune. Some had even created lyrics for it. They would sing their poorly made song and other would soon join in. It was insufferable. But what else could he do? No other kingdoms were as peaceful as Midgard, nor as close to his despised home. So he stayed, doing his best to find areas as far away from humans as possible. But as of late that seemed easier said than done. Many of the villagers in the north, closest to Asgard border were moving slightly further south. Starting a new life. Trying to get away from the battles that were popping up more frequently. Battles that the foolish Midgardian King had still done little about.

Ikol was right. Talks would get them nowhere. Action needed to be taken. And if Asgardians died while Midgardians protected their land. Well, the world was better off without them.

Ikol sat high in his tree and heard the snapping of twigs. Two small human children were playing in the forest so he relaxed slightly. Thankfully none of them were singing. Instead they were talking, gossiping to be precise.

"My uncle was called into the capital. Requested by the king himself! I begged to go, but mother wouldn't allow it. Said the capital was no place for a child. I'm nearly thirteen."

"Isn't your uncle a doctor? Why was he called to court?"

"I shouldn't say, but the king has fallen ill, possibly dying. The court doctors wanted a second opinion. But they are trying to keep his illness a secret from the kingdom. They know my uncle is one of the best in the kingdom so they came to him first."

"If it's a secret, then how do you know?"

"I was spying in on the conversation…"

Ikol nearly blacked out. The king. Tony. Was his condition worsening? Why should he even care? He was banished? Told he was not welcome in the castle, its gardens, hell Midgard as a whole was a no fly zone. And yet he was afraid. Scared he would never see Tony again. Sing him a song.

He was a fool. If he had not left. If his pride had not gotten the better of him, he would be there. By his side. Be able to sing him a new song. He was better than some mechanical toy. His songs had more meaning and soul to them. Always changing. King Anthony didn't deserve him or his music. So why was it that he desired it. Wanted to sing him one last song before he died. He took off from the tree and headed south. He didn't know if he would make it. Possibly turn back a few times. But something in him animal instinct or not, kept leading him south.

Ikol flew into the boarders that marked the land as the capital city. He knew it was foolish. There was no way he could get close to the king. Let alone inside the castle. If the rumor was true and Tony was dying, then there was no doubt his entourage would leave his side. But he had to see him. See if those poisonous pills were finally killing him. He had to get in. No matter the costs.

He found an open window, sped through it, and quickly started weaving in and out of servants. He pushed himself and his wings were getting heavy as he flapped. But he did it, he made it to the room and as a servant closed the door behind her, he zoomed in. He perched himself on top of the dressing screen and took in the mood of the room.

Everyone in the room was too focused on Tony to even notice that he snuck in. But he stay extra quiet just to be certain that he would remain invisible to him.

"How long do you think he has?" Pepper asked to no one in particular.

Bruce took his glasses off and gingerly rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The palladium pills that were keeping his heart going have been slowly poisoning him." Pepper looked at him in disbelief, so he continued. "I ran a few tests on his blood and found large traces of poisons. I then ran a few tests on his pills to see what they were actually made of. I'm certain it's one of its ingredients that's killing him. If we keep him off his pills any longer his heart will stop by morning, but if we let him take them, the poison will continue to take him slowly. He will have maybe three days. A week tops."

"He's already dying." Rhodey declared bitterly. "There has to be something. Like a foreign doctor who uses different medicine then what ours and Tony have developed. Or maybe Tony has been working on a cure in secret. Something that can counteract the palladiums poisonous effects."

"Why didn't you tell us it was getting this bad?" Pepper asked the sleeping Tony. "Why didn't you tell us you were dying? That what was saving you was also killing you. We could have helped you. You don't have to take on everything by yourself."

Rhodey placed a hand on her shoulder. Nothing could be said or done. Tony. Their friend. Their king. His days were numbered and there was nothing that could stop that.

"We should go. Let him rest." Pepper placed a hand on top of Rhodey's and rubbed it warmly. "We need to devise a strategy. With no heir to take the throne, we need to figure out a way to keep the kingdom from collapsing."

