Priya's Epilogue

Priya sat at the edge of the Avenger's landing platform, legs hanging off the side. The sky resembled the same colour as it did the day her brother had been captured, and her home destroyed; a hauntingly beautiful orange and purple hue. She'd said her goodbyes already...

Walker had gone out on his own after a tearful farewell. Carmine, Moreau and Heidi had stuck around. Mason had gone off to find his younger siblings. Fields also prepared to depart, along with Haussman and her team... Of course, she hadn't bid farewell to Jaz and Vivi... no way she was leaving them anytime soon... her new family... she'd catch up with them later.

But everyone else? They had their own journeys to embark on... their own stories to forge now as humanity began its attempt to wrest back control.

And so did Priya.

I guess it really is over...


Priya's heart lifted as she saw Marshall take a seat beside her. "Hey, you." She smiled for a moment before returning to the view.

"It's over, huh?"

Priya didn't answer, her eyes fixated on the cliffs that the sun had dipped behind.

Marshall dropped his gaze, wrapping his arm around her. "Priya? You did it… we did it… we beat the Elders. ADVENT's as good as gone now thanks to you and the others. You did great work out there!"

"I know," Priya said, grabbing Marshall's hand. "I just wish – Ali could've been here to see this moment."

Marshall gave her a sad look, letting go of her hand for a second to hold her brother's dogtags. "I'm sure he's right here with you." He let go and shifted his hand to her heart. "And he's in here too. He's proud of you, Priya. All of us are."

She smiled, burying her face into his arms. She had to admit that she felt proud herself. To have come all this way and see the end of the ADVENT regime first-hand? After everything they'd done to her, and her friends from both her old camp and the Avenger? She'd never felt more satisfied in her whole life.

"You've come so far since the beginning of all this. You've grown into a strong, independent woman. One who can definitely hold her own." Marshall planted a kiss on her head. "Just one of the reasons why I love you so much."

Priya poked her head up, her messy hair blanketing her glasses and barely masking her confusion. "Wait, what? Since the beginning of all this…? How would you…?"

Marshall shrugged, bearing a sheepish grin. "I may have listened to a log or two of yours from before I was around."

Priya's jaw dropped as her face burned red. "Oh my gosh, whyyyyyyy!?"

"I have to say, I found it kinda cute that you found yourself in hot water early on with the others thanks to that spunky attitude of yours."

"Oh, believe me, you're gonna get a lot more of this 'attitude' if you keep this behavior up, Mr. Skadden!"

He chuckled. "I think I can handle it, Ms. Korpal."

"Oooooh, we'll see about that!" She pressed forward, toppling Marshall onto his back. He let out a cry of surprise as she wrestled to keep her position on top of him, giggling. She held his hands down, sighing as Marshall conceded with a smirk.

The two shared a moment of silence before Marshall finally spoke up. "I'm glad I turned my life around and found you."

Priya grinned, blushing. "And I'm glad I stayed alive long enough to meet you."

Marshall rolled his eyes before gently pushing Priya off his torso with ease. She yelped, eyes widened as she fell beside him. Again, he held her close as darkness began to consume the remaining light in the sky.

"Do you think it's over?" Marshall asked.

Priya heaved a deep sigh. The thought had been nagging at the back of her mind. "Honestly, I don't know. We've destroyed the Elders… but there's no way everything's gonna be fine and dandy any time soon. There're still aliens out there, and it's gonna take a long time to rebuild. Then there's all those warnings the Elders gave us the whole time we were down there."

"What warnings?"

"That something will follow us… just like it followed them."

Marshall didn't know what to say. He'd suspected that it wouldn't be this easy… and it seems Priya had suspected the same thing.

Priya turned to look at Marshall into his eyes. "All I know is that whatever happens from here on out, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. However long that might be."

Marshall nodded, brushing her hair aside. "I promise… whatever happens, whether there's a trial for me, whether there is something worse out there, whether we have to go out and fight again for mankind's survival… I'm never leaving you alone again."

A/N: And that's all folks! It's been so much fun writing for Priya this season. However, due to real life commitments and other matters, I probably won't be writing for another character next season. That, plus I want to give others a chance to step up and get into the pool now that I've had my time in the limelight.

And finally, I doubt I'll be able to top what I've written for Priya. I'm very pleased with how she turned out and it makes me warm and fuzzy inside to know that she has a few fans out there (even Chris himself!). However, I will definitely be watching and reading about our new heroes in the upcoming series and am excited to see how it all turns out!

Feel free to leave a review, comments and/or feedback on what I've written for Priya! Take care!