Chapter 1

Ichigo's life wasn't exactly hard; he was rich famous and the successor to Kurosaki Inc, a worldwide distributing company for the best electronics from home appliances to cell phones and laptops. But being rich doesn't make life any easier. Ichigo was an only child, never having any sisters or brothers. Well maybe if his parents weren't murdered in front of his eyes, one day he could have had a younger sister or brother. It broke him, seeing something like that shattered something inside him never to be put back together.

Though at least Ichigo had Yamamoto, his father's best friend, and Renji his childhood friend and who was more like a brother to him.

Now Ichigo was twenty-three, and the most wanted bachelor in Gotham city. Everyone giving him their attention and begging for his. The mayor included him in almost every event not just for his power but for his intelligent mind and the ability to make people see things his way. He was Gotham's city treasure.

And yet with all the attention he was getting he always felt alone, that something deep inside him was missing even with his friends around. Adding to that empty space inside, living two lives didn't make it easier. All the scheming, planning, fighting and keeping it a secret from the people he knew just made him feel that he wasn't worth the attention.

But such is life. As long as his city is safe he didn't mind the ache that followed and the mask he wore to hide his true emotions, and he had to use that mask again this evening.

There was a charity event this evening for a reason he didn't care to remember, there were so many at this time a year that they just blurred into one. So ofcourse the mayor had asked him to show and donate a considerable amount of money, he didn't mind the money part because he had money to last 10 lifetimes. It was meeting all these rich wannabes who just wanted to be praised for their looks or their power that was the worst part about it. He hated liars and cheaters who used people's feelings for their own amusement.

But being the city savior and having an entire sky scraper named after your family came with the responsibility to bear with the people he hated most to be around. As the Mayor put it 'showing that Gotham city is back to her glory days', that is why he holds all these events. Just to prove to the world that Gotham City wasn't the trash that they thought it was. Ichigo didn't mind what the Mayor was doing and he didn't mind donating, his problem was with the attending. There were just certain people he'd like to avoid, if not what they do to him but for his sanity.

So there he was in his walk in closet wearing his smoky black tuxedo, and trying to tame his orange hair. After a few attempts he just gave up, he actually liked it when his hair was wild. For the last touch he pulled out a velvet box from one of the drawers and opened it looking intently at his father's cufflinks. He wore them every time he went to an event, kind of like having a part of his parents with him.

His father's name was one of the most well known in all of Gotham. He was the reason the city was so successful and actually helped build most of the businesses got the love for this city from his father. This city just had a life to it that Ichigo loved. No matter how much he didn't like the upper class system was and their self-righteous, holier-then-thou attitudes, it would never change his desire to protect its people and their livelihoods.

After taking a last look at himself in the mirror he headed down to his garage choosing his Mercedes S and heading to Gotham's city hall.

He arrived there at 9:30– half an hour after the event had started. He stepped out of his car and handing the keys to the valet before heading to the large doors. He had to take a deep breath before entering, stealing himself for the bright light and glitz and glamour that was about to assault his eyes.

He got a glass of Champaign from the waiter as he entered and started greeting the guests. Actors, business men, investors, billionaires and many more where there already talking about their newest was talking with an investor from Finland who was interested in his cellular electronics and was discussing the possibility of a combined business when the Mayor approached him.

"Mr. Kurosaki it's a pleasure to have you here today." His voice was deep and yet velvety in some way, must be all the cigars he smoked. But his voice showed his emotions clearly when he spoke

"Oh, Mayor Ukitake, nice to see you." He looked into the mans tired brown eyes and felt a little calmer in this tense atmosphere that was always present at these kinds of events. People were always on edge because nobody wanted to offend anyone or it could be the downfall of their own business or fortune. So there was always this feeling of treading around on eggshells. "You know me, never would miss a chance to help anyone in need."

Mayor Jushiro Ukitake was one of the few people Ichigo actually liked in his city; he had long white hair and brown eyes and a slender body. One of the few people who actually cared about the city and the safety of its people.

"That's why you are this city's treasure," he said with a pat on the younger man's shoulder. "It's time for me to give my speech now. Enjoy your party gentlemen and Ichigo drink wisely." He finished with a soft look. He had known the boy since he was in diapers and always cared for his health.

"Thanks for caring mayor," the ginger smiled at the older man's kindness.

The mayor went up to the little stage; he approached the microphone and asked the attention of his guests by clicking a knife to his glass of Champaign.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm so glad that all of you made it here today and graced us with your company. I would personally like to thank you all for the donations that you generously offered to help the mentally ill. I'm sure with these donations there will be improvement and help for those children all over the world. Also, a special thanks for Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki and Mr. Harvey Dent for your large donations." Everyone in the hall clapped for the gentlemen while they raised their glasses in regards

"And I have to say that I am very proud to be..." suddenly the big doors opened and a man entered with a big grin and blue eyes glittering with something that seemed like insanity. With his blue hair pulled back he made the biggest entering scene anyone has ever seen and that is something considering that all the guests were famous and rich and well known around the world.

He strutted to the middle of the hall keeping that grin glued on his handsome face and when he finally stopped. He clapped his hands together looking at the people around him before yelling, "the J is here and the party officially started!"

