AN: Thank you guys so much for the review! I cannot tell you just how happy I am that you are still here. Now, the challenging part is to be able to write the following chapters as soon as possible, but most importantly to maintain the same voice.
Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 20
As soon as Logan returned to Rory's childhood bedroom he saw his newborn daughter moving around and looking pretty unhappy with the lack of attention. Despite the short time he had spent with her, he already knew that it was a sign that she was hungry. She always had the same expression on her face moments before she was going to start wailing. It was definitely not his favourite sound, he loved her to death, but it was heartbreaking to see her so desperate for food, especially since it was something he could not really help her his career, albeit short, he had dealt with an impressive amount of business men who felt like "wailing" and he managed to get them to calm down more often than not, but Layla, she was something else. She had a personally of her own and it could not wait to manifest itself. Sometimes he even wondered why he was not expecting it, it should have been obvious as after all, she was a Gilmore girl…
"Come here pretty girl." Logan said as he picked her up from her fancy DockaTot (yes, he knew about them since his sister had made him buy one for each of her children).
"Are you hungry, sweet girl?"
"Do you think you can wait a while longer? Mummy and I were up pretty late last night. The moment Logan said the words out loud, Layla started screaming. There is no way one can negotiate with babies, they all do as they wish.
"You are from Management, aren't you?" Logan said thinking about the animated movie his sister forced him to watch the last he visited. "It would make quite a lot of sense actually. Dealing with you is just like dealing with some of our most important investors. I love you anyway, you know?"
While Logan kept talking to his daughter, Rory woke up (as it was impossible not to), however she did not say anything at first. Watching Logan interact with their daughter when he thought that she was not watching was incredible. She cannot believe she was so foolish to believe that Logan would reject their daughter.
She often staid quiet recently, even though it was unlike her. Things with Logan were shaky at best, so it was not like she actually knew what to say to him. Talking to Logan about anything and everything was the easiest thing and yet, now it seemed impossible. It was like they had nothing in common anymore or she was too afraid to bring up the wrong subject and annoy him. She felt like she had to walk on eggshells around him and she hated that feeling. It was like the connection between them was no longer there and there was no one to blame but herself. Part of her was incredibly worried that no matter how confident Logan seemed that they would be able to move past it all and start anew together, they would end up apart as per usual. Things with them never seemed to work out, despite the fact that no matter where life took them, they seemed to end up in the same place.
As much as Logan wanted to let Rory sleep for a while longer, Layla seemed to have a completely different idea so he has no choice but turn to Rory and pass her the baby. As soon as he turned, Logan was quite surprised to see Rory awake and sitting instead of lying down on the bed. He used to be able to sense her move and that made him slightly sad. When they met back in Hamburg, it was like nothing changed despite the passage of the yeas. Now, it has been only a few months and it was like everything changed. However, Logan refused to give up on them. As hurt as he was, he was finally convinced that no matter where they are and what they are doing, they are meant to be together. No one will ever compare to his Gilmore Girl.
"Give her to me" Rory said softly.
"Here, sssh pretty girl. Here is mummy."
This was not the first time he had seen Rory feed, but it was the most incredible sight. Back when he was in his twenties and first considered the idea of having a child with Rory, he thought that he would be jealous, considering just how much he enjoyed paying attention to that specific part of her anatomy, but he was not. He developed a new form of appreciation for her breasts. They were what kept his little girl fed and he could not be more grateful.
"Before you go out there, I just wanted to let you know that I bumped into Luke outside." As much as he did not want to break the silence, he had to mention the fact that Luke was aware that they were looking for flats outside Stars Hollow. Furthermore, he wanted to check that Rory did not change her mind as it was typical of her to do so.
"Were you serious about moving to New York?" Logan wanted to approach the subject in a much nicer tone than it probably came across, but he just could not help himself. He could not image making all of these plans for them again just so they could fall apart, again.
"Yes." Rory said with as much conviction as she could muster. It hurt her to leave everything behind and it was quite scary, but it was time. There was no way they could rekindle whatever there was between them without first leaving the past behind. Stars Hollow was always going to be there and it was not like they were going to move on the other side of the country.
"Okay." Logan said slightly relieved. He did not want for Rory to change her mind. He said that he was willing to commute and live wherever Rory wanted and he stood by that, however part of him also wanted for them to move far away from the idyllic town Rory grew up in. Stars Hollow was a great holiday destination and a great place for their daughter to spend her summers, but he could not truly see it as a place where he wanted to school and bring up his baby. As much as he hated to admit, Logan benefited from all those boarding school he attended. He had the opportunity to met people from all around the globe and make friends with some of the future leaders plus, he was exposed to different cultures which made him more open minded. While he could not image sending his princess far away from home, New York schools also provide those opportunities.
"Why are you asking? Did you already find a place?" Rory asked hopeful. She was ready to get out of this house, especially after her last conversation with her mother.
"I found a few, but I wanted to run them by you first."
"You do not need to do that, It will be your place so it should something you like."
"No, Rory. I meant when I said that you are it and this will be our first official place together; ours in every sense. I know that you never felt comfortable living in the New Haven flat once I moved out, so I do not want a repeat of that."
"Okay" Rory said with a smile.
"Now we just have to tell the families."
"Yeah, yes do." Logan said with less enthusiasm this time. He could not imagine Lorelai being happy about the new development. Furthermore, he still had to talk to the rest of his family about the latest addition. Hopefully Mitchum did the nice thing for once and told everyone so he did not have to. When it came to his family, Logan felt like his teenage self again and he hated that feeling.
AN: Don't forget to review! I want to know what you think. Don't worry about leaving criticism. I believe negative comments are just as important as they give me an idea of what to improve.