That was the Pepper they knew. The one who could bury her personal feelings and put the kingdom as a whole first. Everyone silently nodded in agreement and left the room without making a peep.

Ikol waited until he could no longer hear them walking down the hall. He landed on the bed next to Tony but was unsure what to do. As a bird he could do nothing. Nothing but sing. So that is what he did. He sang a song, one he had never performed before. It was a song of hope and comfort. A song that his mother used to sing for him. He sung as quietly as he could so only the king could hear it, for it was a song for no one but him.

Ikol still didn't fully understand why he was so inclined to sing to the king. They parted on less than amicable terms. And a part of him was still bitter and despised the king for what he said and how he acted. Yet, he could hear his mother voice. She told him even the most hated of enemies deserve an honorable death. So that's what he will do. The one thing he can. For he knew it was something his mother would have wanted.

As the soft lullaby came to an end, Ikol noticed Tony's hand slowly moving. That blood was pumped through his veins and his heartbeat was no longer feint, it was becoming stronger. He could almost sense an ancient and long forgotten magic flowing in them. Magic. Something he has longed to feel again and sorely missed. But now, he could feel it, and not only was it making Tony stronger, but he as well.

The dark brown eyes slowly fluttered open, Ikol moved to the closed window so he could get a better angle to watch him.

Tony's hand went to his chest, specifically over his heart, feeling the once nonexistent beats become stronger. He first looked towards his bedtable, and noticed that the golden mechanical bird was in pieces. The object that he claimed would keep him alive had failed him. It was broken. Just like he. But then his eyes drifted towards his window and he saw him. A black and white bird surrounded by moonlight. It was Ikol.

Tony slowly slid off the bed and stood up. Sweat slowly dripped down his bare body and landed on the floor. His fever was broken, but his body was still shaky. Even though the window was only a few steps away, Tony moved steadily and took his time, so to not overexert himself. Once he reached the window he plopped down on the floor and just looked at Ikol. He gazed into the deep black eyes as if he was seeing them for the first time. Eyes that looked more human than mammal to him now. "You came back. Even though I banished you. Why?"

"I wish I knew myself." Ikol said as honestly as he could.

"I was dying." Tony continued in disbelief. "I should have died. The pills. My heart."

"You pulled through-"

"You sang to me." Tony interrupted the bird, slowly collecting the dots. "I thought I was dreaming it, but your song- it saved me."

"My song contains no such power."

Not any more. Was what Ikol kept to himself though.

"Even so. I'm alive and in a generous mood." The Tony Ikol remembered was slowly returning. The holier than thou tone, while not at its full capacity was still distinguishable. "What do you want magpie?" There was no jesting this time. No backhanded remark about the types of gifts he could give him. All it was was a simple, open, question.

"All I ask is to be able to eat at your table, lay in your bed, be your secret confidant, and if I ever feel so inclined, to sing you a new song." Tony could not hide his shock at this request. Ikol wanted to stay with him again, despite how much of an ass he was. Then again, the bird wasn't being so cordial either. But still. Ikol wanted to be by his side again. Be his secret confidant. And that was something Tony could easily give him.

Tony woke up, feeling much better than he did last night. He once again put his hand to his heart and it was beating normally. It wasn't a dream. He was healed. He would never have to worry about his heart or taking those pills ever again. Ikol's song mysterious cured him. And in a way modern medicine never could.

He looked over to the pillow next to him expecting to see Ikol sleeping soundly. His small head tucked under his wing and his even smaller body rising up and down. But what he saw nearly caused him to fall out of his bed.

A tall, willowy man with waist length black hair was soundly sleeping next to him. The man's face was buried in a pillow and he was laying stomach side down, so his stark naked body was only showing off his rear.

Tony went through the night's events and at no point did he remember meeting a guy, let alone sleeping with him. He was too weak still. His body recovering from the healing process Ikol started.

