Dear Merlin, this is the letter I'll never write.

I know.
But don't let these two words bring fear to your heart.
I know and I want to thank you, for everything you did for me, for Camelot.
I can't imagine how hard it must have been, to hide who you truly are.
To pretend like you're nothing more than a simple minded fool, while you are so, so much more.

I've known for a while now and I've been observing you.
I've seen how you protected me and your friends, even your enemies.
I've seen how you put others first and yourself last. How you defend everyone and everything around you while putting yourself at risk.
I've seen how your secret has been eating at you. How you wanted to come forward but never dared, afraid of what people might say, what I might say.
So I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I never told you I knew.
I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could trust me.
I'm sorry you had to hide yourself from me for so long.
I'm sorry.

It must have been hard for you. To always stand in my shadow, letting me shine and take the glory for all that you did. I know it must have been for I've seen the pain it brought you.
Once I knew to look past your smile, I saw your unshed tears.

That's why you are my hero, my friend, my brother.
I may have never told you face to face, and I may never tell you. But I know now. I would be nothing without you! You were always the better man and everything I wish I could be.

So yes, I want to thank you, for the wonderful, magical being that you are.
For being my friend,
my protector,
my counselor,
my Emrys.

But I'll never tell you.
I'll never let you know.
Because this is how it always must be.