With a wink his charm was set in everyone's hearts and they all started cheering for him while the music started playing.

The blue haired man walked to the bar and ordered a drink. All the while his eyes never left a certain orange headedman.

The blue haired man's stares didn't go unnoticed by Ichigo but as he considered him a mad man he didn't give it any thought and continued his chats with a beautiful actress from Japan who was talking about her upcoming movie.

As she finished her conversation and left Ichigo felt a presence standing right behind him as if trying to scare him.

"Well, hello Mr. Jaegerjaquez pleased to make your acquaintance," the ginger said with a simple smile on his lips not giving away anything.

"Man I wanted to scare you; do you have eyes in the back of your head?" said the blue haired man while trying to get a look at the behind of the gingers head.

"No I don't have eyes at the back of my head, just sharp senses, can I help with anything?"

"Actually I think I can help you Mr. Kurosaki, apparently your drink is finished," he pointed to the empty glass in the others hand. "Care to allow me to get you another one?"

For the life of him the ginger didn't know why he considered allowing the blue haired man to get him the drink or even to talk to him. But, something told him that it wouldn't hurt to indulge the handsome man's whims for a while.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, the founder and owner of Jaegerjaquez holding, a worldwide company with very wide specialties and ranges to many remote places. This made his presence a must in every event that happened in the city.

"Jack Daniels double," the ginger blurted while running his hand through his orange locks.

"Simple and strong, a man after my own heart," the blue haired man grinned and signaled the waiter to get their drinks

The ginger was confused at the sudden interest the grinning man in front of him was showing; they had been to a lot of parties and events in the past years but never actually had a single conversation, they even barely shared eye contact. So, this was a new development; Ichigo would have to wait to see if it was good or bad.

"From what I hear, I would be surprised to know you had one."

"That hurts my ego Mr. Kurosaki. Hearing such words from such a handsome man," he said while handing Ichigo's his drink.

Then the blue haired man did something the ginger never saw coming. He stepped really close to the other, their chests almost touching and his lips shadowing the smaller man's ear.

"Don't hurt the ego of the man who will fuck you till you lose that brilliant mind of yours."He growled low, making sure to convey everything he wanted to do to the other with his tone.

"Am I supposed to be impressed by that?" the ginger stared at him trying to hide the confusion he felt and the blush that crept to his cheeks.

"Playing hard to get, eh? Well, if there is one thing you should know about me it's that I always get what I want."

"And after all the events we had attended previously you are suddenly interested in me now? I'd have to say I'm intrigued to know the reason."

"Let's just say that I'm bored of all the incompetent people around me, and want to add some spice to my life, and what better spice to add than Gotham's berry." The blue haired man finished his sentence with a loud laugh that made people around them look at them weirdly.

The ginger shifted his weight to his other leg, trying to contain the annoyance of going through his names mockery for the millionth time.

"So you think that mocking people and making jokes about them will charm them to sleep with you? I am shocked that you get laid at all!"

"Well then, what would be your way to charm someone?" asked the blue haired man as he locked his eyes on the gingers, making him feel like he was the only thing that ever existed in the universe.

"I would make them feel like they are the best and I choose only them. I would especially let them know that they won't be a ditchable one night stand. I don't do one night stands. Now if you will excuse me I have to leave." The ginger started walking away when he felt a hand grab his wrist.

"Okay, if I took you on a date? Would that let me gain access to your sex temple?"

"What difference is that from a one night stand? I don't sleep around Mr. Jaegerjaquez."

"Please call me Grimmjow. What about 5 dates?"

"Look Grimmjow, I don't understand your sudden interest in me, nor do I really care. I said that I don't sleep around, so you either give me a justifiable reason to talk to you again or it has been a pleasure to have made your acquaintance and now I must leave." The ginger finished with a stern look in his eyes

"Okay, okay. Fine. I have been interested in you for a while now but I didn't approach you because I was sure that this was what your reaction was going to be. Now, after what I expected has happened I know that I should have approached you differently, but I had my reasons not to. So, now that you know the real reason will you grants me the pleasure of taking you on a date?" the blue haired man finished with a look that the ginger couldn't figure out, but he know the other was being sincere and these were his true feelings.

What the ginger did next, he had no idea or reason for it, but it's like his body moved on its own according and did what he felt was the right thing to do at this moment.

"Fine," replied the ginger and stepped closer to Grimmjow. So close that his shoulder was touching Grimmjow's and he could slip his card into the man's tux pocket. Whispering in his ear, "but you better sweep me off my feet, I am breaking my rules for you." Then the ginger left the hall.

Grimmjow was beyond astonished that Ichigo actually agreed to a date! And that he had stood so close to him that he could feel the other's hot breath on his skin.

"That's one feisty ginger," exclaimed Grimmjow as his eyes followed the man he had wanted for so long and had seemed so far away until now leave the room.


Hello everyone

So this is my first time writing a fanfiction. Actually my first time writing at all so please be gentle on me

The idea of this fic hit me after I got obsessed with suicide squad and I just had to write it down to stop all the ideas from jumping around in my head

So I hope you enjoy it! :D

I will try to update every couple of weeks

Special shout out to Inralak who helped me with the story and the editing

So here we go!