The slender body stirred and Tony shot out of bed. The body rose and the long black eyelashes fluttered several times before revealing a pair of green eyes as vibrant as Ikol's tail.

Taking in the man's face, Tony concluded he was only a few years younger than him; 17 maybe 18 years old. The groggy man began moving more haphazardly. He looked at his hands and his feet, and his pupils dilated in shock. His hands went to his face and he began caressing the smooth, porcelain like skin. He once again looked back at his hands and he studied his fingers as he moved them back and forth. He proceeded to make an unusual hand gesture, and a dagger appeared in his hand amongst a soft glowing green light. He tossed it in the air and it vanished amongst the same light.

"Normally I wouldn't complain when I wake up next to someone in bed. But last I checked, I fell asleep next to a magpie, not a human."

"I am-" the man spoke slowly, as if it was his first time speaking in years and his tongue and lips were getting used to being used again. "I mean was, Ikol-"

Tony rose an eyebrow to that statement, but didn't interrupt him. "My real name is Loki Odinson, the second son of King Odin of the kingdom of Asgard. Ikol was the name I chose while I was trapped as a magpie." He continued to study his human body as he spoke.

"You were trapped as a bird?" Tony reiterated slowly, not exactly believing what he was being told. Magic. Princes being turned into birds. This was not reality.

And yet everything was pointing to it. Maybe he was just too blind, trapped in his own bubble to know what was really out there.

"Long story." He said looking around the room as if this was his first time seeing it. His eyes blinking more than a normal person's would. "You have heard pieces of my life. Vague as they might have been, were true."

"And you just left this out because?" Tony asked, still processing what was happening. He had always pictured Ikol as human but never really thought it could be true. This was just too much for him to handle.

"The enchantment didn't allow me to reveal myself to anyone who knew me, nor use my own magic to return to a human form."

"Oh, because you're a magician too." Tony spoke sarcastically, like as if it should have been common knowledge.

"Of course." Loki said with a mischievous grin.

"And don't tell me, that last night, the kindness you showed was what you needed to break the spell and become human again."

"I'm still not sure on that part just yet." Loki ignored Tony's sarcasm and treated the conversation as if it were genuine.

"You're, serious?" Tony scoffed. "You're actually serious." Tony started pacing around the room. "You. Prince Loki. Thor's brother. The silver tonged prince. You were the magpie?" Tony was still in a state of disbelief.

"Is that what I am called in Midgard as well? The silver tongued prince." He responded cheekily.

"Don't change the subject."

"If you need further proof-" Loki trailed off as his body shimmered green and he turned into the magpie Tony knew well. He fluttered around the room and showed off his emerald tail before turning back into a human.

Tony's pupils dilated. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. The bird that he was once so close too, was actually Prince Loki. A prince he never met but had heard stories of. And none of them were good. Had stayed with him. Listened to him. Even saved his life. Despite their juvenile spat, he came back and was going to stay with him. And oddly enough, a part of Tony found a sense of comfort in that.

But as elation set in, a pit formed in Tony's stomach also took form. If magic is real. If people can so easily be put under spells, how can he protect his kingdom?

Tony was at a loss. Overcome with so many varying emotions that he couldn't think of anything, logical or witty to say.

"The great Tony Stark at a loss for words." Loki chortled as he rose from the bed. He attempted to use his legs for the first time in years. The first few steps were wobbly, but he quickly found his footing.

"Where do you think your going?" Tony asked as Loki headed towards the window. He was so accustomed to the bird coming and going through it, that he assumed even as a human he would leave the same way.

Loki cocked his head so he was looking at Tony over his shoulder.

"I promised you anything you wanted. And you said that all you wanted was to eat at my table, sleep in my bed, be my secret confidant, and to sing to me. Don't think that has changed because you're human now."

Loki's body froze.

This had to be a joke. A trick the king was playing on him. There was no reason for him to make such a demand. He is a human again. Free to return to Asgard and vie for the throne. To take down his brother. Prove to his father he is worthy. He can't let three years trapped as a bird deter him.

