AN: This is my first GG story in a while. I guess this has been happening to a lot of people now that the revival is out. I don't really want to get into it, but if you do want to talk about it, feel free to PM or comment. My heart is still aching….This is a ROGAN story, so bear with me. Last, but not least, if you have not seen the revival then please come back only after you've seen it, unless you do not mind spoilers.

Chapter 1

'Another day at work. How did I even get myself into this situation?' the tall man pondered as he kept walking down the hallway.

'I never thought I would be doing this. Okay, that is a lie, but I thought that I would have more time. I don't even understand how we got here. Last year everything was perfect. My life was different, I was doing what I love most: nothing. Well, nothing and women. Can you really blame a fella?'

"Good morning Mr. Morgan!" said the dutiful employee before rushing away.

"Morning mate!"

'How the mighty has fallen. Just like everyone else, I am turning into my father. People used to love me, they used to adore me. I am adorable after all. Now, all they do is rush away in fear that I will yell at them, like my father would. This is just nuts. To even think that I have it better. Now, Huntz on the other hand…he has it bad. It is not enough that our dear Reporter Girl dumped him again, but he is still with the she devil. Argh. Okay, Odette is not that bad, but she is no Rory. Odette is just a girl like any other that has money and nothing better to do with it then spend it. Oh how I miss our dear blue eyed girl. Everything changed since she stopped coming around. Without our Rory to take care of us, I ended up here, working. What a blasphemy!'

"Hello Mr Morgan. Are you here hiding again?" asked the old, white-haired man.

"Hello George. Something like that"

"Well, don't worry. I won't say a thing."

"I know you won't. You never have." the tall dark skinned man smiling for a second.

'This is the best part of managing these hotels - hiding in the lost and found room. I have been coming in here ever since I was a kid, trying to look and see if maybe I could find a lost fortune that could get me away from this hell. How naive… However, maybe it is due to the fact that I am feeling nostalgic or just lonely without my best friends, but this is the only place where I feel even a bit happy nowadays. I knew I could not hide forever and the beautifully designed piece of paper in my pocket is a harsh reminder. I cannot believe that Odette finally convinced Huntz to set a date for the wedding. True, it's been a while since they got engaged, but I thought he would fight. Damn it! Why did he not fight for our girl? Just why?' Finn thought as he was entering the remote room at the back of the establishment.

"Argh!" a loud feminine voice could be heard screaming in surprise.

"Don't worry. I am not going to bite, unless you want me to, that is" Finn said with a smirk, looking at the beautiful woman sitting in front of him looking scared.

"Oh, I am so sorry Mr Morgan. I took my break earlier than normal as I just had to finish this book." the young woman said, looking guilty, but teary as well.

"Don't worry about it" Finn said. "If there is one thing I can forgive is someone taking a long time reading a book and ignoring the outside world".

"Do you enjoy reading Mr. Morgan?" the young woman asked with a tint of curiosity in her voice.

"No, but one of my best friends does" Finn said in a nostalgic voice.

"You truly miss this person, don't you?"

"Yes, more than one could imagine."

"I am sorry to hear that. Maybe one day you will be reunited. I mean after reading the book I did, I believe that everything is possible." said the young woman heading towards the door.

"Maybe" Finn whispered. "Also, please forgive my previous comment. It was terribly inappropriate on my behalf"

"Don't worry."

The young woman left and Finn was once again all alone with his thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the young woman forgot the book she had been reading on a nearby table so he went to pick it up and see what had her so emotional.

The moment he picked up the book, shock became apparent on his face. Finn could not believe his eyes. Maybe there is such thing as destiny after all. On the glossy, beautiful designed cover, stood the familiar gazebo and the two big bolded words: Gilmore Girls.

AN: This is a Rogan I promise, just be patient. Update will be up soon. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.