"I'm a missing prince. I have been trapped as a bird for three years. Unable to return to my own country. My brother and his warrior have constantly been on the search for me. The random visits by Prince Thor. The Lady Sif bringing you a gift. Both were diversions to keep people and other kingdoms from the truth. They were searching for me. And you believe that I would want to stay here? You must be daft."

"Then why didn't you tell me all of this before? Why did you pretend to be a talking magpie this whole time, if you weren't trying to escape your family? You told me the stories. How your father didn't love you. That he barely acknowledged your existence. And your brother. Now that I know who he is, I can say I blame you for not being fond of him either. Having to live in his shadow. It would make anyone, possibly even me pale in comparison. But still, I didn't know who you were. I've only met your brother and father on a few occasions. Asgard was never one of the kingdoms my father shipped me off to when he wanted to get rid of me. They always came here. But you were never brought along. So if this spell supposedly kept you from telling the truth, it shouldn't have worked on me."

"Even if I could have told you, has it not crossed your mind, that I might have kept silent for good reasons? That possibly my curse was warranted? That I came to terms with my life as a bird because I made a better beast than man?"

Tony rolled his eyes in disbelief and scoffed. "We have all done things. Made decisions we regret. I'm a living example and you know that as well as anybody. What matters is what we do afterwards."

Loki gritted his teeth. "I've killed. Men. Women. Children. There is no redemption for me. Being a bird was a penance for my crimes and I came to terms with my life. I was content. Until I met you. Until you made me feel human again. And now…"

"Then stay with me." Tony rose from the bed and walked over to Loki. He grasped his hands and stared intently into his vibrant emerald like eyes.

Now that he was human, Tony's eyes looked so different. The emotions they shared. The Sentiment. Honesty and Sincerity. The eyes of a man who would never judge him. Never abandon him again. The eyes of a man full of regret, but never giving up on the hope of something better. Tony's eyes were truly unlike any he had seen before.

They were alluring. Controlling him in a sense. Like could feel the word, yes, wanting to come out. It was on the tip of his tongue. But then the door swung open. Both men's heads swung to it's direction and the faces of the four people standing there, Pepper, Jarvis, Bruce, and Rhodey, quickly went from forlorn, to flabbergasted, to elation and annoyance.

"Everyone. This is Prince Loki. Second Son of Asgard-"

Pepper's eyes changed the most. Where Rhodey and Jarvis were somewhat able to laugh off the situation and Bruce just blush in embarrassment, Pepper's eyes were a stone cold fury.

"What…How…How long has this been going on. When did this even happen? You were…"

"Pepper, let's save story time for another day. I wasn't feeling to well last night. And Loki here has been and excellent doctor-"

Pepper waved her hands to cut him off and quickly pushed the rest of the entourage back into the hallway. "Just clean up. You have a lot of work to do."

Tony turned back to face Loki and flashed a crooked grin while placing a hand on his shoulder. "'Since it's been a few years since you wore clothes, if you need to spend a few days like this, I won't complain. In fact I'll encourage it."

"I have not agreed to your offer-"

"Sure you have. You eyes. Your human eyes. They said it all. Now come on. I need my not so secret confidant to assist me today. I know it's way past it's due day, but I still have not figured out that well issue."

Tony took a few steps towards the door and held out his hand to him. Loki looked from the hand to Tony's eyes. He bit the bottom of his lip, hesitant to extend his own. But he found himself doing so. As their skin touched Loki's body became to warm. Something was coming over him. And then it happened. His lips, still getting used to moving, briefly curled into a true genuine smile. A smile that Tony did not see. But knew he would witness it when the time for both of them was right.

A/N: Wow. Long time no fic. THank you so much for reading my fic. It was for the 2016 Frostiron Bang. And as you can see for bang events i tend to stick for a theme. SInce it was a bang event, i have some lovely arwork on tumblr to accompany it by xkalisto:


Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed!